Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do
Relationship Status
Tell us about yourself? (All answers must be full sentence answers for your membership to be approved)
Hello, I am Seongwoo Kim, 24 years old living in South Korea. I am a young man who is interested in Qigong, Reiki, EFT, CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), and other healing techniques. I joined this site because I was lucky enough to catch Chris's good intentions to spread Reiki to mankind.
What brought you here?
I bought the 28 Powerful Reiki Atunment on etsy.
What can you contribute?
I want to focus on getting my health back, and contributing healing to my family, pets and the people I love. Also, if my skills improve, I want to become a healer who can widely spread Reiki healing at a cheap price because the price of Reiki healing is expensive in South Korea.
I have never actually learned Reiki through meeting a teacher.
I read the famous book Essential Reiki, Chris's Kindle book, and also books in Korean published by South Korean Reiki healers in South Korea.
I was impressed by the movie 'Crossing', which was made through the story of South Korea and North Korea.
I like the genre of nightcore (songs that quickly play several famous pop songs). Listening makes you feel better.
Although it seems to overlap with contributing items, I want to continue practicing Reiki to heal myself and those around me, and furthermore learn facts, knowledge and experiences about myself, healing and the universe that modern science doesn't explain.
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Yes I agree.
Happy Birthday! Thank you for being you! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light
I am delighted to welcome you to The City Of Shamballa. Infinite Blessings with the Creator's Energies of Love, Healing, Peace, Joy, & Abundance.
Welcome to Our Community! Thank you for being you! We appreciate you! Blessings of Love and Light