June 13
Tell us about yourself? (All answers must be full sentence answers for your membership to be approved)
Hi, I'm kindda of an intuative person ever since I was a kid. I always thought I was here for a mystrious reason. I always believed (even before I found out about reincarnation) that I lived other lives before and saw many things and places before that I remember very few about.
What brought you here?
I've been lately those experiences in the form of visions. I started to do some researches and here I'm. It's all happining too fast. I also started to change in my personality and priorities.
What can you contribute?
My experiences and I'd LOVE to help make the world a better place. I've always knew this is my call, i just didn't know how.
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Happy Birthday! Thank you for being you! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light
"Happy Birthday!"
Happy Birthday! Thank you for being you! We appreciate you! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light
"Happy Birthday!"
"Happy Birthday!"
Dear Donia!
Nice to see you here - many thanks for your coming.
I am honored and happy to have you here,
and I look forward to getting to know you more.
Much love to you, much light to you.
Many blessings,
Qan Dek