Divine Decree
(Take time to sit and FEEL and cultivate the feeling of GRATITUDE and LOVE in your
Heart. It is tangible and an actual SUBSTANCE that leaves your Heart – Pink and Gold
in colour. Keep your attention on your Mighty “I AM Presence”. Pour your love and
gratitude toward it. Ask Your Presence to guide you this day. Then give, with deep
feeling, the following decrees….)
In the Name, Full-Power and Authority of You, my Mighty “I AM
Presence” and that of all mankind, I now give full authority and permission to
the Great White Brotherhood to do whatever is necessary in this lower
physical realm, to fulfil The Divine Plan for the Earth’s Eternal FREEDOM! We
thank You, that all these decrees are self-sustained, maintained and
expanding in Cosmic Action, and doubled each hour with Cosmic Power, and
all is done according to Thy Will! Thank You!
Oh Father of Light, show us Thy FULL GLORY we had with Thee in the
beginning – WE THANK YOU!
source: www.iamfree.co.za
More messages at HeartsCenter.org
Prayer for "Personal Ascension" ~
In the name of my beloved God-Presence "I AM."
I ask to receive the initiations needed to qualify for Ascension.
I call for a great cosmic shaft of Cosmic Purity Flame to remove from my mind, my thoughts, my feelings and my body, and all subtle bodies every vibration of human creation that is impure in substance and less than my Divine Perfection in God.
May the Flame of Purity transmute from my world all remaining negative energies!
May the Love of Christ expand in me through the power of the Ascension Flame!
May the Resurrection Flame awaken the memories of my divine blueprint.
So that I can be free forever from all discord that I have ever created!
I affirm that I AM Purity in action.
I AM God's Purity established within mind, body and soul.
Let me also invoke Purity for every part of Life on Earth.
Let me invoke Purity for my family, my friends and for the whole family of God, all Kingdoms and the Earth.
And so it is, beloved I AM!
( From The Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia)
Carolyn Coleridge
A Prayer of Intention by Master Serapis Bey
I now state my Intentions that I Am an infinite Being as a Soul.
I intend to open those portals of my mind that reach to higher conciousness.
I now begin to remember that I Am a Divine Being of Light and Love.
I am open to more downloads from The Masters and Source.
I Am always connected to Universal Conciousness.
I realise that I Am a magical, eternal, loveable Divine Being of Light.
Thank You Master Serapis Bey & Carolyn Coleridge.
(say aloud (or internally if not possible) with deep feeling – never whisper)
I call forth the most powerful Cosmic outpouring of the Ascended Masters
Divine Love into my calls to You, my Beloved Mighty “I AM” Presence - I
Thank, Love, and Bless Them for this!
Beloved “I AM” Presence and that of all humankind - silence the human
forever and hold it bound and in obedience to the Great Cosmic Law!
Consume all discord with Violet Fire and replace all with Ascended Master
Consciousness! We Thank You!
MEET! I Thank You for this blessed Service and that I am always ready and
worthy to receive this gift!
Beloved Mighty “I AM” Presence, see to it that I use Your gifts ONLY in
the service and expansion of Thy Mighty Light! I thank ALL the Great
Ascended Hosts for Their continuous Love and Guidance!
source: https://iamfree.co.za
The Goddess Circle
"I embrace my deepest truth. I open to the transformation needed for my desires to manifest. I follow my heart and honor my intuition. I am courageous and move in the direction of my dreams. I open to soul deep connections. I attract love that nourishes my body, mind, heart and soul. I am a magnet for abundance. Good things flow to me in every breath. I am supported fully by the Universe." ~Ara
Writing (c) C. Ara Campbell, please credit
Sandra Walter
Divine Ascension Code Invocation
I fully accept these Divine Ascension codes, harmonics, tones, cosmic rays of evolution and Source Light amplifications into my cells and energy fields, fully and amplifying the Krysted, Ascended state of consciousness, across all densities and dimensional expressions of Self. (Pause and feel it, let the alignment of Source-Universe-Galactic-Solar-Self-Gaia align.)
I call forth the highest quality Divine HUman DNA within me to fully activate. I call to myself the highest quality Divine crystalline HUman DNA. I reclaim my purified Krysted DNA across all timelines, densities and dimensional expressions back to my cellular structure. Activate, etherically reconnect, rebundle, and replicate throughout my body and energy fields.
(Visualize the DNA rebundling, like a giant structure spiraling up within your Ascension column. 12 strand DNA activate, 13th strand of Kryst consciousness activate, 14th strand of Source activate, 144 strand DNA activate, 244 strand DNA activate – whatever level is complimentary for your path.)
Beloved DNA, light up and rewrite my form and energy fields into sacred geometric patterns, reflecting my Divine Highest Self. I fully reclaim my Highest expression, and welcome forth my Krysted Universal Self. Crystalline DNA, activate to the highest level which compliments my journey.
I command this under all graces and forces of pure Source consciousness, to express as a palpable reality, raising all of my consciousness to resonate with the Primary Christed timelines of the pure and true Ascension. So it is.
source: https://sandrawalter.com
Which Starseed are you?
Take the quiz at https://www.quizexpo.com/quiz-which-starseed-are-you/
Comment below with your results.
The Prayer of Surrender ~ By Master El Morya
Beloved Father/Mother God, into Thy hands I commend my being. Use my Love, my thoughts and my life in selfless service to Thee.
Release from me all that hinders the fulfillment of my holy purposes and Ascension. Teach me to be kind in the ways of the Brotherhood of Light.
Direct and establish my lifestream in ways that, daily and hourly, my true identity in God manifests.
Beloved God-Presence I AM, Eternal Father/Mother God, May the covenant I made with Thee be totally fulfilled!
May I live my life to feel Your Love and see Your Light!
May your Will manifest on Earth as it is in Heaven!
Into thy hands I surrender my being, that through me, God be glorified in all things!
And so be it! Beloved I AM.
Repeat 3 times.
From Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia.
By A. Green-Muilenburg
The Goddess Isis
Great and Beauteous Goddess
I call unto thee Isis, Isis, Isis
Hear me oh Glorious One
You who are the light of Amun
Star Crowned Goddess
My heart rises to meet thee
With love I speak thy name
Adoration to you Isis, Isis, Isis
In exaltation I sing thy praises
Oh Great of Magic You Who are Heka
Let my voice be lifted up above the earthly throng
And be found pleasing in your ears and heart
Arise Daughter of Heaven
Make fixed the way between us
Come to me Mistress of Heaven, Earth & the Duat
Make my soul your beacon of Ma’at
Let my bones become your temple
That I may sing of your radiance for eternity
The search for the sacred is present in many forms. We see it in our attraction to the wonders of nature and the marvels of the universe. It is seen in our fascination with ancient historical sites, such as the Oracle of Delphi, the pyramids of Egypt, and the stone circles that pepper the quilted landscape of the British countryside. We witness it in the beauty created by the great artisans of history, and in the awe experienced when gazing at the cathedrals and temples humanity has created in honor of the divine. Indeed, there are countless examples of humanity’s search for the sacred. Yet in a deeper sense, the path to the sacred is an inner rather than outer quest. It is the path that leads to the soul deep within the recesses of consciousness. In truth, it is the soul that is the rightful recipient of the title, “the sacred.” For that which is sacred is also eternal. This is true whether we are talking about the soul of a human being, that of a nation, or the soul of humanity as a whole. When traveling upon this inner path there is a bridge that must be crossed, and it is called the antahkarana.
Read more at https://meader.org/2013/03/antahkarana-the-bridge-to-the-sacred/
Mantle of Violet Fire ~
From the Lord God of my Being, I AM That I AM, I call to beloved Saint Germain and your legions of cosmic Violet Flame angels to come forth to infuse and saturate my being with all activities of the Sacred Fire, especially the Violet Flame of Transmutation and Freedom.
Clothe me with your cosmic mantel of Violet Fire of Transmutation, Healing, Freedom, Diplomacy and the Science of true Alchemy.
• Dissolve and consume from my being all that does not reflect perfect Love and Harmony.
• Through Mercy's Flame, transmute all errors of the past and barriers to my Ascension.
• Protect the youth of this world in an aura of Violet Flame.
• With much gratitude, I ask this to be manifest in God's Holy
name. And so be it, Beloved I AM!
(Repeat the whole invocation three times)
( From Prayers To The Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia)
source: https://iamfree.co.za/
Mehroo Fitter : Adama & His Guidance Into The Higher Dimensions
A Prayer for Inner Strength
Dearest God Almighty, please give me the strength to endure this situation and to find the Blessings and lessons it contains.
Please give me the endurance to continue ahead.
Please guide my thoughts words and actions so that I walk Your Path of Peace and Love.
I Now Accept My Abundance ~ Prayer .
In the name of my beloved I AM Presence and my beloved Holy Christ Self, I call to the Lords of Manifestation, Angels of Prosperity, Fortuna, Goddess of Supply and Lord of Gold to assist me now in mastering all outer conditions of my life in God's perfect way, including my true abundance.
Charge! Charge! Charge into my life and use today all the blessings that are mine to receive.
Infuse me with Ascended Master Wisdom and Purity that I may never again experience lack or Limitation. Blaze your Heart Flame through my four body systems and expand without limit a great flow of divine abundance.
Saturate me with enough Violet Flame and Emerald Healing Light to keep my life in perfect balance and harmony.
I demand God's invincible Protection and Wisdom in all my financial endeavors.
I demand to become a magnet of attraction, drawing to me all the wealth that I require to fulfill my divine plan on Earth, to make my Ascension and to assist my fellowmen to do likewise.
I give thanks that it is done according to God's Holy Will.
I accept my abundance now with Love and Gratitude. Amen! Amen! Amen!
(Gratitude is the key to attract greater abundance. Always show gratitude for everything you receive. Appreciate the wondrous assistance that we are now receiving from the Realms of Light. May you be God Victorious in all you do!)
( From Prayers to The Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia)
Prana can be subdivided into smaller energetic parts called Vayus (winds). These five Vayus have very subtle yet distinct energetic qualities, including specific functions and directions of flow. These five currents of vital force are Prana-Vayu, Apana-Vayu, Samana-Vayu, Udana-Vayu, and Vyana-Vayu.
Kundalini is the dormant spiritual energy that is coiled at the base of the spine. Kundalini is a source of potential energy that only becomes activated with intense yogic practices. Kundalini is considered a type of shakti energy.
Shakti is a more dense form of universal energy and has a stronger effect on our physical body and environment. The complementary force to Shakti is Shiva, the energy of universal consciousness.
Prayer by Adama ~
Offering of The Broken Heart ~
Beloved Presence of God I Am, with surrender and humility,
I come to the altar of Mercy to offer my broken heart.
This day, I offer my sorrows, my tears, my fears, my worries, my pains, my grief and loneliness to the altar of Love, knowing that it is only through drenching of the Heart into the fires of pure Divine Love that all human attributes of the broken heart can be miraculously healed and transformed.
As I offer my broken Heart in total surrender and acceptance, I know, that my Heart will be softened..I also know that my pains and sorrows are a learning tool, the cleansing catalysts that will help me perfect the Divine Gift of Love that will open wide the realms of Light upon my Soul.
As I allow myself to feel the pain with surrender, I also allow myself to release it, to be transformed into the most wondrous gift. …. Beauty in all its Celestial perfection, health in all its full magnificence, wisdom in its unlimited glory are the gifts bestowed upon those who possess this GREAT LOVE.”
The Love of God, the Love beyond all gifts, I now pray with all the energy of my Heart that I might be possessed by this Christ-like Love. I let this great love sing as a melody of Grace, Gratitude and Thanks Giving, from my Heart, each moment that I live.
And so it is, Beloved I Am.
Ara Campbell ~ The Goddess Circle
"I embrace the beginnings that are unfolding.
I open to the miracles that are coming.
My dreams and desires manifest.
All that I wish for flows to me.
I am blessed. I am loved. I am whole."
Prayer For Victory Over Outer Conditions ~
In the name of Love, Wisdom and Power, by the authority and victory of my own Beloved I Am Presence, I demand and command every cell, atom and electron of my physical body, to blaze with the Sacred Fire of Invincible Love and Healing Flames from my Beloved I Am Presence and the Ascended Masters of Light.
I ask for the action of the Law of Forgiveness, for my every transgression of the Law of Love in my daily life, and the past.
I command the Invincible Flames of Purity, of Protection, of Resurrection, and Healing to blaze through my physical body, my emotional body, my mental body, my etheric body, my inner child, and my body elemental, daily and hourly.
In the name of Love, I command my full mastery and victory over all outer conditions in my life to be made manifest. I also ask for the opening and return of all my Spiritual gifts.
I call upon the Law of forgiveness for my errors of the past. I extend forgiveness to all souls I have ever hurt in any way, shape or form, in this lifetime and beyond.
I also extend my forgiveness to all souls that have ever hurt me. I call upon the eternal Flame of Cosmic Love, to seize these energies to be drenched in the fires of the Violet Flame, and Ascension Flame.
I give thanks for this Healing.
Beloved I Am! Beloved I Am! Beloved I Am!
( From “Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia)