Chris Comish's Posts (372)

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Prayer For Victory Over Outer Conditions


In the name of Love, Wisdom and Power, by the authority and victory of my own Beloved I Am Presence, I demand and command every cell, atom and electron of my physical body, to blaze with the Sacred Fire of Invincible Love and Healing Flames from my Beloved I Am Presence and the Ascended Masters of Light.

I ask for the action of the Law of Forgiveness, for my every transgression of the Law of Love in my daily life, and the past.

I command the Invincible Flames of Purity, of Protection, of Resurrection, and Healing to blaze through my physical body, my emotional body, my mental body, my etheric body, my inner child, and my body elemental, daily and hourly.

In the name of Love, I command my full mastery and victory over all outer conditions in my life to be made manifest. I also ask for the opening and return of all my Spiritual gifts.

I call upon the Law of forgiveness for my errors of the past. I extend forgiveness to all souls I have ever hurt in any way, shape or form, in this lifetime and beyond.

I also extend my forgiveness to all souls that have ever hurt me. I call upon the eternal Flame of Cosmic Love, to seize these energies to be drenched in the fires of the Violet Flame, and Ascension Flame.

I give thanks for this Healing.

Beloved I Am! Beloved I Am! Beloved I Am!

( From “Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia)

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Prayer: I Accept the gift of ‘My Ascension Now!
Beloved Heavenly Father/Mother God and my own God-Presence I AM, within and above me, I greet you and send you my purest divine love and gratitude.
I thank you for the gift of Life and ask for the gift of my Ascension in the Realm of Light and Love.
It is my desire and intention to fulfill my Divine Plan on Earth and assist the Earth and my fellowmen to do likewise.
I ask that you prepare my soul for my Ascension in this life and put before me all the lessons I need to learn to successfully pass all levels of the seven Sacred Initiations to qualify for my Ascension.
I ask for the purification process necessary to make this happen be shown to me daily.
I also ask that my purification unfold with love, ease, grace, wisdom and gentleness.
With the deepest Love, Humility and Surrender, I now make this request.
With the deepest Love, Humility, Gratitude and Surrender, I open myself to receive the gift of my Ascension.
With the deepest Love, Humility, Gratitude and Surrender,
I declare that as a Child of God, I am worthy of my Ascension.
With the deepest Love, Humility, Gratitude and Surrender, I accept my Ascension now and I fully accept my Divinity.
With the deepest Love, Humility, Gratitude and Surrender,
I accept all the gifts that are mine to receive as a Unified Being!
I give thanks for the gift of my Ascension in this life.
And so be it. Beloved I Am.
From Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames
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The Prayer of Surrender ~ By Master El Morya

Beloved Father/Mother God, into Thy hands I commend my being. Use my Love, my thoughts and my life in selfless service to Thee.
Release from me all that hinders the fulfillment of my holy purposes and Ascension. Teach me to be kind in the ways of the Brotherhood of Light.
Direct and establish my lifestream in ways that, daily and hourly, my true identity in God manifests.
Beloved God-Presence I AM, Eternal Father/Mother God,
May the covenant I made with Thee be totally fulfilled!
May I live my life to feel Your Love and see Your Light!
May your Will manifest on Earth as it is in Heaven!
Into thy hands I surrender my being, that through me, God be glorified in all things!
And so be it! Beloved I AM.
Repeat 3 times.
From Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia.

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Prayer ~ Flood the Earth with Violet Flame

In the name of the Great I AM, I call for the Light of a thousand suns from the Great Central Sun, Angels of Violet Fire, Beloved Saint Germain, Beloved Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, Omri Tas, ruler of the Violet planet. In the name of God, I AM That I AM! Saturate the Earth and all of Her evolution with limitless waves of Violet Fire.

I call for the action of the Violet Transmuting Flame and the action of the Will of God to manifest on Earth, now and forever, an ever increasing spiral of Divine Perfection.

I call for all discord and activities on Earth that are not reflecting the highest Light and God’s Holy Purposes to be miraculously swept and transformed, by the power of the Violet Flame, into Divine Love and Harmony for the restoration of Earth and Her people into their original blueprint of perfection that was originally intended.

Violet Flame! Violet Flame! 0 Violet Flame! In the name of God, flood the Earth, Her people and all Her kingdoms with oceans and oceans of Violet Fire until every particle of Life is restored to Divine Perfection. May Peace and Love be spread throughout the Earth! May the Earth abide in the aura of Perfect Love!

May the Earth abide in an aura of Peace, Love and Freedom! I give thanks that it is done now according to God’s Holy Will! And so be it, Beloved I AM

( From Prayers To The Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia Louis Jones)

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God's Will Prayer


Prayer for First Ray Healing ~ God's Will Prayer

In the Name of God "I AM," I invoke the presence of Beloved Master El Morya, Archangel Michael and all Ascended Masters and angels of the Blue Flame Love of God's Will to guide and protect me daily and hourly.
Archangel Michael, come into my life.
Help me overcome all density with your sword of blue flame.
Cut me loose and set me free from all negativity and errors of the past.
I ask for a shaft of blue lightning of Divine Love to be established over my being, over my home, my family, my work and all my affairs.
I call the guidance I need to manifest God's Will in all aspects of my life to fulfil my divine purpose here on Earth.
I claim for God's Will to manifest everywhere on Earth as it is in the Realms of Light and Freedom.
I give thanks that my request is answered according to God's Holy Will.
And so be it, Beloved I Am!

( From The Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia)

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Prayer for Illumination

Beloved I AM Presence, Light of my Soul, I call for the full power of the sacred fire from the Temples of Illumination for a full release of Illumination Flame through my entire consciousness, being and world.

I ask for the Flame of Illumination to blaze and transform all that would hinder the manifestation of Love, Wisdom and Power within and without my lifestream and my Ascension in the Light. I ask the Masters of Light to resurrect the memory of my true identity in God and the blueprint of my divine plan.

By the Flame of Illumination, I call for the restoration of my full Christ consciousness as it was ordained by God in the beginning of my descent into manifest form. I call for the Flame of Illumination to descend and blaze Divine Wisdom into every cell of my being, into my crown chakra and all of my other chakras.

I ask the Flame of Illumination to re- connect me once again to the forever present Pure Knowledge of the Universal Mind of God.
Flood the Earth with Illumination Flame each moment of each day to show mankind their way back Home.

Beautiful and precious Golden Flame, let Thy Light bring the end of separation in the consciousness of mankind for the manifestation of God's Holy Purposes and the return of a Golden Age of Love and Enlightenment.

And so be it, beloved I AM!

From Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia.

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With mass media perpetuating so much fear in the news, has anyone considered calling upon Omri-Tas, Ruler of the Violet Planet, to purge Earth and all of humanity of all negativity with the Violet Flame? Although this is a free will realm for choices, a jump start (if fear release is wanted on some level) wouldn't hurt humanity. P.S. You can add Archangel Zadkiel, Saint Germain, and Kwan Yin to your invocation if you desire as well. 

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How does Kundalini work?

How does Kundalini work? The Shiva centers of the heart, throat, third eye, and crown are positively charged. Then, this attracts the negatively charged (meaning grounded in this case) Shakti Kundalini to move upward, chakra by chakra, to the highest chakra it was attracted to. Once the Shiva Crown center is positively charged and balanced, then Kundalini cleanses all chakras to form the unified chakra column of Rainbow Light, which leads to the attraction of the Oversoul/Monad, which leads to an enlightened state. The key is to positively charge and balance each of the 7 chakras in the human etheric body to draw the Kundalini upwards.

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Prayer for Peace

Maria Bethencourt

My Beautiful Global Family,

I am sharing one of my most powerful prayers with all of you, as we move forward in these chaotic and EXTREME energetic times.

I say this every morning when I first wake up so I fully anchor and align to my divine purpose timeline.

I hope it helps and assists those whom it reaches.

By my Free Will I chose to Walk in Divine Will for the Greatest Good of All, In Love And In Light, In Peace and In Bliss, For Love and For Light, For Peace and For Bliss. And so it is, and so it is, and so it is.

All is well, more to come.

I send my love to All.
Thank you for your constant love and support.

In light and love and joyful service,




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Eirini ~ Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy

AFFIRMATION of the Organic Yin and Yang:


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Equinox Affirmation

The Goddess Circle

"I am rooted deeply in my truth. I am filled with peace. I am connected to my highest good and choose the path forward in my best interest. I am balanced and well being flows in me in each breath. I am supported fully by the Universe." ~Ara


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Invoking a River of Blue Flame Love

Invoking a River of Blue Flame Love~

Beloved I Am Presence, Light of my Soul, Beloved El Morya, Beloved ArchAngel Michael, and your Legions of Blue Flame Angels,
Infuse within my Soul and all around me a river of Blue Flame Love. By the Power of “three times three” sustain and expand this love without limit.
Let your Protection take dominion over the Earth and over every man, woman and child on the Planet.
Protect the youth, the elderly and the innocents. Consume within me and within the Earth all that does not portrait the Divine Will of The Father.
Let Love, Freedom and True Knowledge of the Divine, be re-established on Earth, now and forever.
I Am that I Am! By all God’s Love, I know that I Am the Power and the authority on Earth to command life free and the return to wholeness of everything on it.
I call the Power of Blue-Flame Love to establish the Golden Age of Enlightenment and true Brotherhood on Earth.
Let the Victory of the Will of God prevail on Earth!
Let the Flame of Cosmic Love and Wisdom prevail on Earth!
And so be it! Beloved I Am!

( From “Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames” By Aurelia.)

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Enlightened qualities: Generosity, Moral Discipline, Patience, Enthusiasm, Meditative Concentration, Wisdom/Insight/Empowerment, Skillful Means, Will to achieve/Determination, Understanding of Self/not self, Humility, Gratitude, Satisfaction, Joy, Faith, Oneness, Forgiveness, Healthy Boundaries, Mindfulness, Right thought -> Right action, Compassionate Action, Compassionate Witness, Neutral Observer, Equanimity, Humor, Unconditional Love, Acceptance, Empathy, Appreciation, Nurturing but not smothering, Guiding but not controlling.

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This question was asked on another website

The purpose of this post is to empower others who wish to create attunements or healing sessions or to help recipients understand.


So how does this stuff work?  You read the book (or read the words) and it activates? 


Thanks for your question. When you read the words to receive, the energy downloads to you from your higher self. It is all intention. When you intend to receive the attunement or healing session, you read or say the words to receive in the book, and receive the attunement or healing session.

In 2009 I created most of the attunements and healing sessions. Some other ones like Distant Healing Session and Purification Healing Session were created more recently. All attunements, empowerments, healing sessions were created and then sent to each recipient's higher self for custody until the recipient is ready to receive. My attunements, empowerments, healing sessions, can be received 100 years from now, a 1000 years from now, it doesn't matter, since they are held by the higher self which is Spirit which is eternal. The key ingredient is intent to receive. Each recipient needs to intend to receive to receive, by thinking or saying the words to receive. This obeys a law called the law of free will.

So basically I upload the attunement or healing etc. to the higher self (a multi-dimensional level to avoid free will interference) using a chi ball (basically an etheric zip file), and then when the recipient intends to receive by thinking or saying the words (aligning personal will to Divine Will), the attunement or healing session is unzipped from the chi ball and downloaded. The chi ball can transfer from multidimensional to etheric dimension and is basically similar substance to our chakra system (which exists in etheric and connects to the physical via the nervous system).

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Violet Flame decrees

Mehroo Fitter Adama & His Guidance Into The Higher Dimensions

Violet Flame decrees~

I call upon the Elohim of the Violet Ray to pour Divine transmutation through all that I Am..
I call upon the Amethyst Ray to transform every cell, every atom of my body into higher Light.
I call upon the Violet Flame to burn within my Soul and release all veils that separate me from Spirit.
I call upon the Violet Ray to burn away my Illusions, to burn away my resistances, and transmute my fears into Love!

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Marie-Josée Guérison de L'âme
Divine Decree of the radiance of Immaculate Design

On this day and for the days to come I position myself in this tube of light of white purity... The Radiance of the Immaculate Design.
This flame will help me receive the energy of joy for living and creating with consciousness.
This flame brings me balance
This flame carries me in honesty towards myself and others.
This flame makes my way up easier.
This flame allows me to recognise my mistakes and work through them, to cleanse and purify my being.
This flame protects and keeps me in trust and faith.
Im becoming that flame
I am

Marie-Josée Guérison de L'âme
Climbing Guide

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Service is the hallmark of the Age of Aquarius. As humanity moves into this new and dawning era, service is understood more broadly than it has been in the past. No longer is it exclusively directed to giving assistance to those most in need. Instead, service is understood as inclusive of all events and circumstance. The Aquarian Age advocates the notion that all situations are opportunities where service can be rendered. Given this, it is true to say that all people who are selflessly making an uplifting contribution (in some arena of life) are agents of service. Today such people are found within every country, culture and racial group. In their totality, they are called the New Group of World Servers, and their work offers the promise of a better world.

More information at

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The Unified field

God's breath/God's fingers is Spirit (Soul within Unified field (Oversoul+ level)) touching the body. Like an etheric wind. It is what touches our bodies when our crown chakra tingles. We enter and leave the body through the crown chakra. The Soul then moves (at conception or following a NDE) into the heart during the incarnation which channels Life Force into the physical heart to make it beat via electromagnetism. The Oversoul/Unified field hovers above the crown chakra until enlightenment, which is the creation of the rainbow body, merge of chakras with Unified field. So to become Unified field in manifestation- making Heaven on Earth, first connect with Soul through an open heart (uncovers your life purpose) and serve/embody love, then connect with Oversoul through an open connection with Source (connects with your group), and keep on serving/embodying love. It is a process. It's all vibration and frequency match. Never forget, we get to Heaven by bringing others with us. Shine on my glorious magnificent brothers and sisters! All my love.

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Christos-Sophia explained




The path of Christos Sophia is the path of the heart. It is the heart that has been targeted and tortured and endured unspeakable pain and suffering in our world. The heart is the source of Life and creation and when it is manipulated and compromised the world becomes a dark place ruled by the lower passions of the unconscious realms of desire, fear and greed. Most human desire is not of the heart, although very few human beings can comprehend this. Humanity believes that they choose their own destiny and act according to their own will. Without the full consciousness of the heart, the life-force is run by the realms of fear and darkness that live for survival, pleasure and power, unaware of the greater interconnectedness of all human beings to each other and to the cosmos.

Through our misuse of love and sexuality, we have collectively devolved into the instinctual animal humans who have lost touch with the higher spiritual faculties of the divine human being. Our divine identity is one with Christos Sophia and we share her journey through this Underworld and are required to take part in her sacred alchemy if we wish to reclaim the purity, the creative power and the sanctity of the Human Heart - the jewel of all creation.


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