Chris Comish's Posts (372)

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The Council of Elders

You Are Being Called Into A Point Of Light That Is Excited About You Being There as received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan for Sedona Journal Welcome. We are the Pleiadian energies. On this day we come forth into your being, energy field and heart. We bring forth the essence of truth undiluted, untainted, raw truth. Truth is what you all seek and truth is what will be issued to you as you walk into more of your true essence. For many years you have hidden from yourself. You stand behind the door looking through the crack at your life, being afraid to fully immerse yourself into life. You do not come here to sit on the sideline, to stand in the bleachers, to hide behind doors. you come into this life to experience it 100%, to open up every inch of you that has been closed, to feel into the fullness of time, to let the raw passions, the juices of life flow through you. You are afraid of what your heart and your soul asks you to do. Your humanness says to walk up to that person and say hello yet your knees shake, as fear becomes your new best friend. Why are you so afraid to walk forward and introduce yourself to the very love of your life? the very vibration of the word AFRAID is a 10/10/10 energy a #30 in fullness.Afraid asks to be cleared in the year 2010 (#30) Using the vibration of conversion which is an expression of the energy of the #10 send love into all you fear, all you are afraid of, what goes bump in the night in your soul. Dilute the fear fields with the soft rains of love. If you feel fear in any thought/ from walking in the snow/ice/ to living or dying/ stop, take a deep breath and send love into that fear. Everything in you screams that you hate your life, your job, your relationship, and yet you do not take one step toward changing your experience? It is a time of loving where you are planted. From that point of loving, from that center of your universe, move forth fully into what your heart desires. Otherwise you will be stuck in a sea of mud with the very energy of hate keeping you bound to the person place or thing. Life is not your jailer. Earth is not a prison. It is but a grand amusement park and you are afraid to ride the rides so you stay in the shallow end of the park. Most times you are afraid to ingest the sweetness life has to offer. Afraid of what is good, waiting on the other shoe to drop. You stand still, paralyzed with fear like a deer in the headlights, afraid to move forward, afraid to move backward. Your life shows that. It is time for all of you to hold your arms open wide and embrace what is yet to come. For your days of time have shortened. You no longer have the gift of time in the package of 24. Time shortens. Your life quickens, your heart quickens, your pulse quickens, and your passion awakens from a long sleep. You need to get back in the saddle again. As humans you are Gods in disguise. You are blinded by your own light. You wait for the writing on the walls to explain the next step of the journey. But the next step of the journey is described and decreed by your own motions and emotions. When you deny your emotions, there is no motion in your life. Your car stands still. Your body stands still. Your paychecks stand still. Your very dreams stand still. Open up to explore the New World of you. You have come to the edge of your world. You have come to the edge of your expectations. Will you fall off? Immerse yourself in this next leg of your journey. For what abounds before you is beyond your conceptual understanding of time and space. Every cell of your body bursts forth as it remembers its stellar origin. You are off the maps. You are off the screens and the satellites cannot find you. You are expanding faster than the speed of light, if you choose. The more that you hold tight to a state of motionlessness, the more your life will scream at you. Your life screams for its life. You are the Apex of Creation the favorite horse in the cosmic race. The entire universe has bet on you. Everything awaits your choices. Earth is not meant to be hard. Humanness is a divine point of origin. Life is a gift. Flesh is a gift. Air is a gift. You are a gift. Love what you have created and let it love you. Honor what you have created. Honor whoever is in your heart, whoever is in your household, and whoever is in your life. You so often want to scrape your life off of your shoes as if it is something dirty. Love this point of creation that you are that you will be, and that you are becoming. The future is up to you. You hold not just the future of your own minimal existence but you hold the future of the entire universe that bets you are a good choice for running the long race. Time waits for no man but Time waits for all of mankind. Each step you take into your fearlessness, each thing that you do in love -- no matter how small, ripples out and touches the universe. A great applause is heard throughout the heavens. You took one-step forward into fear, into love, into the future. You stepped away fearlessly. You stepped off the mountaintop knowing you could fly without fear. Your life beckons you. You are being called into a Point of Light that is excited about you being there. What we come to say to you, in a rather serious tone, is that we need you to be in love. Not just with a person, or a body, or a new car but with your every experience. We need you to like what you do first, to like whom you live with, and to like your family. And then eventually when you are brave enough to venture down the corridors of love. We need you to like yourself, because without liking yourself first, you can never get to the point of loving yourself. You are divinely proportionate with what your experience is. You create the ratio of light to dark. Open up your heart to this next level of your experience. The entire Universe needs you. We are the Pleiadians. Whatever you yearn for become it. Whatever you wish for let it be your experience. Stop wishing for it live it. Allow life to come into you and you to come into life, without regrets, without angers. You are vast beings that we salute. You are braver than we -- as you incarnated at this time of transition and ascension. We hold the porch light on for you as you find your way home. We leave.
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St. Germain, The Violet Flame and Haiti

URGENT CALL TO THE LIGHTWORKERS OF THE WORLD FROM ST. GERMAIN January 14, 2010 Hello and greetings, Saint Germain asked me to send this message to everyone. Please share it with all of your friends, as well. Blessings, Troika ======================================================== Dear Souls I ask for everyone to send the Violet Flame to Haiti -- NOW! Send the Violet Flame every day, as many times a day as you can. The calls must be made from the earth plane. Ask the Violet Flame to transmute all pain, suffering, fear, and other negatives into HOPE, LOVE, MIRACLES and BLESSINGS for all of Haiti. Please remember the animals, too. Ask the Violet Flame to purify ALL who crossed-over so that they may receive their Ascension. Be of Service to the earth and ALL life forms, for we are all ONE. The ascended masters can not intervene unless you ask for our help. Ask us and we WILL respond. Blessings to All I AM Saint Germain ============================================================ Invocation for Divine Intervention for our Brothers and Sisters on HAITI Beloved I AM Presence of all humankind, Infinite Mighty I AM Presence from the Great Central Sun, All Great Cosmic Beings and Legions of Light, All Ascended Masters, and All Angelic Host, Lady Althea and your Legions of Angels, the Universal Energy Medical Teams, the Acturian Healers, and all the Galactic Healers. We invoke your Divine Intervention NOW and call upon the Violet Flame to transmute all pain, suffering, fear, and other negatives into HOPE, LOVE, MIRACLES and BLESSINGS for all the people and animals of HAITI. Manifest now! Manifest now! Manifest now! WE ask that Violet Flame to purify ALL who crossed-over so that they may receive their Ascension. Great Ascended Host, we thank and bless you for your immediate assistance and divine intervention on behalf of the people of HAITI in their great need. We give thanks! We give thanks! We give thanks!
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Blue Ray Transmissions “2010 Cosmic Pulse Predictions & Ascension Symptoms” How can I be in balance with constant change in my world? Shekinah and the Blue Ray Transmissions for all Light Bearers ready to receive The Ancient Sacred Technologies and activate your Divine Original Blueprint The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. “Shekinah”, a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. Blue Ray is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions. You have passed through a cosmic gateway in Earth’s alignment to the Galactic center. You are in the great Purification. Very powerful energies of cellular regeneration and rejuvenation are taking place at a core level of your Being. Cosmic Pulse of Creation activating Star Seeds This alignment has pushed many of the light bearers and star seeds to the edge of their foundation in the past years. The power of the Cosmic Pulse of light has strengthened, ensuring you are heading in the right direction no matter what the situation appears to be. 44 This year you will make a choice that will affect your future and direction of your life path. This will be a gift from the Gods and your soul in completely taking back your divine power. You will know which way to choose for your heart and your body will tell you loud and clear! 2010 will be a powerful time of many changes and you can be the calm in the storm, taking the higher path leading you to perfect harmony. You will be taking your true path. All the peaces of your life and spirit will come together with greater synchronicity and the universe/unified field will completely support you. How can I be in harmony and balance with constant change in my world? You align to your authentic frequency of your true essence. Continually realigning your body, mind and spirit to your divine power and to the harmonic field of Gaia, until you are comfortable in knowing how that feels in your body and being. You the sensitive angelic star being already have incredible spirit radar in knowing frequency. It is time for you to be fully activated in your sacred innate gifts of the Divine Original Blueprint. If you have chosen to be on the path of Light, the Cosmos of Creation will bring great opportunity to you. What you will need is and open heart, being fully in the body and worthy of the absolute best. Shekinah the Mother's Ray of Creation will lead you You came at this time period for you have specific vibratory frequency of light that is required to assist to balance the magnetic grids of Gaia. You have been on the path to end the separation of being God, to spiritualize the human form, to bring light to the DNA, by healing the altered genetics. This is being done through the Mother Goddess frequency of Shekinah, the Holy Spirit. Shekinah the Holy Spirit carries the missing codes that will bring the embodiment of your Divine Original blueprint, the ascenion. Spiritual dispensation of the Mother Goddess Shekinah and Light Most Light Bearers are clearing and purging at an accelerated rate and in a short period of time. What usually took numerous lifetimes to evolve and transform density is happening now in one lifetime. For this reason that Spiritual dispensation of Shekinah and the sacred Counsels of Light have increased. Appearance of the Blue Ray ancient sacred prophecy You will continue to see appearance of the Blue Ray in many forms in your technology, media, through the Mary linage and in your skies. The return of the Blue ray in reference to the Mother’s spirit is apart of the sacred prophecies that activates a holy code in your DNA that will propel a Golden Age of Enlightenment. It is time for you the Light Bearers Star Seeds to take a stand in your sovereign right as true cosmic beings of the Universe. You will be called into service of the light as many of you have been waiting. Your ultra sensitive empathic natures will now be one of your most precious gifts and treasures. You will begin to feel assured in your true essence and who you came here to be. Challenges in 2010 for the Star Seeds & Light bearers · Being worthy to receive and finishing up feelings that you do not belong here. Many of the Blue Ray and Light Bearers have the unworthy code for the very reason to transcend through the sacred heart. Feeling you don’t belong here on planet earth continues a separation from the Unified field to completely support you. It dissociates you from your body and then the earth. Shekinah will assist you to being present in your body. She is the portal, the Holy gateway though which the sacred divine body is manifested in God. More than ever you will have the power of your soul and light to transcend and bring magic and miracles to your life and world. 33 Cosmic Pulse Ascension Symptoms · Past health issues leaving for good · More than ever you will be called to work together in groups and partnerships · You will have more support in your work and highest purpose · Powerful emotional releases · Core issue resurfacing · Difficulty breathing, alerting you that you need to expand, let go and slow down · Times of not eating much to being very hungry · Needing to eat meat and lots of protein and then needing lots of fruits, vegetables and grains · Periods where you need to spend larger amounts of time alone This period is to serve you to be in your own energies and vibration · Extra sensitivity to electromagnetic frequencies of TV, computers, electricity, thunderstorms, etc . · Not being able to speak or think. You are being recalibrated at a higher level; this is an adjustment period that will end shortly. As star light beings you are accustomed to communicating through telepathy and kinetically and need times to be in this way for balancing. · Extreme fatigue from purging and raising your frequency · Retrieving lost aspects of your Self, your humor --- lighter, joyful and playful aspects · Feeling of a dense energy around you – that is lifting · Heart awakening and focus on higher Love. · Hearing a crack sound that comes from the center of your chest – you are literally expanding your physical heart energy in your body · Anxiety · Times of increased body heat, similar to hot flashes where you are burning through layers of issues and karma · Expect the unexpected and miracles. Energies will be constantly shifting, recalibrating and rearranging, going one way and then quickly and sometimes suddenly the other until settling occurs · Greater power in consciously directing your intention and energy into the no-time dimensions for accelerated healing and manifestation · Receiving new guides · Symbols, images, sacred emblems and geometry that come to you to instantly expand your consciousness, connecting you to your ascended Self. 333 Dreams · Powerful dreams · Dreams of death and dying · Loved ones that have crossed over and meeting old friends · Old family issues and dynamics that create powerful emotions of healing and releasing. Death is the shamanic and alchemical process of new birth signaling to you that you are ready to shift into higher expression of who you are, and that you may do more work in traveling through the dimensions and realms. This also signifies that there is greater power in your dream time and in your waking state to dream, create, gain insight and direct your highest good. Esoteric Cosmic Pulse Shift Symptoms · Past lives are suddenly in your awareness and may lead to discomfort and anxiety in your body · Strange and unusual thoughts not of your own · Extreme fatigue from light sessions with your higher guides and star family By now, many of you know when these higher light sessions are taking place. You feel so tired; you need to rest and lie down for no apparent reason. You may lose track of time and that is when you are being worked on; some of you may even be taken on Light ships. You may see a haze in the room, see sparks of light, feel, hear and sense a greater influx of light . · Disconnection from your birth family. Many will reconnect to their Earth families once some time has passed at a healthier and higher level that is in greater alignment with your true Self. All Blue Rays and many light bearers will go through this at some time. · Receiving your spiritual name that brings a greater aspect of your divinity and sacred gifts · Speaking in the language of Light, or hearing sacred melodies, and tones, especially after you have visited a sacred site or been in nature. This language of Light is a higher language of Creation and your soul. 11:11 What can you can do to help with the shift? Know that all these symptoms and energies are not who you truly are but that they are moving through you. Work with your sacred tools and rhythm and flow of Creator source · Connect with dolphin energy – through pictures and meditations; see yourself playing and swimming with them. · Exercise, walking, movement, dance, yoga that is gently flowing, rhythm and motion - many star beings and Blue Rays go through a stagnant period where they do not like to exercise but wish to be still and meditate more. It is vital to health and being in the body for some gently flowing movement. · Connect with the sky, ocean or large bodes of water for expansion, better breathing and letting go. If you do not have this nearby, listening to an ocean or water CD can have the same effects. · Drink the Sacred Living Waters of life. Charging your water will increase its frequency and provide greater hydration for the cells of your body. Take your glass of water with both hands saying: Father/Mother God, Holy Spirit, empower and restore these waters to the Sacred Living Waters of Life, raising it to the highest frequency for my embodiment now. Feeling in your body, anchored to the heart of Gaia, ask for the Cosmic Pulse, and feel the Cosmic Pulse through your body and to your heart and out to your hands to the water, pulsing into the water. · Create your sacred haven and altar where you live, where you can always go to increase your divine power and stabilize your energy fields through the shifting times. · Be expressive within yourself, to yourself and for yourself. · Use flower essences and bring flowers to which you are intuitively guided into your home next to the area where you spend most of your time. · Wear colors and bring colors to which you are drawn into your home. Colors are the frequencies’ spectrum of the light. · Make art! Being creative will help you to stay in the rhythms and flow of Creator source. Creative is the Creator energy. · Write and journal· Sing, tone and listen to flowing music. Certain music has healing frequencies that have been created at a higher level to assist you in healing, transmuting energies and staying in the flow. · Take a break from your routine - this allows for the energy to come in. There will be times when you will not be able to work as long as you used to or do exactly what you did before. Listen to your own body rhythms and intuition; you will get more accomplished in the long run. · Learn, know and sense how to be in the rhythm and flow with your body in relationship to Earth’s magnetic grid. These sacred movements from the ancient civilizations and star realms are a lost art waiting to be awakened in the Light Bearers and star seeds. Being connected with Earth energies will be vital to your ascension and balance. Touch the Earth every day and allow your connection to strengthen. · Check in every day - how does it feel in your body to be in the divine flow of Creator? Even though you may have a schedule and work, make checking in a highest priority, allowing yourself / your life to unfold in new and inventive ways. Remember, the old rules do not apply anymore. Now more than ever it is time to put yourself in Divine Alignment, allowing the Cosmic Pulse to flow through you. It is time that you let go of all you have learned from the systems of Earth that no longer serve your true essence and beauty. All of God and Creation are reaching out to you in Light and Love. We are here in great force serving and empowering you. We are One! 13 “I am Shekina Rose and I am from the Blue Ray, the knowing came to me first from my inner being and was confirmed by my star family. I hope this information will bless you! - Thank you, blessings, Namaste & AhnaGodes”
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Beloved Lightworkers, I come this day to speak with you about the need to ground yourselves each day. With all the activities of the season, many of you have neglected this most important aspect of daily existence on the Planet Earth and your connection to Her. Grounding yourselves also helps to keep you in balance and harmony in your energy fields and helps keep you receptive to the higher energies and higher dimensions. If you can feel the flow of energy coming through your feet, then you are fully grounded. It is your connection to the Earth that enables you to be informed about what is happening all around you that may not be apparent or related in your news media. Those of you who have been experiencing strong energy influxes have found yourselves feeling lethargic with the inability to stay focused on your daily disciplines and this has created a disconnection. All that is required is to daily practice your grounding exercises. This is very necessary, Dear Ones, as the incoming energies will not decrease in intensity but rather will increase. Try to picture your Light body surrounding and encompassing your entire physical body and energy field. See yourselves glowing with a golden white Light, the Light of purity and balance. This golden white Light is the Christ consciousness that is now permeating the entire Planet and will continue to do so in the coming days. This Light is enabling those who are ready to merge with their Higher Self to begin the process now. Allow this to occur and rest as much as possible and drink always great amounts of water to alleviate the effects of the stronger energy flow that is occurring within you. Your five body system is still purging and purifying all that does not resonate with your Light body and is becoming more and more refined and what is coming is from deeper and deeper parts of yourselves, bringing out your core issues which can make this process seem painful and emotional to you. Know that this process is necessary in order for each of you to move through the cleansing process. Soon you will find yourselves able to receive greater amounts of knowledge and information from the higher realms in the form of guidance in your daily lives. Open yourselves to this possibility by fully stating your intent to be open to receive guidance from your Higher Self and your teachers and guides. In this way, you allow this assistance to come through you and it will help you tremendously in understanding what is now occurring within your bodies and the amazing transformations that are taking place. This is a process that has never happened before and so your input is very helpful in evaluating what assistance is required to make these changes easier for you. Just voice your symptoms and difficulties and observations and these will serve to alert your Spiritual guides and the required balancing energies can be directed where necessary. Each of your guides, teachers and angel teams are standing by waiting for your calls. They are ready to come to your assistance. Please call upon them, Dear Ones! Before you know it, the difficulties that you have been experiencing will be dissipated and you will be feeling better. Becoming multi-dimensional Beings in your physical bodies is a very gradual process so that your physical bodies can assimilate and adjust with as much grace and ease as possible. This work continues day and night and each of you is being helped tremendously, even if you can’t remember this in daily awareness. Set aside a quiet time each day to relax and just be. Give thanks for all the blessings in your life and all the gifts that you are receiving. Feel the joy in each moment and dwell on these often. The way to Ascension is through these attributes, praise, joy and gratitude. The more you can practice this, the closer you come to Source and will receive the downpouring response. Know that you are loved, nurtured and valued in all ways at all times, Beloved Ones. I AM Divine Mother ©2009 Marlene Swetlishoff Distributing this message in other forums, blogs, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website
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Soul Transitions Vibe Report for January 2010

Greetings! As the holiday season comes to an end and we say goodbye to a tumultuous decade, I feel like my feet are poised on a new path of golden light. The energy of the eclipse on New Year’s Eve felt like it was stretching, stretching, stretching—becoming taut like a drum. It felt very edgy and then it began to dissipate and release and yet I feel strangely disoriented – as if I’m in a new place, even though my surroundings have not changed. There‘s a feeling of slight anxiety and strangeness. I’ve been having dyslexic moments (!) and also time is morphing – it feels like “time” is an energetic blob of something that keeps changing shape – stretching out, then oozing off in one direction and then stretching out again. When someone asks me what I did yesterday, I can’t remember, or else if feels like it was something that happened several days ago. As we all hear over and over again, the moment is NOW the moment of power, the moment of our life is now, NOW is all there is. We are receiving very high frequencies of energy. This is calling us to be our deepest, truest selves and to act from our authenticity. What is not our truth will come up for release. We can no longer get away with faking it or keeping hidden agendas – even if we’ve been hiding the agenda from ourselves. We have been and will continue to witness this in the outer world as those who are in the spotlight of fame have the truth of their lives revealed for all to see. This is a time to practice compassion for those who are being “caught out.” Send prayers that they may find their deep, soul-healing from their experiences, and that all who are involved in their scenario also come to their inner truth. As we walk our paths of light together, sometimes struggling in darkness and uncertainty, we can know that we are not alone. The fears and doubts and difficulties that seem to block our way are opportunities for deeper commitment to living with Spirit. Personally, I feel less alone when dealing with challenges lately, because an understanding is growing within me that we are living in a hologram and what one of us heals, we all can heal. Or what one of us struggles with, many others are also feeling and so we are never alone. Many of One We wish for you to know that this new year of 2010 is filled with opportunities – we suggest you amplify the positive! The energies support building upon the foundations you have been setting in place. For the last 10 years, much has been cleared on a personal level and on a global level. There is still, much clearing that will take place in the global arena, but we wish to recognize at this time how much work the Lightbearers have been doing on a personal level. Now is the time to leave your stories of the past behind and focus with appreciation on the moment of now and all that you have created. Celebrate yourselves and your accomplishments. Take a look behind and see how far you’ve come, acknowledge your hard work and dedication, then turn and look at the golden path in front of you. For, indeed, Golden Opportunities will be presenting themselves to you as a reflection of your commitment to your evolution. The focus is on the positive and on the future that you are co-creating. Feel your Guides – perhaps one guide in particular – standing behind you with a hand on your shoulder pointing out to the vastness before you. What appears before you is white fog of the unknown, as yet unformed reality that is awaiting your creation. Golden light begins to shimmer in the fog like sunlight on water as your Guide says, “Behold, here is your path. This is what you have been preparing for. It is time. Now, is the time to move forward with trust.” You have been setting your intentions and the Universe has heard you. The resonance of your soul is vibrating with the heightened energy that is flowing forth from Creation. Trust in yourself, your intentions, your intuition and in your abilities. You came here to this Earth at this time to light the way for human evolution. Each person has a gift to bring to the world. As you move forward on this golden path, you may not know exactly where you are going but you feel the resonance of your intention in your heart. Listen deeply. Feel the sacredness of your soul. The intention in your heart lights your path. The frequency of energy is being heightened at this time. You are surrounded in a vibration that is raising your frequency – it is moving through you – this is a higher vibration than has been experienced before and it may lead to some uncomfortable feelings. Nervousness or a discordant feeling may be experienced as lower vibrations rise up to be cleared. We offer a visualization for dealing with feelings from the past that may be surfacing at this time. Allow the feeling to be like a cloak around you. Consciously remove the cloak of doubt and put it into the fire of transformation. Consciously remove the cloak of unworthiness and put it into the fire. Consciously remove the cloak of victimhood and drop it into the fire. Whatever the cloak of the past is, when you feel its energy around you, remove it and see it burning in the fire of transformation. You no longer need to tell the stories which are associated with the feelings, just remove it and let it go – move it out of your energy field. For each of you are moving into new territory. Stepping through a portalway onto a new path. The light, the Golden Light we speak of is coming from Creator Source. It shines outward, calling each of you forward on your unique journey. Awakenings This is a glorious time to be on planet Earth. As the energy rises, more and more people are experiencing the veil being lifted from their eyes. Suddenly you see more clearly than ever before – you see and feel what has been happening “behind the scenes,” so to speak. Seeing within the outer experiences makes everything come alive – more alive than ever before. Music speaks directly to your heart, chance encounters seem orchestrated by an unseen hand, messages come to you through a sign on a billboard, an overheard conversation, something a child says, a book as you open to a page at random that says just what you needed to hear, the lyrics to a song come alive as if it were written just for you in that very moment. Your personal awareness creates a radiance within and around all you experience. You are living within this radiance – the radiance is coming through you from Divine Source, from Great Spirit, from God… there are many names, but one Source. You begin to follow the path of your life from your heart. Trust your guidance, trust the promptings of your Soul. This is a time of miracles and wonder. Giving Back It is essential to include in your consciousness a focus on right relationship with the mother Earth. Give offerings and appreciation for the water you drink, the food you eat. Find some way of giving back when you receive the gift of wisdom and nurturance. Do not be a blind consumer, whether it be consumption of food or consumption of wisdom and healing that comes to you through messages like this. Practice appreciation and find some way of giving back or paying it forward. Keep the energy flowing. It is all about energy. Consider what you are giving to the energy of the Earth and humanity at this time. It is each person’s responsibility to live in concordance with Great Spirit, for the Great Spirit flows through you and all living things. All are connected and all are being called to live responsibly and consciously. The Beam of Light We have spoken of the beam of light that flows from the center of the circle out into the jungle of human experience. Each of you have a beam of light that shines outward from Source, calling you into the center of your being. This is where you access your genius. This is your path of Light, which calls to your heart. Disregarding this call could produce physical and emotional ailments. When challenges appear in your life, they are wake up calls. The Universe is showing you that you are ready for acceleration to the next level of your awakening. This is not to punish you; it is simply to highlight what needs to be released and it is a call for you to find your authenticity. You are the only one walking your path. When things look like they’re falling apart, it is a sign that you are ready to accept a new pathway. So no matter how dire things may seem, there is a golden opportunity within that is calling to you. In stillness you will find the guidance you need to move forward. If the waters are churned up by heightened over-thinking and emotionality, you will not be able to see your next step. Centering within and finding stillness, letting go of expectation, surrendering to the void, will allow the beam of light to come to you so you can enter into the flow of energy that is your illumined path. The vibration of love accessed in the heart is where you find the stillness. Remember, love saves the day. We wish you well on your journey and remind you that all the help you need is within you. Humanity is evolving into empowered beings and love is where the empowerment dwells. May radiance, fruition, self acceptance, humility, attention, kindness, awakened awareness, and laughter light up your soul. Wishing you beauty and grace, Nancy Leilah Ward and Many of One “The guidance within evolves the world towards a heaven that is already here. To know this is to know our destiny.” - The Celestine Prophecy
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Hilarion's Weekly Message, January 3-10, 2010

Beloved Lightworkers, The focus for this week is maintaining your integrity and keeping yourselves grounded into the core of Mother Earth. Those of you who have been working a long time with the new frequencies and energies are finding yourselves so far ahead of your brothers and sisters who as yet are unawakened, that you are finding it hard to relate and interact with them for any length of time. Many of you are finding that interaction with those who still abide in the lower unawakened, frequencies a painful exercise in transmutation and the processing of these energies that pull your Light and your higher energy from you. We say to you Dear Ones, that this is a part of your task in your everyday lives upon the Earth…it has always been so throughout your Earthly journeys, in this lifetime and other lifetimes that you have lived upon the Earth. You are helpers who came in voluntarily knowing full well how difficult your task of living upon the Earth in your veils of forgetfulness was going to be. Each of you have the great Flame of Love burning brightly within your hearts and it is this Light that has kept you in the forefront, ever cutting and blazing a trail of Light in order to light the way for those who follow, and follow they shall, Beloved Ones. In this coming year of 2010 there will be millions of people who begin to Awaken to the knowledge and awareness of their higher potentials. Your work and sacrifice has made this Awakening much easier for these Ones and so as this happens, the Light you have held for such a long, long time will begin to grow exponentially with each passing day. The more Light that begins to light up the Earth, the more people will Awaken. You might call the year of 2010 the year of the Great Awakening, as this is already occurring and will become more and more discernible as the days, weeks and months continue. As difficult as it has been for each of you as the Trailblazers in this regard, know that your efforts are now beginning to bear fruit and you will see this in all facets of your daily lives. Much that is transpiring behind the scenes will begin to come out into the open and will create a movement of change upon the face of the Planet that will reach the length and breadth of every corner upon your World. Change is the name of the game in 2010. There is much to be excited about, Dear Ones, much more for you to learn and overcome, still, we want you to be very aware that each of you have done this many times before and this knowledge will become a remembering for you very soon. The momentum of the Light has been building in greater and greater waves upon the Earth and is now blending with the great Cosmic energies that are inundating every particle of life upon the Earth and within the Earth. This Light creates, as each of you know, much that does not resonate with the Light to come to the surface for your review and release, and this is not a comfortable situation but a very necessary one, if you wish to continue on your Ascension journey. Trust in the process and call upon us whenever you encounter more friction within you and around you than you can comfortably deal with. We are all standing by, ready to give assistance to each of you who calls upon us and again, we remind you that we must be asked, for this is a Universal Law. Much assistance can be given unto each of you, but you must first ASK. If you could only see clearly the great Forces of Light that surround you, you would be dancing all the way through your Ascension process! We upon the Higher realms feel so very excited to see the leaps and bounds that you are making in your journeys of remembrance and tell you that you are very near to your goal. It behooves each of you to continue in your activism to bring about the changes for the greater good of all by daily working with the Light Beings and energies. Your decrees and affirmations has a greater reach than you can possibly know at this time …when you repeat a decree, especially more than once, there is a frequency wave that is created and this wave moves out into the atmosphere around the Earth and thereby creates positive change, for even that which could be looked upon as unpleasant changes in the end result become positive changes, for it is all about growth and the coming to greater awareness. I am here to tell you, Beloved Ones, that the days of learning lessons through suffering and hardship are coming to a closure, for the new way will be all about learning through and with Grace. There will be great joyous leaps in consciousness once this becomes fully established upon the Earth plane. You who are the forerunners are asked to move into this awareness and become the creators of this new way of learning and doing. It no longer has to be hard to create anything you desire, it can be a pleasure and a joy to learn and grow and explore all the new information and knowledge that is now awaiting your explorations. Seek and you shall find, Dear Ones. Until next week…. I AM Hilarion ©2009-2010 Marlene Swetlishoff Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion * Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at: * Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings, Marlene
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January 1, 2010 Happy New Year! And what a very different and exciting new year it “can" be for many of us (smile). 2010…the year of creativity, manifestations, and self expression. Or in other words, the beginning of the creation of the New World, as the first phase of the ascension process is finally complete and very over. Where are we then, at this particular moment in time, how did we indeed get here, and where are we headed? Although it may feel as though nothing much has been occurring of late, or perhaps there has been a great lull, there has indeed been a great amount of restructuring and preparing occurring for our very next phase. The separation of the worlds occurred in September, so then, it really has not been too long since we broke off from the old reality and ventured into a very new one. This separation created enormous movement for the New Planet Earth, as she was pushed into a very new groove in the universe, now occupying a space within a very new and higher vibrating position. During this time, anything and everything residing upon and within the earth was also pushed out of its old groove. An enormous amount of energy was required to create this movement, and many of us felt it with great intensity. During this time, everything was pushed, so any dormant or remaining darkness within us was moved up and out as well (just when we thought that most of our internal purging was over for awhile!). This was a massive undertaking and a monumental event. Immediately preceding this process that pushed us into a very new location, many of us found ourselves in new homes, either through new changes with our current homes, or through literally moving to very new locations on the planet. Many were placed in new residences in order to be placed in spaces of peace, serenity, and comfort for the times to come. So then, there were many who arrived somewhere very new, only to feel as though nothing much occurred after their arrival, leaving many bewildered and perhaps even let down, but even so, things were indeed progressing on track at the higher and deeper levels. There was deep movement occurring, and it does take time to play out with all steps required. So then, after the new locations were complete, or even for some, staying in their current locations, the massive movement occurred. After the earth and all her inhabitants arrived in a very new space, a grounding was then felt. A beautiful let down and time for a brief rest. And did many of us ever need it! We had indeed arrived somewhere very new. This feeling of let down and grounding was brief, as after the earth arrived in her very new space in the cosmos, she then began a process of tilting in order to complete her alignment. This tilting process could be felt as up, and then down. Or high, and then low. And all the while, higher energies were present to create and assist with this process, and these higher energies moved even more energy within and without. Darkness could then be felt. Depression, self-loathing, great negativity and futility, and panic and anxiety were but some of the symptoms of higher energy arriving and hitting any remaining lower vibrating energy within us. This higher energy resulted from our very new position in the cosmos. In addition, because we need to be prepared internally for this very new phase, most of us still had personal energies which needed to be balanced and aligned as well. At the same time, because we were really grounding into the New Earth now with our higher vibrating energy and the earth’s higher vibrating energy, very old and ancient energies of darkness that had been dormant beneath the surface of the earth, were also moved out of their old grooves. I can remember days of simply driving down the road and seeing these energies floating up and out of the earth’s surface, and thinking what a strange time it is! But even more was occurring as well, as the massive pushing and re-aligning literally pushed energies together that would indeed be divinely connecting in times to come. Add to this, higher vibrating energies arriving through our crown chakras and creating massive sinus and head pressures, along with allergies and strange colds, and it is no wonder that we needed a break somewhere! There was so much going on at this time, that any regular or normal pattern was nearly impossible to report. I can remember feeling that a daily WINGS post was what was really needed! We have been literally grounding now, in small and incremental steps since the separation of the worlds occurred in September of 2009. This process was due to arrive on the solstice of June, 2009, but as I have written now so many times (get ready for some old and boring energy here…), at our soul levels, we decided to separate from the old reality. Enough time had been given to all souls residing there, to open and expand, and this then, created a delay of six more months (on top of the added delay of over two years…and yes at soul levels we lovingly agreed to give the process more time). So then, we let go of all our old lives which related to the first phase of the ascension process, left any baggage behind, and for many, left family and loved ones behind who were still unwilling to open, expand, and leave any lower vibrating patterns and behaviors behind them as well. The repositioning of the New Earth and those residing within her then began in earnest immediately after the separation occurred. Again, after the repositioning was fairly complete, the grounding process began to intensify and to occur in small but accelerating steps, and we are now well on our way. So although it may have felt that things were dead in the water, much was indeed occurring in order to support our very new foundation. We are beginning a very New Earth, and this New Earth, of course, needs a new foundation. The solstice of December 21, 2009, then, was a pivotal player as it greatly supported our grounding into the New Earth. The New Earth is now, of course, being created by us, and in this way, we are being pulled in as the rightful stewards and creators we came to be. The new earth herself is now vibrating higher, so in this way, the higher energies are now arriving from within her, and of course, from within each and every one of us as well. The earth is the key, as are we. So where are we now? Where are we now in this process and what can we expect in times to come? It may feel very empty right now, with some kind of a dis-connect now present, but this is only because we are smack in the middle of the process of connecting to ourselves. The higher realms now, is very much within us, and this is the process we are currently undergoing. This is where we need to connect, in order to create our very new foundation. We are in the process of remembering who we are and why we are here on this earth. We are in the process of remembering what we came here to do and to be. And this process will unfold all on its own, as we ground more fully into the New Earth. From the bottom up, every cell in our bodies will slowly fill up with these soul memories, with no real effort required. This will occur now with more rapidity, as the earth has now come to rest in her true and rightful new position in the cosmos. Therefore, it is now time. In a very strange way, we may feel as though we are going backwards, or rather back in time (and I am not referring to the current Mercury retrograde here, although Mercury is indeed supporting our process). What is occurring, is that we are re-connecting with our true and authentic selves. We are backing out of (and are almost done with this phase) anything and everything within us, that has to do with the first phase of the ascension process. Although this process of backing out, or backtracking into the souls we came to be before the first phase began, has been occurring for most of 2009, this particular stage is a bit different. During most of 2009, we let go of our old roles for the most part. Currently, we are re-connecting to our new roles. The reason we are backing into them, or perhaps feeling that we have gone back in time, is because we now get to be the souls we came to be in the first place. This means that we are re-connecting to and remembering, as well as simply becoming, who we came to be as the souls who arrived to create the New Planet Earth. These soul memories and blueprints were very intact within us when we arrived, but the first phase of the ascension process created different roles, as our intent at that time was to raise the vibration and consciousness of the planet in order to lay a foundation and arena that would enable and allow us to create this very new Earth. We needed to create it in higher vibrating energy. So although our roles were primarily about raising the vibration of the planet, during the first phase, we did indeed attempt to fulfill our roles in regard to creating the New Earth as well. NOW, we get to focus on these original roles alone, as it is FINALLY time for our visions to manifest. Currently feeling that we are going back in time may manifest as finding ourselves suddenly touching base with very old friends from the past, and even keeping those new connections, or at some times, just touching noses once again and then moving on. We are connecting with those who knew us when. We are connecting with those who can rekindle the soul plans that we arrived with before the first ascension phase began. We are re-aligning with these old energies within us in all ways before we move on into our very next phase of creation and experience. This experience of connecting to old friends again, actually began many months ago, but then we abruptly changed plans with the separation of the worlds, moved into a new space in the cosmos, and now we are resuming this process of starting over once again. Another scenario is also present. For some of us, we are completing the last tendrils of our old soul scripts before we can move on into our Heaven on Earth. These old soul scripts could not be completed, as the first ascension phase interacted with so much darkness, that our plans went awry so to speak, the first ascension phase became more intense than we had anticipated, and some of us could not create or complete a part of our soul scripts that we came to experience. During that time, darkness seemed to rule the roost, and thus, the surrounding vibrations were not high enough to enable some of us to do what we came to do. Now that there has occurred a separation of the worlds, we are very free and clear from the old experience of the prior ten years or so, and some of us can now continue on with little resistance, what we originally came to experience. Nothing really “went awry” anyway…there was simply a freedom of choice. This freedom of choice went one way, and we then decided that as the light, we would still continue on, but simply go another way and then be able to experience the reality that we were accustomed to in all ways. This is the new reality that most of us are currently residing in. And in order to lay its foundation and set the new blueprint in all ways, some of us are now finally able to complete what we came to experience in order to prepare the New Earth for this phase. Again, seemingly going back in time, but really only having this experience in a New World that will sustain it, where-as the old reality would not. In this way, we are now living in a world that will eventually make sense to us once again. Another scenario currently present has to do with re-structuring and forming the new at the bottom levels. In other words, we are laying a new foundation for ourselves, either by re-structuring our businesses, our homes, ourselves, or much else, in order that we create a very new foundation for ourselves. We are creating now from the ground up, and this is why so much thrust in now on grounding and residing deep within the New Earth. Re-structuring is the first phase, and this is occurring now. In this way, much will arrive for us right now in effortless ways if it has to do with this theme. Things are indeed being divinely orchestrated. After we re-structure, we will then propagate from what we re-structured or from the new foundation we laid, creating more and more tendrils, and our own individual new reality will then grow. After our own reality and our soul purposes or heart’s desires are fairly evident, we will then connect to the same with our brothers and sisters and create a very new grid for the New Planet Earth. Living from the heart will become the norm. We will come to know that our hearts are our best navigators and we will use them often. Our hearts have been opening for quite some time these past ten years, simply because the first phase of ascension has opened so much in our upper back and neck areas, allowing for the sprouting of our angel wings. But in recent times, our hearts have opened for other reasons as well. Although some of us may have known about living from our hearts intellectually for quite some time (and some of us are better at this than others!), because of all the pain and suffering many of us have recently seen or experienced, our hearts have opened even more (before this, they may have “closed” from the experience of departing from the old reality and needing to separate from it and leave it behind!). Having an open heart and giving and receiving love is perhaps the only thing that felt good and right during these recently challenging times after we left the old reality, and we can now remember this well and access this space of higher level being and feeling with more ease. In addition, when anything feeling “good” occurs for us as well, our hearts again open and we may feel like crying and may become very emotional. Gratitude and an open heart are frequently by-products in times of great suffering and challenge. In addition, many of us will experience the real knowing that our “perfect” partners have arrived for us, as they will hold the keys to a special and divine opening of our hearts. And when this happens for us, the experience of it and the tears of joy we shed are nothing less than other-worldly and heaven sent. It is all about hearts now…all about hearts. In these ways, mental, analytical, and thought processes will slowly be replaced by heart and feeling processes. We may find connections that make absolutely no sense intellectually, but our hearts are saying otherwise. Music will guide the way, as it creates states of feeling and expression that by-pass our thoughts and minds. In this way, we may find that we suddenly cannot get enough music, or have intense desires to create things involving sound. (For example, I have been getting immense hits for several weeks to create audio books, as writing is my greatest form of expression and sound will take them to a new level.) Creating will also be a main theme for 2010. We will find (and are already finding now), that if we turn around, we may see that we have indeed already created a piece of what we may have only dreamed about in times past. We simply may not notice what is right in front of us, as we may be choosing to focus on things that are “seemingly” wrong, as this is much of what we have known in recent times past. Re-structuring and laying a new foundation means that we are setting up for things to arrive. So of course, this usually involves our finances as well. This has been a very long haul in regard to arriving in a very new space. We may be very gun shy when it comes to starting over again. What has worked for me so far, is to put out a simple desire in a very non-attached sort of way, and then watch it manifest. And you would not believe all that has manifested. Simple things that are not drastically important for us are great things to begin with. This practice is a good way to get back in the saddle once again and to place us in positions of power once again, and I believe that this is what many of us are needing right now. Thinking positively and having hope are vitally important as well. We can choose to know that things will indeed be different now, as we are without exception the true and rightful creators of our own reality. This grounding in process is also designed to create a new power and confidence within us. If ever so slowly, we can come to know that we can again be in charge, even if the past few years seemed otherwise. We may have also learned what it is that we may want to create. This is because we have grown and come very far in regard to what the first phase of ascension created within us…taking us to higher levels of what we may want to create. Yes, we are indeed starting all over again. We are going back to the soul identities that we once embodied when we first arrived on this earth, as we are very done with the process of raising the vibration of the planet through ourselves. We can now leave the past behind and begin again with our original soul plans intact. Some pitfalls? As in the past, we all have free will and choice according to who we choose to be and what we choose to create. Fear and analytical thought can easily squash and can also determine what we create and experience. Also, when our new roles and contributions, or original soul identities begin to fill us up, with everything in the higher realms magnified, there can be a danger that they fill us up too much. This can create a posture of, “my thing is the only thing, and this is what everything should be about,” or also a predominant one now of a “don’t tell me what to do or believe” attitude, as when we begin to really express ourselves freely, we tend to want the freedom to do just that. Many of us are also tired of feeling like victims! But as we come to fully embody our original soul plans and purposes, we will also have an experience of being asked to contribute to a whole, as our piece will be highly visible to others. So then, it can really help if we remind ourselves that our “piece” is simply only one piece, and it needs to fit in with many other pieces in order to create a whole. It will greatly help to acknowledge and revere the pieces that our brothers and sisters possess. For many years, I have seen this scenario unfold, and it only serves to dissolve any hope of creating a new reality, and most importantly, of ever having a chance to partner with anyone. In the beginning stages, this posturing may likely occur, as our new freedom of creation will be immense. But ultimately, we will need to come to realize that we do indeed need each other if we do not want to create absolutely everything by ourselves, and also, if we would like to have an experience that resides outside of our own individual groove and awareness. But who knows? It is up to us, so really, anything goes and anything may occur. We are in the space of a New World now. Let’s hope we do not create the challenges and darkness that existed in the world we just left behind… In this New World, we can, of course, create anything we choose. We can create an individual reality all our own, that greatly reflects who we are and what is meaningful to us. In his way, we can come to know that we need not become alarmed about anything occurring in areas that are not in our so called “jurisdiction.” There are many things that will be occurring in the old world very soon, but if we remember that we no longer reside there, we may gain some sense of security and comfort in knowing that what we are now creating, is very new and different, and very far from what is occurring there. As we gradually begin letting go of our fears from the past, and gradually get over being gun shy, our creating experiences and abilities will eventually become second-hand to us. This will most likely occur in an individual way first, before we eventually connect to others….starting from the “ground up” and then “propagating.” Will there continue to be ups and downs? We are entering new territory, and ups and downs are usually part of the terrain. But again, who knows, because as always, it is up to us in regard to what happens. The main theme here now, is that WE are the ultimate creators. It is up to us in regard to what we create, and with whom. As I have written about so many times in the past, the combination of our energies will be what greatly contributes to moving the energies more quickly and intensely. When we come together, miracles indeed happen much more quickly, and this is when higher energies are regularly maintained as well. Because of the completion of the first ascension phase, WE are the ones holding the higher energies now, and when we combine these energies with the energies of another, we then create a new reality for ourselves. Add to this the fact that in the higher realms everything is magnified, and we now have an exciting recipe for “anything goes.” As most of you are well aware, what you are reading here in no way needs to be your own reality and experience either. We have the new freedom now to create whatever it is we choose to create, and it is then, up to each and every one of us what wondrous realities we choose to create for ourselves. As things begin progressing, if even ever so slowly from the bottom up, and as we come to see that we are indeed back at the helm, our very New World will then begin. All that lower leg, foot, and lower back pain that some of us experienced was simply in preparation for anchoring in to this new and exciting reality that will emerge ever so slowly from the ground up. Here’s to an exciting and miraculous 2010! With much love and gratitude, Karen
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It exists first in Anti-Matter Light Form before it manifests in Matter form. Every thought and feeling starts out as a light frequency and is transmitted on to the reflection in Matter. I would like to describe liquid light in one example found in the body. The red blood cell. The red blood cell has a nucleus and cell wall as well as organelles inside the cell. The red blood cell is considered a liquid tissue floating in a salt water plasma. There are 100s of amino acids found on every red blood cell in the body. There are millions of red blood cells in the body. This makes tens of millions of amino acids, just found on the red blood cells. If each one of the amino acids has a carboxyl group, which changes the type of atoms contained inside, to transition metals and noble gases, you are going to see a light explosion in the body. Today look at the average red blood cell. It is like a round inflatable intertube with a dip in the middle, instead of a hole. It is somewhat like a bagel, with a depression instead of a hole in the middle. It squeezes out its own nucleus and floats as liquid tissue in the salt water of the blood stream. It carries oxygen and carbon dioxide on its back, like on a floatie headed down the river. Now imagine these floaties, tens of millions of them, suddenly are all lit up, like twinkling stars in the night sky. These are your new crystalline red blood cells. The DNA and RNA which are in every one of your cells are made up of amino acids. All of these will too light up, liquid light pouring through your veins, pumping through your heart. The amino acids in your skin cells will begin to glow and there will be a higher dimensional light on the surface of your skin which has you looking radiant and younger. It is just enough to give a rainbow colored twinkling radiance to the surface of your skin. Every one of the trillions of cells in your body will be lit up and capable of carrying more light than ever before. This is liquid light. This is light floating along in the salt water of the system. The connective tissue will be filled with light, the cells making up the organs. When One sees inside this Ascended Body it sees sparkle lights everywhere. Before it was dense flesh with dark features and everything surrounded by a kind of maroon liquid. Now the liquid resembles the sparkles and twinkles in the milky way. The flesh is pink, not dark. It has platinum light reflecting rainbows on to every surface. It is of a Higher quality. This crystalline body lives on liquid light. The foods will be plant foods rich in light, like seaweed grown on the surface of the sea while the sun shines down, and water to drink. Little else will be needed. Every cell making up the crystalline body is an explosion of flowing rainbow light radiance. The cells in the body are alive with light. The crystalline body is a transition between the lower dense body of physicality and the Higher antimatter body of light. These bodies are raised up into crystalline and healed and maintained with different frequencies of light. The Arcturian Healers are by far the most advanced in this. They will assist millions who ask in transitioning to the crystalline body blue print; bodies made up of pure liquid light. Question: This sounds like something that one should be able to see, now? Why can't we see it now? Everything in the Matter World is a reflection from Anti-Matter. Each thought and emotion a person has is reflected on the Matter World. As One believes, they will see. Mass Decloakings will play a major role in us seeing these changes in the physical. As consciousness is raised up, as old ideas dissolve away, and the new timeline takes hold, THEN we will see these changes in the physical. We will perceive them as they now are. When the consciousness raises up and a concerted effort from your Galactic Family is projected to you, which raises your love quotient, and your joy factor; when you are no longer in survival mode THEN your Matter World will reflect the changes from the Anti-Matter World. You will be orgasmic ecstatic joy and this bliss will be reflected in liquid light which you will be able to see. ~Metatron Mark/Beth
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2010, A Powerful New Year

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles January 1, 2010 It is hard to believe that we have already completed the first decade of the New Millennium. I do not think anyone can dispute the fact that time is being accelerated. The unprecedented awakening Humanity experienced during the first decade of the 21st century was miraculous, but it will not hold a candle to the shift of consciousness that will take place during the second decade. This shift of consciousness will result in the unification of millions of Lightworkers, whose dedicated service to Humanity and the Light will change the course of history. From outer appearances this statement may seem too good to be true, but actually, it does not begin to adequately describe the wonders that are in store for Humanity and all Life on this planet. These monumental changes will begin in 2010, and they will unfold day by day until the patterns of perfection for the New Earth are physically manifest. If you have any doubt about that please meditate on the following Truth: “The Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious, and WE are that Light!” Since the dawn of the New Millennium, Lightworkers around the world have been invoking Divine Intervention to assist with Humanity’s awakening and Earth’s Ascension into the 5th Dimension. For the past ten years the Earth has been going through an intensified cleansing process, that has pushed everything that conflicts with Heaven on Earth to the surface to be healed. This process is not complete yet, but enough of Humanity’s human miscreations have been cleared to begin the manifestation of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. This is the next phase of the unfolding Divine Plan, which will be birthed with the New Year, 2010. There are several celestial events that coincide with the birth of 2010. This is not by chance. Through the unified efforts of Lightworkers and the entire Company of Heaven, this powerful New Year is being catapulted into the highest frequencies of vibration that Cosmic Law will allow. 2009, was an eleven (11) year. Eleven is the master number that reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine. These energies have been preparing every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth for the shifts that will take place in 2010. On December 12, 2009, 12:12, our Mother God and the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout the Universe expanded the portal of Transfiguring Divine Love. Through this expanded portal, the Earth and all her Life are being bathed with higher transformational energies than we have ever experienced. These frequencies of Divine Love will build in momentum daily and hourly until December 12, 2010. During this 12-month cycle, Humanity will have an unparalleled opportunity to release any of the behavior patterns that are preventing us from tangibly manifesting the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. This is a merciful gift of Divine Grace. It is a time for us to focus on our Divine Intentions. On December 16, 2009, the portal of Transfiguring Divine Love was intensified through a very powerful New Moon. This enhanced the influx of Light that bathed the Earth during the Solstice, December 21, 2009. On December 31, 2009, we will experience a BLUE MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE. The Beings of Light have revealed that this is going to be the most significant New Year we have experienced since our fall from Grace millions of years ago. This is a vitally important time for all of us to empower what we want to cocreate in our individual lives and on this planet. Not only will our hopes, dreams, visions, and Divine Intentions be expanded a thousand times a thousandfold by the Company of Heaven, they will be exponentially expanded by the tremendous influx of Light we will experience on that sacred day. These gifts of Divine Intervention will expand in power and might until January 14, 2010. On that day, we will experience an incredibly powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse. During the Solar Eclipse, the patterns of perfection we have empowered will be permanently sealed in the highest frequencies of vibration possible. From that moment forth, they will build in momentum daily and hourly. When our visions reach a critical mass, an unstoppable shift will occur that will bring our cocreations into manifestation. It is important for all of us to go within our hearts to see what our I AM Presence is guiding us to empower in our individual lives. We can also join together to invoke the Light on behalf of Humanity and all Life on this planet. The Company of Heaven has given us wonderful and very powerful tools to help us reprogram ourselves. I would like to share one of them with you now. This exercise will help us to release the fragmented and fear-based thoughtforms from our lower human egos. It will help us to give our I AM Presences, full dominion of our lives. THE NEW TECHNOLOGY OF THE VIOLET FLAME The 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Violet Flame allow us to easily download programs or patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of our Father-Mother God that we would like to manifest in our lives. We begin with an invocation, then we decide what programs we want to download and ask our I AM Presence to assist us. The downloading occurs instantly and automatically, very similar to the way the process occurs when we put a disc with a new program into our computer. After the program is downloaded, our I AM Presence uses the technology of the Violet Flame to scan all of our records, memories, belief systems, fears, blocks, etc., from all time frames and dimensions both known and unknown. Any thought, word, action, or feeling that we have ever expressed in any lifetime that conflicts with the new program is identified, transmuted, and deleted. We also have the ability to download programs for our families, our friends, and all Humanity. All we have to do is invoke their I AM Presence and ask that the program be downloaded according to their Divine Plan. For our collective purposes here, the Beings of Light have grouped the programs we are going to download together according to subject matter. We are also going to invoke our families, friends, and the entire Family of Humanity. The first step involves invoking our Father-Mother God, our I AM Presence, and the I AM Presence of all Humanity: DOWNLOADING PROGRAMS FROM THE CAUSAL BODY OF GOD Through the Presence of God, I AM, I Invoke: My Father-Mother God, My I AM Presence, the I AM Presences of ALL Humanity, and the entire Company of Heaven. I invoke the full-gathered momentum of the 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame. I ask the I AM Presence of each member of my family, my friends, and the entire Family of Humanity to downloaded these programs for each person according to his or her highest good and their individual Divine Plans: And I begin... Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for the Infinite Flow of God’s Abundance, Opulence, Financial Freedom, and the God-Supply of ALL good things. (pause) The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Eternal Youth, Vibrant Health, Radiant Beauty, and Slim, Firm, Flawless Form. (pause) The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Perfect Health Habits including Eating and Drinking Habits, Exercise Habits, Work Habits, Relaxation and Recreation Habits, Spiritual Devotion, Meditation, and Contemplation Habits. (pause) The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Divine Family Life, Loving Relationships, Adoration, Divine Love, Divine Sexuality, True Understanding, Clear and Effective Communication, Open Heart Sharing, Oneness, and the Unification of the Family of Humanity. (pause) The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Eternal Peace, Harmony, Balance, and Reverence for ALL Life. (pause) The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Self-Empowerment, Success, Fulfillment, Divine Purpose, A Rewarding Career, Self Esteem, Spiritual Development, Enlightenment, Divine Consciousness, and Divine Perception. (pause) The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for the Perception and Open Heart and Mind Telepathic Communication with the Company of Heaven and the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms. (pause) The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Inspired Creativity through Music, Singing, Sound, Toning, Dance, Movement, Art, and Education. (pause) The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Laughter, Joy, Playfulness, Fun, Self-expression, Elation, Enthusiasm, Bliss, Ecstasy, Wonder, and Awe. (pause) The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for the physical manifestation of Heaven on Earth. (pause) The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause) I now ACCEPT and KNOW through every fiber of my Being that these programs from the Causal Body of God have been successfully downloaded. I also ACCEPT and KNOW that my I AM Presence will update these programs every single day and continually delete anything in my Being that conflicts with these programs. In deep Humility, Divine Love and Gratitude I Decree, It is done. And so it is. Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM. Patricia Diane Cota-Robles New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization Website:
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Triad Love Portals Meditation from Metatron

I am Lord Metatron. This third of the Triad Portals of Love opened today. A vortex of energy has opened today which is the final release of love pulsing in from the Central Sun, through each Planet and Star System in your Galaxy. This intense energy will continue over the next three days. There is a burst of energy coming through the Sirius Star System, which is a trinary system which includes Earth. All of the energy pulsing through is being concentrated on Earth from the Suns in our Milky Way Galaxy. This coincides with the Ones leaving through the Scorpi Black Hole. The burst of love will be too profoundly powerful for their low density to remain. This burst of love is the energy necessary to exact such an enormous change. This energy is one which can heal anything which still needs healing in the next three days. If you are still, you will feel it merging with you through your heart. I will facilitate this healing and you may do this meditation as often as you like to clear all lower energies from your Being as we prepare for the final phase which is disclosure and the acknowledgement that we are a Galactic Society and always have been. We are Sovereign. We are Free. As this profound portal energy opens up onto everything on Earth, I begin this meditation with a Blessing. Take deep slow breaths and allow yourself to relax. Know that this is a Healing which is available to all who ask and allow. Be Still And Receive This Blessing Of All Blessings And Activation Of All Activations Now, If You Would Like To Receive It. See Pink Platinum Light coming to you, into your crown chakra. This Blessing is the balance of Love and Wisdom telepathically transfered from Metatron to the 20 + 4 Elders which surround the Throne of Grace. This is done through the Language of Light from the 352nd Dimension, from the Ashram of Metatron. As this is done, now receive a second Blessing of unfathomable magnitude. There is a Cosmic clearing and purification. We have moved beyond the beyond by the Grace of Metatron. Feel the deep penetrating love and light in every one of your trillions of cells. Feel the love moving the kundalini energy up through your body. It is complete. New Earth is anchored in. The crystalline grid surrounding Earth pulses with 5th Dimensional energies. All that have not passed their tests will leave to another place; parallel Earth, another Planet, or out to the Void beyond the Void where all is released back to Creation and is no more. We are on the New Timeline. Be In Joy! Know that the rejoining with your Galactic family is in process and nothing can stop it from happening Now. With you here are the Angelics, Galactics, and Ascended Masters who have been with you hundreds of millions of years. You have All completed the Master Plan Together. We will all be back on Earth, together now. Beloved Presence of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Cosmic Council of Twelve, Twenty-Four Elders that surround the Throne of Grace, the Mahatma, Melchizedek, Metatron, Mother Sekhmet, Archangels Michael and Faith, all Elohim Councils of the Light of God, Archangels of the Tree of Life, all the Archangels and Angels of the Light of God, Hyos Ha Kodoish, Paradise Sons, all The Monads and Oversouls of the over six billion Souls incarnated on Earth at this time, Great Divine Director, Melchior, Lord and Lady of Sirius, Lenduce, Vywamus, Lord and Lady of Arcturus and The Arcturians, Sanat Kumara, Lady Venus, Atlanto, Adonis, Archangel Sandalphon, Helios and Vesta, Ashtar and the Asthar Command, Archangels Jophiel and Christine, Chamuel and Charity, Gabriel and Hope, Raphael and Mother Mary, Uriel and Aurora, Zadkiel and Amethyst, Elohim Hercules and Amazonia, Apollo and Lumina, Heros and Amora, Purity and Astrea, Cyclopia and Virginia, Peace and Aloha, Arcturus and Victoria, Mahachohan, Allah Gobi, Lord Buddha, Babaji, Yogananda, Sri Yukteswar, Lahiri Mahasaya, Zoser, Dr. Lorphan and all The Galactic Healers, Platinum Angels, Sai Baba, Rama, Krishna, Lady Masters, Lady Helena, Isis, Horus, Osiris, Quan Yin, Pallas Athena, Portia, Vista, Lady Nada, Lakshmi, the Six Buddhas of Activity, El Morya, Kuthumi, Lord Maitreya, Djwhal Khul, Office of the Christ, Office of The Divine Mother, all Initiates and Disciples from the Synthesis Ashram and all Seven Ray Ahsrams of the Christ, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, Saint Germain, Eagle Command, Celestial Command, Order of the Golden Robe, the Mountain of Mt. Shasta, the Earth Mother, Dolphins and Whales, Pan, Animal Kingdom, Plant Kingdom, Mineral Kingdom, the Devic and Nature Spirits, the Elemental Kingdom, Ganesha, the Manifestation Council, Divine Mother, Silent Watcher of the Cosmos, Lady NESARA, Lady of the Sun, Lady Liberty, Lady of the Light, the Native American Master Elders, Hanuman, Multi-Universal Logos, Interplanetary Confederation of Love and Light, the Extraterrestrial Guardian Alliance, Tribunal Council of the Galactic Command, the Goddess Lodge, the Christed ET Lodge, the Eastern Masters Lodge, the Occult Western Lodge, the Entire Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy, the Core Group and Friends. We Are One and It Is Done. Peace. ~Metatron Beth and Mark
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All, I wanted to share this great information with you.


Initiations ----------- Initiations are path how you get closer to God, how you grow your person and how to rise consciusness permanetly. They are spiritual path to God from planetary system to highest level, Paradise. When you pass the sixth initiation, there is no turning back. You cannot fall because you are perfect and not be able to do conscious mistakes. Ascension does not stop after completing planetary ascension. I think that there are 343 levels what we have to evolve and 441 initiations what we have to pass. First is planetary ascension, then comes solar ascension, then comes galactic ascension, then comes universal ascension, then comes super universal ascension and finally Paradise ascension. There are more initiations than levels what we have to evolve. There are 7 subplanes in every cosmic and universal plane, but there are 9 dimensions in every larger plane. Initiations and dimensions are together, it makes 441 initiations. Moving from cosmic physical level to cosmic astral level takes 9 initiations. Completing planetary ascension is just 1/47 of whole ascension. Every main initiation is split in 7 subinitiations or sections.There are no separate dimensions for the subinitiations. There are 3087 subinitations in whole ascension from planetary "birthing place" to Father. In physical world, the 7 first initiations are most important. You concentrate on them. You get more and more truthful information and understanding in every initiation. The undestanding you get is not just related to initiations but also about undestanding of your abilities and how to use your higher bodies and chakras. Usually, when someone passes initiation it's informed with inner guidance. Universal (ascended) Master - the 441st initiation Cosmic (ascended) master - the 63th initiation Ascended master - 6th initiation Adept - the 5th initition Arhat - the 4th initiation Initiate - the 3th initiation Disciple - the 1st and the 2nd initiation Spiritual Aspirant - Path of probation Human who is unaware of his or hers connection to own soul - not stepped on the initiation path yet


Path of Probation - Spiritual aspirant -------------------------------------- Path of Probation is before path of initiation and it is important time in life when spiritual aspirant sets him or herself to side of constructive and developing forces. Spiritual aspirant does serve good not bad. He or she does become to develop spiritually. Spiritual aspirant is teached to know own self and to get rid of weaknesses. The basics about wisdom are teached. Spiritual aspirant goes to higher levels at night to receive teaching. The person who is stepped to spiritual path gets much teaching, but he or she doesn't may not notice that. The spiritual aspirants intellectual activity is increased and he's or her's capacity to understand purpose of hierarchy and higher plan grows. Required for passing this inititation: * Will to get rid of weaknesses * Setting yourself to side of good


First initiation - Disciple --------------------------- The key teaching in the first initiation is mastery over physical body. The body should be in the service of the soul. Control over the physical body should have reached very high level. Drugs or alcohol should not control the person who is in spiritual path. Basics to the right kind of an living, thinking and self control are reachedin this initiation. Some basic principles of God consciousness also starts to rule the disciple. The 1st initiation shows that the seed of the soul life is planted and grows. Throat chakra is stimulated in 1st initiation. Required for passing this initiation: * Self control (mastery of physical body)


Second initiation - Disciple ---------------------------- The key teaching in the second initiation mastery over the astral body. This is often most difficult initiation to pass ja sometimes takes many incarnations. However, it's not so hard to pass for those who are willing to become masters and are serious about spiritual path. Those people will pass the 2nd initiation more quickly. 2nd initiation is related to sacrifice and death of negative desire. The lower nature is being controlled. Astral body becomes pure and serene. Required for passing this initiation: * Self control (mastery of emotional body) * Willing and taking action to get rid of negativity * Willing and taking action to get rid of negative desire


Third initiation - Initiate --------------------------- The third initiation is mastery over mental body. Initiate´s consciousness does rise to mental plane and he or she learns much about priciples of god consciousness. Bodies of person becomes very enlightened and he or she is not controlled by lower nature or negative desire anymore. The soul becomes dominant. Mind is very responsive to ideas, intuitions and impulses coming from soul and the initiate also becames to receive direct guidance from the monad. Accumulation of right information is fast.z Light level required for 3th initiation is 56%. Third eye is stimulated in this initiation. Required for passing this initiation: * Light level 56% * Self control (mastery of mental body) * No judging anyone * Accepting all beings


The Fourth initiation - Arhat ----------------------------- The fourth initiation is mastery over buddhic body. Arhat does serve God, monads and good of the whole. He or she does destroy negative selfishness. God and monad are teachers of arhat. The fourth initiation is liberation from rebirth. In this initiation soul becomes unneeded. You become your monad, your higher self, but you dont't fusiate completely yet. Monad does connect to your heart chakra. In the heart chakra, you feel oneness with your monad. In the fourth initiation you get god consciousness, the consciousness of the monad which is huge step. In the fourth initiation, the level of the consciousness does rise to atmic plane. To pass this initiation you can't think bad. Total freedom from all bad is required, you have to be perfectly good. The fourth initiation is total surrender to will of God and monad. Arhat is the master of the wisdom and lord of compassion. Required for passing this initiation: * Light level 62% * Free from all hate * No thinking bad at all ever * Love, "I am love" * Receiving eternal life * Surrender to God's and monad's will


The fifth initiation - Adept ---------------------------- The fifth initiation is fusiating with your eternal self, monad and mastery over atmic body. You think, visualize and feel that you are your monad and god. In the fifth initiation you reach atmic level. In the fifth initiation you get whole feeling level and and consciousness of your monad. It is big step in your evolution! Your consciousness does rise to monadic level. You don't think negative thoughts. You have freedom from blindness. You believe in God perfectly and you don't have doubts about right path. Your will does merge with your monads will for eternal times. You do what God and your monad want you to do. Required to pass the 5th initiation: * Light level 75%. * Total surrender to God and to your monad * Agreement that "Yes what my monad does want" * Willingness to serve good of wholeness and the highest purpose


The Sixth initiation - Ascended master -------------------------------------- The sixth initiation is mastery over monadic body. In this initiation you will become officially an ascended master. Master is free from law of karma. Master can't think imperfect on purpose. Consciousness of master is perfect joy, love and happiness. You are perfect. You are god and you understand that we all are gods. Person who passes the seventh initiation is teacher, but everyone does not have to be teacher in visible way. You can attain physical immortality if you want. * Light level required to pass the 6th initiation is 80% * No imperfect thoughts


The Seventh initiation ---------------------- The seventh initiation is highest initiation can be taken in this physical level and mastery over logoic body. Master controls all seven rays. Consciousness rises to logoic plane. Crown chackra is stimulated in this initiation. Many seventh level initiates does become teachers in visible way. You get teaching about your god abilities in the seventh initiation. Making miracles becomes reality for master if it is his or hers path. Learning about god abilities was theme in my seventh initiation. The seventh initiation is commitment to service work what God and your monad wants. *Light level required to pass the 7th initiation is 92% -----------------------------------------------------------------


Abilities begin with 5th, 6th and 7th initiations: God abilities ------------ Your monad does have god abilities. You have the same abilities! Learn to use them. Ability to remove negative bacteria from physical body. Ability to remove negative energies from personality, bodies and from planet. Ability to remove black lights from bodies and from planet. Ability to remove wrong electrons from physical body and from place. Ability to remove bad, negative, unwise and stupid things from person, from mind and from feeling level Ability to remove sad, hate, unsane and negative fear things from person, from mind and from feeling level Ability to remove glamour Ability to remove negative separation Ability to remove negative karma Ability to rejuvenate physical cells. Ability to clear person from bad, negative, unwise, stupid talking Ability to clear person from all negative fearing Ability to heal person Ability to heal personality Ability to heal bodies Ability to heal mind Ability to balance bodies Ability to convert energies to perfect Ability to transform bodies to their highest form Ability to give perfect energies to bodies and to world Ability to give perfect lights to bodies, to mind and to world Ability to balance weather Ability to bless food Ability to increase size of too small body part Ability to decrease size of to too big body part

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Melchizedek Ambassador's Training Program

Reconnect to your Divine Self in the Order of Melchizedek (special thanks to Yamile Jana (a Melchizedek high priestess) for originally finding this) Program by Anrita Melchizedek-Choun 01a_mat.mp3
Working From Shamballa.mp3
Love & Light, Chris / Qan Melchizedek 1A – Overview of The Melchizedek Ambassadors Training Program (The MAT Program) Introduction by the Mahatma Welcome, Master Beings of Love and Light. As we share in this world play that unfolds for Humanity as collectively you enter into a new Golden Age, we bring to your attention the need to focus on the Divinity of yourselves and the Divine Equality of all Life. For all Life is created equal in magnificence through the Illumination of Source Light and, simply, the Cosmic Consciousness awareness, and the recognition of one’s Divinity to the Source of All That Is, is the only thing that differs. The energy of the first ray of Will and Power through the focused intent of the third ray of Divine Intelligence is the all embracing energy of your Planet and that of Divine Equality; and the energy which will allow you to shift into Solar Christ Consciousness andthe second ray of Love-Wisdom. Although your Sun and Solar System holds the Monadic focus of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, all rays are imbued with the second ray qualities of Love and Wisdom and we, the Mahatma, are the Director of the tenth ray of Divinity for this Cosmic day, as well as embodying all 352 levels back to the Source of All That Is for this Cosmic day. The tenth ray of Divinity, one of the twelve that are stepped down in frequency to your Earth plane, embodies the qualities of the first, second and third rays – of Power, Love and Wisdom, with one of the Highest Quotients of Source Light possible to experience within this Cosmic day. The energy of the twelve rays is an incredible blessing from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God to lift all Life into Multi-Universal Melchizedek Consciousness and the place of your individualized birth. The MAT Program, which has been developed with the co-creative levels of Creation is a way for you to again experience the essence of your individualized birth whilst in physical embodiment on this Earth plane. For this system of energy will take you through all dimensional levels available to you through the Cosmic physical and Cosmic astral planes, until you again come into ninth dimensional Melchizedek Consciousness and the Divine Unfolding Love of Mother/Father God on a Multi-Universal level. The essence of truly coming home will initially be done through the spiritualization of matter, which is a new concept to this Earth plane. For previously, in becoming the integrated aspect of your Christed Overself of the Light or mighty I Am Presence, which is the completion of your sixth initiation, you either ascended in your physical body, in which your physical body became a garment of white Light; or more often than not, you left the physical body behind. If you ascended in your physical body, your blood changed to liquid golden Light, and your chakras blended in one unified chakra column of Light, referred to as the “Ascension Flame”, or “Cosmic Fire”. Now, in The MAT Program, you will raise the atomic vibratory level of the physical body in order to create a radiant, etheric electronic body of Light, which will be called your physical ascension, and commences from the sixth initiation. And following this, you will have the ability to take your perfected physical body with you as you potentially travel in your activated Light Body beyond the common light barrier for your Cosmic initiations, and this is what will be referred to as your Spiritual ascension. Most of you will choose to remain in form on this Earth plane following your physical ascension as Melchizedek Ambassadors of Light, and as such, your training will continue you are undergo the start of your Cosmic initiations into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God as a High Priest to the Order of Melchizedek. Once this fourth dimensional system of energy is complete, you will have the opportunity to choose one of the Seven Paths to Higher Evolution. And, we are hoping that through this training, you will do so in your physical body. We have further reviewed the initiations of Humanity as they have been taken prior to this time in order to create levels of integration that all Humanity can undergo. In the Alice Bailey teachings, co-created by Djwhal Khul, and later expanded upon by Dr. Joshua David Stone, most of the Masters who ascended to the inner planes had not moved much beyond the fourth to sixth initiations. Now, by the year 2012, every man, women and child who has chosen to become their Higher Light on this Earth plane, will collectively undergo their sixth and then seventh initiation respectively, due to the first seven initiations being represented as a third dimensional system of energy. The mass consciousness of Humanity, and over half the population, will collectively merge with their Christed Overselves of the Light, or mighty I Am Presence, as they exist on the ninth dimension, as well as become Melchizedek Ambassadors of Light to the Order of Melchizedek. Of course, in essence, each atom and molecule in this Universe, one of the 43 Christed Universes within this Cosmic day, is a Melchizedek Ambassador of Light. What this means is that all Life holds the Divine original eight-cell blueprint with these encodings of their own wonderful Higher Light as co-creators to the Company of Heaven. However, you lost the essence of this Divinity through your Fall from Grace many millions of years ago. You gave your power away at that time, worshipping those you considered greater than yourselves through lack of wisdom and lack of mental illumination, and thus it came to pass that you took on the cosmic karmic patterns of that reality and the earthly ego allurements of Humanity. Now, how can it be that one Being is greater than another if YOU are the Source of All Creation, just experiencing different co-creative aspects of your multidimensional Selves. The sense of duality, which has taken you down the path of separation, was an experiment of the past created at an atomic level of consciousness – so you could truly come to reclaim your personal power, and come into reverence for all Life in Divine Equality and through Service in Love. However, cosmic evil, who until August 21, 1996, were very much part of your playgroup if you were still choosing to experience the aspects of who you were not, were influencing you to experience illusionary aspects of this Creation. The victim and persecutor role has been perfected, and the martyrs are not the energy we wish to embrace in this new Golden Age. What we are saying is this: cosmic evil no longer exists, you have moved off the Wheel of Karma onto the Spiral of Forward Evolution, and as Mother/Father God forgave the world their sins on September 22, 1996, you are karma free from this point. You have already come into ONE UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS, and the martyr aspects of yourselves that are still tuning into the old false beliefs such as the need to experience pain and fear in order to experience courage, compassion, Love, and so on, are no longer appropriate. Your present reality is based on your future and not your past, and only your sub-conscious mind and negative ego is struggling with this concept. Do not go down the broken heart based spirals of fear and pain, chaos and confusion, but rather recognize the Light and magnificence and preciousness of your Beingness at this now moment in time. You are an incredible magical Master Being and Melchizedek Ambassador of Light and through your Light upon this Earth plane you will lead the way for all Humanity to become their Higher Light on this Earth plane and experience the wonder of their true nature as Master Beings of Love and Light and Melchizedek Ambassadors of Light. For as you undergo the Planetary and Cosmic initiations as physical vessels of Light, all Humanity will potentially become their Higher Light on this Earth plane, as their Higher Selves of the Light and their Christed Overselves of the Light. By the Grace of God, and the unparalleled, unprecedented activities of Light taking place on your Earth plane, Humanity collectively undertook their third initiation on August 11, 1999, during the Solar Eclipse over Northern America and Europe, in which your mental bodies were further cleared of the earthly ego allurements and cosmic karmic patterns and the Soul merge occurred with your Primal Souls of the Light. These individualized Soul rays contain aspects of your original Divine eight-cell blueprint, and exist in the Solar Core of your Sun under the directorship of Helios and Vesta, your Solar Logoi. Furthermore, on June 21, 2001, during the Solar Eclipse over Southern Africa, Humanity collectively underwent their fourth initiation, choosing to become the integrated aspects of their Higher Selves of the Light, as they exist in the etheric of Sirius. This has been made possible through our energy, which first spiraled onto this Earth plane at the first Harmonic Convergence on August 15-17, 1987. At the Harmonic Convergence, the six Cosmic rays were able to come into this quadrant of the Galaxy, bringing in the highest Quotient of Source Light ever to be experienced by Humanity at this time. However, this energy was only partially anchored, and this anchoring was completed on April 23, 1994, through a powerful Galactic alignment of Light between Sirius and your Earth. At this time, on April 23, 1994, Humanity shifted to the third level of Christ Consciousness – and this activity of Light was the initial energy that allowed the third and fourth initiations of Humanity to be undertaken. In addition, through the complete anchoring of the Cosmic rays, your Immortal genes, two additional chromosomes, were etherically reactivated. This means that you now have 46 chromosomes plus two additional etheric chromosomes, which are waiting to be physically activated.Also, at the time of the first Harmonic Convergence, through our energy, an additional five Ashrams housing the five higher rays were activated, which served in no small part for the Cosmic rays to be partially anchored. These Cosmic rays are in fact higher aspects of these twelve rays, with a focus on different rays. They will be activated and available for Humanity to use from December 21, 2012, as you collectively undergo the seventh initiation at this time, as well as shift through the null zone and into the Photon Band at 22:22, the sacred numbers reflecting Solar Christ Consciousness. At this time, you will activate your Light Body and the Light Body of Mother Earth to a fourth dimensional frequency, and enter into the Golden Age of Aquarius and Solar Christ Consciousness. No pole shift will occur, and huge parts of your world will not disappear before or at this time. The understanding of dimensions is something that we would like to be clear on. There is no fifth dimension Humanity is entering into, and you will spend much time in fourth dimensional existence before shifting to the fifth dimension. Now, the first levels of this fourth dimensional plane are already being experienced by you as you have completed many of your initiations and are anchoring more this Higher Light on the Earth plane, which is then magnified a thousand fold, a thousand times, creating” pockets” of this energy in and around your Planet. The first level of fourth dimensional consciousness was collectively experienced by Humanity on January 26, 1991, when the circuitry of the five higher earthly rays was activated. However, to a lesser degree, the consciousness of the third dimensional existence still exists on this Earth plane and will do so until all Humanity, within the Cosmic Law of Free Will, collectively becomes their Higher Light on this Earth plane and shifts into One Unity Consciousness and reverence for all Life. And this decision is set to occur in the year 2012. Once this is complete, and from this time, it will be possible to experience your higher initiations along a fourth dimensional system of energy. Although many of you, as high level initiates, are already experiencing this! Now, for the sake of energy systems, let us say that the first seven initiations relate to a third dimensional system of energy which are undertaken on the Cosmic physical plane, and that initiations eight to fourteen relate to a fourth dimensional system of energy, undertaken on the Cosmic astral plane, which may give you a perspective on how to view these concepts – which can only be viewed and implemented from a linear perspective. Of these fourteen initiations, we can say that at this stage, it is possible you may not be able to get much beyond the ninth initiation – that of Solar Christ Consciousness. This is due to the ring-passeth-nots existing around each dimension, and the fact that these dimensional vibrations lock you into a particular dimension until the Monadic Consciousness of each dimension or your own Monadic levels, shift to a higher dimensional frequency. However, when you are ready to travel to these higher dimensions, which you will potentially undertake in your activated Light Body, we will present you with certain codes and fibonacci sequences, which may allow you to travel interdimensionally through portals of Divine Light, or Stralim radiation, in your activated Light Bodies, for brief periods of time. Prior to this though, you will undergo your training as a High Priest to the Order of Melchizedek through Soul traveling to the Halls of Amenti in your Divine body of Light, and particularly from the third to the ninth dimensions, within this curved space and smaller dimensional pockets of space existing within your hollow Earth and found near the center of your Earth. The key of course will be getting into the Halls of Amenti! Think of this Priesthood training as the seven sub-levels of the seventh initiation, which will be undertaken through the Order of Melchizedek. Can you imagine the incredible experiences that initiates underwent in ancient Egypt. For example, after twenty-four years of training they were placed in the King’s sarcophagus in the Great Pyramid of Giza. If they could access these dimensions through their related interdimensional portals, they Soul traveled through the Halls of Amenti as well as beyond the vibration of Earth. In fact, in ancient Egypt in 1500 B.C., the personality aspect of us was King Akhenaten! We so enjoyed these Mystery School teachings that we were to have 27 lifetimes there! The ancient Mystery School teachings which are Overlighted by Lord Melchizedek are the teachings that are coming back to Humanity so you too can experience these higher initiations again – for you have done this previously in ancient Egypt, and certainly in the Golden Ages of Atlantis and possibly even Lemuria. The Halls of Amenti contain within them frequencies of Cosmic Consciousness not unlike the frequencies accessed through your dimensional portals and all nine dimensional levels available to you. As you undergo the seven levels of your training to the Priesthood, you will build what we will call multidimensional bodies of Light, which are directly related to the Halls of Amenti, as well as the twelve earthly rays, the six Cosmic rays, and your interdimensional portals from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively. These multidimensional bodies of Light and vibrational frequencies must be created if you wish to become a High Priest to the Order of Melchizedek, and further, if you wish to experience the possibility of activating your Light Body from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively, in order to experience the start of your Cosmic initiations. In fact this was a regular part of your adept training until the loss of the five higher earthly rays, which occurred in approximately 1500 B.C., ending our seventeen and a half year reign as the first Pharaoh of Egypt. Due to this and the undue influence of cosmic evil, most of these multidimensional memories pertaining to your Highest Potential were lost until the last thirty years or so of your Earth time, until the initial reanchoring of the five higher earthly rays on August 7,1972. Let us consider for a moment the concept of the Light Body or Merkaba, which is an interesting one – Mer, means counter-rotating, Ka, spirit and Ba, body or reality. The counter rotating fields of light of the Merkaba create this Vehicle of Light, which when fully activated, extends 54 feet in diameter around you, with an inner energy field extending 27 feet in diameter around you. The activation of your Light Body will assist you to experience aspects of the five levels of Christ Consciousness - of which the first three levels are currently being experienced on this Earth plane - as well as the vibration of Melchizedek Consciousness. The field extending 54 feet in diameter around you relates to your ninth dimension portal, and Melchizedek Consciousness, a vibration beyond Christ Consciousness 1. The inner sphere of your Light Body, existing 10.5 feet above and below your body, or 27 feet in diameter around you, connects you to the first level of Melchizedek Consciousness 2. The Light Body activation is created through using the sacred geometry of three superimposing star tetrahedrons at the third level of Christ Consciousness, various fibonacci spirals and spinning of the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons at certain fibonacci sequences whilst the etheric body star tetrahedron remains stationary over the body. Drunvalo Melchizedek has shared amazing information on your Planet through an understanding of the ancient wisdom of all Life through sacred geometry, and Mystery School teachings focused on Atlantis and Egypt. Now you again have the opportunity to experience these Mystery School teachings Overlighted by your own wonderful Higher Light, the Order of Melchizedek and all these different and most incredible Beings of Light who have been involved in the Forward Evolution of Humanity for a very, very long time. For these higher initiations, eight to fourteen, you have the potential to travel faster than the speed of common light through wormholes or light cones energized by grids of Stralim radiation in your own activated Light Bodies from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively, as you work with the Cosmic rays, and experience the Monadic merging of the appropriate Soul rays at each dimensional level. For most of you, it will not be likely that you can activate your Light Bodies much beyond the fourth dimension until you enter Solar Christ Consciousness on December 21, 2012. It is also possible that you may not experience this gift; these Light Body activations to the higher dimensions that can loosely be described as hyperspace travel in your physical body beyond the speed of common light. However, you will still experience these Cosmic energies, either in your physical body, or through Soul travel to these higher dimensions. And you have previously traveled in this way, in which you do literally and physically disappear from this dimension – and since June 21, 2001, you have been able to activate your Light Bodies to the frequency of the fourth dimension without disappearing. This came about through working with the Bermuda Triangle and the unveiling of the Etheric Records of Atlantis – and the main reason we can bring you these teachings, and take you through the Halls of Amenti. The dimensional levels pertaining to these first seven of your Cosmic initiations and undertaken on the Cosmic astral plane are Overlighted by: Lord Buddha and Shamballa, Helios and Vesta, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light under Lord Melchizedek, and Mother/Father God, at a Multi-Universal level of Melchizedek Consciousness. The fourth to the eight dimensional levels of Consciousness further Overlight the five levels of Christ Consciousness, and as we have mentioned, the ninth dimension takes you into Melchizedek Consciousness. This ninth dimension is also the dimension on which we exist, as one of the Twelve Directors of this Cosmic day. Beyond this dimension is God; the undifferentiated Source of All Creation, Who has Created an infinite number of Cosmic days and an infinite number of co-creative Councils of Twelve for an infinite number of Universes, Galaxies, and Solar Systems. Each Cosmic day as you may well know is 4.3 billion years, and you have currently 1.3 billion years to go in this Cosmic day, which will then be followed by a Cosmic night. The Melchizedek Ambassadors Training Program (The MAT Program) follows on from The Pleiadian Light Body DNA Activation Program. In The Pleiadian Light Body DNA Activation Program, you work with specific Ascension Coning Members to clear your judgments and issues; and to become your Higher Light on this Earth plane through the merging and integration of your Higher Self of the Light, and your Christed Overself of the Light. These Ascension Coning Members are the Christed One, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, the Brotherhood of the Light, the Overlighting Deva of Healing, Pan and your Higher Light. They are the same Ascension Coning Members you will work with in The MAT Program, along with the Arcturian Emissaries of Light and the Mahatma. In The Pleiadian Light Body DNA Activation Program, you are further guided to assist in the ascension process of this Earth plane into the Golden Age of Aquarius. Working with the star tetrahedron in specific breathing patterns, you are given techniques to activate your own Light Body to the speed of light, to the frequency of the fourth dimension, and to assist the Planetary and Cosmic Spiritual Hierarchy in activating the Light Body of Mother Earth to this same frequency. The first nine of these eighteen breaths that will assist in activating your Light Body to the speed of light, work with breathing through a fluorescent tube of Light, and connecting interdimensionally with the frequencies of these different dimensions, from the first to the ninth dimensions respectively. The next five breaths work with the star tetrahedronal shape and the last four breaths that will activate your Light Body to the speed of light, work with creating counter rotating fields of light using this star tetrahedronal shape. Each of these dimensions holds a specific frequency and allows you to connect to your Higher Light on these different dimensions, as well as to the frequency of the different Beings of Light you work with. The first dimensional portal connects you to Mother Earth and the first dimension. The second dimensional portal connects you to the second dimension and the realm of nature spirit intelligence. The third dimensional portal connects you to the third dimension, to Earth, Overlighted by Sanat Kumara, the bridge to Solar Christ Consciousness, Lord Buddha, the Planetary Logos, and the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy in Shamballa under Lord Maitreya, the Planetary Christ. The fourth dimensional portal connects you to the frequency of the fourth dimension, to your Primal Soul of the Light, the Sun, and Helios and Vesta, the Solar Logoi. The fifth dimensional portal connects you to the fifth dimension, the Pleiades and the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light. The sixth dimensional portal connects you to the sixth dimension, your Higher Self of the Light, to Sirius, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, and Brotherhood of the Light members working from the Great White Lodge, as well as Melchior the Galactic Logos. The seventh dimensional portal connects you to the seventh dimension, to Andromeda, and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light. The eighth dimensional portal connects you to the eighth dimension, to Orion, Lord Melchizedek, the Universal Logos, and the Universal Ashram of the Brotherhood of the Light and the Order of Melchizedek. The ninth dimensional portal connects you to the ninth dimension through a Spiritual portal in Omega Orion to your Christed Overself of the Light, or mighty I Am Presence, Mahatma, and to Mother/Father God. In The MAT Program, you initially work with the first seven initiations, and the first seven rays, before moving onto your Priesthood training and then Cosmic initiations eight to fourteen. The first initiation takes place in the Ascension Seat in Mt. Shasta, California, occurring on the physical/etheric plane, and relates to the Chohans St. Germain and Lady Portia. Overlighted by Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst, and Elohim Arcturus and Victoria, St. Germain and Lady Portia will bring through the ray of Ceremonial Magic, with the seventh ray qualities of ritual and magic, diplomacy, freedom, strength, courtesy and self-reliance, and anchor these qualities in a violet color through your sacral center, which is the energy center related to the seventh ray. You will also work with the etheric body star tetrahedron, and the etheric body Healing Coning Members prior to this, in order to master this first initiation; control over the physical body. The second initiation occurs on the emotional/astral plane and relates to mastery over the emotional body. For this initiation, you will travel to the Ascension Seat in Telos, the underground city two miles beneath Mt. Shasta, where you will work with the qualities of the sixth ray under the guidance of Sananda (Jesus the Christ) and Lady Nada. Overlighted by Archangel Uriel and Aurora, and Elohim Peace and Aloha, Sananda and Lady Nada will bring through the ray of Devotion and Idealism with the qualities of devotion, idealism, reverence, tenderness, intuition and loyalty, and anchor these qualities in an indigo color in your solar plexus center, the energy center related to these ray qualities. You will further work with the emotional body star tetrahedron, and the emotional body Healing Coning Members, in order to master this second initiation; the sacrifice and death of desire. For your third initiation, which occurs on the mental plane of consciousness, you will travel to the Ascension Seat in Table Mountain, Wyoming, USA, called The Atomic Accelerator, and work with the mastery of the mental body in order to undergo the Soul merge with your Primal Soul of the Light. The Chohan Hilarion oversees this initiation. Overlighted by Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary and Elohim Cyclopeia and Virginia, Hilarion will bring through the fifth ray qualities of keen intellect, attention to detail, independence, common sense and truth, and anchor this ray of Concrete Knowledge in an orange color through the third eye. For the completion of this initiation, you will merge with and integrate your Primal Soul of the Light, your individualized Soul ray holding aspects of your original Divine eight-cell blueprint and the down stepped vibration of your Higher Self of the Light, as you exist in the Solar Core Overlighted by Helios and Vesta. You will also work with the mental body star tetrahedron, and the mental body Healing Coning Members. For your fourth initiation, which is undertaken on the Buddhic plane of consciousness, you will experience the qualities of the fourth ray as it is brought through under the Chohan Paul the Venetian, Overlighted by Archangel Gabriel and Hope, and Elohim Purity and Astrea. Paul the Venetian will bring in the ray of Harmony through Conflict with the qualities of physical courage, quickness of intellect and perception, purity, beauty, generosity, strong affections, and devotion, and will anchor these qualities in an emerald green color through your base chakra. This initiation will take place in the Great Pyramid of Giza, and you will travel to the Ascension Seat in the Great Pyramid of Giza, to the King’s Chamber, and merge with the eleven Soul ray extensions, that with you, make up your Higher Self of the Light, as you exist on Sirius. You will then merge with, and integrate this aspect of your Soul level, your Higher Self of the Light. For your fifth initiation, which takes place on the Atmic plane of consciousness, you will travel to the Ascension Seat of Shamballa, situated etherically in the region of the Gobi Desert, and work with the first ray qualities of will and power under the Chohan El Morya. Overlighted by Archangel Michael and Faith, and Elohim Hercules and Amazonia, El Morya will bring through the ray of Will and Power with the qualities of will-to-good, individuality, vitality, singleness of purpose and clear vision, and anchor these qualities in a red color through your crown chakra, as this energy center relates to the first ray qualities. Following this, as your Higher Self of the Light, you work on strengthening your connection to your Christed Overself of the Light, your mighty I Am Presence, and come into a better understanding of Service in Love by working in Shamballa. For the sixth initiation, which takes place on the Monadic plane of consciousness, you will travel to the Ascension Seat in Serapis Bey’s Ascension Retreat in Luxor, Egypt, and work with the third ray qualities. Serapis Bey is the Chohan of this ray and Overlighted by Archangel Chamuel and Charity, and Elohim Heros and Amora, Serapis Bey will bring in the ray of Divine Intelligence through the qualities of mental illumination, capacity for concentration on philosophical studies, clear mindedness, sincerity of purpose, and patience and anchor these qualities in a beautiful yellow color through your throat center, the energy center related to these third ray qualities. You will then merge with the 143 Soul ray extensions that with yourself make up the 144 Soul ray extensions of your Christed Overself of the Light, your mighty I Am Presence. You will then integrate this Monadic level of your Higher Light, your Christed Overself of the Light. At this point, you will have achieved physical ascension and the ability to create an etheric electronic body of Light through the Monadic imprinting of your Higher Light. You will have truly become an Ascended Master on the Earth plane 3. For your seventh initiation, which occurs on the Logoic or Divine plane, you will travel to Melchizedek’s Golden Chamber Ascension Seat near the center of the middle Earth, and work with the ray of Love-Wisdom under the Chohan Kuthumi. Overlighted by Archangel Jophiel and Christine - known as Constance, and Elohim Apollo and Lumina, Kuthumi will bring through the second ray qualities of strength, patience, endurance, intuition, clear intelligence, radiance and faithfulness, and anchor these qualities in a blue color through your heart center, the energy center related to these second ray qualities and the seventh initiation. At this point, you will be initiated into the Order of Melchizedek as a Melchizedek Ambassador of Light. Following this, you will activate your Light Body or Merkaba and the Light Body of Mother Earth, to assist in the physical Planetary ascension of Mother Earth, and every atom and molecule on this Earth plane into the fourth dimensional Solar Christ Consciousness and Golden Age of Aquarius. This work is incredibly important to raise the Light Quotient of Humanity as they enter through the null zone and into the Photon Band to experience the second-ray of Love-Wisdom through the embrace of Helios and Vesta and further Overlighted by the Company of Heaven. Once the mass Consciousness of Humanity has shifted to this level of Light, between a 92 – 99% Planetary Light Quotient, set for the year 2012, at this time, or perhaps before, you will be ready to experience a fourth dimensional energy system which will allow you the possibility of completing the start of your higher initiations back to the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God whilst still in physical embodiment. To do so, you must first become a High Priest to the Order of Melchizedek. This entails building your multidimensional bodies of Light, through a Monadic focus and integration of the twelve rays according to Jacob’s ladder and their specific dimensional frequencies, as you Soul travel in your Divine body of Light through the Halls of Amenti from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively - considered as an energy system, the seven sub-levels of the seventh initiation. These initiations further form part of the Cosmic physical plane in which you have the ability to anchor up to a 10% Cosmic Light Quotient. The Halls of Amenti, built by 32 Children of Light after the original Fall from Grace, is a curved time space outside of your time space, found near the center of your Earth and beneath the Bermuda Triangle. These Children of Light warped space and as they bound it to Earth, formed the Halls of Amenti. It was further divided into nine smaller spaces, and within each exists a Cosmic Consciousness directly related to the nine dimensional levels available to all Life on this Earth plane. The multidimensional bodies of Light you are building as you undergo your training to the Priesthood are directly related to these dimensions, these pockets of space found in the Halls of Amenti, as well as the twelve earthly rays, the six Cosmic rays, and your interdimensional portals from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively. These multidimensional bodies of Light are your Planetary, Solar, Interstellar, Galactic, Intergalactic, Universal and Multi-Universal bodies respectively, and extend around you in diameter at the point of connection relative to your interdimensional portals. This first step to Priesthood and the building of your multidimensional bodies of Light requires anchoring your first 50 chakras, seven at a time, as well as creating the appropriate Cosmic energy fields and sacred geometries around the body relating to the twelve rays through an understanding of the Kabbalah and the Halls of Amenti. To anchor these 50 chakras, you will work with a fourth dimensional energy system, although still on the Cosmic physical plane, which is based on the understanding that these interdimensional portals, from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively, each hold the Monadic vibration of specific rays at each dimensional level, and are further related to the seven main chakras in the body. The base chakra relates to the frequency of the third dimension and the Monadic focus of the first and third rays of Will and Power and Divine Intelligence 4 respectively. The sacral chakra relates to the frequency of the fourth dimension and the Monadic focus of the second ray of Love-Wisdom. The solar plexus center relates to the frequency of the fifth dimension and the Monadic focus of the eighth ray of Transcendence. The heart center relates to the frequency of the sixth dimension and the Monadic focus of the ninth ray of Highest Potentials. The throat center relates to the frequency of the seventh dimension and the Monadic focus of the tenth ray of Divinity. The third eye relates to the frequency of the eighth dimension and the Monadic focus of the eleventh ray of Illumined Truth, and the crown chakra relates to the frequency of the ninth dimension and the Monadic focus of the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness. The Cosmic rays, which we will shortly discuss, hold the focus of these Monadic rays, although the Cosmic rays embody all twelve rays with this Monadic focus; and in building your multidimensional bodies of Light, you are focusing solely on the collective Source Light vibration of the prominent ray or rays found on these respective dimensions. For the complete training to the Priesthood, you will activate your Light Body to the speed of common light and then consciously Soul travel through the appropriate interdimensional portals to the Halls of Amenti. Furthermore, for the final initiation as The High Priest to the Order of Melchizedek, you will have the experience of bathing in the cold flames of the eternal Flower of Life found within the ninth dimension of Amenti in which the Immortal aspects of your Christed nature will again be activated. One of the keys to experiencing the training to the Priesthood is that you need to be able to access the Halls of Amenti, and pass beyond the three gatekeepers guarding each dimensional level. There are many entrances to the Halls of Amenti, such as Mt. Shasta, California, Shamballa, Tibet, the Giza Pyramid in Egypt, the Black Forest in Germany and the Atlas Mountains in Africa, to name a few; although you will access the Halls of Amenti through Melchizedek’s Golden Chamber Ascension Seat Overlighted by the Order of Melchizedek. For, sweet Melchizedek Ambassadors, the knowledge we share with you is ancient, and not for the uninitiated. To this end, the Order of Melchizedek has responded, and will ensure only the Children of the Light find their way into the Halls of Amenti. Once you have successfully passed beyond the gatekeepers, you will initially enter the blue-lighted Temple, which is the Great Hall of Amenti within which the seven Cosmic Lords of the seven dimensions, from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively, reside. These Great Cosmic Immortal and Eternal Beings – where Life and Death is not known, reside within this space while connected to the appropriate Cosmic frequencies from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively. They vibrate to the levels of Planetary, Solar, Interstellar, Galactic, Intergalactic, Universal and Multi-Universal Cosmic Consciousness frequencies respectively and are able to transmit these frequencies to the appropriate co-creative Councils of Twelve. When you are ready to undergo your Priesthood training through the seven sub-levels of the seventh initiation, these Great Lords will Overlight your journey through the appropriate dimensional pockets of space. At this point we digress slightly, in order to give you a better understanding of the five higher earthly rays, as many of you are familiar with the first seven, but not the five higher earthly rays, or the six Cosmic rays, which are in fact, higher expressions of the twelve earthly rays incorporating all twelve rays with a Monadic focus on different rays. To clarify a particular point, the twelve rays are not earthly rays, as they come from the Source of All Creation for this Cosmic day. However, as the Light Quotient building relative to Source Light is different at each dimensional level, we make this distinction. The five higher earthly rays, rays eight to twelve, carry a higher vibration than the seven rays with a Higher Quotient of Source Light. They do not have the dualities that exist within the first seven rays, and are affecting the seven rays through their Higher Light Quotient. In doing so, these five higher rays are not only shifting the consciousness of Humanity into One Unity Consciousness, but the higher attributes of the first seven rays are now being anchored within your first seven bodies, in addition to the five higher earthly rays. The five higher rays were re-anchored onto your Earth plane on August 7, 1972, although the circuitry for these rays to be activated was only completed on January 26, 1991. The actualization of these five higher rays will take place on December 21, 2012, or through your first eight initiations. These five higher rays are having an amazing influence on the anchoring and activating of your own wonderful Higher Light and in the actualization of your true nature as Master Beings of Love and Light and Christ Conscious Beings of Light. The eighth ray of Transcendence is a beautiful expansive ray in a luminescent seafoam green and violet, and is composed of the fourth ray, the fifth ray and the seventh ray, combined with a Higher Quotient of Source Light. The word “transcend” is described as extending beyond the limits of all possible experience and knowledge, and sweet Melchizedek Ambassadors, this is a good word to describe the qualities of the eighth ray of Transcendence. Under the directorship of Lady Nada, this ray brings with it the qualities of courage, justice, integrity, wisdom, stability, equilibrium, unconditional Love, understanding, unity and infinite expansiveness. This ray will assist you as you move beyond the limitations imposed by your negative ego aspects, your three lower bodies, and in particular your sub-conscious mind. In so doing, you may transcend your dualities through the “sacred flame of transcendence” and furthermore, come into the One Unity Consciousness of all Life. This ray is related to the sacred geometry of the octahedron and the Flower of Life. This ray is also brought into focus in your Priesthood training, and specifically the third level of your Priesthood training. The ninth ray of Highest Potentials is related to the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life and the star tetrahedron, also called the Star of Melchizedek, and is one of the prominent rays you work with, to reclaim your birthright as a Melchizedek Ambassador of Light, and to activate your Light Body. In the process of Forward Evolution, the probability of achieving your Highest Potential as your Higher Self of the Light and your Christed Overself of the Light is focused more intently through this ray than any other. Through Potentiality, you have the ability to come into existence, and develop or perfectly create your own reality with the One Reality of All That Is. Thus this ray has the most influence on your original Divine eight-cell blueprint, and your etheric, emotional and mental bodies. Under the directorship of Mother Mary, this ray brings with it the qualities of unity, justice, peace, order, wisdom, creativity, joy, mercy, unconditional Love, splendor, compassion and Divine guidance. This ray vibrates to a blue-green color and is composed of the first ray, the second ray and a Higher Quotient of Source Light. This ray is also brought into focus in your Priesthood training, and specifically the fourth level of your Priesthood training. The tenth ray of Divinity will assist you through the perfect balance of Power, Love and Wisdom to become the Divine, Holy Light of God that you truly are. The Mahatma is the Director of the tenth ray of Divinity at a Multi-Universal level, and through this ray, all Life is spiritualizing matter, and shifting into the state of being Divine. This ray activates the Spiritual Microtron, with the focus on Spiritual ascension, ascension in the physical body. Under the directorship of the Mahachohan of the first ray, Allah Gobi, this ray brings with it the qualities of balance and equilibrium, justice, Love, power, infinite wisdom, detachment, attainment, responsibility, Mastery, and transcendence. It is a combination of the first, second and third rays mixed with a Higher Quotient of Source Light and vibrates to a pearlescent color. It is related to the sacred geometry of the icosahedron and the Flower of Life.This ray is also brought into focus in your Priesthood training, and specifically the fifth level of your Priesthood training. The eleventh ray of Illumined Truth assists in connecting you to the realms of Illumined Truth through sincerity in action and utterance of one’s Spiritual reality.Under the guardianship of Quan Yin, this ray brings with it the qualities of understanding, strength, stability, loving kindness, wisdom, generosity, abundance, compassion, equilibrium and balance, organization, and discernment. It further brings you into the experience of the Divine expression of Love/Wisdom and Higher Truth, and is very useful at the moment in the anchoring of the Christed frequencies and teachings of the Order of Melchizedek for the Golden Age of Aquarius. This ray is a combination of the first ray, the second ray and the fifth ray, with a Higher Quotient of Source Light, and vibrates to a pink-orange color. It is related to the sacred geometry of the dodecahedron and the Flower of Life. This ray is also brought into focus in your Priesthood training, and specifically the sixth level of your Priesthood training. The twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness, or Planetary Christ Consciousness, is the golden ray of the Age of Aquarius. Under the Chohan Pallas Athena, this ray brings with it the qualities of wisdom, devotion, illuminating intelligence, enlightenment, Love, power, harmony, peace, equilibrium, creativity, inspiration, magnetism and One Unity Consciousness. The twelfth ray holds the highest vibration of Christed Light of all twelve earthly rays, and is a combination of all the earthly rays with a Higher Quotient of Source Light. It is related to the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life. This ray is also brought into focus in your Priesthood training, and specifically the seventh level of your Priesthood training. We would also like you to understand the six Cosmic rays, which were re-anchored onto your Earth plane during the first Harmonic Convergence on August 15-17, 1987, and will be available to use by sixth level initiates from June 21, 2001. This Harmonic Convergence was your springboard, so to speak, into the lower octaves of the fourth dimension, which occurred on January 26, 1991. Also at the time of the first Harmonic Convergence, five Ashrams housing the five higher earthly rays were built through the energy of the Mahatma. Equally important, a Galactic portal through this quadrant of the Galaxy was reopened, which allowed the six Cosmic rays to come pouring forth onto your Earth plane. The Planetary circuitry for the six Cosmic rays will be activated by December 21, 2012, as you enter into Solar Christ Consciousness and the Golden Age of Aquarius. At this time, the Cosmic rays will be available for all Humanity as they begin their Cosmic ascension journey into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, and will be actualized through initiations nine to fourteen. The six Cosmic rays, which were withdrawn just prior to the Fall of Atlantis, are Service rays; and were not completely anchored onto your Earth until April 23, 1994. As we have explained, and just to be clear, these rays follow the process of anchoring, activating and actualizing. They were partially anchored on August 15-17, 1987. This anchoring was completed on April 23, 1994. These Cosmic rays will be activated by December 21, 2012, and will be available for the mass consciousness of Humanity at this time. However, these Cosmic rays are available for sixth level initiates from June 21, 2001. They can be activated through building your multidimensional bodies of Light and actualized as the Cosmic initiations are undertaken. It is an amazing blessing to have these rays here at this time, as without them, it would not be possible for you to start your Cosmic ascension and higher initiations back to Mother/Father God whilst in physical embodiment on this Earth plane. These rays take you beyond Lord Buddha and your Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy in Shamballa, and into the Cosmic Spiritual Hierarchy, under the main influence of your Mother/Father God on a Multi-Universal level, the Source of All That Is for this Cosmic day, and further Overlighted by the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis. Through this Overlighting, each one of you has the ability to experience these six Cosmic rays, and the start of your Cosmic initiations into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. However, instead of leaving this Earth plane, which is what you usually did on the completion of your sixth initiation, you will assist in the creation of the externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy on your Earth plane through Service in Love and Divine Equality, whilst in physical embodiment on your Earth plane. In other words, you will physically ascend, through the stepped down vibration of your Higher Light and the twelve rays; and for your Cosmic initiations, we will show you how you can Spiritually ascend through your Light Body activations and the focus of the six Cosmic rays - taking your physical body with you to the higher dimensions until you choose to no longer come back to this Earth plane. The six Cosmic rays, rays thirteen to eighteen are each represented by specific Chohans: Helios and Vesta, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light, and your Mother/Father God of this Cosmic day, and emanate from the Sun, the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, Orion and a Spiritual portal through Omega Orion respectively. Now, back to your Priesthood training. In completing the first level of your training to the Priesthood, known as The Gardener, you will build your Planetary body of Light, which extends around you in a gold sphere the size of your body, approximately six feet in diameter. To do so, you will re-anchor the first seven chakras from the crown chakra to the base chakra in a red and yellow color, with the assistance of the Ascension Coning Members through the Monadic focus of the first and third rays respectively. To complete this circuitry, you will then activate your Light Body to the speed of light and consciously Soul travel in your Divine body of Light through your third dimensional portal to the third dimensional pocket of space found within the Halls of Amenti. Working with the Chohans El Morya and Serapis Bey, and Overlighted by Lord Untanas, the Cosmic Master of this dimension, as well as the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy, you will enter into The Temple of Goodwill and Divine Intelligence. To complete the second level of your Priesthood training, known as The Steward, you will anchor the circuitry for your fourth dimensional body of Light, your Solar body. Your Solar body extends 6.04 5 feet in diameter around you in a copper-gold bubble, and you will anchor the next seven chakras (8 -14), in descending order from chakra fourteen, from the fourth dimensional portal as it is found 0.02 feet above the crown chakra, to the sacral center in a beautiful blue color through the Monadic focus of the second ray of Love-Wisdom. You will then activate your Light Body to the speed of light and then consciously Soul travel through your fourth dimensional portal to the related fourth dimensional frequency in the Halls of Amenti. Under the guidance of Kuthumi, and Overlighted by Lord Quertas, the ruling Lord of this dimension, as well as the Solar Spiritual Hierarchy, you will travel to The Temple of the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom to complete this training. To complete the third level of your Priesthood training, known as The Warden, you will anchor the circuitry for your fifth dimensional body of Light, your Interstellar body, which extends 7.2 feet in diameter around you in a silver bubble of Light. With the assistance of the Ascension Coning Members, you will anchor the next seven chakras (15-21), from the fifth dimensional portal found 0.6 feet above the crown chakra, to the solar plexus center in a beautiful luminescent seafoam green and violet color through the Monadic focus of the eighth ray of Transcendence. You will then activate your Light Body to the speed of light and consciously Soul travel through your fifth dimensional portal to the related fifth dimensional frequency in the Halls of Amenti. Under the guidance of Lady Nada and Overlighted by Lord Chietal, the ruling Lord of this dimension, as well as the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, you will enter into The Temple of the Eighth Ray of Transcendence. To complete the fourth level of your Priesthood training, known as The Servant, you will anchor the circuitry for your sixth dimensional body of Light, your Galactic body, which extends 10.8 feet in diameter around you in a silver-gold color. To do so, you will anchor the next seven chakras (22-28) from the sixth dimensional portal, 2.4 feet above the head, to the heart center in a luminescent blue-green color, through the Monadic focus on the ninth ray of Highest Potentials. You will then activate your Light Body to the speed of light and consciously Soul travel through your sixth dimensional portal to the related sixth dimensional frequency in the Halls of Amenti. Under the guidance of Mother Mary and Overlighted by Lord Goyana, the ruling Lord of this dimension, as well as the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, you will enter into The Temple of the Ninth Ray of Highest Potentials to complete this training. To complete the fifth level of your Priesthood training, known as The Lesser Priest, you will anchorthe circuitry for your seventh dimensional body of Light, your Intergalactic body, which extends 12 feet in diameter around you in a golden color. With the assistance of the Ascension Coning Members, you will anchor the next seven chakras (29-35), from the seventh dimensional portal, 3 feet above the head, to the throat chakra in a beautiful pearlescent color through the Monadic focus of the tenth ray of Divinity. You will then activate your Light Body to the speed of light and consciously Soul travel through your seventh dimensional portal to the related seventh dimensional frequency in the Halls of Amenti. Under the guidance of Allah Gobi and Overlighted by Lord Huertal, the ruling Lord of this dimension, as well as the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, you will enter into The Temple of the Tenth Ray of Divinity to complete this training. To complete the sixth level of your Priesthood training, known as The Priest, you will anchor the circuitry for your eighth dimensional body of Light, your Universal body, which extends 16.8 feet in diameter around you in a platinum color. With the assistance of the Ascension Coning Members you will anchor the next seven chakras (36-42), from the eighth dimensional portal, as it is found 5.4 feet above the head, to the third eye in a beautiful pink-orange color through the Monadic focus of the eleventh ray of Illumined Truth. You will then activate your Light Body to the speed of light and consciously Soul travel through your eighth dimensional portal to the related eighth dimensional frequency in the Halls of Amenti. Under the guidance of Quan Yin and Overlighted by Lord Semveta, the ruling Lord of this dimension, as well as the Brotherhood of the Light, you will enter into The Temple of the Eleventh Ray of Illumined Truth to complete this training. To complete the seventh level of your Priesthood training, known as The High Priest, you will anchor the circuitry for your ninth dimensional body of Light, your Multi-Universal body, which extends 54 feet in diameter around you in a shimmering diamond ray of Light. With the assistance of the Ascension Coning Members, you will anchor the last seven chakras (43-49), from the ninth dimensional portal, as it is found 24 feet above the head, to the crown chakra in a beautiful golden color through the Monadic focus of the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness. You will then activate your Light Body to the speed of light and then consciously Soul travel through your ninth dimensional portal to the ninth dimensional frequency in the Halls of Amenti. Under the guidance of Pallas Athena and Overlighted by Lord Ardal, the ruling Lord of this dimension, as well as the Mahatma and Mother/Father God, you will enter into The Temple of the Twelfth Ray of One Unity Consciousness to complete this training. On the completion of your Priesthood training, the fiftieth chakra will be anchored through your crown chakra, creating a unified column of Light through all forty-nine chakras, and signifying the completion of this training, the activation of your Immortal chromosomes and your entry into Cosmic Christ Consciousness. Once you have completed your training as a High Priest to the Order of Melchizedek, you are ready to travel in your own activated Light Body from the third to the ninth dimensions respectively in order to experience Cosmic initiations eight to fourteen. Now, we point out that this has never been attempted in quite this way before, and even in the Golden Ages of Lemuria and Atlantis, most of you who were able to activate your Light Bodies to the higher dimensions generally did not pass beyond this quadrant of the Galaxy. However, due to the energy of the Mahatma and the anchoring of the Spiritual Microtron, it is possible that you could complete these new levels of integration and initiations into Intergalactic, Universal and Multi-Universal levels.Please understand though, as we explain these higher initiations that it may not be possible for many of you at this stage to shift beyond a Solar Vibration – which is the completion of your ninth initiation. As we have explained, a particular time space vibration encapsulates each dimensional level, and until the Monadic Consciousness of your Solar System expands to the next level of dimensional consciousness or your own multidimensional Selves at each dimensional level expand to the next dimensional level, you are unable to move beyond these ring-passeth-nots. However, it may be possible for you to experience these higher dimensions in your activated Light Body for short periods of time – and this is what you shall attempt to do. For we shall present you with a particular word at each dimensional level along with the appropriate fibonacci sequences and sacred numbers, which may allow you to shift beyond these dimensional barriers. Furthermore, at each dimensional level or higher initiation, you will merge with the appropriate Cosmic rays and Soul rays, your Multidimensional Selves, which once integrated, may allow you to shift to the next sequential dimension. We will now explain through a more detailed understanding of the six Cosmic rays and the higher initiations how you can achieve this unprecedented mission, which will pave the way for a Higher Consciousness to be experienced by all Humanity and set a precedence for the Forward Evolution of Humanity. The six Cosmic rays hold the Highest Quotient of Source Light, and are a combination of all twelve rays through the appropriate co-creative Councils of Twelve, with an additional focus of one of these rays, brought about through the appropriate Monadic modules at each level. In order to experience these Cosmic rays in their full magnificence, you will need to undergo initiations eight to fourteen. The eighth initiation is related to the Earth plane, or Planetary Christ Consciousness, and to “pass” this initiation which is undertaken in Lord Buddha’s Ascension Seat in Shamballa, you are needing to activate your Light Body to the frequency of the fifth dimension, and then step down your vibration to nine-tenths the speed of light, and work with the actualization of all twelve earthly rays in a beautiful gold shimmering color, which has a Monadic focus on the first ray of Will and Power through the intent of the third ray of Divine Intelligence. You will then anchor the next seven chakras, chakras 51-57, and merge with your three-dimensional Selves. This initiation further completes the actualization of the twelve rays and the physical reactivation of the first two strand DNA. You are then ready to work with the first Comic ray, the thirteenth ray of Solar Service, or Solar Christ Consciousness, which will assist you to complete your ninth initiation. This ray, under Helios and Vesta, is a combination of all twelve rays, with a Monadic focus on the second ray of Love-Wisdom. To experience this ray, which is brought in, in a beautiful copper-gold color, you will activate your Light Body to a fifth dimensional frequency and then step down your vibration to the speed of light. If you are successful in moving beyond the Keepers of the fourth dimension into the Ascension Seat of Helios and Vesta in the Solar Core, surrounded by the Solar Council of Twelve, you will undergo your ninth initiation, as you anchor chakras 58-64 and merge with your fourth dimensional Selves. This ray brings with it the qualities of stability, perfection, power, equilibrium, manifestation, wisdom, Love, sacred sexuality, purification, Solar Service, abundance, joy, the experience of group collective Solar Christ Consciousness and the re-union with Helios and Vesta. This ray is related to the sacred geometry of the Fruit of Life. At this initiatory level, you have the ability to potentially physically activate your third and fourth strand DNA. The second Cosmic ray, or fourteenth ray of Interstellar Service is a beautiful silver color brought in by the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and the Interstellar Council of Twelve, and represents all twelve rays with a Monadic focus on the eighth ray of Transcendence.In order to completely integrate this ray into your energy field and fourteen-body system, you will potentially activate your Light Body to the frequency of the fifth dimension, and should you successfully move beyond the Keepers of the fifth dimension, you will enter into Interstellar Christ Consciousness and the Ascension Seat of the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, where through the appropriate Interstellar Council of Twelve, you will experience your tenth initiation. This occurs through the anchoring of chakras 65-71 as well as the merger of your fifth dimensional Selves. This ray brings with it the qualities of realization, illumination, knowledge, power, Love, strength, equilibrium, abundance, purification, sacred sexuality, harmony, insightfulness, Interstellar Service, justice, wisdom, the experience of group collective Interstellar Christ Consciousness and the re-union with the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light. This ray is related to the sacred geometry of the Fruit of Life. At this initiatory level, you have the ability to potentially physically activate your fifth and sixth strand DNA. The third Comic ray, or fifteenth ray of Galactic Service, is brought in by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light in a beautiful silver-gold color. To experience your eleventh initiation and Galactic Christ Consciousness through the fifteenth ray, which represents all twelve rays with a Monadic focus on the ninth ray of Highest Potentials, you will potentially activate your Light Body to the frequency of the sixth dimension, and moving beyond the Keepers of the sixth dimension, you will enter into the Ascension Seat of Sirius. Through the appropriate Galactic Council of Twelve, you will undertake your eleventh initiation by anchoring chakras 72-78 and merging with your sixth dimensional Selves. This ray brings with it the qualities of splendor, truthfulness, unity, power, discipline, unlimited potential, equilibrium, loving kindness, compassion, courage, wisdom, manifestation, direction, organization, Galactic Service, the experience of group collective Galactic Christ Consciousness and the re-union with the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light. This ray is related to the sacred geometry of the Fruit of Life.At this initiatory level, you have the ability to potentially physically activate your seventh and eighth strand DNA. The fourth Cosmic ray, or sixteenth ray of Inter-Galactic Service is under the directorship of the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light. To experience this refined golden color ray, which is a combination of all twelve rays with the Monadic focus on the tenth ray of Divinity, you will potentially activate your Light Body to the frequency of the seventh dimension, and if successfully passing beyond the Keepers of this dimension, you will enter into the Ascension Seat of Andromeda, and through the Intergalactic Council of Twelve you will experience this ray frequency.To complete your twelfth initiation, you will anchor chakras 79-85 as well as merge with your seventh dimensional Selves. This ray brings with it the qualities of beauty, magnetism, devotion, power, wisdom, illumination, sacred sexuality, valor, peace, Love, Divinity, balance, harmony, inspiration, Intergalactic Service, justice, the experience of group collective Intergalactic Christ Consciousness and the re-union with the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light. This ray is related to the sacred geometry of the Fruit of Life. At this initiatory level, you have the ability to potentially physically activate your ninth and tenth strand DNA. To experience the fifth Cosmic ray, or seventeenth ray of Universal Service, which is under the directorship of the Brotherhood of the Light and the Universal Council of Twelve, you will potentially activate your Light Body to the eighth dimension, and if successfully passing beyond the Keepers of this dimension, you will experience your thirteenth initiation through the frequencies of Universal Christ Consciousness brought in by the seventeenth ray representing the twelve rays, with a Monadic focus on the eleventh ray of Illumined Truth. To complete your thirteenth initiation, the Brotherhood of the Light, the Universal Council of Twelve and Lord Melchizedek will bring through a beautiful platinum color as you anchor chakras 86-92 as well as merge with your eighth dimensional Selves. This ray brings with it the qualities of harmony, insightfulness, joy, balance, loving kindness, detachment, illumined truth, Love, great wisdom, Universal Service, devotion to great work, and the manifestation of that which was previously unmanifest. This ray further brings with it the experience of group collective Universal Christ Consciousness and the re-union with the Brotherhood of the Light. This ray is related to the sacred geometry of the Fruit of Life.At this initiatory level, you have the ability to potentially physically activate your eleventh and twelfth strand DNA. The sixth Cosmic ray, or eighteenth ray of Multi-Universal Service is under the directorship of Mother/Father God for this Cosmic day, and the Multi-Universal Council of Twelve, and is the Highest Source Light possible to experience from a fourth dimensional perspective on all the rays. To experience the eighteenth ray, which has a Monadic focus of the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness, you will potentially activate your Light Body to the frequency of the ninth dimension, and surrounded by Mother/Father God, and the Multi-Universal Council of Twelve, you will experience the eighteenth ray of Multi-Universal Service in a beautiful diamond color as you anchor chakras 93-99 as well as merge with your ninth dimensional Selves, experiencing Multi-Universal Melchizedek Consciousness, a vibration beyond Christ Consciousness. Your one hundredth chakra will then be anchored within your ninth dimensional portal, completing the actualization of the Cosmic rays as well as the actualization of your Immortal genes. This ray brings with it the qualities of transcendence, unlimited potentiality, illumined truth, divinity, pure Beingness, Melchizedek Consciousness, the infinite Now, formlessness, timelessness, completion of great work, unconditional Love, infinite expansiveness and wisdom, Multi-Universal Service, and the experience of truly becoming the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. This ray is further experienced through the union of Mother/Father God, and is related to the sacred geometry of the Fruit of Life. Beyond this dimension is God, the undifferentiated Source of All Creation, Who has Created an infinite number of Cosmic days and an infinite number of co-creative Councils of Twelve for an infinite number of Universes, Galaxies, and Solar Systems. We are truly so excited to be sharing this energy system with you, and look forward to this most heavenly inspired co-creative Cosmic ascension journey in Divine Equality and Service in Love. With this, we bid you a most magical day. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 This is experienced through an almost perfect 72x92 phi-ratio. In other words, where the perimeter of the thirty-sixth square equals or approximates the circumference of the forty-sixth circle. The perimeter at this level of Melchizedek Consciousness is 288, and the circumference is 288.88. There is a difference of 0.88, giving an almost perfect phi-ratio. 2 This connects you to the first level of Melchizedek Consciousness through a 36 x 46 phi-ratio, where the perimeter of the eighteenth square equals or approximates the circumference of the twenty-third circle. The perimeter at this first level of Melchizedek Consciousness is 144, and the circumference is 144.44. There is a difference of 0.44, giving an almost perfect phi-ratio. 3 Although your Planet holds the Monadic focus of the third ray of Divine Intelligence, this energy is being focused through the first ray of Will and Power in order to create Universal Peace and Abundance through Divine Equality. 4 The merger with your Christed Overself of the Light or mighty I Am Presence commences from the fifth initiation, and although the primary focus of this merger occurs at the sixth initiation, this merger is only complete following the seven sub-levels of the seventh initiation. 5 Your fourth dimensional sphere is technically the same size as your third dimensional sphere, 6 feet in diameter around you. This is due to the third and fourth dimensions merging into one dimension. However, to create this linear system of energy, and to differentiate between the third and fourth dimensional portals and their respective spheres, we will say that the fourth dimensional portal exists 0.02 feet above the crown chakra, and thus the fourth dimensional sphere exists 6.04 feet in diameter around the body. Copyright@2005 Anrita Melchizedek-Choun. Web Address Email
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Encounter with a negative polarity person

Recently, there was a person who was upset at the amount of love and light I radiated. is their page. This person sent an email full of hate, anger, control, ego, etc. It was my perception that this person was a follower of service-to-self. What was I to do? Unfortunately for those learning, I deleted the email or I would have reposted it here. It said something about how Shamballa was working as a group to enslave humanity to a false God. No mention of love in the email. Without judgment and not sure of my response, I simply did not respond, deleted the email and prayed that love would envelop this individual and accepted the polarity as a distortion of the Law of One that needed to be accepted with open loving arms and blended into the Whole. Now It is my perception, that if I responded prior to deleting the email I would have written, "You are accepted and loved with open arms. May you be blessed. We are ready to assist you when you need our help. " Still learning now, and on second thought a response probably would have been better than nothing. Avoidance does not solve only action does. But as with everything, we all learn at our own pace. As duality no longer holds the power, it was another test of dedication to the Law of One. I could have argued, what was better or not, but that would be service to self and ego and not service to others. It is their choice to take their path. I am waiting with open arms to accept them when they want to come to the gates. Why be full of ego when it is satisfying enough to blend all into One? The encounter began another phase in development which led me to the Law of One material from Amen-Ra. Check it out, you will learn a lot about how to merge the like and unlike into One. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From the Law of One material: Questioner: For the general development of the reader of this book, could you state some of the practices or exercises to perform to produce an acceleration toward the Law of One? Ra: I am Ra. Exercise One. This is the most nearly centered and useable within your illusion complex. The moment contains love. That is the lesson/goal of this illusion or density. The exercise is to consciously see that love in awareness and understanding distortions. The first attempt is the cornerstone. Upon this choosing rests the remainder of the life-experience of an entity. The second seeking of love within the moment begins the addition. The third seeking empowers the second, the fourth powering or doubling the third. As with the previous type of empowerment, there will be some loss of power due to flaws within the seeking in the distortion of insincerity. However, the conscious statement of self to self of the desire to seek love is so central an act of will that, as before, the loss of power due to this friction is inconsequential. Exercise Two. The universe is one being. When a mind/body/spirit complex views another mind/body/spirit complex, see the Creator. This is an helpful exercise. Exercise Three. Gaze within a mirror. See the Creator. Exercise Four. Gaze at the creation which lies about the mind/body/spirit complex of each entity. See the Creator. The foundation or prerequisite of these exercises is a predilection towards what may be called meditation, contemplation, or prayer. With this attitude, these exercises can be processed. Without it, the data will not sink down into the roots of the tree of mind, thus enabling and ennobling the body and touching the spirit. Questioner: Would this be against the Law of One? Would I be making a mistake by grabbing one of those entities? Ra: I am Ra. There are no mistakes under the Law of One.
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Invocation and Meditation for the Archangels

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Michael to stand at my right hand side. I ask him to pour courage and strength into me and bring about positive results to my endeavors. I now request that he cut all my negative cords and attachments with his sword. I ask that the deep blue cloak of protection is placed over me so that only that which is of the highest and purest light may enter my aura. Pause for a moment so that Archangel Michael can complete this work and communicate anything he wishes to. I now invoke the mighty Archangel Gabriel to stand at my left hand side in his pure white ray. I ask that he pours his pure white energy into my aura and brings me guidance about my next step or my pathway. I ask that the symbols of my life’s mission be illuminated and activated now. Please bring joy, grace, clarity, understanding, generosity and order into my life. Pause for a moment so that Archangel Gabriel can complete this work and communicate anything he wishes to. I now invoke the mighty Archangel Uriel to stand in front of me and fill my aura with his purple and gold ray of wisdom and peace. Help me to soothe all conflict in my life and replace it with serenity, brotherhood and sisterhood. Please break my mental and emotional chains and free me from all my fears. Pause for a moment so that Archangel Uriel can complete this work and communicate anything he wishes to. I now invoke the mighty Archangel Raphael of the emerald ray to stand behind me. I ask that he pour healing and abundance into me. I ask for protection on my journeys and that I be impressed with justice, truth and vision. Pause for a moment so that Archangel Raphael can complete this work and can communicate anything he wishes to. I now invoke the mighty Archangel Chamuel of the pink ray to expand the flame of love in my heart. Please help me to find compassion and forgiveness for myself and for everyone I have ever harmed knowingly or unknowingly. I ask that my heart be opened at a personal and cosmic level. Pause for a moment so that Archangel Chamuel can complete this work and can communicate anything he wishes to. I now invoke the mighty Archangel Jophiel to pour the golden light of wisdom and illumination onto me through my crown centre. I ask that his wisdom light up and inspire my mind, helping me to learn and teach at the highest level. I ask that the symbols of wisdom I have accumulated throughout my lifetimes be lit up and activated now. Pause for a moment so that Archangel Jophiel can complete this work and can communicate with you if he wishes to. I now invoke the mighty Archangel Zadkiel of the violet ray of mercy, joy and transmutation to pour the violet flame into my aura. I ask for all my negativity to be released and dissolved and replaced with joy, diplomacy and tolerance. Pause for a moment so that Archangel Zadkiel can complete this work and can communicate with you if he wishes to. Your aura is now filled with the energy of the Archangels and you are connected to your mighty I AM presence. You are blessed.
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The Law of Karma in action

Today, as I prepared to send out some gifts for the holidays, an interesting experience occurred. We ran out of ink and I wanted to get a cartridge for my photo printer to replicate some pictures. On the way to the store, I stopped by the post office to check the shipping times and postal rates. After checking with the post office for what I needed to do, on the way out the door I saw money on the floor. Thirteen dollars on the floor (someone who became the 13th disciple cast out of the original 12- Judas* from the Bible…hmm?). So instead of picking it up, I notified the post office staff and they would hold it until the person who lost it would come and claim it. I think it was a test of my purity of character. A person who took the money, knowing it wrongfully was not theirs to have would be following the Judas mentality and not the Christ way. Taking the money would have inconvenienced the person who lost the money and went to find it and would have cause undo harm to the individual. So the law of do unto others as they would do to you (karma) was in full effect. So I left the post office and went to buy the photo paper and printer cartridge at the store. The photo paper/cartridge was listed for $19.95. As I went to check out the woman said the bill was $8.87 for three items purchased ($2 tape, $2.00 card, and a $19.95 photo paper/cartridge). I said she forgot to ring up the photo paper/cartridge. She rang it up and it was $4.87, although listed for $19.95. I saved $15.08! I could not believe it, I received back more than the $13 that I found. It literally pays to obey the law of Karma. P.S. If you know anything about the meaning of numbers, there are hidden numbers and clues through my experience. Check out my blog- life and all those numbers. *I grew up a Christian but have since transformed into something spiritual or buddhist. Judas background story doesn't matter so much as the choice of selfless love over selfishness does.
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Messages from The Council of 12

Messages from The Council of 12 Transmitted through Selacia -- December 2009 Choices During Humanity's 11th Hour As you move through your ascension process you will naturally make different choices than before. These will be higher consciousness choices that come from holding more light. These new choices will often nullify earlier choices you made. This is appropriate because you are now wiser. The key here is to continually update your view of who you think you are, and your view of what you think "should' happen next. This is vital to your being able to make the highest choices in the present. Oftentimes people feel like they have no choice in what happens. This of course is an illusion for you are always at choice at some level. The challenge is the ego and subconscious mind. You could consciously say to yourself that you will do something, or that you want something. Yet another part of you -- the subconscious really running the show -- is choosing something else! This is quite a dilemma. The key is to work with your DNA and subconscious so that your mind works for you, not against you. Did you know that there's no such thing as being lucky? You can feel lucky of course. But luck is not the word to describe the outcomes of conscious creation! There really are no random events, no accidental meetings, no chance encounters. You are a master creator in each moment and the energies you created yesterday (including past lives!) will set in motion what happens next. Feel grateful for the good. On some days you may feel lucky. On other days you may feel unlucky. Learn to have a larger view of these opposites. Discover how to find a balance and a neutral view of what is happening. When you get into the habit of labeling happenstance as good or bad, you are always at the mercy of your last label. During the 2012 window changes your key to sanity and finding peace within is to grow out of your conditioned need for the drama often associated with good and bad. When you can learn to become comfortable with what is and really accept it at that moment, you will have more positive energy to create "good" moments and be less likely to create "bad" ones. You live during the 11th hour of Earth's massive changes. Remember that you are an integral part of the changes. They are not something happening to you, but something that you and others create over time. For a long time, even before you were born, you were preparing to inhabit a brand new Earth. In this life, you are beginning to have a conscious vision of what that world will be. Learning to create through conscious choice is vital now. You really know how to do it. The ability is encoded within your DNA. Remember this as you move through the final days of this year and prepare for expanded energies in 2010. The energies you have been used to in the recent past are changing even now. Another phase of the acceleration is underway and much is going on behind the scenes. You are changing within these accelerated energies. Your shifting is occurring even during times when you feel like you are standing still! Do you oftentimes feel like you're in waiting mode? Do you feel like "something" is about to happen, but you don't know what? Do you feel like you are waiting for whatever that is? Do not wait. Be your light now. Remember that you create what happens next. Make that creation something you will be proud of 300 years from now. Know that the great shift of these times is different than any other shift you have been through on Earth. Most likely, you have been here for other ones. Atlantis could be one of them. Don't focus on the past and worry that you will repeat past mistakes. Simply focus on the now and the light-filled future you want to create with the rest of humanity! Know that you are loved. You will succeed. As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12. Copyright 2009 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12, * All Rights Reserved *
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Greetings to you, this is Melchizedek. I speak as one of the members of the Team who are here to assist each and every human being through the evolutionary stages of transformation, as the Earth and her peoples journey from matter into Light. We have great joy in sharing with you, with you all, as progress in being made in no uncertain terms. And we have joy in seeing this land, this land of Scotland, begin the process of self realisation. The land holds the keys for people living here to come into their own self realisation. And the land holds the keys for any who are drawn here to come into self realisation. There will be those who travel from afar to visit these Sacred Sites, called by their soul, by their I AM presence. And all who come to interact with the land, all who come bearing their gifts, their gifts of alignment with Divine will, the Creator’s intent. This is indeed a Holy land, and will be recognised as such with the gifts that it gives in return. All will be made clear to you as you are beginning the journey of activating the sites. You will see the land responding with every breath that you take in alignment with the Source of creation. To be on the land to breathe the air, to bring the Light you carry, and to recognise your value- we say this to all human beings who are drawn to the Sacred Sites of Scotland. The keys to consciousness held within each of these sites will be given to the human beings who give their gifts in return. These keys not only activate the templates of consciousness held within the Earth’s body, but also the etheric templates which are to descend. There is an overlay, a blueprint, where the Earth’s energies are held at the moment by Light beings, guardians of the universal grid work of light, the White Brotherhood, as stellar systems unite, once again each holding their own particular resonance and vibration. And this blueprint is created now, we say to you. All around the Earth. It is in the Earth’s etheric body, it holds the pathways of Light which once anchored into the sacred sites all around the world, provides the map for energy flows- the required template to connect all these sites together once again, to assist in the Earth and her people’s Ascension from matter into Light. We remind all humans that consciousness is the key. For each one’s individual journey of coming into their own power and aligning with the Mother/Father God, the Mahatma, the I AM presence of the Source of creation. This blueprint that we talk of is waiting to be anchored in the sites, is one for this now, and we say there will be more. This one that has been created by the Great White Brotherhood is for this year of 1998. It has been a long time in your Earth time since such a complete template has been created and given to those who volunteered to be the key holders, the janitors, the caretakers, the guardians, whatever you wish to call yourselves. We would go so far to say that never before has a template like this been given, and this would be a truth. For the last time that this scale of Earth working and Earth healing was necessary was on the journey of light into matter. And those blueprints and those templates were different from the ones that are given now, in the journey of Ascension. You can understand, we are sure that each and every moment is precious, is jewel like in its radiance, and can never be repeated again. Such an intricate dance of geometrics, sacred shapes of light and colour that form the Earth’s energies, for the light and energies that flow through the Earth’s body, to the centre of the Earth, to the iron heart crystal of Mother earth, and also round in radiating spheres from that central crystal, out to the Earth’s surface and beyond, and out into the Universe. These are not lines of energy, these are intricate interplays of geometric shapes. Linked one to the other, holographically, spherically, infinitely. We encourage to not use the term lines of energy- for this is too linear. We encourage you to activate your inner senses, by thinking and imagining geometric shapes wherever you go, whichever place you visit, so that you may attune your own sacred geometry, of star tetrahedrons, to the star tetrahedrons that are everywhere in the Earth’s energy fields. For now, this is one of the key shapes to use in your imaginings, in your activations, and there will be others too, that you either may sense at this time or may be given to use at a later time as they come more into the potential of the human energy field to use. For ultimately all the sacred shapes and all the sacred geometry will be anchored through the human energy field to be held once again as the blueprint of creation, all over the Earth, all through the Earth, above and below. We ask you to think spherically, holographically, as this will assist you much in opening up to your truer sensing of the electro-magnetic fields. As has been said to you and as you have seen, the standing stones and circles have a dome, have a sphere, half above the Earth and half below the Earth which carries the main star tetrahedron, the static star tetrahedron for that site. And within this sphere, the two counter rotating star tetrahedrons operate. We encourage you wherever you go to activate by affirmation, your own star tetrahedrons. I affirm that my counter rotating star tetrahedrons are counter rotating in a balanced way now. This is simple and has pure energetic impact. When you do this on a site, the stones will respond to you, we ask you to directly communicate with these eternal holders of wisdom. Some of these sites are like libraries, and the more active they become, the more information will be available to each person who visits. These are their gifts. The information may be recall of the times spent in various civilisations, the gifts may be healing and retrieval of power, where one’s power has been given away. That power may be given back, so we ask you to invoke your own healing on these sites. I affirm I take the next step into wholeness on my journey home. I affirm I reclaim my potential, my power, always to be held within my open heart. I call in the Godhead and I call in the Goddess, the Mother/Father god, who created me, this individualised self. And now I seek realisation of the greater self, of the Love that is mine to reclaim. I affirm I reclaim the Love that I have thrown away, or neglected, or given away. You are human beings, we honour you and we ask that you honour your team. For none of you are alone, you all have the back up and support that is there to call forth, ask for this in your daily lives. And let go, simply: I affirm that I let go of all that stands in my way to wholeness. I affirm I let go of all my resistance of coming into Love. When you open up to the sacred geometry that is creation, you will find such oneness and such joy as you will see and experience - the linking and the bonding that comes through sacred union. The Presence of the Divine Mother and Father God will be in your lives. We will join you later. I Melchizedek and the Great White Brotherhood surround you with our presence and our love. Namaste.
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A very special thank you to all the Lightworkers I have known in my life Amoraea Dreamseed (my first encounter with New Age) Radiance Herbs and Massage, Olympia, Washington (my first encounter with Reiki) Robert Rogers of Zeropoint Healers (my first encounter with chakra healing and Lightbody work) Steve Murray John Gilbert Kathy McConnell Stephen Lovering Ole Gabrielsen Tami MacDowell John Armitage / Haridas Baba Joshua David Stone Michele Gilmore Maria Smedts Yamile Jana Hana Nahas Mariah Windsong El on Messengers of Spirit Jeremy Starke Jens Soeborg Rosemary Alexandra Friends on the Attuneshare, Lightworkers Healing Federation, Ashtar Command, Bring Heaven, Insights from the Masters and Messengers of Spirit ning networks and countless others unnamed who have contributed their Love and Light. Thank you all for sharing your ascension journey with me. Know that we will meet again in the City of Light. All things happen for a reason. Some of you have wondered about my whereabouts or have been confused. Do not be confused, it is all in the Divine plan. Sanat Kumara directed an extension of my incarnation on September 10, 2009 to expand the Love and Light beyond the borders of Lightworkers that have already been touched. It was directed that I work in secret during this time of creation. You will notice my contributions to the Master Plan through videos on YouTube, books on Amazon, documents on Scribd and in the formation of the ashram "City of Shamballa." This was a consequence of me deciding to undergo the Eighth level of Initiation, The Great Transition. A few of you have been tasked with carrying the fire to greater expansion. You are in the Halls of Amenti and members of the Order of Melchizedek. You know who you are. You have not been guided by me, as this has been for the purpose of watching you blossom into Lightcarriers and Lightgivers yourselves. Although this has been difficult for me, the resurrection process required it. Out of Love, no contact was kept, as you have now become the teachers and now it is your time to step into the role of expanding the Light as far as you can send it. There are no limits in this creation. If you build it, they will come. All of humanity needs the Love and Light you carry, it is time for you to do all that you can to radiate the Love to the far reaches of the Earth. The 2012 date was a date planned by the Mayan calendar. It is based upon a plan. There is nothing that says it is a fact. The date of rapture and bliss can happen sooner than 2012, unite your Lights, unite your Love, and it will be. Kindle the fires in all and you will be rewarded with a fire that goes beyond words. Know that I deeply love all of you with my heart and soul. With deepest gratitude to you all and know that all of your actions have been recorded in the archives. May you all be blessed eternally with the Love of All That Is. In Loving Service, Chris / Qan Melchizedek Saint Germain Ashram Shamballa
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Channeled Message from Archangel Metatron

I am Metatron. I have been asked to serve by dictating information that will assist you in moving through the transitions that are ahead for the planet and all life on the planet during the ascension. This planet, and all species of life on the planet are in the process of ascension. Ascension means that all first and second dimensional lifeforms will "move up" to third dimensional lifeforms. Humans, or third dimensional lifeforms, will graduate to either fourth dimensional worlds or fifth dimensional oneness depending on their level of evolution and their intent. The ascension is occurring now as a step by step progression, and will continue one way or another, for that is the will of all. Normally, planets and the species of life incarnate on the planet are ascended via cataclysmic disasters that usher in a death-resurrection cycle. In this cycle, as was demonstrated by Christ, disasters create planetary death. Because this is the way ascension usually occurs, it is known and understood very well at the level of the Universal Mind. That is why, since ancient times, there have been prophecies of terrible destruction to occur at end times. The resurrection cycle is the ascension, where all life begins anew, at a new level of consciousness in a higher dimensional world. This does not mean reincarnation, for that carries the concept of Karma with it, and before ascension can become a probability, all Karma must be cleared. It does not mean existence only as a spirit in celestial worlds, ascension is also physical. As a process, it changes the physical body while merging the body and the spirit into one being. This being is a perfected being of light, in a physical body of light. This ascension progression actually began thousands of years ago, with the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. The story of Moses leading his people out of bondage is a metaphor for the ascension progression. The incarnation of Jesus was a major turning point for the process because as an Avatar, Jesus was capable of taking on the "sins" or Karma of all humans and transmuting that energy to light. Because of his redemption, a gentle ascension became possible. This ascension, evolves through a series of steps, until a state as a light being becomes possible. The redemption of Christ was the beginning step of the Light Body progression. This first step took nearly two thousand years to complete. Light Body was introduced as an experiment in 1988, only seven months after Harmonic Convergence. It is an experiment because an ascension has never been attempted this way. This method, both a graduated increase of light within the physical bodies of all lifeforms and the planet and an increase in the vibratory level, has never been attempted before in ANY ascending universe. There are theories within the Universal Mind about how that process will work out, but at times the results have differed from the anticipated. In these cases revisions are made. As a foundation for the information I will give later, I must explain the Light Body progression to you. You must understand this process first at a personal level. This personal level is how Light Body will affect you physically, emotionally and mentally. Then I will give information on how Light Body will affect the planet and how it will affect the structures of your society. I consider the most important and exciting aspect of Light Body to be that this experiment transforms your physical shell into an appropriate vehicle to merge completely with your higher self, and happens concurrently with the physical process. This merging is created by a series of descensions of spirit, which are timed by the amount of light you are holding within your cells. The amount of light held by the physical cells is keyed to the level of Light Body, and the higher the level, the less dense the body. The more light you hold in your physical body, the greater the level of spirit you can contain within the body. Toward the end of the Light Body process, just proceeding the shift into ascension, you will merge completely with your Higher Self. The descensions of spirit are the mechanisms used to bring in, or turn on, the spiritual gifts of the masters. Light Body has twelve levels or steps, and as each step is completed the changes that have occurred physically must be integrated in all areas of the life and the spirit. Light Body is designed to bring up all your human issues as you progress, and each higher level brings up a deeper layer to the issues than the layer before it. This is to assist you in becoming clear mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. As the issues emerge, you have the choice to allow Christ's redemption to transmute it for you - or to clear it using the light technologies that have become available over the past two decades (N.L.P., bodywork, rebirthing, body electronics, etc.). There is a void space at the end of each Light Body level that we call ego death, and it may manifest as depression or a sense of nothingness. This void is to be used as a rest stop before you continue your journey. This void is an energetic place where nothing exists, and you are able to build a new picture of yourself and your life before you move to the next step. The void is an integration chamber, or perhaps I could describe it as a cocoon, where you can rest and form the beautiful butterfly you are to become in your next step. The first six steps of Light Body were structured for gradual change at all levels with regular spiritual awakenings interspersed with the physical, mental and emotional changes. From seventh level through tenth level Light Body the progress changes and is focused on one area of your experience at a time. For example, in seventh level most of you experienced your first descension of spirit, and a noticeable spiritual awakening with it. You may have manifested clairvoyance, clairaudience, or a kinesthetic awareness of energy with the awakening. I am discussing this level in the past tense, because currently the planet is shifting into the beginning of ninth level. It is a very painful experience to be at a lower vibratory rate than the planet you exist on, which is the case for those who are below eighth level. Because you are reading this article, I am certain you would be somewhere between the void of late eighth level, to eleventh level in the Light Body progression. You would not have an interest in spiritually oriented literature if you were in the lower levels. Eighth level Light Body creates body changes in some extreme ways. Physical symptoms similar to viral syndromes are very common. During this level, you may have noticed that you caught a cold once a month. Other symptoms are headaches (behind the eyes) as the optic nerve pathways for light are turned on and the pineal gland becomes activated. You may have earaches as your hearing structures are rewired to decode light transmissions, and excessive perspiration or diarrhea as you drop density from the cells of your body. One perspective on these changes is that you are adding a third physical strand to your D.N.A. For some, the body may resist the density drop because of the descensions of spirit. A symptom of that resistance is weight gain. Human bodies have a tendency to try to cope with descensions by becoming bigger to contain the spiritual mass coming into it. The only effective way to stop the weight gain once it has started, is physical exercise. I mean very hard exercise such as weight lifting,bicycling, running, or swimming. The exercise must be sufficient to begin building muscle mass. Creating muscle mass will protect your nervous system, for the energies coming in with each descension is much stronger than your nervous system is accustomed to. Adipose tissue cannot protect the nervous system as muscle does by accepting the overflow from the nervous system. Adipose tissue will "fry" as these energies overflow, and the result is damage to the insulin receptors within the cells. This throws the metabolism out of balance, and the result is weight gain. The muscle mass created by exercise will take the overload from the nervous system, and will convince the body consciousness that it is "big enough" to hold the spirit. You may begin to notice flashing colors on your inner screen, geometric equations moving through your mind, or hear a hum. This is the beginning of the translation facility, and will allow you to turn light code into cognitive understanding and comprehension. The grids around the planet constantly transmit messages to the lifeforms incarnate on the planet. These messages come through in a form called light packets, and are coded. I call it "light code". This information must be "decoded" or converted to conscious thought, so you can understand it and use it in your life. These messages are designed to give instruction, and to explain what is occurring energetically at the higher dimensional frequencies. If you are a sensitive who can hear the hum, please acknowledge this to your guides. They are trying to assist you to get the light code transmissions, but they cannot verify that you hear it unless you respond. Your guides will try to assist you by turning up the volume and frequency of the audible light code until they see a response from you. The light code as a hum, can become very annoying and even physically uncomfortable. If you are experiencing this symptom, "ask"your guides to turn down the volume and calibrate the frequency so it will not be irritating or debilitating for you. These eighth level changes can take up to two years for a human. It has taken three years for the planet. Ninth level is about integrating the spiritual changes from seventh level and the physical changes of eighth into your physical life. In ninth level, relationships are your focus, for it is through relationships that you test yourself and the changes that have been wrought within you. You may find that any relationship based on control or manipulation becomes intolerable, and many relationships end during this phase. You may also find that your work in the world changes as you integrate your new identity. The void of ninth level Light Body can be very painful, for after so much focus on relationships, this void requires you to ultimately be alone with yourself. After all, the relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship you have, is it not? Ninth level ends (and sometimes begins) with fairly massive descensions, giving you yet another relationship to integrate as a part of your process. At the beginning of tenth level, life feels new, and you may feel newly born and very tender. Tenth level is the beginning of the spiritual awakening that will lead to your mastery of the abilities that mark the spiritual masters and adepts. These abilities, or gifts of the spirit, will become stronger as you become energetically clearer. In tenth level the focus will be on manifesting these spiritual gifts, and then integrating the gifts fully so they are usable in your physical, everyday life. Your greatest natural spiritual gift will be the first to manifest in tenth level, and your other gifts of the spirit will open later in a gradual way. You will be required to live by your spiritual gifts. If you are clairvoyant, for example, you must make decisions by what you perceive clairvoyantly - not by what you perceive physically. Your clairvoyance will literally overtake your physical sight during tenth level. You may notice one day that you are very clearly seeing three curbs and sidewalks. Deciding where to place your foot may be very confusing. You will be seeing the physical curb and sidewalk,the etheric curb and sidewalk, and the fourth dimensional curb and sidewalk. If you rely completely on your clairvoyance, not the physical sense of sight, you will know where to step. If you use the physical sense of sight you may trip a few times in a public place. Eventually you will learn how to process this type of vision. The process of becoming clear is one of releasing stored energy from the emotional body and the mental body, and relocating that energy to the spiritual body where it becomes usable, through which miracles are created. The only difference between an avatar and an ordinary man is the location of the energy held within the energy bodies. An ordinary man has all his energy "locked-up" in stored emotions and memories in the emotional body, and beliefs and thoughts in the mental body. The ordinary man has a flat spiritual body, for there is no energy to spare from the demands of the emotions and thoughts. An avatar has clear emotional and mental bodies. All the energy held within an Avatar's subtle bodies, is stored in the spiritual body. For a master, the energy associated with emotion flows into the emotional body from the spiritual body IN THE MOMENT, and is released to the spiritual body once the emotional stimulus has ended. The energy associated with a thought flows from the spiritual body to the mental body, and then is released to the spiritual body as the thought is completed. This leaves an Avatar's energy free, to use according to his will. The spiritual energy is available to an avatar because it is not consumed by thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and memories. This is the energetic structure each of you must create in your energy bodies, during tenth and eleventh level Light Body. This will allow each of you to perform miracles such as manifesting thought into physical reality. Eleventh level of Light Body is a natural progression from tenth, and many times the transition is so easy, the shift isn't noticed. The spiritual abilities continue to grow, and the physical body begins to change in appearance. Your physical body becomes luminous, glowing,and appears very beautiful. You might have friends and acquaintances suddenly remarking that you look younger, or that you have changed in some way that is indefinable. Eleventh level brings deeper levels of processing on your emotional issues. At this level you must deal with all your beliefs and thought forms around death and loss.You might create disillusionment, or even find you are creating your deepest fears within your physical life so you can clear them completely by experiencing them. Any stored energy held in the emotional or mental body after tenth level is completed must be released to the spiritual body in eleventh level. If you do not deal with those issues while you are in tenth level, you will manifest them in your lives within the eleventh. But, you truly have nothing to fear but fear itself when you are at eleventh level Light Body. Twelfth level Light Body is the ascension. It is marked by the movement of the Merkabah into the heart center of your body. The Merkabah can most easily be described as a golden ball of light. It is the vehicle of your ascension, and a major initiation for you when it happens. That event is the beginning of your personal ascension into a fifth dimensional world of oneness. The ascension can occur at an individual level, it can occur within a group, or it will occur as a part of the collective experience. You will ascend when you are ready, whether you do it alone, as a part of a group, or as a part of the planetary shift yet to come. There is not a period for the ascension in any way. At an individual level there are ascensions occurring daily. This year, 1995, is the first year since Harmonic Convergence where the energy has been available for the shift into a fifth dimensional consciousness while in a physical body. There are many beings, who are incarnate because they have volunteered to serve by testing the Light Body experiment. They are the first ones to move into ascension. For the rest of you, the Light Body program will continue until you are ready, and then you will shift. Ascension is a very simple thing. It is a change that occurs in an instant, but you are still here. The sun will still shine and the stars will still twinkle. The difference is Joy, your ability to live joy and to feel joy. The easiest way to verify that ascension has happened is to note the quality of joy in a person's life. The beginning of the ascension is when a person begins living life by creating their fantasies as their reality. I, Metatron can define JOY as samadi, ecstasy, or rapture. It is that state of oneness with God. It can also be defined as your center or being on your center. That clear space you can achieve in meditation where energy is flowing and you feel that absolute cosmic oneness with all. Whatever brings you pleasure or feelings of lightness, and whatever you would define as joy, is a pathway to that state. If you are working as a part of a spiritual group, you will experience a series of faster shifts in your processing. When one member of your group notices the embodiment of the Merkabah, you all will have received it, and will soon become aware of it also. The individual members may not have noticed this occurring at first, but at least one member of the group was ready for it, and as a result the entire group will get the benefit. A group working on ascension has a tremendous advantage because fifth dimensional consciousness is a consciousness of "oneness" or in other words, the group is one. Working with a group creates enormous synergistic energy, where each of you is far more powerful than you would be if you were alone. It also gives each member a chance to learn to relate both as individuals, and from oneness within the group. This is an essential fifth dimensional consciousness shift that everyone must make. As individuals and groups focus on ascension, they should focus on beginning to recreate their lives as absolute masterpieces of joy. As they do so, they will begin to live from joy, and later, they will become joy. As each of you does this, you will begin to shift everyone you come into contact with in your daily life, broadcasting the energy of joy to them and waking them up to that frequency. The mass ascension will occur when the majority of ascending humans on the planet are existing in this state of joy, and not until. The reason for this fact, is that this planetary experience is one of free agency. In this dimensional universe, free agency is divine law. When the majority of you are living from joy, the planetary experience will have moved into a world of love and oneness. When the majority of you have given up the game of polarity because you have learned all you could, and have by your own choices moved into joy and oneness, the mass ascension will occur. Until that time comes, and it will,the Light Body progression will continue. The ascension will take as long as it takes, and humanity as a collective group, in the end, decides the timing of the great event. Free agency cannot be tampered with, not even for the highest of purposes, not even to create the ascension. The point I wish to make with this information is that the greatest way each of you can serve God, serve all mankind, serve the planet, and to serve yourselves is to create your lives as masterpieces of joy. Be ruthless in evaluating your lives, and clear everything that does not bring you joy. Let go of old emotions and old issues, for they are consuming the energy you could be feeling joy with. If you focus on this as the entire process, and focus on learning to live from joy as your path of initiation, you will become the adept or spiritual master you desire to be. You will assist everyone you meet, by your very presence, and you will be anchoring the energies of joy for the planet as well, to assist her in birthing a new level of manifestation for all. This ecstatic state of union with God is a part of the potential that is open for all. This path of joy makes the ascension so very simple, for all that is required is for each individual to begin focusing on, and taking full responsibility for his life. Live life as a masterpiece of JOY. The planetary changes that have been prophesied for these times you are living in are frightening for many. Since you have nothing to fear but fear, I will bring forth information about how the Light Body process has changed the probable future for the planet. I have described the process for you as it affects your physical self and your personal life. I will now explain how Light Body impacts the planet, for the planet is physical, and the entire basis for sustenance of your physical life. As you become a being of light the planet also changes. The planet is becoming a sphere of crystal and light. When the Light Body experiment began in 1988, the planet was shifted into third level Light Body. The planet shifted into a higher level each year after; fourth level in 1989, fifth level in 1990, and sixth level in 1991. The planet entered seventh level on Jan. 11, 1992 with the 11:11 gateway, and remained there until the next gateway opening which was 5/5/92. This gateway initiated the beginning of eighth level Light Body for the planetary process, and with that level of Light Body, earth changes were most probable. Planetary shifts have always been ushered in by a series of technologies I call gateways. Gateways are energetic conduits opened from a higher dimensional universe to this one. These conduits bring through the energies necessary to pattern mass consciousness, change planetary vibrations, and to change dimensional frequencies. A gateway requires the assistance of the space brothers and many beings on higher dimensional frequencies to create it and to refine the energies for the specified purpose. The purpose of a gateway, and its timing is the domain of the Light Councils, or Karmic Board, and the Great White Brotherhood. These councils oversee the progress, and assist when needed. The 5/5/92 gateway purposes were to forestall probabilities around cataclysmic disasters, which were most likely as the planet began losing density. The greatest probable disaster was a pole shift. The 5/5/92 gateway began the shift between the inbreath of God and the outbreath of God. The shift between an expanding Universe and a contracting Universe. This gateway, 5/5/92, signaled the still time between the two directions. This still time continues until 2012 when the exhalation begins. This physical Universe has been expanding, fragmenting out into individuation. When the contraction begins it is the merging of the fragments into oneness. As this gateway signaled a change in energetic direction, it was an appropriate gateway to use in shifting the grid structure around the planet. The etheric grid around the planet creates a blueprint for the ley lines, or energy rivers, within the planet. The grid is an energy organ of the planet, and can be compared to the nervous system inside and outside your body. The grids are structured and programmed for specific purposes at specific times, and they are changed regularly. Since the time of Atlantis, the grids for economic power were located over the Western Hemisphere, and the grids for spiritual power were located over the Eastern Hemisphere, but were dormant. These grids were turned on with the beginning of colonization of the New World. These grids were "flipped" or shifted, from East to West. This means that since May 5, 1992 the grids for spiritual power have been located over the western hemisphere. The grid shift represents an energetic reversal and it is equivalent to a pole shift, but without the physical shift. This was an absolutely necessary change, because the planet and every form of life on the planet had to change directions energetically, because the universal flow of energies changed. The shift in energetic direction would have created the pole shift on Earth (within the physical) within a three month period if the grid shift hadn't been accomplished. The grid shift created the same energetic structure as a pole shift, but on an energetic level rather than a physical level. The window when cataclysmic disasters were probable was within the nine month period of time after the grid shift. The grid shift was so massive that it took the concerted efforts of many beings to accomplish, incarnate, discarnate, and ascended. The assistance of the ships and space brothers was also required to forestall the potential disasters that were possible at this time. Since the grid shift, the planetary changes were "managed" by these beings to either prevent the disasters, or to time them to prevent as much loss of life as possible. Because the planet has completed eighth level, the possibility for cataclysmic disasters is far less. The fears held by many of you around creating the ascension by a death-resurrection cycle can be let go of, for the probability is that the Light Body progression will continue while the planet remains fairly stable. Is it not easiest to perceive this as the potential, rather than the disasters that have been foretold? This grid shift also sets into motion the last twenty year cycle before other celestial events occur, to mark the contraction of the dimensional universe. This twenty year cycle is one of "do or die" for the Light Body progression as an ascension plan. This grid shift was engineered to aid those who are known as lightworkers at this time of change, for the grid shift allowed the planetary frequencies to shift upward into what is known as the lower fourth dimensional frequencies. This brought the planetary vibration into what is known as the astral worlds. These worlds are still worlds of polarity and illusion, but they are far less physical. It makes it possible for each of you to begin opening potentials of joy for yourselves, and as you do, the disasters become less probable. Those who are aware and those who are learning to use spiritual power to create in the physical can use the energies from the new grid alignment to create their personal version of "heaven on earth". There were many of you requesting this assistance, for many lightworkers wanted to be able to precipitate thought into matter. They wanted to be able to levitate objects or themselves. They wanted to have a purse that would never be empty. The heavens have accommodated you in having those abilities in your lives via the dimensional shift created at the grid shift. It brings into potential the possibility, for the grid shift decreased density of matter by at least one third and that makes it much easier for those of you who would use energy or power to create with in the physical. Those who are able, will have an option of not only ascending into fourth dimensional worlds, which you are vibrating at now, but of moving into the fifth dimensional world. The only requirement is that you are capable of reaching that level of vibration, and that quality of joy in your lives. Each of you has a left brain and a right brain, and each half of your brain functions according to its defined purpose. In each of you one sphere of the brain is dominant. As above, so below - the same holds true for the planet. As spiritual awakening progresses in a human, the functioning of the spheres of the brain balance and become equal, the same situation must occur for the planet. The left brain of the planet or the West, and the right brain of the planet or the East must reach a new balance. The East and the West must become equalized in physical life in order for the ascension to progress. One possibility created by this grid shift is to bring the opportunity for spiritual mastery and power to the Western mind, and the bring a new balance of Economic and Political power to the East. The grid shift brings in the probability for complete spiritual empowerment within the western world in this lifetime. There has never been a good model of how to practice spirituality within the Western world. This is why so many of you have adopted Eastern religions - or have immediately shifted into the monastic life when you pursued the spiritual path. This grid will bring about a new kind of spirituality, one that is appropriate for the Western mind and culture. It is important for each of you to know that following the path of the monastic, withdrawing from everyday life, or living the life of the ascetic is no longer appropriate. You must be within the world, and this new spiritual path will bring a balance and a merging between the various areas of your life. You will walk the spiritual path while you live in the world, maintain family life, maintain jobs,and conduct business. All aspects of your daily life will become spiritual. It brings in balance for all those living and working in Eastern hemisphere countries to experience political power and economic well being within this lifetime. That new balance will bring about the Karmic balance necessary to eliminate the polarity that is inherent within third and fourth dimensional worlds. The grid shift affects your body physically by reversing the polarity in your entire body. Most individuals have had time since 1992 to become completely acclimated to the energetic shift. It has fostered a speeding up of the Light Body progression, and of course there are physical side effects of this speed up. It has also literally reversed the electromagnetic field of the planet. This grid shift brought a merging of physical and spiritual within the seven cities of light, which shifted from the Eastern hemisphere to the West. The cities of light each have a master resident within the city, and they are now feeding energy to the localities in the North American continent near their physical location. This is to feed the energies of the masters to the people and waking up the masses. The cities of light are at Mount Rainier, Salt Lake City, Denver, near Stone Mountain Georgia, on the seacoast at Hilton Head, slightly North and West of Detroit on the border of the United States and Canada,and Buffalo New York. As an additional anchor Shamballa has shifted from the East to an area near Baja, and Avalon has shifted to Southern Oklahoma. The seven cities of Gold have been reawakened in the Southwest United States and Northern Mexico, and the gates to the Garden of Eden are now opened in the state of Missouri. In this still space between the inbreath and the outbreath, it is quiet. Because of the quiet of the energy it is possible for each of you to each create for yourselves whatever you wish. The assistance of the energy produced by the cities of light, and the energy transmitted from the masters in those cities it yours. Use it as you will. Quite literally, the lightworkers have the option to become as ascended masters and to create the change for themselves that is known as translation. The rest of the ascending human lifeforms will shift from third dimensional awareness to fourth dimensional awareness. Many have chosen to fear the government, fear the possibility of civil war, or fear losing their freedoms instead of geophysical disasters at this time. I wish to address these fears, and assist you in shifting them with information. Perhaps the best illustration of how this process affects the political structures in your world because of the grid shift is to discourse on what I call the "silent revolution". The silent revolution has been created because of the grid shift, and the silent revolution is just what it sounds like. A revolution which will change the government, political structures, and resolve differences between factions of people once and for all, but it is occurring silently. Silently, without a word spoken, without much debate or disagreement, silently without a war or one shot fired! When the grids for political and economic power were located over the Western hemisphere, most of the energy produced by those grids was "gobbled up" by the United States. There were great technologies in use, at high levels to direct all the energy produced by these grids into United States governmental power. This supported the evolution of a super government. With this grid shift things have changed. The high level technologies used to direct the energy into government power still exists, except the grids have changed in purpose. These spiritual power grids are bringing a great spiritual awakening and full spiritual empowerment to the people. This will initially begin at governmental levels. Any of you who have awakened the ability to channel energy or to manifest from thought, are the leaders of the silent revolution. Wherever you direct the energy, or thought, is where the changes will first occur. This silent revolution is going to restructure the government of the United States, releasing most of its control to the individual states. The silent revolution will bring about equality for all, restructure taxes, welfare, health care, and bring about a reinterpretation and new understanding of the constitution of the United States. It will realign the government to more clearly reflect the will of the people. Remember the government of the United States is only a manifestation of the collective consciousness of its citizens. The kind and quality of government manifested, is a clear picture of the mass consciousness in this society. That mass consciousness is changing drastically as the silent revolution progresses. As it changes, the government will have no choice but to change as well, for it only reflects what the will of the people truly is. The Silent Revolution is a shift from one set of values to another, by the people. The values of power and winning at all costs are shifting to values of community and joy. Higher levels of consciousness which are necessary to manifest the ascension, either personally or for the collective, will be brought through as a product of the silent revolution. Other changes due to occur as a result of this revolution, will be changes in the way the legal system is administered, changes in economic policy, and changes in other governing decisions, such as those regulating alternative medicine. Policies such as those decisions resulting in secrecy about government projects and research, will be altered, moving toward full disclosure. The greatest changes should be occurring at the 5/5/96 gateway. The energies to support this have been coming in very strongly from the ship, The New Jerusalem, since the 5/5/95 gateway, and will be complete with the May 14, 1996 celebration date. The policy making and governmental changes may not be realigned for some time after. Expect this to be an ongoing experience. It is time for all Americans to understand that their government and their society are clear reflections of how they, as a collective,thinks and what the collective values are. As the inner - so the outer. If each individual makes an effort to clear his energies and begin living his lives as a masterpiece of joy, very rapidly the government will shift to reflect that consciousness. This is called the silent revolution because it is silent, and it is a revolution.It is achieved with energy, not the machinery of war. This affects each of your lives in very personal ways, for the government is a part of your lives every day. For example, issues around taxes deal with your economic well being. Products and services that are available are also at issue. The silent revolution enters your day to day lives because, as a lightworker you are empowered. Much responsibility rests on the shoulders of lightworkers to focus the energy from the grids, and to shift this situation to more adequately reflect a higher consciousness. There are many groups of lightworkers working with energy to direct the silent revolution, especially those groups that are physically located near the cities of light. Since the Harmonic Convergence there have been many political changes on this planet. Some of them have been for the purposes of bringing about peace - you have experienced the fall of the Berlin wall, the fall of the Soviet Union, and international nuclear disarmament, to name a few events. That is because this is the dawning of the 1,000 years of peace. This society is disarming from without, and it must also disarm from within. As the inner - so the outer. Traditionally, Americans have created stress within the mass consciousness, and individually by creating a "bogey man" in their lives. Throughout cold war, the bogey man from without was the Soviet Union. That bogey man justified the buildup of arms.This "locked up" tremendous amounts of resources of all kinds, not just money, but energy as well. This kept the resources of the world firmly in the control of those who could be called the warlords. This disarmament is necessary, for it redistributes all those resources into other hands and other programs. If there is peace, there is no need for arms. Those resources that went into the arms buildup are now available for other purposes, whether it be education, health, housing, research into alternative energy, it is now available. The American consciousness has not shifted yet, from that of fearing the bogey man. Now, because the outside bogey man has collapsed, and there really is no other that is a match for this country in its great might, the American public has created another bogey man to continue the stress. That is what the collective is used to. It is what the collective has become addicted to, this warlike attitude. That comes because of political and economic power, and the desire to hold that position of supremacy. Also it keeps the economic policy and structures in place that were created with the arrival of the cold war and the arms buildup. There is a great economic incentive to do this, for that is money in the pockets of many who are employed in war related industries. To continue the old agenda of fearing the bogey man, the American public has become convinced that the bogey man they have to fight against is their own government. The difficulty with this is that your government is you! This is a disarming society, and disarming is necessary for peace. The constitution may be reinterpreted, but the rights as granted by the various amendments will not be trampled on, even the second amendment rights will not be modified. Americans will always have the right to own or bear arms. The only question is why would they want to? This is the coming of the millennium, the 1,000 years of peace. Welcome it with open arms! Do not hang on to the old beliefs and structures which were based on fear! Some political events within this country that have stirred up concerns about the loss of these rights such as the events at Waco, and now the events at Oklahoma City are to bring into the consciousness an evaluation, of what is right or wrong and where is violence justified in society. There does appear to be abuse by government agents, and there also appears to be abuses by those on the other side of the issue as well. In these situations, if you could view these events as a mirroring to everyone of what is within the mass consciousness at the level known as the United States, there is no right or wrong. These events are best used as an illustration of how much violence is in the mass consciousness, and how much enemy patterning is held in the mass consciousness. For that enemy patterning must be processed and released, and that releasing begins individually. The greatest way to release enemy patterning is to move yourself into a space where you believe there are no enemies. Move yourself into a space where there is no question about the need to protect your rights. Move yourself into the attitude that, yes, you have the absolute right to possess and bear arms, but where would the necessity to use those weapons ever come from? This is a world at peace! This is one of the things that will be shifting drastically in approximately one year as a result of the Silent Revolution. With the shifting in energy the illusion of having enemies will become less and less real, until it no longer exists. Become clear within each of yourselves about how you interpret these violent events, and what they are mirroring for you. Become clear within yourself about how you perceive the need to have arms, and what your values are. Work through these issues on your own level, in your own life, until you can create a perception of an absolutely safe, stable world. For other people in your life, who have concerns and fears about these political issues, assist them by your ability to bring through energy. Facilitate their efforts to process their beliefs, until they can arrive at a place where they are secure and without fear, and have the attitudes that this is the time of peace, let us welcome it. If you can do these things it will be of great assistance in shifting the mass consciousness on these issues. It is of interest that on the macro, people are willing to do away with nuclear arms. Destroy them, dismantle them, make their use illegal. But on a personal level, they will cling so tightly to their own firearms. Divine law is - as the inner, so the outer. It must happen at the personal level first, then it will manifest internationally. If you truly want to outlaw nuclear arms, begin within your own lives. Normally, before the energy realigns itself in a balanced way, the pendulum will swing very far from side to side. The hope is that this issue is just a pendulum swing before the attitudes balance themselves. Other movements you are seeing politically are to create reforms in the Welfare system. These shifts are the result of the gateway that opened one year ago on 6/6/94. That gateway was one of self-empowerment. But along with self-empowerment comes the requirement of self-reliance. This gateway brought through a new model for a self empowered-female. The archetype of the goddess Athena is something each female carries within her consciousness. An activated model of this archetype of an empowered female was beamed through the gateway from the ship Athena. This opened up a remedy for many social ills in the Western world, for how can you have an ascending planet or species, if over one half of the population is in a "less than" position? Many females are treated as less than, earning less than, less opportunity, less education, relegated to welfare, relegated to poor circumstances and unequal opportunities. To change that, females must also step into their power. The energy to support the female is available, and has been since the reawakening of the forces of nature at the 12/21/91 gateway. The changes that are coming into the welfare system, and the revising of it are to enforce the theme of full self-reliance. These changes will be ongoing over the next six years. The females who are a part of the welfare system are those who have contracts with the collective for dependency and support. Those contracts will be completely fulfilled by early 1997, and this completion will mean that these individuals MUST move into their work in the wrld and full self-empowerment. Their dependency status will no longer be appropriate. Largely, as the majority consciousness shifts in accepting these new ideas and programs everyone will shift. It is similar to the changes in mass consciousness that eradicated polio. Polio was not eliminated by the vaccine, for in reality the vaccine is either ineffective or it will create illness. It was the mass consciousness belief in the vaccine that did away with polio. Because the majority of the population believed they could not get polio, they didn't. Welfare is a similar situation. The "system" that has become the Federal Government has begun breaking down, and will continue to do so. It has peaked as far as structure, and size, and its foundation can no longer support its size. This breaking up process of the government at the Federal level is positively supported by the silent revolution. It is also being created by the individuals looking for a new bogey man. All attitudes eventually work for the highest good of all. That restoration of power to the states is for the highest good of all, and it creates more of an advantage to the individual. There will continue to be shifts with many services being terminated at the Federal level, and responsibility for those services coming from the state level instead. The councils in the higher dimensions view these changes as appropriate. The grid shift no longer energetically supports a large, all-powerful Federal entity. Breaking up that power into smaller chunks, and giving it back to the people at the level of state and local government is appropriate. Of course it reinforces the requirement for self-reliance, and self-empowerment, for there won't be a government program to take care of everything any longer. This breaking up of the Federal entity will reduce government costs, and allow for massive tax restructuring. You may find in the future, that political parties become a thing of the past, as the polarity of opposing ideas disappears into oneness. How soon this will come into physical being is not predictable, but it is a strong probability. Changes in the health care field will be similar to the issues around the arms build up and welfare reform. For this area, has also locked up tremendous resources making the energy unavailable for research into alternative fields, or energy available to eliminate disease. The health care field has reached a peak in what it can provide. It has, of course, priced itself out of the market. The economy can no longer support this expense, and of course the health care system will experience a reversal. You will see drastic revisions coming because of the silent revolution, and yes, these changes will be similar to socialized medicine. The changes supported by the silent revolution will be the changes involved in living from wellness, and the point of view will be that there is no more illness, suffering, or disease. This point of view will be due to the ascension progression. The mass consciousness has already created an attitude change. The mass consciousness perceives traditional medical care as expensive, invasive, and ineffective. Things that were not mentioned except in a metaphysical group seven years ago, are now being broadcast all over the media and are accepted by nearly everyone, even physicians. This is an example of how the process of shifting the mass consciousness can occur quickly. This planetary process is so vast, so all encompassing, and would not be possible if there was not a United States of America. The founding fathers with their occult knowledge and adeptship, knew exactly what they were creating when this nation was founded on occult emblems and symbols of power. Later, when the constitution evolved, the same type of individual worked to create the constitution. There are no accidents. What is occurring now, is a shift, from one level of being to a higher one, for all these structures. This is all being orchestrated by the Light Body progression. The founding fathers made accommodations in their use of spiritual power for this time, for it was clear to them this time was coming. These times have been predicted by every prophet, seer, and oracle since ancient times. They prophesied about it. You are living it! The major gateway for this year will be 9/9/95. This gateway will bring through the energies of completion. This is the ending cycle for many forms that have evolved within the American life, whether those forms are governmental, economic, or even spiritual. This gateway will begin the dismantling cycle and the ending phase on the personal level as well. There will be a void, where the old have not completely disappeared, and the new have not yet come into being. As a result of this void, things may be difficult during the three-month phase after the gateway. Each of you who are aware and empowered must focus on filling the void with joy, and shifting the forms of your lives quickly and easily. As you do this, the transitions from the old forms to the new will be traversed quickly and easily by the majority as well. For those of you who are working actively on your own ascension, you are carrying a great burden. That burden is in living impeccably. You cannot create something on the level of the macro (collective) without first bringing it into the micro (personal). As above, so below - that is divine law. You must first create within your own life what you desire in your society, social structure, and country. There are many of you incarnate, with the divine mission to realign the law to more closely resemble divine law. You are here to shift the entire collective around the issues of politics, economics, government, and law. You must use and live by the principles of divine law in your own lives first, before you can bring them through at the mass consciousness level. Create a life without a need for defense or violence, without a need for political polarity, without the need for welfare programs, and without the need for treatment of disease. Create your lives as a world of peace, joy, security, and equality. The outer world will follow your lead. This world you are living in is now a fourth dimensional world - an astral world. It is still a world of polarity, but there is a difference. That polarity is just an illusion! There are stories from every path of initiation about "The Guardian of the Threshold," and most often the Guardian is a terrible monster. When an initiate is developed enough to travel to the astral worlds, the first thing the initiate will encounter is the Guardian. The initiate must defeat the Guardian to make further progress on their spiritual path. This is considered a test, and the test must be passed, or the instruction of the master stops. Every Esoteric tradition has it's method of how to deal with the Guardian, and overcome it. The one universal truth about this test, is that the Guardian is you. That terrible demon is an astral apparition of your worst fears. A monster yes, but it is nothing more than an illusion. In every tradition the solution is for the initiate to release their fears and personal demons and then they will overcome the Guardian. It will just disappear. That is why each spiritual tradition, or path of initiation, has always had a focus on developing clarity, and personal qualities such as humility, forgiveness, and love. These qualities are the only way you can pierce the illusions of the astral worlds. As in the traditions of old, and in the ascension progression today, the upper dimensional frequencies are not opened to the initiate until this test has been passed. In an initiation, there is no failure. If the test is not passed, the lesson is merely repeated until the initiate gets it. This is the best metaphor I can give you to describe the experiences you are having in this dimensional frequency. Remember, the Guardian is just an illusion, and polarity is just an illusion. If you release those illusions and beliefs, release those fears, the Guardian disappears! The world you experience will recreate itself around your new reality perceptions. The assistance of all the hosts of heaven is available to each of you, but you must ask. We cannot violate your free agency, even to assist you. All the assistance you need to walk through these changes peacefully and joyfully is available to each of you. This information is given to you to assure you that all is well. My role is to shift your fears, to assure you of divine love, and to awaken you to potentials you may have to assist the collective. Each of you has only one responsibility in this lifetime, and that responsibility is for YOUR OWN LIFE. Divine law is As Above - So Below; As the Inner - So the Outer. When you perceive difficulties, enemies, or bogey men, in the outside world around you, look to your inner life for they will exist there as well. If you clear these perceptions from your inner life you will find that magically, your outer life, your experience, and perceptions shift. It is divine law. You can bring about the elimination of polarity very simply - by working on your own life, and that is all each of you are required to do. Go forward and create of your life an absolute masterpiece of joy. The tools are given to you, the power is given to you, and all the assistance and guidance that you could possibly need is available. Each of you must actually DO IT, and as you do it you will transform your world and the larger world as well. You have nothing left to fear but fear itself - for fear is the last great evil that remains in the world. Work on your fear, and eliminate it from your mental body and emotional body, and as you do so you will eliminate it from your life. Fear is the only enemy left, and that enemy is only located within each of you. Blessings to all, for we love you, we honor you, and we only seek to serve each of you. Truly, the great ones are those who are incarnate at this time of change. Your initiation is nearly complete. All that remains is for each of you to pass the tests of Joy.
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The Calling of Light

"Higher numbers of earth souls are needed to carry out special missions related to mass fear control, uplifting communications, technological interface, information transference and the directing of certain light and sound ray frequency. Light workers and associated groups who desire to serve as liaison to the Federation and who are able to maintain telepathic contact will be given further information and assignment. Please make your intentions to service known." - The Galactic Federation of Light There is some really important stuff here. Call upon the Sirians, Pleiadians, and Arcturians for help. They want to help us. They are our ascended selves (in reality they are not separated from us at all, we just think they are with 3D/4D consciousness) Set your personal goals for the Light and follow through on the goals. Here are my personal goals- all human beings on Earth reconnected to Spirit via axiatonal lines, telepathic transmission of important messages between all human beings on Earth, providing humanity with the tools to co-create the new age, reconnection of all ties to the Galactic and Universal Core, and finally freedom from all the 3D chains that bind us prior to the shift into 5D
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