Chris Comish's Posts (397)

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Karma and Judgment

When you give, you are given (examples Mother Teresa, Ghandi and many more---not just spiritual and important but those people in everyday life that are Unconditonal Love)

When you take from, you are taken from (examples Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein and many more)

Karma returns, it doesn't express judgment, it just returns what you put out

About Judgment:

Those that judge are judged.

We are each unique expressions of the Creator. The Creator is all unique expressions. When we judge others, we are weighing one expression over another. But how can one be weighed over another, when all are unique expressions and of the Creator? Each expression is beautiful in its own way. Let it all just be. Let it exist. Let it experience, let each expression discover itself that it is of the Creator and return home on its own path in its own way.
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My thoughts/feelings:

I AM Love (compassionate, kind, accepting, forgiving, giving, caring/nuturing/responsible, serving, faithful, praising others, joy/bliss, listening/focus/concentration, learning/experiencing/flowing/changing/transforming, existing (I AM), balance, creating out of Love, everything IS/All exists etc)


I AM Loved (recieve compassion, receive kindness, receive acceptance, receive forgiveness, receive blessings/abundance, receive nuturing, receive service, in balance/harmony, thankful, joyful/blissful, others are faithful in me, others listen/others focus/others concentrate with me, created out of Love/I AM/I exist because of Love etc)


We are All One....All Connected

Everything else is illusion created by free will distortion (judgment, blame, guilt/shame, control, worry, fear, jealousy, addiction, separation, sadness, grasping/clinging/stuck/resisting change, anger, absolute knowledge, absolute understanding, pride/ego, expectations, suffering, lack/worthlessness etc etc)

Search out for beliefs within you and purge them. Everything is a belief except the Divine Love within you and others.

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Blessings all,

Last week I wrote that I prayed that I was a vessel of healing, that the Creator's love and healing would flow through me to heal all who were injured in Arizona, received as long as each recipient needs healing and as long as it is needed and that each would be perfectly protected from all harm and ill will. I saw Archangel Michael inform me and say "they are perfectly protected, you have my word and honor" as he struck his etheric blue sword into the ground spiraling blue light around all those in need. Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel and Metatron also joined in the healing. The energy flowed from my hand and I could feel it travel from Germany to Arizona. I intended it would be received as long as it is needed by each recipient regardless of how long I was sending and that it would perfectly protect and heal all those injured. Then I prayed that those who passed were shown the light by Archangel Michael and perfectly guided into Mother/Father God's heart.

I read this today:

Have faith. All is well through the power of prayer. It does help. It does heal. It is love.

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Teachings from Palden Dorje October 8th, 2010

Homage to Guru Dharma!

Homage to Guru, and Maitri to all religions and communities!

For world peace and to benefit all sentient beings, I’m giving this message of peace to the world with new wisdom and a new method.

I , Dharma Sangha, will continue penance for nine months more. Afterwards, I will teach the wisdom and pure Dharma to those devotees who wander here in search of receiving that which is given to me by the Buddhas. Also I will continue to do meditation and penance.

The wisdom which is given to me by the Buddhas is Bodhi Shrawan Dharma, to which I have listened and understood from the Buddhas themselves, and also by following those paths of wisdom and I will be telling that wisdom according to devotees’ needs and capacity of understanding.

This Dharma is a path, full of the pure Wisdom of the Buddhas. Modern people believe that, Dharma is a principle and institution, and though they have reached the meaning of Dharma closely, they are in fact far from real Dharma.

I believe that those who practice the eight moralities, and understand the real Dharma will practice the pure Dharma.

Eight moralities or rules are:

  1. Not to discriminate against human beings according to their cast, religion, gender or color etc.
  2. Not to humiliate religions by comparing them as superior or inferior.
  3. Not to accept discriminative doctrinal principles.
  4. Not to think of nations as separate or treat countries as friends and enemies.
  5. To avoid debates and arguments as to whether something is true or false as one view will likely be undervalued and another exaggerated.
  6. Not to practice the 10 negative actions.
  7. To practice three training moral discipline, concentration and wisdom and the dedication of your life to social and national services.
  8. To attain perfect enlightenment or dedicate yourself to get liberation for oneself or others.

I would like to tell the world to practice the eight moralities or rules. Practice all the moralities and spread the pure Dharma and peace in the world.

Besides this, I focus on keeping the spiritual Gurus and lay persons away from greed, fame, ignorance and attachment and always focus on attaining perfect happiness and peace for as long as life exists.

Finally, let’s make this world a Dharma world which is very suitable to live in not only for human beings, animals, living creatures, and plants, but also for Buddhas.

May All Beings Be Happy.

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A most amazing thing happened to me today. This morning I did my usual prayer to Archangel Michael to protect myself and my car from all harm and all ill will for my highest good.Then I went to work and drove home from work. As I was driving, I encountered several speed zones. I was trying to get home and driving somewhat fast. Suddenly I received a hot flood of energy on my left foot which was not on the gas pedal but at rest. The energy appeared to speak to me saying earth and rest. So I slowed the car down below the speed limit. At the end of the lowest speed zone, a speed camera was waiting to get the cars. It was as if my spirit, mother gaia, my guides and Archangel Michael warned me through the language of spirit (energy flows). I was protected for sure and the amazing flash of energy in warning to my left foot telling me to slow down was amazing.

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Living Light book available in India

Someone asked me if the Living Light book was available to be shipped to India.

I found a website where you pay in Indian Rupees and it is shipped to your address in India

Here is the link for the Living Light (hardcover) (paperback)

Also available from,,, (english book section), (english book section), (english book section)

What is the Living Light? The Living Light is a collection of most of the attunements on this site plus how to channel, an invocation for the archangels, about axiatonal lines, planetary & cosmic ray attunements, and more. Available in hardcover or paperback versions. The books are mediums for storing the attunements and for sharing them with anyone- those without internet access, and those who can read (or you can tell them the words to say through speaking and they will receive if they cannot read). The attunements have no expiration date. The books can pass to your children and grandchildren and the attunements can be received by them when the time is right when they wish.

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UFO photograph

Picture of UFO as sunlight was fading following the railroad tracks near my town. They are known to investigate technology.

Here is a closeup of the same UFO design

Here is another, although it appears it has more lights turned on-

If you look at these two google earth snapshots with the bethe hagen grid overlay the UFOs are between ley lines in wurzburg and following ley lines in wisconsin- there is some following of railroad tracks and ley lines common to UFO sightings.

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Is being harvestable and adept the same thing?

Sharing this with you all because of the vaulable wisdom encoded within the words. This applies to a wide spectrum of life paths. Namaste.

Repost from the forum at

You will often see the abbreviation 'STO' or 'Service to others' written. This is generally used, but is not actually correct. The correct term is service to other-self, or STOS. The reasons for this is that we are all one, all part of the One Creator.

I believe Ra said that the Logos had a bias/preference in making service to other-self easier to attain.



"90.21 Questioner: Then what you are saying is that once the path is recognized, either the positive or the negative polarized entity can find hints along his path as to the efficiency of that path. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. That which you say is correct upon its own merits, but is not a repetition of our statement. Our suggestion was that within the experiential nexus of each entity within its second-density environment and within the roots of mind there were placed biases indicating to the watchful eye the more efficient of the two paths. Let us say, for want of a more precise adjective, that this Logos has a bias towards kindness."


The numbers are:

STOS: at least 51% STOS, 49% STS allowable

STS: At least 96% STS, 4% STOS allowable

STOS: By simply being conscious of your decision to serve others, and continuing on that path from the moment you understand such, you will be on the path to ascension. This path allows one to take care of the self to fair extent as well, but the more one serves other-selves, the more polarity gained. Easy to do? Love, compassion, forgiveness. If you can live with those as guiding principles for your self and towards other-selves, and seek to help others in any way you can, yes it will be easy.

The work of the adept is designed for those that desire to increase their spiritual progression at an increased rate, working with the metaphysical while in the physical. Krishna, Buddha, and Christ are three well known "adepts", as it were.


I would request for all of those reading my words, please guard well your thoughts. If my words resonate, then by all means take them and use them as you can. If they do not resonate, please let them fall away like water does from a ducks back, and move on. Love/Light, Adonai.

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Near Death Experiences

Kevin Williams has done remarkable research on near-death experiences. They are the keys to unlocking the 5th dimension, the next earth whatever you may call it here on earth. His website is filled with wonderful stories and experiences. It is filled with views beyond our own world. When I first read the site I remember sitting all day reading as my third eye throbbed more and more with visions from beyond. May you all awaken with beautiful expansions of consciousness. Namaste, Qan Melchizedek
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Diamond Alignment

Namaste all,

It has been quite a while since I have been actively on multiple Ning networks.

With respect to free will, this is a journal intended to capture useful tools for others and not intended for any marketing purpose. It is what I have found to be beneficial over the last year and wanted to share to help awaken others. Life is about all of us together and not just me. It is my intent to help you by providing seeds of knowledge/spiritual empowerment for any of you who wish to nuture them.

First and foremost, here is a great free empowerment I have found to be beneficial:

It has been a year of transformation for me, a refinement of that which I thought was already refined. Of course the path never stops, there is no end but many new beginnings.

Many many have wondered what had become of Chris Comish- aka Qan Dek. There had been continued initiations beyond what I imagined and the flow of life continues to offer rich experiences. The focus of my consciousness has shifted from "I am ready to leave earth and turn into Light" to "I relish all opportunities to be of service to all of creation and All That Is. Thank you for the opportunity to manifest Love & Light on this plane of existence. All is well and all will be well. Love is the glue of the universe."

Following the tradition of my mentors Enoch and Archangel Metatron (or shall I say one in the same) I have recorded within four books significant amounts of attunements with a lifespan of inifinity for all of humanity to receive. This has been my offering to the Creator as an offering to all of Creation to enjoy, accelerate the Light Body activation and return to Universal/Cosmic consciousness that We are All One ~ All Connected.

Recently there has been significant study of the Law of One series by Carla Rueckert and I thoroughly enjoyed the consciousness enhancements, I would recommend them to each of you.

Currently I am continuing to read the 25 years of channeling from Carla Rueckert as well as the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

I have been exposed to the work of Anrita Melchizedek ( and Michelle Erloff a.k.a. The Lightweaver ( as well as current updates from the Children of the Sun Foundation. The multi-dimensional teachings and channelings have accelerated the Adam Kadmon blueprint manifestation, and it is with great gratitude that the Creator so abundantly provides blessings to all.

This site here has been a blessing thanks to the hard work of many and it is with great gratitude that this beautiful energy of love is shared for all of us to enjoy. Thank you again for all contributing.

Blessings to all of you, all of creation, and All That Is

Qan Melchizedek
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How to create a vortex

I've tried the Drunvalo Melchizedek Merkabah meditation but here is another method to activate merkabah/create a vortex-

Holy Grail Vortex

This exercise should be done with a statement "With no harm to anyone." Intent of exercise to be done should be stated before the exercise starts.

(Brings energy to the earth, downward direction)

First create counter clockwise vortex - in center - and say: From the point of Light within the Mind of God. Let Light stream forth into the minds of men. let Light descend on Earth,

Create second counter clockwise vortex - three feet out - and say

From the point of Love within the Heart of God, let Love stream forth into the hearts of men. May Christ return to Earth.

While these two vortexes are spinning, visualize the energy coming up in the cup of the Holy Grail.

(Now reverse the flow of energy and return it in an upward direction.) Spin clockwise energy field six feet out and say:

From the Center where the will of God is known, Let purpose guide the little wills of men, the purpose which the Masters know and serve. (Sends the energy to the cities of Light in the fourth dimension.)

Now spin clockwise energy field 12 feet out and say:

From the center which we call the race of men, Let the Plan of Love and Light work out, and may it seal the door where evil dwells. (Sends the energy now past the sun to the center of the Pleiades, which is the galaxy where Earth resides.)

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan of Earth.

(Never do the exercise unless you have permission from Mother Earth and your Creator. Also, it should not be done unless you have three people. Three people create a note of harmony. It is important that these rules be followed.)

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Spiritual healing is not needed for ascension but it does help clear the path for ascension by removing blockages between the body, mind and spirit.

Energy work brings the imbalances (karmic knots) to awareness.

At first egos are suppressed. As one continues on the path of unconditional loving service the egos lose grip more and more and eventually rarely need supression because they no longer are heard. Ego still exists (I do encounter ego sometimes still) because it is a part of the mind while in incarnation. But when the focus continues to be of service to all beings because all are sparks of light, ego can't be heard. Ego is related to separation, individual differences. When you see through the eyes of collective unity and the spirit in all- the perspective shifts away from ego. Gratitude for blessings, faith, unconditional universal loving service...these are keys to focus on. The focus is not ego then. As you focus more on love and balance the chakras doing it- love for roots to supply nourishment for your loving service, love for relationships to affect more people with your service, love for will to burn through lack of motivation and enter active loving service, love for loving all beings including yourself just how you are, love for being divine expression and speaking the truth, love for divine inspiration and all dimensions and densities, and finally love for all and yourself as a whole being of the Creator loving all of the Creator's creation because we are all one...this focus allows for more love and light and automatically initiations (infusions of more Light) and wholeness.

Ascension is the balance of all 6 chakras, thus activating the 7th crown chakra to the level the Creator has established for 4th density of love and understanding. All chakras activated in perfect unision/unity makes the whole in unity.

The goal through all external separative factors is to see the Light in all Creation. Light/Love in all Creation. It does exist, for some it is just lost. Some are not aware of it. All have it. When you see others as spirit within, you easily enjoy serving their spirit which is your spirit and the Creator's spirit- we are all one. When external environment is difficult and full of fear, judgment, separation- find the love within you- embrace it, fill your chalice as some would say, use that to recharge your heart and continue to give from the heart (and respect free will- ask first if it is ok to help).

Yesterday I was driving home and saw two people walking from the food store back to their buildings. They were burdened with groceries. I opened my car window and asked if they wanted a ride to their buildings. I was going to drive that way anyway. They said yes and were thankful.

Today I was blessed with a job interview for a promotion at work. If I am offered the position it would be great to keep serving others and keep the roots growing (which makes a bigger tree and more light for the crown IF one is balanced). I did the interview preparation work and prayed to Archangel Michael for protection for my highest good. Do all that you can physically and then pray- balance. Saw license plate AA M 7895 on the way home. Good confirmation of protection. Also saw a smile in the clouds as the masters watched me.

Today I saved a slow car that pulled out in front of a very fast one on the autobahn. They apparently didn't see the other car. I visually put the cho ku rei symbol on both vehicles and surrounded each with a blue pillar of protective fire and then called to Archangel Michael for protection. They almost hit each other at 140 kph (70 mph) but...they didn't. Thanks to AA Michael and Love & Light.

Was grateful today to the Creator for the opportunity to be in incarnation to serve others in love and light.

May you all be blessed.

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Buddha's teachings

Buddha set forth his teaching in the following doctrine.

The Four Noble Truths:

1. All things and experiences are marked by suffering/ disharmony/ frustration (dukkha)
2. The arising of suffering/ disharmony/ frustration comes from desire/ craving/ clinging.
3. To achieve the cessation/ end of suffering/ disharmony/ frustration, let go of desire/ craving/ clinging.
4. The way to achieve that cessation of suffering/ disharmony/ frustration, is walking the Eightfold Path.

The eightfold path to the cessation of suffering:

1. Right Understanding of the following facts: the truth about suffering ... (The Four Truths); everything is impermanent and changes; there is no separate individual self- this is an illusion. (We are one!)
2. Right Determination to: give up what is wrong and evil; undertake what is good; abandon thoughts that have to do with bringing suffering to any conscious being; cultivate thoughts that are of loving kindness, that are based on caring for others' suffering, and sympathetic joy in others' happiness.
3. Right Speech: Abstain from telling lies. Abstain from talk that brings harm or discredit to others (such as backbiting or slander) or talk that creates hatred or disharmony between individuals and groups. Abstain from harsh, rude, impolite, malicious, or abusive language. Abstain from idle, useless, and foolish babble and gossip. Abstain from recrimination and negative statements. Abstain from harsh speech—practice kindly speech. Abstain from frivolous speech—practice meaningful speech. Abstain from slanderous speech—practice harmonious speech. Speak the truth if it is useful and timely. Practice only necessary speech. Let your speech be filled with loving kindness. Speak that which alleviates suffering.
4. Right Action: Peaceful, honorable conduct; abstain from dishonest dealings; take concrete steps necessary to foster what is good. Do things that are moral, honest, and alleviate suffering. Do not do things that will bring suffering to others or yourself.
5. Right Livelihood: Abstain from making your living from an occupation that brings harm and suffering to humans or animals, or diminish their well being. This includes: activities that directly harm conscious beings, and activities that indirectly harm sentient beings, e.g., making weapons or poisons.
6. Right Effort: Foster good and prevent evil; Work on yourself—be engaged in appropriate self-improvement. The essence of right effort is that everything must be done with a sense of proper balance that fits the situation. Effort should be properly balanced between trying too hard and not trying hard enough. For example, strike the balance between excessive fasting and over-indulgence in food. Trying hard to progress too rapidly gets poor results, as does not trying hard enough.
7. Right Mindfulness or wakefulness: Foster right attention. Avoid whatever clouds our mental awareness (e.g., drugs). Systematically and intentionally develop awareness.
8. Right Concentration: Developed by practicing meditation and/or mental focusing. Proper meditation must be done continuously while awake, and should include work on awareness of body, emotions, thought, and mind objects.

Five basic precepts:

1. Abstain from killing living beings (from destroying/taking life)—or practice love.
2. Abstain from taking the not-given (from stealing)—or practice generosity, practice giving.
3. Abstain from sexual misconduct—or practice contentment.
4. Abstain from false speech (from lying)—or practice truthfulness.
5. Abstain from taking intoxicating drinks—or practice awareness and mental clarity.

Buddha said:

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. Do not believe anything because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything because it is written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and the benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.

The following prose, attributed to Buddha, is a poetic expression of the way he saw the world.

Buddha said:

I consider the positions of kings and rulers as that of dust motes.
I observe treasures of gold and gems as so many bricks and pebbles.
I look upon the finest silken robes as tattered rags.
I see myriad worlds of the universe as small seeds of fruit, and the greatest lake in India as a drop of oil upon my foot.
I perceive the teachings of the world as the illusions of magicians.
I discern the highest conception of emancipation as a golden brocade in a dream, and view the holy path of the illuminated ones as flowers appearing in one's eyes.
I see meditation as a pillar of a mountain, nirvana as a nightmare of daytime.
I look upon the judgments of right and wrong as the serpentine dance of a dragon, and the rise and fall of belief as traces left by the four seasons.

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The Meaning of Numbers

My interpretation:

1111 opening of a new portal

2222 middle of the process in a portal

3333 decision to be made

4444 resurrection/rebirth

5555 christ consciousness

6666 focus on the physical plane

7777 integration of mind/body/spirit

8888 infinity

9999 completion

1010 creation

1212 completion of a portal

9999 shows up almost daily, 1212 only on occasion. I find 1111 and 1212 have greater meaning for me.

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Story about a Hitchhiker

Picked up a hitchhiker today. Drove by the harmless old man the first time as I gave into fear and remembered movie formed beliefs of hitchikers carrying guns and carjacking. Then realized I wasn't driving near the prison, I was driving between two villages. The man was walking with a shopping bag with farmer fields in the background. So I prayed to archangel michael for protection and decided to lean on faith, exercising the law of one as I imagined myself walking with resentment another 3 km as cars passed by.

Giving into faith and accepting him as one with me I turned around and picked him up and dropped him off in the town I was headed to anyway. He only wanted to go to the store and didn't have a car. Poor guy walked 3 km and had another 3 km to the next town. No one picked him up because they were not aware or they were stuck in their own self or they gave into fear formed by beliefs formed from movies, tv, and childhood. Ask and ye shall receive. It was a subtle test (they almost always are) but it brought me satisfaction that I was loving and was faithful to the Law of One and had faith in the Creator's love and was able to help the other self in the time of need.

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Life's Lessons

Anger and resentment are two of my lessons in life. Anger was caused by a lack of faith and resentment caused by a lack of satisfaction. Faith and Satisfaction (acceptance) open the inner heart and open the flow of energy to the upper chakras.

Anger is a disturbance that often sparks due to discomfort. It comes from feeling un-grounded and off-center. It comes from an overwhelming inbalance. Anger is a form of emotional communication, an energy that is powerful but is best channeled into pursuits involving energy. Sports, Dancing, Music etc etc. Anger is caused by an inbalance of the root chakra, sometimes sacral chakra. It is instinctual survival response (root chakra). Or, it may be sparked by relationships with others or our relationship with our self (sacral chakra).

The solution to anger is to find the heart, listen to the heart, express from the heart, and love dissolves anger. To listen to the heart, one has to know they are not alone. One finds faith. Faith that you are protected and that you are loved always. Faith opens the heart which unifies and dissolves first and second chakra blockages. The energy that was translated into anger by the lower chakras still remains, and that is best transmuted into physical activity to heal the physical inbalance and music to heal the emotional inbalance.

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