Jackson, NJ
April 20
Relationship Status
Tell us about yourself? (All answers must be full sentence answers for your membership to be approved)
I have found a love of Reiki. I passion to continue to learn more and more and heal myself and others. I find Reiki energy so beautiful, and powerful and I believe we all have the wonderful ability to tap into it. I want to dedicate more and more time to this energy and to helping others as I learn more.
What brought you here?
In my search for more Reiki energy I stumbled upon your books, which lead me to your website.
What can you contribute?
I actually have another energy to contribute to this, called Quantum Energy, so incredibly powerful and when mixed with the other energies, its quick and what I find to be intelligent and friendly energy.
Local and online
too many to describe here, I have a long history and addiction to obtaining as much info as I can and learning more and more, even outside of Reiki.
This one is easy. To heal my body of all the years have done to it, to clear my subconscious of the things that are holding me back. To move forward in life in a whole new way that is filled with all the things I love in life, to help others to make others see all there is in life, to let go of all that is holding them back. I believe we are responsible for all the things that happen to us in life and I want so badly to help others see this and break themselves of their own shackles. I always believed I was here to help others, this is and always has been something I have wanted to do, one way or the other. Reiki feels right to me, it feels so much like a perfect connection in my life, a calling I wasn't hearing and I am hearing it now and want to follow any and all avenues that are open to me.
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"Happy Birthday!"
Happy Birthday! Thank you for being you! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light
Happy Birthday! Thank you for being you! We appreciate you! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light
Infinite Blessings of Divine Love, Light, & Abundance,