March 3
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Tell us about yourself? (All answers must be full sentence answers for your membership to be approved)
Aloha, Dearest everyone. My name is Halu from Japanese. The Earth is my force and my life.But now, I'm an alone. Could you become soul family or friends with me?
What brought you here?
I received and attuned about your Angel contact in 2006. But now, I checked your Web site. I’am spiritual seeker. And many angels do the work with me. Some angels invite me here,
What can you contribute?
Healer and Healee. Angel healing and reading. I'm a usui-shiki master reiki teacher. I can healing volunteer all over the world. The words used in books or attunes words translated into Japanese are old and difficult to understand. Therefore, I think it does not fit the younger generation. So, I think many Japanese people can’t understand about spiritual and metaphysics and need to Japanese translation.
Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Ariel. Master guide Kirael. Greatwhitebrotherfood Goddesses of Amaterasu, Pele. Master Vywamus. The group. Bashar.
I read various books from medical books to metaphysics.
I watched various movies but now, I don't like it. Please let me know do you have a recommend what the movie?
I like CELTIC harp music. I want to be play the Celtic harp. Is anyone let me teach?
Love and Blessings all over the world. I pray that the communication of truth, trust and passion is completed so that people can return to the love of the Creator.
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Happy Birthday! Thank you for being you! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light
Happy Birthday! Thank you for all that you are! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light
"Happy Birthday!"
"Happy Birthday!"
"Happy Birthday!"
Infinite Blessings of Divine Love, Light, & Abundance,