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Tell us about yourself? (All answers must be full sentence answers for your membership to be approved)
Hi! My name is Andrew Lipp. I am 28 years old from Ohio, I am a Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki Master and a Journeyman Electrician. I have a wonderful 8 year old daughter and a wonderful woman to help me raise her. My.. spiritual father I guess, would be Ram Dass. After 24 years of charismatic non-denominational Christianity, I met Ram Dass thru podcasts in January of 2020 and he showed me where I had been hitting a wall with Christianity. I had a glimpse of bliss for an extended period of time in April of this same year. Since then I have learned different meditative practices, such as mantra, vippasana, metta, visualization, different forms of breathwork, hatha yoga, vinyasa yoga, some traditional but mostly western style Usui Reiki to Master Level, I am also attuned to Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki or Egyptian Reiki and I have received the Living Light attunements. Now, I do not claim to be religious nor spiritual, and I have no problem with either people’s, this is why I claim neither so I can be there for both. I am no longer on a search and rescue mission but more so an exploration of life, and that includes everybody.
What brought you here?
What brought me here was how Chris Comish wrote 28 Powerful Reiki Attunements and I bought it as a pdf. Which makes it easy to click on the links 😎
What can you contribute?
Hopefully what I can contribute is some guidance to be given from me to those who need it and some teaching to be received by me from those who offer.
The teachers I’ve had are Ram Dass (I never met him, I met his essence after his passing, but I’ve listened to hundreds of hours of his lectures, read between a handful or two of his books, and very much resonated with all he had to offer and still offers), I have three Reiki Masters, each a different flavor so to speak, that I’ve learned from and are continuing to learn from, and Jason Siff, he is a Buddhist who created his own style of meditation which is in summary, watching your thoughts like you would your breath, but then also journaling why you remember afterwards, very neat stuff.
Awakening from the Daydream - David Nichtern
Be Here Now - Ram Dass
The Kybalion - Three Initiates
The Power of Now - Eckhartt Tolle
The Bible
The Bhagavad Gita
Old Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler movies are superb.
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Happy Birthday Andrew! Thank you for being you! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light
Welcome to Our Community! Thank you for being you! We appreciate you! Blessings of Love and Light