


Muskegon, MI


June 23

Tell us about yourself? (All answers must be full sentence answers for your membership to be approved)

I am a 29 yr. young mom looking to broaden my spiritual horizons. I am also interested in learning more about Reiki.

What brought you here?

I was searching for free attunements online and I found your site.

What can you contribute?

I have received level 1, 2, and 3 Reiki attunements from another online site. but it seems too good to be true I would like to learn more and this site seems to have more feedback about your attunements and a place for like-minded people to come together and discuss what they are learning, which the other site did not offer.


Life is the greatest teacher. Ian Sadler,


Emerald tablets of Thoth, The way of Hermmes The translations of the Corpus Hermeticum and The Definitions of Hermes Trismegistus to Asclepius


Legend is my all time favorite movie. The Hunger Games, Medicine Man, The Lord of The Rings.


Tool, Five Finger Death Punch, Korn, Paramore.


I have known from a very young age i wanted to be a healer I don't mean a conventional doctor in that sense I mean spiritual/energy worker. I believe it is my goal to learn my strengths and weaknesses harness them learn what mother earth has to teach me so ultimately I can help other people because that is what I really want to do!

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  • "Happy Birthday!"

  • Happy Birthday! Thank you for being you! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light

  • Happy Birthday! Thank you for being you! We appreciate you! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light

  • Happy Birthday! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light.
  • Happy birthday sweetie!
  • Dear Amanda,
    Thanks for your Pink Ribbon The sign Of your Love...Am sending you The Yellow Ribbon for our Friendship....
  • Dear Amanda,

    I feel good with your friendship...


  • Welcome Amanda, to “The City of Shamballa”. It’s great to have you join our caring compassionate site. Enjoy looking around, and join the groups where you can share like minded subjects with other beautiful souls here. Feel free to add discussion, comments, stories and pictures, to share with our, and now your family here. We have a wonderful group for New Members group, please click on the link and meet people that can help you around the site and any other problems you may have here.

    Blessings, Melodie




  • Amanda, I'm delighted to welcome you to the City of Shamballa.

    Blessings of Love & Light,


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