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Cosmic Calendar Countdown September - November 2011


September 21-22:
Earth-Elenin-Venus alignment

September 23:
• Sixth and final "Night" of the 9th and final Wave of the Mayan Calendar... to October 10. The Sixth Night is felt to be the last energetic opportunity for us to turn inward to prepare for the polarity shift that the Wave is bringing to Earth.
• Equinox
• Planetary Grid Transmissions... FIRE THE GRID!
• Sunrise Solar Wave

September 23-26:
Participate in The Cosmic Convergence
(Actualizing Unity Consciousness)

September 25 - October 1:
Rite of Passage #1

September 26-27-28:
Sun-Elenin-Earth alignment; also involving Mercury
Elenin passes between the Earth and the Sun for 3 days creating the possibility of an electromagnetic event involving all three objects: the Sun, Comet Elenin and the Earth.

September 27:
New Moon
Planetary Grid Transmissions... FIRE THE GRID!


The probability exists during the entire month of October for very unique Earth changes as a result of the cosmic and planetary alignments and incoming streams of high frequency light.

October 2-8:
Rite of Passage #2

October 9-15:
Rite of Passage #3

October 11-28:
"Day 7" and final day cycle of the 9th Wave of the Mayan Calendar

October 12:
Full Moon
Planetary Grid Transmissions... FIRE THE GRID!
Alignment of Earth, Elenin and Mars

October 16-22:
Rite of Passage #4

October 16-17:
Closest approach of Elenin to the Earth

October 23-29:
Rite of Passage #5

October 26:
New Moon
Planetary Grid Transmissions... FIRE THE GRID!

October 28:
End of the Mayan Calendar according to Carl Calleman and embraced by many Planetary Light Servers.

October 30-November 5:
Rite of Passage #6


November 3-7:
Earth passes through Elenin's tail
During this time we may see several meteor showers and heightened Earth rumblings.

November 6-11:
Rite of Passage #7

November 10:
Full Moon
Planetary Grid Transmissions... FIRE THE GRID!

November 11:
The 11-11-11 Triple Date Portal
Perfect Alignment of Elenin, Earth, Mercury and Venus
Explosive Surges through the planetary Crystalline Grid

Ascension Stargate Opens...1st Wave of Ascension



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  • Take your own conclusions:


  • Thank you for this list. Blessings. Melodie
  • Galactic Superwave Rolling In

    With our collective kundalini on the rise, the timing could not be more perfect for the arrival of the Equinox and the pivotal September galactic alignments. We are now in serious preparation for the cosmic triggering that will launch all life into a simultaneous raising.

    Despite our many perceptions on how this may unfold, there is a general consensus throughout our global family that a cosmic tidal wave of divine energy is soon to sweep over us, in unimaginable intensity. This carries the potential to catalyze major impacts within the planetary grids, causing a very swift polarity reversal within our consciousness. As these new frequencies bathe our Group Avatar, we are preparing for the 11-11-11 Stargate which is felt to be the keystone activation that will launch the ascension process for all choosing humanity.

    This week's September Equinox precision "fires the Grid" and marks our entrance into a 7-week countdown towards the initial Stargate which leads to a powerful triggering sequence of portal openings across the globe. As we progress from the Equinox to November 11, 2011, we deeply feel that the build up of cosmic energy prepares us for the first wave of physical body ascensions. We expect to see concurrent group ascensions, occurring in phases from this primary triple date portal throughout 2012, each group passing through while doing their part to expand and anchor the Rainbow Bridge between the two worlds.

    The KEY role for all beings at this time is to assist ourselves while energetically supporting those that will be making the initiatory passage during the 11-11-11. There is a brief window of time during October-November when the veils between dimensions are expected to be incredibly thin. This thinning occurs while we are receiving the intensifying celestial waves from Comet El Enin in combination with the ever increasing encoded solar radiation.

    First Wave Ascenders to receive our Support

    What an incredible honor we have been gifted to assist the small grouping of courageous first wave ascenders as they blaze through the "ring-pass-not" barrier this 11-11-11.

    Those that have integrated unity consciousness into their life and are in mission to serve as the gatekeepers of the New Earth entry, know in full clarity what is being shared in this writing. If prepared, they are reserved the privilege of ascending in the First Wave. That being said, many of these gatekeepers will return to the Earth etherialized with the new template configurations, to continue their service as a fully functioning multi-dimensional being.

    As energy follows thought, the more that we bring our attention upon on the approaching alignments, the greater the magnetization of these dynamic frequencies to us all. This greatly supports everyone in the creation of the essential electronic patterns that will allow for the graceful integration of these next, very big waves of energy approaching.

    The inner "Stargate" is already activating within each of us, as a whole new holographic reality. It is simply waiting for all of us to invoke and anchor the created matrix of light into the core of our being as our new strands of DNA are fired through each burst of the greater collective awakening. The First Wave ascensions will catapult all of us and we can only imagine how this glorious event will unfold.

    Entrance into Akashic Timeline

    During each major epoch, deep wounds were imprinted upon many souls, the planetary body and the entire holographic seal. The incoming surge of sacred fire cosmic light will cause a tremendous purge for the complete transmutation of all remaining filaments of gross imprinting from past periods with final eradication of the etheric record. This will simultaneously advance us to a new timeline where we shall only operate from the vault of the Akashic Library where the future meets NOW.

    As we clear the past completely as a Group Avatar, our authentic soul expression shines radiantly forth from every individual, free of any lingering resentments and separative realities. Through this act of Divine Intervention, our unified vibration and merged etheric circuit lifts everyone connected to us into the luminous spiritual realms while radiating a powerful field of healing light to all the world.


    Source: Children of the Sun

    • Thank you Chris for this Calendar information - it has helped to clear certain thoughts which had been put my way in early September - thank you so very much Jas

    • Thanks for sharing this post. It cleared up quite a few things for me.Do you mind if I make a copy for myself?

    • Go ahead, spread the information as far as you can. Namaste.
    • Absolutely SACRED, isn't it?



      We are riding the same waves-lol!




      Sonja Myriel

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