Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
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You may discuss anything related to karma and the Lords of Karma here.
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Dear Chris,
Our Life is all the time depends upon our Past,and Present Karmas but we have to suffer our Thoughts Even....So one should always think Positive....Because our Akashic Records are very perfect and Truthful.....and there is no way that any mercy of any master can help us......They are helpless if ourKarmic Balance is not Positive.....Blessings are always with us and because of our some good Karmas or deeds Maters of Court of Shambala takes into some consideration but one has to pay.....So Good thoughts are always helping and that Heals our past deeds also....