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Misconceptions About Initiations and Ascension

There is a common misconception among lightworkers that when a person ascends and/or completes his/her seventh level of initiation, that everyone will have similar abilities. The fact is, nothing could be further from the truth. Using an extreme example to demonstrate this point, take two make-believe people who have just completed their seventh sublevel of their seventh initiation.


Let's say the first person is a world teacher and leader in the spiritual movement, who is a clairvoyant, clairaudient channel traveling around the world doing workshops. The other make-believe person is a housewife with three kids and is not a psychic, whose life is focused around her husband and family. She has not moved into spiritual leadership or world service. One is not better than another, for everyone follows the beat of a different drum and each person has a different mission and puzzlepiece to fulfill. 


The point I am trying to mmake here is that too much emphasis is being placed on initiations. People can be at the same level of initiation and yet vastly different in their abilities and the form these abilities take. Some people are meant to take leadership positions, some to take a supporting role. All are meant to serve, but each in his/her own way. For some, fame will come their way; for others, they are supposed to serve humankind from behind the scenes without anybody's knowledge, except God. 


The initiation status is merely an indication of the amount of light you are carrying. In the above example, the light quotient is equal. Initiation status says nothing about your abilities, spiritual gifts, psychological clarity, character development, spiritual leadership, world-service capabilities or purity of heart. Very often in the qualities mentioned above, there might be a fourth or fifth-degree initiate more developed in these abilities than a completed seventh-degree initiate. That is why it is never wise to judge a person by his/her initiation level.


Djwhal Khul also spoke of another misconception about initiations that has to do with lightworkers looking at this process as a "self-serving honor as opposed to an honor of serving." The higher you go, the more is expected of you at all levels, for you are now considered a master. The work load does not become easier but much increased, for there is an inherent expectation of service responsibility that goes with becoming an ascended master. Maintaining this new level as a representative for the Spiritual Hierarchy on Earth with all your service responsibilities will require much vigilance and effort as it did to get to this level. It is not like you have made it to heaven and you can sip lemonade and sleep on a pink cloud.


Everything we have gone through was just preparation for the real work that now begins. If you lose your focus and commitment, you can fall back just as easily as you did before you achieved this level of initiation. So what I am trying to say is that nothing really changes once these higher initiations are taken, except that more is expected of you because you are now considered a master. You still have to monitor your thoughts, emotions and physical body in the same way you always have. 


People have this fantasy that when you ascend, some magical process happens where you become a superman or superwoman and you don't have to work as hard to keep yourself in balance. I am sorry to say, but this is not true. In many ways I don't feel much different than I did as a fourth-degree initiate. The only difference is that I am holding much more light, have a much greater sense of purity and a much higher level of spiritual attunement. Besides these factors I am pretty much doing the exact same spiritual practices, diet, physical exercise, journal writing, meditating and service work I have been doing.


The only difference I notice is much greater and more expanded service responsibilities. One has to work to develop the advanced ascended master abilities. They do not come automatically, which of course, seems different than what we have all been led to believe from past literature on the subject. We are living in an entirely new dispensation of Earth's history in this regard. From what the masters have told us, one must get to the twelfth dimension or universal level in terms of installation and activation before one can relaistically begin to practice these advanced abilities.


This again deals with the twelve bodies, two hundred chakras and forty percent cosmic light-quotient level. To develop the wide range of advanced ascended master abilities such as teleportation, dematerialization, turning water into wine, raising the dead, walking on water and so on, all the advanced lightworkers on this planet must integrate the things spoken of here.


The fastest path to achieveing advanced ascended master abilities is to live a life of supreme balance and godliness in one's daily life, without any sense of negative ego infiltration. The advanced abilities will come as a natural result and byproduct of practicing the presence of God in one's daily life. If a person is focused in this state of consciousness, he/she will not be concerned about the advanced ascended master abilities and powers. It will not be his/her focus. What is more important, the powers of the siddhas, or godliness? When one is developed in godliness, he/she has mastered the art of living and so, in truth, doesn't even need these abilities. The irony and paradox of life is that when this state of consciousness is achieved that the advanced ascended masters abilities come. 


Djwhal Khul spoke of this as the need to let go of the "glamours of ascension." There might be some lightworkers who will fall away from the path of ascension and initiation because without the glamours and the siddhas, they are not interested. These souls are still young and will have to be molded and purified by the fires of life and the reincarnation process. True ascension is for those who are truly pure of heart in the highest sense of the term and who have no other desire but to dedicate their lives to the service of humanity.


It is your mighty I AM Presence and the seven chohans of the seven rays, along with Lord Maitreya, Sanat Kumara, Lord Buddha and Lord Melchizedek, who decide when disciples and initiates are ready to take initiations. There is often a great discrepancy in abilities and gifts among those taking the same initation. This is how it should be, for each person has a different purpose and puzzlepiece to play in God's divine plan.


© Dr. Joshua David Stone


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  • Chris, 

    You are working so hard and so well.  I love this post. I too am a great follower of Dr. Stone. He miraculously took information from Alice Bailey and other important esoteric texts and refined that information for today's world.  I read just about all his books and have used (still use) many of his attunements and exercises as I make my spiritual journey.  It is delightful to see them posted here and on other sites. I have read and studied the latter texts as well and, as you know, Dr. Stone's is like digesting a salad in comparison.  AB and others are pretty meaty and take much longer to process.  Despite negative remarks I have heard and read about Dr. Stone, I believe he has made a significant contribution to the journey towards ascension and to the light movement itself. I believe he has taken his place among the masters.  I know he has played a vital role in my development, and it appears he has done the same for many others.   


    Much of what he says about the "glamours of ascension" are so true. I agree with him wholeheartedly. I find the initiation process for me has been far from glamourous.  It has been lonely, confusing, sometimes tedious, disruptive, abrasive and painful.  I have been consciously doing lightwork and walking this path for over 30 years. It has only been the witnessing of several glorious moments during my walk on this journey that has kept me on my path.   My path has not lead me to the public arena to pontificate on the wonders of spiritual refinement or receiving great prophetic visions.  On the contrary.  Most of the time it has consisted of a lot of second guessing, confusion,  probing, searching, researching, reading, meditating and praying, healing, wondering if I have lost my mind and asking for help during times of great loneliness and darkness as well as day to day processing.  I didn't even have the privilege of discussing my experiences with others like many of yourselves.  It is not until recently after many portals have opened, allowing more light upon the planet, that many can speak so openly and freely about ascension and lightwork.  When I first came along I was looked at as a freak and considered a zany new ager.  I am very conservative and could be considered a skeptic, but  I was even though of as an evil influence by many. I had to use much discretion when it came to talking about this stuff with others.   I am the common housewife that has had to do much of the service work quietly behind the scenes with God as my only witness. 

    I have noticed that the higher initiations does demand one to assume much more responsibility and display complete loyalty and devotion. That responsibility doesn't always mean starting an ashram and reorganizing the structure of society.  What it does mean to me is that one holds to the commitment to reflect for the others the vital importance of taking the higher road by continuing to work on oneself and heal oneself towards wholeness and to help those who are wanting the same no matter what life has handed you.  Many will look at you and wonder why you haven't ended it all or think your crazy for chaos.  I am beginning my 6th initiation and the testing has been gruesome. For the past several years my life has been one big crisis and each time I am asked to make the best of it and find some balance in the chaos.  So far I have managed, but it has been very hard and sometimes scary.   A lot of my friends think I just am out here creating drama for the fun of it.  If they only knew.   


    It is the rewards of expanded consciousness and the comfort found in strengthening your relationship with God that is the payoff.  After all I have been through, I cannot see myself doing anything else.  As far as advancing abilities, I was a gifted psychic, and was asked to refrain from using my abilities for many years. It is not until recently that I have come to understand why. There are many deceptive and nasty entities that love to hover in the astral worlds looking for vulnerable prey.  If you are not well equipped in the art of spiritual self defense you can be at serious risk while doing this work. It asks one often to open up oneself to new energies and realms of experience.  A master and angels can protect the disciple if he follows proscribed rules and disciplines, but they cannot save a fool who engages in foolish choices.  


    Initiation is the payoff for doing service for others.  The main reward is greater consciousness. Ascended beings utilize this regiment to assist and protect souls and to advance God's plan. It is a selective process that isextended to everyone and eventually each one of us will walk it.  Those who progress far on it do it by their own accord. As stone says, it for mastering "the art of living." They are the "pure hearted" ones.  The ones who desire, find the courage and are willing to do the work and to make sacrifices for good of all.  








  • Ever new Joy is the "power' worth having.  Having the ability to create changes around you may well make one miserable.  Joyfully finding newness in change is really my hope in life.  Of course I would love effortless effort, but what this means seems to always be on the horizon.  Talk of levels and initiation makes me nervous.  How can one enjoy the joy surrounding each moment presented looking around for the signposts of change that show where one may be in terms of level and initiation.  Perhaps I am being simple.  However, badges, brownie points and kudos have been far and few between in my life, spiritually speaking.  I know the Tao while smiling like a fool for no reason.  If and when a Master comes my way and offers me a token of esteem for a job well done or a symbol of a level reached.  I will not only be surprised, I will challenge him to arm wrestling to see if he is for real. Lol  Seriously though my hope is to see my children and their generation, who are now 20 to 25.  Be released from the shackles of doubt and money worry caused by the big squeeze of this group of very high souls.  Be allowed to become MEN who are men not because of a large paycheck, but the genius within them.  See that genius develop into true prosperity and art.  Then watch it grow everywhere.  Time is running short for this group to develop properly with out becoming jaded.  Yes of course they should develop spiritually and not be so surface, yadda yadda yadda.  As far as I can tell, I do believe the world grows with my growth.  But I would trade it all in to see it spread around equally amongst these fine young people.  Perhaps I am showing my soft underside here; so be it.  However, if this world is but a Nicheian school that graduates only supermen in the likeness of a elite group of Masters, who for some reason appear as blue eyed, blonde men.  Then perhaps the Divine Feminine will take many of us by surprise as she rises up to care for ALL of her creations.  Again I apologize in advance for my seeming cynicism and lack of respect.  I suppose I do harbor some doubt at the effectiveness of my efforts to raise my vibration, and its eventual ability to create change for everyone.  Not that I am about to stop trying!  Here's to the blind faith that our effort is not in vain.  In Service to Humanity, Indra


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