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All Discussions (104)

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Ascension process

Step 1. Realize you are not the body or the mind. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. At this stage the heart begins to open. Kundalini rises to heart. Causal body experience. 

Step 2. Connect with your higher self/Spirit in meditati

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2 Replies · Reply by Chris Comish Sep 9

The Law of One

The Law of One is the comprehension that all things are made of intelligent energy and are a part of the All-One. The Law of One contains the Sacred Sciences which explain the mechanics of Christ Consciousness that comprise the Natural Laws that are

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1 Reply · Reply by Chris Comish Aug 30, 2023

Compassionate Witness

As we move into Monadic Consciousness, the Observer Point beyond the Soul (Individual loving awareness), we begin to develop Group Consciousness and become Ascended Masters in service to the Law of One. Here are links about Ascended Consciousness. Th

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Observer Point

As we move into middle stages of Ascension, we enter Observer Point. In the initial stages of Ascension we have awareness of the Soul, the Silent Witness as our guide. In the middle stages, we begin the merge with the Silent Witness to become the Obs

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3 Replies · Reply by Chris Comish Aug 28, 2023

Three Layers of Ego

This information is essential to understand, especially for those who are on the path of healing, starting the Ascension journey. 

In order to understand the Internal Structures of Ego which we also refer to as Houses of Ego, it requires the awarenes

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1 Reply · Reply by Chris Comish Aug 28, 2023

Unified Chakra Meditation

I breathe in Light
Through the center of my heart,
Opening my heart
Into a beautiful ball of Light,
Allowing myself to expand.

I breathe in Light
Through the center of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Encompassing my throat chakra
And my solar

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Symbol of Unity


A Six Pointed Star. This geometry means Unity, unity of polarity coming into oneness with God. In the earlier stages of building the divine krystic 12D Shield, the Merkaba Star or Star of David is the symbol code called upon to support the path of e

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2 Replies · Reply by Chris Comish Aug 19, 2023

Soul Matrix

What is the Soul Matrix?

Each Soul is an individual consciousness unit that originated from the Eternal God Source, or Infinite Consciousness, All That is. Every Soul has a unique blueprint that has divine purpose, which is to learn, evolve and exper

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2 Replies · Reply by Chris Comish Aug 17, 2023

Cosmic Alchemy

Here is the Galactic perspective of our Ascension process:


Laws of the Galactic Zodiac Cycle

The Zodiac structural principles are both energetic and geometric blueprints which are being aligned to the Alchemical Laws of God hosted by the Aurora Ray

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1 Reply · Reply by Chris Comish Aug 17, 2023

Ask Questions

In order to improve the sense of community here, the Ascended Masters asked for this forum discussion to be created. Questions can be asked by anyone and answered by anyone (in the comments section). Questions can also be answered by Ascended Masters

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Planes of Existence

* This may be a lot to process, we are veiled, so take in what resonates with you and ponder the rest. If it resonates with you, it is truth for you.

3d = Physical- Astral (Emotional) - Lower Mental (Thoughts)- Personality - I (3rd density in Law of

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1 Reply · Reply by Chris Comish Aug 2, 2023

Light Body Activations

Light body activation are infusions of Light that actually take place in the physical body.  Certain cells in the body are activated and then cause the resultant changes.  It is essential to know all the stages of light body activation. 


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Unified Chakra Meditation

In 2009, I learned about the Unified Chakra Meditation. It is a powerful tool to accelerate your Lightbody integration and ascension or awakening process.

The Unified Chakra meditation below is adapted from the book What Is Lightbody? by Tashira Tas

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