Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

Ascension Buddy Groups are discussed in Dr. Stones excellent book "Beyond Ascension".

I am creating this group with the aim of sharing Light Quotient Building.  We need to communicate and be as close as possible, ideally we will all ascend together :)

It is the intention of this group that we wish to have Gaia join the group, building Light within Gaia and therefore assisting with Earth's Ascension.

I create this group in service of Spirit, for our individual and collective Highest and Greatest Good. I request that we be all individually guided and directed by our respective monads and that we may always remain in the Tao.  

Please note that only planetary ascension seats are to be used for those who have not passed the very high level of initiation, please read this discussion here.  Please always consult with your Higher Self before visiting any ascension seat.

After consulting with your Higher self, you may visit an Ascension seat by simply reading the following, then close your eyes and meditate as follows:

"I call upon my Ascension Buddies to come with me and share in the Light as I call upon my Mighty I AM Presence, and the Cosmic & Planetary Ascended Masters to be taken in my Soul Body in a bi-located state to the following Ascension Seat (pick from one of the following after consultation with your Higher Self):

1. The ascension seat on Commander Ashtar's spacecraft; 

2. The ascension seat in Serapis Bey's retreat in Luxor;
3. The atomic accelerator ascension seat in Table Mountain, Wyoming; 
4. The ascension seats in the Arcturian motherships called Light Synthesis Chambers;
5. The ascension seat in Telos, the underground city below Mount Shasta; 
6. The ascension seat in Mount Shasta 
7. The ascension seat in Shamballa, home of Sanat Kumara;
8. The ascension seat in Lenduce's ashram on the galactic level; 
9. The ascension seat in the Golden Chamber of Melchizedek on the universal level;
10.The ascension seat in the Golden Chamber of Helios and Vesta in the solar core 
11. The ascension seat of Melchior chamber in the Galactic core 
12. The ascension seat of Melchizedek seat in the centre of the Earth.

You will be then be taken immediately there.  

Now pause, and feel the downpouring of Spiritual current as it builds Love and Light within you for the Highest and Greatest Good."

It may be useful to print off the above text and carry it with you in your wallet, purse so that you can ask to bilocate to an Ascension Seat anytime, such waiting in a queue, watching a film, having a nap etc.

If you do this regularly as part of you daily routine, you will not only build your own Light Quotient and accelerate your own ascension, but also greatly benefit the ascension process of others in the group.

If you ever feel you are losing the connection, just set your intention to reaffirm your presence in the particular ascension seat you have chosen - and you will immediately feel the current running again.

Please confirm with your Higher Self that you are guided to join this group before doing so, as Soul body bi-location and Light building energies can be very powerful, and may not be right for you at this time.

Love, respect and Joy!


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  • Hello everybody! :D 
    This is exactly what i have been looking for - I have been wondering for a long time, where I could find other people who had read Dr. Stone's books :D 
    Happy to be here, and I would love to share experiences and advice with anyone who is interested. All the best, Jonas

  • Pleasure to be here!
  • Thank you,Alain  !

  • Thank you Valery and Alain, a place to be. :)

  • Thank you it is great to be here with you

  • Hi everyone,

    I´ve been following your tips during some moments of the day, while performing some activities, like driving or  having a meditation break. I just ask for an Ascension Seat ( I´ve tried  Serapis Bey's retreat in Luxor and The ascension seat in Shamballa). I also ask for a seat before sleeping. It was a surprise for me as the energies arrive so quickly. It looks like an attunement each time we are bi-located.

    Thanks for creating the group. All this is new for me.

    Much ligth

  • yes and their home is on the cool side of the sun you are right

    The healing chamber was added 6 months ago

  • Helios and Vesta have an ascension seat and a healing chamber

  • Dear Derek,
    Thanks for this group....

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