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All Discussions (3710)
Healing the Earth?
Hey everyone.
I'm curious if anyone here sends healing to Mother Earth and what type of energy do you use? Has anyone tried sending Reiki, if so which one? I'm sure you're all aware our beloved planet is a living conscious being and has an Energy body
The nature of the Infinite One is infinite. That is why you see infinite expressions of being, of existence. It just IS because it IS designed that way to allow for infinite expression. The pendulum will swing left or right or not swing at all. It ju
Read more…Choice
All is One and One is All. You are all things and yet you are also yourself. We live a paradox while incarnated. We are created to be finite and yet remain infinite. The finite is an expression beyond the infinite. The infinite is an expression beyo
Read more…Near-Death Experience
THROUGH THE LIGHT Mellen-Thomas Benedict is an artist who survived a near-death experience in 1982. He was dead for over an hour and a half and during that time, he "rose up out of his body and went into the Light." Curious about the universe, he wa
Read more…A Referendum for Natural Remedies
Natural Remedies are the Gift of The Mother Earth.
Please sign and send forward. Thank you.
Read more…Keeping Our Eyes Down to Our Earth Mother
Ngungu'taota (greetings we are relatives), Tutskwa I'qatsi (Land and Life are One,
This is written for Erik, and all our brothers and sisters, especially those who are parents concerned for their loved ones.
It is not easy to empty our minds of old
Read more…Brightest blessings for the New Year
Dear Beloved Love/Light Beings,
May you all be blessed with a 2011 full of unlimited love, unlimited light, infinite and eternal blessings, the direct path to All That Is, and the meeting of the Creator in oneness and love. As we are well into the De
Ascension -Manly P. Hall
Rare talk by Manly Palmer Hall. Please copy and spread this great information that rings so true in todays world.
You Can Heal Your Life
You Can Heal Your Life will show you how to practice the principles of self-worth and self-esteem taught by Louise L. Hay. Listen as Louise teaches you how to transform negative beliefs and thoughts into positive, loving ones
Karmic Cleanse
Dear beloved masters of the light,
On Sunday I took a step into the unknown. I cleansed karmic vibrations from my life from 2000.
In 2000 I was living with a guy at college (he was a friend) and I had a girlfriend. It turned out they got together be
Healing Energy ~ ~ ~ Hands & Feet
Hi to All,
I have a weird question:
if hands are carriers of healing energy, whatever system is being used
(reconnective energy, Reiki, etc), why can't FEET be ?
Feet would be very useful to reach areas in one's body - in full relax - that are
Read more…Galactic Federation Of Light Saul November 18 2010
Is the moment of your awakening approaches, more and more people are becoming aware of a sense of urgency and a sense that something of great moment — but they have no idea what — is soon to occur. The energy of love, compassion, forgiveness, and
Atlantean Pyramid Intiation
The Seven Principles of the Way of the Warrior-
have written a few articles here at Timberwolf HQ on the number 7, its mysteries and the effect it seems to have on the human psyche. It seemed appropriate that I follow those up with the Seven Principles of the Wa