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I did not seek out this meditation, it found me.  For years I quietly practiced Nei Kung, content with developing my Jing  (personal essence), gathering Chi and exploring my physical structure like a good Taoist.  Suddenly, while quietly sitting in silence, this cosmic awareness decided it wanted my attention.  In my field of inner vision; the Big Dipper is looking back at me as though it is ten feet away.  A tremendous blast of heavy energy comes crashing into my third eye and crown, bending me over a bit, with what I describe as folding Chi.  Feelings of overwhelming joy and expansion accompanied this astonishing vision.  I could have not been more surprised, I was looking down into my Tan Tian (2nd chakra), as usual, observing my pearl of platinum opulence, spin and glow; when Lovelight decided to befriend me.  This was the first taste of what has grown and developed daily for the last three years or so.  I feel the need to give some back ground information, as much of this may be new to some of you.


                             The Condensing Principal


We are a condensed image of the Galaxy, possibly the Universe; let us work with the Galaxy for now.  Each of our cells is a solar system.  The deeper we move inward, the further we expand outward.  This is a colossal paradox of cosmic proportion.  Much of our confusion about our external life begins here.  The condensing principal is the basis of Galactic exploration.  Star Gates, time portals and many concepts unknown to humankind, are based upon this principal.  This is not merely a concept it is a principal action of quantum reality.  We must understand it with our entire being, not just our conceptual mind.


                                      Condensing Breathing


Condensing our Chi deep within the core of our body is a step in the direction of understanding the Condensing Principal.  It is simple in concept and increasingly complicated in its application. The core of our body is the bone marrow, inner chamber of the spine and the crystalline glands (pituitary and pineal) within the brain.  We simply, with intent and concentration, breathe into our core.  Standing in Wu Chi or Horse stance, all breathing is through the nose, squeezing the anal and urinary sphincters on the inhales, relaxing them on the exhales. Feel the chi of your breath wrap itself around your bones, spine and skull.  As it wraps itself tighter and tighter, it will condense in size and amplitude into the marrow.  Here is where physical life is birthed.  Breathing chi into our primordial center has amazing results, both physically and spiritually.  The most important of which is learning what the condensing principal is all about. 

As the Chi condenses inward, feel your body expand outward, on the inhales.  On the exhales, feel the Chi expand outward in all directions, while the body contracts inward.  Learn to feel this dynamic.  We will use it later.


                               The Micro Cosmic Orbit


This is the second exercise that is useful to understand and feel, in order to understand what I hope to teach you.  This is similar to Kriya Yoga.  Using our new found condensed Chi.  Let us move deep within the spine.  On the inhales, feel the Chi move upward from the sacrum to the top of the crown.  On the exhale let the Chi drop back down to the pelvis.  This is the Micro Cosmic Orbit.  I am simplifying both of these exercises.  There are many details which will become obvious to you if you will practice.  I trust the Chi will teach you, IF you practice.  In time you can speed up the orbit.  It becomes faster and tighter and deeper within the spine.  With practice, one can spin this orbit as fast as the speed of light.  Balancing the chakras and coaxing more cosmic Lovelight from source into our being.  Becoming familiar with these condensing exercises, will energize our core center and strengthen our ability to channel the Cosmic Lovelight we hope to attract with this meditation.




Utilize whatever rituals of protection you are comfortable with.  I call to AA Michael for his Golden Dome and Lord Arcturus for his Golden Cylinder.  Sit upright and comfortably.  We begin by seeing our body as a Galactic image starting from where we are now.  Thank Gaia for this body and feel the entire earth within your second chakra just below the Naval.  Imagine all of your body below the naval as the Earth.   This is your root and lower chakras of survival, sexuality and will.  Feel this as a supreme blessing, filled with positive wonder and orgasmic possibility. We are one with our Mother Gaia here.  We are a good animal, filled with goodness and directed by nature. 

Our Solar Plexus is the gate of discrimination between our animal root and our spiritual self.  I allow El Morya to station himself here; to help keep my naughty side in check.

Next we move up to the Heart.  Here the image of our Sun lives.  Deeper within lies Alcyone, the central sun of the Pleiades; our Sun originated there and wandered away into the Galactic wilderness long ago.  Seeing Alcyone over shadow and guide our Sun and our Heart is beneficial and wise for our human life and the life of the Galaxy.  I see Sananda living here.  Our Heart is the home of Christ and the meeting place of the three lower earthly chakras and the expansive spiritual chakras above.  Living and thinking from here will give us a chance to find balance and the hope to bring together our fragmented self for eternity now.

Above to the third eye where I see St Germain and Lord Arcturus focusing the Violet flame into my pituitary and pineal glands. 

Above our heads is the image of Tzolkin or the Galactic center.  Here I see not just the center but the entire Galaxy, spinning and pulsating with joy and power.

This is the scenario for the action of the Sun Shining Heart to play within.  I spend much time each morning giving thanks and praise to each of these realms.  I include many more personal Angels, Masters and Goddesses.  Flesh out this Galactic realm known as your body as you will.


                                      Sun Shining Heart


The power is in the details.  This is the corner stone of Taoist Alchemy and this meditation. We need to be aware of the entire scene we just invoked.  Feeling the root of the Earth, expanding with the joy of the Heart/Sun /Alcyone, being everything as Tzolkin above our head; connect these realms with a column of platinum light.   Refer over and over again the awareness of these details when your mind starts to wander. 

On top of this, call to AA Metatron to send Electrum Platinum lovelight down into your crown from the Galactic center.  This is where having it condensed above you head becomes useful.  This lovelight is streaming down into our Heart, straight to the Heart of Gaia, which is just below your naval. 

As it moves through our Heart, it folds in on itself creating an endless torus of perpetual motion. Moving broadly across the entire Earth of our sacrum.  Orbiting around and around the central chamber of our spine.  Expanding and illuminating our newly awakened bone marrow, in every direction imaginable. 

When these details are held all at once in the now moment; our breath will stop as we stiffen with incredible joy and realization of our identity as the entire Galaxy.

This realization seems to come in waves of intense breathless followed by a gathering of the details and then another wave.

On top of this, add the Sun Shining Heart.  Condense your awareness as an infinitely tiny pinpoint deep within our Heart.  Smaller and smaller, deeper and deeper; as our awareness condenses smaller, it will expand out in all directions to all reaches of the Universe.  The deeper we go within our Heart, the further we expand out in all directions outward.  This is the power and beauty of the condensing principal and the reason to practice condensing breathing.  Our Heart becomes like the Sun Shining in all directions.

This is useful in all situations day and night. Feel the tiny condensed pinpoint of awareness deep in our Heart and the massive expansion outward, throughout the day and night. Observe the Sun how it shines, it shines now and now and now.  Being aware of our Sun Shining Heart will keep you aware of this now moment, shine into the next now moment, on and on.  It is a fabulous way to confound the thinking monkey mind and realize our Joy of Lovelight at all times.  Sun gazing is important and has unlocked many mysteries for me as it will for you.  The most important of which is the fact that our Heart IS the Sun Shining Heart. You can receive the attunement by reciting the following…”I am happy to receive the Sun Shining Heart from Loth El Sumara and Lothiel Sur Aaraho via Indra now”


I will explain the story of Loth El Sumara and Lothiel Sur Aaraho in another post.  They were at the end of the cord I followed from the original vision of the Big Dipper.  They have been urging me to write this for you my Brothers and Sisters.  It is my intention and hopes you will remember we are the Sun Shining Heart often; and shine our Lovelight around to EVERYONE!  Any time you wish to utilize the Sun Shining Heart; just say or think...I am happy to be a Sun Shining Heart  :)


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  • Thank you Chris for the kind words.  I dont know how wise I am, but I am persistent and want to be involved with the Lovelight available to us all.  Let me know if I can assist you in any way.

  • Thank you for sharing Indra. Namaste.

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