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Ascension (18)

Stepping into Purity

A year ago, there was a vision. I was entering Golden Gates into a white light heavenly place. There were great numbers of white and purple robed beings, all standing and clapping as I entered. A celebration had begun. I recognized this as Shamballa.

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Views: 65

What Ray are you?

What Ray are you? Based upon the teachings in Joshua David Stone’s book Cosmic Ascension There are 7 basic rays that filter down from the cosmic levels to Earth. Major Rays 1. Ray of Power, Will, Purpose (red color); Type of person: Leader 2. Ra

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Views: 2872


A very special thank you to all the Lightworkers I have known in my life Amoraea Dreamseed (my first encounter with New Age) Radiance Herbs and Massage, Olympia, Washington (my first encounter with Reiki) Robert Rogers of Zeropoint Healers (my first

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Views: 161

The Photon Belt

There is a section of the galaxy that contains the Photon Belt. Our solar system is known to be moving though the galaxy and encountering the photon belt which changes the frequency of the Earth to that of the 5th dimension. Helios and Vesta hold bac

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1 Reply · Reply by lu Jan 30, 2023
Views: 475