Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

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Chris, Not yet!

I can only post discussion forums and edit blog posts. I cannot post on the wall, on profiles (including mine),make replies in forums (including my own forums), delete my own comments on the wall, profile etc , delete coments on my profile, delete th

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1 Reply · Reply by Chris Comish May 29, 2023
Views: 36

about attunements


I want to ask 

if I received the attunement and after that read the manual, in that case, I received it in a good way? I mean the attunement is completed?

or should I receive it after reading the manual?

especially if there's symbols in the attune

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3 Replies
Views: 343

Hello, I am new here

Hello, I just saw there are lot of attunments are posted in events. Can I get attuned to them now. Like they are posted in 2012 

And some are using chi ball method. 

Like Mr. Amba has posted lot of things. 

And mr.chris also posted few things like gr

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2 Replies
Views: 119

I want a request and help

I want to attunement the symbol ( shika so ) .


And i also want attunements  another to Treat sound diseases and speech diseases . Childhood voice treatment and speech speed treatment and treat bite letter R .etcetera .

I am sorry for writing it b

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Views: 66

I want a request and help

أريد التوفيق بين الرمز (الشيكا حتى). 4105064438?profile=RESIZE_710x

وأريد أيضا موافقات أخرى لعلاج أمراض سليمة وأمراض الكلام. علاج صوت الطفولة وسرعة الكلام وعلاج دغة حرف R .etetetera.

أنا آسف لكتابته لأنني أستخدم ترجمة جوجل.

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Views: 26
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