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General Spirituality (3431)


I did not seek out this meditation, it found me.  For years I quietly practiced Nei Kung, content with developing my Jing  (personal essence), gathering Chi and exploring my physical structure like a good Taoist.  Suddenly, while quietly sitting in s

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Views: 210

BEING 100%

Beloved ones, let Me fill you with this Light. Let Me pour it into your consciousness, that you might see illumination. Let Me fill your very atoms with this nourishment that life is, and deep within your heart, please say “I accept it.”

I Am the So

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Views: 88


I want to share with everyone my favorite place; Sananda's Garden.  Sananda, as most of you may know, is the Cosmic Christ.  His last incarnation here on Gaia was as Jesus of Nazareth.  His Garden is located deep within SolRa, our Sun.  My discovery

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Views: 118
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