Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
- Jul 26, 2022 to Jul 25, 2099
- Location: Earth
- Latest Activity: Jun 14, 2024
Loved brothers and sisters.
I want to share with you the way of Archangel Michael i anchored into this reality.
The way of Archangel Michael is a series of 10 attunements to the power and being of Archangel Michael. The attunements awakens and gives you supernatural powers. The light of Archangel Michael will be anchored in you and you given heavenly gifts and ability's. Archangel Michael is also known as 'The Will of God' and as 'The One who is like God'. He is the leader of the divine light force and the keeper of justice, clarity and messenger of divine will. Archangel Michael protects and clears. He is one of the most powerful warriors I know. Archangel Michael teaches us to accept our own power and encourage you to walk your way into divinity. Archangel Michael is a Seraphim an stands before the throne of God.
You can receive the attunements like it is mentioned in the manuals just say my Name Bernd Zimmermann as your teachers name.
Your Lineage is: Archangel Michael, Bernd Zimmermann, You
Blessings and Love to you.
The anointment of Archangel Michael
The anchoring of Archangel Michael
The strengthening of Archangel Michael
Thank you. Tonight I will complete the 5th attunement. I am enjoying these. Thank you for giving us this gift.
Thanks a lot!
Thank you. Bless you.
Thank you! :)
Thank you for your appreciation!
Thank You Master Brend,
God bless You
Thank you, i m excited what all changes will happen after 10th one
Hello Kyanite. Yes you can do one attunement daily. After the 5th attunement maybe waiting 2 or 3 days is better. Thank you for your appreciation.
Thanks for all the great attunements Bernd! I have a question.
How long should I wait between the different level attunements? 1 month is recommended for the last attunement. But how about the others?
Can I do 1 attunement daily?
Here the ordination of the way of Archangel Michael can be found: