Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

Note: For the most upgraded version of this system please support the Founder Ole Gabrielsen and visit


The Traditional Reiki System has FINALLY been Upgraded!

Reiki is a simple form of energy healing that often times can seem confusing because there are so many forms of it, so many symbols to learn, so many different trains of thought and ideas! One can easily become confused as to what is what when it comes to choosing which type of Reiki to learn.With New Usui 1 2 3 this attunement will connect you to pure and simple Usui Reiki energy. It is not better or stronger then other modalities but rather a more simplistic viewpoint then some. It was channelled from Ole Gabrielsen via Dr. Mikao Usui and is
thought to be the simplest of the Usui Reiki modalities yet. It does not have any symbols or long attunement processes rather it rely on the fact that Reiki is "smart energy" and will do what is needed whether we guide it or not.

There are 3 levels and 1 attunement for each level that makes 3 attunements in total. Level 3 is the master attunement level. Please keep 3 days interval between the attunements.

This attunement is for someone that is looking to start on their path with Reiki or those that are already Reiki practitioners. It gives a simple way to connect, send and share with others.



new usui RM certificate.doc

Ole Gabrielsen – Jean Myrner – Prianggito Sulistiono – Syed Osama Rizvi – Chris Comish - You


NOTE: If you accidentally call in the wrong attunement, simply say "No, stop, not yet" and the attunement delivery will stop. Then call in the correct attunement when you are ready.




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All donations are greatly appreciated. May great abundance return to each of you.




I accept no responsibility for the direct or indirect results from the use of information or material provided on this page.

This attunement is not meant to be a substitute for proper medical diagnosis, treatment or care.


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  • The link doesn't work 

    please fix

    thanks ❤️❤️

    • The links work. Some of the links are for premium members.

    • I thought i was am a premium member

      Is that the $10 membership?

      When I go to the page it says

      Welcome Premium Member! Thank you for your subscription!

    • Yes you are showing as a premium member. Scroll down on that page and find New Usui Reiki documents. 

    • 12998839457?profile=RESIZE_930x

    • When I click the pdf links it goes to

      And that is the link when you click copy link on


    • Correct, now click the New Usui Links on the premium page, they link to the documents you are looking for.

    • Oh, my apologies. 


      I thought it was direct links

      Thanks 😊 

  • I incited the attunements given by Chris Comish several years ago. It was a new experience and re-newal of attunements I recieved by Bruce Way in Sydney years before. I was led on an energy of self that showed the living being in our landscpe. I was also shown James Yuill (music artist) and his energy resonated with the newness of life I was experiencing. I might say that my physique failed to maintain a representation of the reiki scenario from then and the ethos of the local workforce/class were aggrivated enough to shut down my comprehension of the reiki ideal due to their percieved misrepresentation of ownership and a right earning capacity. I  had also previously recieved attunements to Ki-Force by the late Ron Urquhart and Bha-Hai style healing and telekenetics by George Fiala. Thanks for your time. Kumbya and Shalom.

    • Richard, it makes me happy that the attunements have transformed you towards the path to freedom. As we release our limiting beliefs and have faith in the path, and stay authentic we move forward. God bless you always on your path. Namaste. 

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