Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

  • Oct 26, 2012 at 11:00am to Mar 31, 2013 at 12:00am
  • Location: City of Shamballa specially & around the world
  • Latest Activity: Dec 5, 2022

Dear Friends,

I know that most of  members of the site City of Shamballa are entities with a high quotient  of internal Light and a high vibration of Light.

Among them, I am the last.                                                 I can not say that a being of light sent me the  idea of this  event which is persistent  in my mind for some time and that, here, I try to materialize.

 We all know that Supreme Divine Energies  are mobilized to raise the Earth into a new energy matrix.

But those aware of this, as beings who  desire  to assert  their own rise  , have the mission to show that the humans  support  their Mother vibrational big leap.

We are here on a mission.
 A mission that we have assumed.

To contribute to our own spiritual growth and to support the growth of  the vibrational frequency of the Earth.
 We can do this by gathering our Love and Light in a powerful and unique fusion with the  Love and Light  of Earth in a certain day at a certain hour.

 It is important that our energies to focus simultaneously to become a force to support the ascension  of our Mother.

The idea is to focus simultaneously and often the Light,the Love and the  high Vibration of the  City of Shamballa members in the final of 2012 and not to leave our Mother alone in her huge effort to fundamentally change our own destiny.

Because Sunday is the day when God rested after Genesis us to choose this day, between 11-12 a.m. (Greenwich Meridian).

There is no text-matrix  for this meditation .

Everyone can structure its own message and may direct the ascensional  energy of love to our Mother Earth.

Think  at the Earth's atmosphere, the waters, the landforms, the vegetation, the creatures, the human beings at the seen and unseen from on  the Earth exists.

Send them all our love and support.

Let us open our hearts to raise our immortal spirit.

Any Sunday   11 -12 a.m.


In Love & Light




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  • Thanks Valery....I like it

  • "You have heard and read on many occasions that everything is connected. We are all one, I am you as you are me. Now the time has come to take that into an even deeper understanding to truly grasp that you are Mother Earth, you are earth, you are water, air and fire and this is evident in absolutely everything. By understanding the principles that govern your blueprint you understand,1938935098?profile=originalor at least are enlightened to certain aspects that previously you could not see about yourself."[MARY MAGDALENE -  FIREGATES]

  • 1938934772?profile=original

  • You have been called to action, every one of you. Kuthumi has often said that the ones you have been waiting for who shall come to change the world will not come simply because you are it! So when you realize that and you cease waiting for someone else to come along to save you or your world then you will understand that you are it. Kuthumi has often said everything begins and ends with you and this is what it means. This is the greatest opportunity in the entire history of humanity’s spiritual development to penetrate levels of consciousness such as you are currently being offered, this in itself is cause for great celebration.[MARY MAGDALENE-FIREGATES]1938934587?profile=original

  • Thanks Valery.....
    Love and Blessings....
  • Thanks Valery,

    It's an honor to be with you
    And Mother Earth




  • Thank you ,Daniela,thank you,Alain,thank you Christoffer,thank you Maria.

    This is the idea of ​​this event  :  simultaneous concentration of a variety of energies.




  • I like invoking the violet flame and after i send love and light.

  • 1938934493?profile=original

  • Thank you Valery for inviting me! 

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