Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
- Jul 26, 2022 to Jul 25, 2099
- Location: worldwide
- Latest Activity: on Saturday
Dear Friends,
I have prepared attunements to the energies of Archangel Metatron. These are 2 different initiation attunements. The intent is set that any recipient may receive these attunements, so you may forward these documents to others who may benefit from connection to Metatron.
If you would like to receive, just read the manual (LWMetatronInitiations.pdf) then open each attunement word document when you are ready to receive.
May you all be blessed,
Please donate in any amount on the city of shamballa as energy exchange.
NOTE If you accidently call in the wrong attunement, simply say "No, stop, not yet" and the attunement delivery will stop. Then call in the correct attunement when you are ready.
I accept no responsibility for the direct or indirect results from the use of information or material provided on this page.
This attunement is not meant to be a substitute for proper medical diagnosis, treatment or care.
Thanks Chris. While the LWMetatronInitiations.pdf has prayer for dispensation, the other two files have metatron initiation attunement and metatron light bulb attunement respectivly.
There are no further steps on how to use these attunements, how to call in and make them work etc
Would appreciate any inputs
Rajesh, The two are consciousness and protection attunements. The information about Metatron is in the Lightworkers Metatron Initations document. These attune you to the frequencies and protection of Metatron. Blessings
Chris, thanks for the quick response, so we do these attunements only once and leave it later on....nothing to do more because we then are protected by metatron himself? Appreciate your guidance on this.
Yes, you can receive once or as many times as you wish for a recharge. You are protected after once.
Thank you!
Sister Sohini, That is wonderful! I just added the Metatron Initiations for a wider audience at
It is a free e-book to align with the intent of the Lightworkers manual (that the attunement is free). It is available at the Google Play store, Scribd, Apple bookstore, Barnes and Noble, and various e-book retailers as a free download. The attunement in the book links back to this website for the manual etc. These documents posted here are not behind a paywall and are freely available for download. God bless all. Blessings, Chris
Dear Brother Chris Comish,
When I have done Melchizedek Methods Initiations I was came to know all about Flower of Light and about Metatron Cube and all about Light bodies of myself Radiating Love, Light and wisdom ....and the Triple Flame Radiating Love , Light and Power ...or the Three Fold Flame !
@Michael, if you are still on this website click the links to the manual and attunement etc. again. I have a pleasant surprise for you. Blessings.
Thank you ! I use the Platinum Net during my sessions.
too bad im homeless and cant spend 50 cents to print this document out rather than pay for the initiation document. ive been healing people for free for sooo many years and I get the dark night of the soul out of it, those who know, KNOW what im talking about with the dark night of the soul or the soul in the desert. seems to happen when people TRULY follow the spiritual path to enlightenment. I thank goodness that I have a computer i can use once per day. if anyone needs reiki or anything please let me know Chris Comish I send you Much love and positive energy. take care now. I still have alittle time on here today so i may as well go do my thing on youtube hehehe