Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

Events Created By Bernd Zimmermann (22)

Date range
July 26, 2022
  • Ganesha energy

  • Jul 26, 2022 to Jul 25, 2099
  • Location: Earth and beyond
  • Description:

    Hello beloved brothers and sisters!

    Today i want to share with you an anttunement my friend Lord Ganesha gave to me. It is an anttunement into his energy.

    Most of you know Ganesha. He is the son of Lord Shiva and Lady Parvati. He is a deity which is

  • Created by: Bernd Zimmermann
  • Tags: attunement
  • Integration energy system

  • Jul 26, 2022 to Jul 25, 2099
  • Location: Earth and beyond
  • Description:

    Beloved Brothers and Sisters

    Today I want to share with you an energy system i really love and I think it is helpful for many spiritual people in this time.

    With Integration energy systems you receive you're mighty integration team which helps you

  • Created by: Bernd Zimmermann
  • Tags: attunement
  • Divine Healing Initiation

  • Jul 26, 2022 to Jul 25, 2099
  • Location: Earth and beyond
  • Description:

    The Divine Healing Initiation


    The divine Healing Initiation is given by Eternal Sacred Source for every one who calls for it!

    Just have a few moments and say loud or mental: I call forth Eternal Sacred Source for the Divine Healing Initiation.



  • Created by: Bernd Zimmermann
  • Tags: inititation
  • Eternal Ethics

  • Jul 26, 2022 to Jul 25, 2099
  • Location: Earth and beyond
  • Description:

    Beloved brothers and sisters

    Today I want to share with you one of my energy systems


    Eternal Ethics


    A strong ethical understanding is beneficial for the social situation and in many areas of life. Being sure of one's own values creates security i

  • Created by: Bernd Zimmermann
  • Tags: attunement
  • Earth CARE

  • Jul 26, 2022 to Jul 25, 2099
  • Location: Earth
  • Description:

    Beloved brothers and sisters today i want to share with you Earth CARE.

    Earth CARE is a energiesystem for healing and helping oure beloved Mother Earth and all living which is with her.

    It is a energy gift and maybe given to anyone without charge.


  • Created by: Bernd Zimmermann
  • Tags: attunement, healing, charity
  • 111 Rescue Orb

  • Jul 26, 2022 to Jul 25, 2099
  • Location: Earth
  • Description:

    Hello beloved brothers and sisters,

    I received a message from the Angelic Hierarchy that there is a Rescue Orb available for any kind of emergency.

    No attunement is needed.

    When ever you are in an emergency or you perceive any other being in an em

  • Created by: Bernd Zimmermann
  • Tags: invocation
  • Time CARE

  • Jul 26, 2022 to Jul 25, 2099
  • Location: Earth and beyond
  • Description:

    Beloved Brothers and Sisters

    Today I want to present to you an energy system I founded: Time CARE

    Time is an interesting dimension of our being. Time CARE fixes irregularities and weak points in your time, aligns your time to the now, and adjusts you

  • Created by: Bernd Zimmermann
  • Tags: attunement
  • Stress Flush

  • Jul 26, 2022 to Jul 25, 2099
  • Location: Earth and beyond
  • Description:

    Hello beloved brothers and sisters,

    Stress Flush is availble!

    Stress is a big topic for many people in our present time. Suboptimal environmental conditions, sensory overload, pressure to perform, disturbing factors in everyday life. There are many c

  • Created by: Bernd Zimmermann
  • Tags: attunement
  • Inner Freedom Reiki

  • Jul 26, 2022 to Jul 25, 2099
  • Location: Earth and beyond
  • Description:

    Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

    I want to present to you one of my energy systems: Inner Freedom Reiki.

    Inner Freedom Reiki strengthens your inner freedom and frees you from limitations and negative beliefs. It frees you from negative influences from y

  • Created by: Bernd Zimmermann
  • Tags: attunement
  • Business CARE

  • Jul 26, 2022 to Jul 25, 2099
  • Location: Earth and beyond
  • Description:

    Dear beloved Brothers and Sisters

    Today I present to you an energy system im founded: Business CARE

    Business CARE creates, repairs and maintains the energetic structures which
    are the highest joyful good for you and your business. Business Care helps

  • Created by: Bernd Zimmermann
  • Tags: attunement
  • Flame of Truth

  • Jul 26, 2022 to Jul 25, 2099
  • Location: Earth and beyond
  • Description:

    Beloved brothers and sisters

    I was guided to day to share one of my attunements with you.

    The Flame of Truth combines the powers and energies of Archangel Michael, Lord Shiva and Saint Germain.

    It is an Energy of the divine masculin.

    From the Manual:

  • Created by: Bernd Zimmermann
  • Tags: attunement