Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
- Oct 28, 2023 to Dec 31, 2099
- Location: worldwide
- Latest Activity: Jan 10, 2024
Distant Reiki Healing Session
City of Shamballa Group Healing Session
In this video multiple Reiki Masters from the City of Shamballa heal you simultaneously.
You may watch the video or listen to the video in the background.
Intend to receive the healing energies for your highest and greatest good.
Accept the energies.
Trust the energies are healing you for your highest and greatest good.
It is the intention of each contributing healer that each recipient of this healing session is perfectly and wonderfully healed for their highest and greatest good in alignment with each recipient's free will.
It is the intention of each contributing healer that each time the healing session is received, that the healing session builds upon the previous healing session received, perfectly boosting and strengthening the previous healing session and healing each recipient perfectly for each recipient's highest and greatest good.
We're excited to bring the Group Healing capabilities of Shamballa to Earth through this group collaboration.
Special thanks to the Reiki Masters from the City of Shamballa listed below who have contributed to this healing session.
The world is grateful for you.
Steven L. Hutchinson from Memphis, TN, USA
Suzi from Mersin, Turkey
Jean Hendricks from Denville, NJ, USA
Roberta de Oliveira from São Paulo, Brazil
Dee from Tukahoe, NY, USA
Rohit Sharma from Punjab, India
Naresh Mintri from Kolkata, India
Manuel Sánchez from Andalucia - Cádiz, Spain
Arashnemati from Tonkabon, Iran
Adella C from Riverside, CA, USA
Ellen Branitescu from Ontario, Canada
Goddess Dea from Independence, OH, USA
Dr. Sohini Shukla from Junagadh, Gujarat, India
Heiki Pikker from Tallinn, Estonia
Andreas from Berlin, Germany
Derya ayan Aydın from İstanbul, Turkey. Website:
Queen Zion Ites from Kingston, Jamaica. Website:
Rachel Reikim from Lyon, France
Del Ilah from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Erika Budo-Guetaifi from Mainz, Germany
Riku Haataja from Espoo, Finland
Alireza Asadi from Delhi, India
Richard Jones from Kempton, Tasmania, Australia
Nicole Lacide from Strasbourg, France. Website:
Trishna Ninan from Delta, British Columbia, Canada. Website:
Chris Comish from Colorado, USA
Are you a Reiki Master from the City of Shamballa? Did you want to add your energies as a contributing healer?
These videos go beyond space and time so message me on the City of Shamballa and I can provide you the shared intent and then, once you have prepared your healing session, I can add your name to the video description as a contributing healer.
Divine Love and Blessings to All.
This healing session is not meant to be a substitute for proper medical diagnosis, treatment or care.
Event photo (c) geniebird at
Please comment below about your own experiences with this healing session. We would love to hear from you.