Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
- Jul 26, 2022 to Jul 25, 2099
- Location: worldwide
- Latest Activity: Oct 4, 2024
An attunement to connect you to your axiatonal lines, enabling more of your Higher Self to flow through you and merging the personality and Higher Self into One. This releases the veils which have prevented you from manifesting your Higher Self on Earth. It is recommended this be received at least twice on separate days to strengthen the connection. Please remember to drink water and rest following each attunement. There may be a temporary purging process such as buzzing in the head, disorientation, slight dizziness and then sudden feelings of joy following each attunement. This is the release of veils and the merging with your Higher Self. Understand this purging process is only temporary and your great spirit will manifest more and more bringing you great moments and self-realization full of joy and love.
Axiatonal Lines Connection Attunement:
Axiatonal Lines Connection manual
Special thanks and inspiration: Lynn Wincott of The Universal Connection for first connecting my axiatonal lines, Stephen Lovering/Ole Gabrielsen/Steve Murray for showing me that attunements can be received perfectly and powerfully instantly and world-wide, Tami MacDowell of Healings of the Heart for showing me a method for delivering attunements world-wide, Dr. J.J. Hurtak who shared The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch with the world and taught me about axiatonal lines, and finally all the Divine beings who support this process who I have faith in that this is received perfectly for the expansion of Universal Consciousness, Connection between Spirit and Earth and the sharing of Unconditional Love with all beings on Earth.
All thanks are attributed to the Divine for this connection. Special thanks to Archangel Metatron and the Order of Melchizedek for inspiring this attunement.
God bless you.
NOTE: If you accidentally call in the wrong attunement, simply say "No, stop, not yet" and the attunement delivery will stop. Then call in the correct attunement when you are ready.
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All donations are greatly appreciated. May great abundance return to each of you.
I accept no responsibility for the direct or indirect results from the use of information or material provided on this page.
This connection is not meant to be a substitute for proper medical diagnosis, treatment or care.
Dear Chris,
I Am attending this Event with all Pleasure !
I can learn a lot from here !
Love You & Bless You All here !
Dr Sohini Shukla
God bless you all.
Thanks so much !!! Love and Light
Thank You so much for giving us this method
segili chris comissh bende sizden uyumlam almak istiyorum bana yardım ederseniz sevinirim teşekkürler
Thank you so much for this attunement. I would have had a hard time doing it by myself with the manual because English is not my langage and there are some explanations I wasn't sure about. Deep gratitude for all you do for people like me.
in the whole self attunement manual, p7, it's said that it's appropriate to do it between 3 and 6 months every day to go deeper toward the source
I had been there a long time, without understanding or feeling, but I found myself once again facing the reconnection, and there is no word, juste the feeling, thank you Chris.