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 Asma Ul Nabi Empowerment

What are Asma Ul Nabi?

They are 99 names of Prophet Ascended Master Muhammad for calling her blessings, energies and guidance, composed or received by a great Sufi saint of 17th century “Jalal Uldin Hossein Buchari” like other sacred names they have an energy vibration that have effects on mind, body, energy… and makes an energy connection to specific forms of energy, in fact you don’t need an empowerment to use those names, but this will empower your connection to them and amplify effects of reciting them….

After receiving Asma Ul Nabi Empowerment the energy will be activated when you are reciting that names

Even if you are not going to recite those names, mere receiving of this empowerment is a healing and blessing, spiritual gift itself! 


i will send this attunement to all who RSVP before Jan 21th 

i will announce when it is ready to receive

Thanks All

Many Blessings and Good wishes 

 Asma Ul Nabi Empowerment Manual

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  • 1938896491?profile=original

    Light and blessings infinite!


  • thank you 

  • Thanks All for giving feedback!

    Light & Blessings...

  • Dear Mahachita!

    Many thanks for this very special Empowerment! One of the strongest energies I ever received - I'm enjoying it very much. I've been waiting for this Empowerment since I received Asma Ul Husna Empowerment from you - it was fantastic.

    Love, Light & Blessings,


  • Blessed LightWorkers , Asma Ul Nabi Empowerment sent. call it anytime and dont forget to drink enough water to ground yourself  !

    Thanks for this opportunity to pass this powerful energy!

    May Blessings of The Lord , Nabi and all beings of Light always be with you !

  • Dear Mahachita,

    Thank you,

    lots of love and light.. 

  • Dear Mahachita,

    Thank you for this wonderful gift.



  • Thank you for sharing this. Love & Light

  • Dear Mahachita!

    Thank you for this fantastic gift!

    Love, Light & Blessings,


  • Dear Mahachita!

    Thank you for this fantastic gift!

    Love, Light & Blessings,


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