Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.


This is a basic actvation of your hands to allow you to heal yourself and others with Alpha Omega Healing energy.
First, please receive at least two Alpha Omega Healing sessions. The Alpha Omega Healing Session is available at or in Alpha Omega Healing Session by Chris Comish available at or at


This will allow you to adjust to the new energies.


Then you may receive the basic activation. This will allow you yourself and others. To receive the activation get in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for up to one hour.


When you are ready to receive the activation please download the attached document.


You will feel your hands being activated during the attunement. Please remember to rest and drink water following the attunement to help you integrate the energies.


Alpha Omega Healing was founded by Chris Comish.


Lineage: Chris Comish ~ You


Activation attunement:






NOTE: If you accidentally call in the wrong attunement, simply say "No, stop, not yet" and the attunement delivery will stop. Then call in the correct attunement when you are ready.




Check out my books at


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All donations are greatly appreciated. May great abundance return to each of you.



I accept no responsibility for the direct or indirect results from the use of information or material provided on this page.

This activation is not meant to be a substitute for proper medical diagnosis, treatment or care.

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  • Please fix link to links

    seems like they are all going to premium page

    thanks ❤️❤️

    • The documents are for premium members. Premium membership keeps the website running. 

  • Maitre c'et un grand plaisir d'être parmi vous pour apprendre et évoluer dans le chemin de l'eveil.

    Merci infiniment.

    • I apppreciate you as well. Thank you for being on this journey together. Eternal gratitude. 

  • Thank you Chris for attunement.

  • Thank you so much master ...May God bless you

  • Thank you <3 Namaste, Love and light :))))
  • Thankyou kindly for this lovely attunement!

    Sending you light, love & abundant blessings.

    Namaste Lara


  • 1938910826?profile=original

  • Thank you everyone for the wonderful feedback. Love and Light to all of you.

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