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Oneness Meditation - Experience The Light Of Oneness & Love With Annette Carlstrom

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(The meditation starts about 20 & 1/2 minutes into the video when the music starts - but Annette's music is much louder - so be prepared to turn down the volume if needed.)Annete,"Namaste & welcome everyone. We are going to do a Oneness meditation, which is an energy transfer that helps you connect with your Divine Self - the real You. Your Divine Self is the Divine Intelligence of the Heart, the Consciousness, the God Force within you continually spiraling & seeking to awaken within you.The Oneness meditation helps your awakening to your Divine Self, that Higher Consciousness within you. But how you experience your Divine Self is completely up to you. Its up to you what kind of relationship you want to have with your Divine Self, for it is unique to each person & separate from any religion or philosophy.Awakening to your Divine Self is a process of the mind, but a process in which Divine Intervention is needed to help you ultimately transcend the mind to begin experiencing your Self.The Divine Intervention is pure Divine Grace working inside of you - your connection between you & God. This is the Divine Energy flowing in the Oneness meditation & Deeksha - a Divine Energy which has the keys and Divine Intelligence to unlock your heart.So whatever you are experiencing in this meditation, just relax & lovingly be with what you are experiencing. Your meditation can change from moment to moment - but the whole process is one of Divine Love working in you.The Oneness Awakening Deeksha helps you connect with your Divine Self inside your heart. The Deeksha starts as soon as the music begins, so close your eyes....and the Oneness Meditation starts as soon as the music changes & continues for the remainder of this Divine transmission (this is where you look into Annett's eyes.The music in both the Deeksha & Oneness meditation have that Divine Energy embedded in them that will be helping you Awaken...helping you release everything that's blocking your experience of your Divine Self....and is also helping you experience your Divine Self more & more fully."Blessings of Love & Light & Awakening to all,Steve

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