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Experience Your Infinite Love & Light Self By Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler's Message ..... Hey there! Today I wanted to share an important little piece, and a powerful process from within one of the newest Angelic Activations with the Council of Light. Here it is:

"Enter inward... Open your heart and let your awareness expand so that you shine as the awakened Divine being in the physical you are. Feel your love and heart light flowing forth and expanding far beyond you...

And now from your heart, send forth the love vibration... Send love, peace and blessing forth to all awakened hearts that make up the human heart grid.

And now in return... Receive the blessings of love, kindness, compassion, peace, joy and wellbeing from those who make up the awakened human heart grid...

Send and receive the blessings of love which opens the flow for a new level of light to infuse and elevate the entire human heart grid... Elevating the light of the human heart grid and as a result the light of the entire planet, and all of humanity...

At this point you're likely starting to see just how important your heart is in opening your full connection with your angels...

And now it is love that expands your perspective, opens the pathways for light to reach you, and opens your awareness to the higher levels of consciousness and embodiment of your Highest Divine Light. Know that the beautiful flowers of new life, creativity, inspiration, abundance and harmony are growing deep within you.

Nurture, LOVE, and honor yourself to support this growth...⠀ ⠀ Preparation now... (tending the soil through self-love and care) is key to allowing the beauty, love and grace to blossom in the days to come... ⠀ ⠀

Let love carry you joyfully into the new. ⠀ With love and brightest blessings, Melanie

And to help expand your spiritual growth - check out Melanie's "The Angel Solution Membership Program:

And to learn more of everything Melanie and the angels share with us -

Infinite Blessings of Divine Love, Light, Peace, Joy, & Abundance To All of You, Steven Hutchinson

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Melanie Beckler's Message ..... Hey there! Today I wanted to share an important little piece, and a powerful process from within one of the newest Angelic Ac...

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