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 Releasing Preconceptions, the March Intensification and the Collective Lightworker Consciousness (Part 1)

Re-posted from Wes Annac

416 small-Channeled through Wes Annac-

The Hathors have given a message that is intended for this timeframe we are in. A plethora of circumstances (including a gnarly flood in our basement last night) have stopped me from getting the full message ready, so I offer the first half today.

The strides, both energetic and physical, being made by the collective of humanity are much larger than is being reported. Whilst your media of course does not yet possess much of an energetic perspective of events occurring on your world at present, in the new paradigm you are all establishing the understanding of energy work makes way for each one of you to perform it as you grow more fully into and begin to realize and understand your roles.  

There are so many “sleepers” right now who will be drawn to their natural roles as Lightworkers and energy workers, and so many souls on your world at present who are steeped in unawareness will find enlightenment and with it, an understanding of their abilities and their specific role in your developing New Age.

Consciousness is indeed rising all throughout your planet at present, and a steady awakening has been built upon for quite a while now. If you look at the condition your Earth is in, you will see that while there is much still needing addressed, discussed and repaired, it is in much better condition than it was some seventy years ago and the collective vibrations have been largely responsible for this.

While you will indeed still see and notice the collective feeding negativity and the lower vibrations that have only continued to hold you back, you can see as well that an incredible and rapid awakening is taking place in the minds and hearts of many who are discovering their roles and realizing that they are infinite and sovereign beings who have incarnated on your world to play those very roles.

Each of you will grow into a great understanding about what you personally are meant to do at this time and in the time ahead. Some of you will experience rapidly changing goals and roles, as you find yourselves addressing multiple aspects of the rebuilding of your world and the full and true establishing of the new paradigm.

There will be so very much to do to build your new paradigm, and there will be so very much to do once it is established as well.

So many facets of your world that run in distorted ways at present will give way for a great reworking, and an ability to restore each part of your world will strengthen exponentially as you collectively convene together and find ways to rebuild your world and make it work for every soul upon it.

The will of the people has always been meant to be heard, and the few with influence and power who have suppressed so much of your history and so many of the revelations and technologies that will drastically improve the lifestyle of humanity when given, have had their day in the sun and as they have attempted to hide themselves right out in the open, their actions have been exposed to the helm and will only continue to be as the will of each one of you increasingly sees it so.

Your very desire to see truth and exposure come about as well as your desire to breed and be a part of the new paradigm, will be magnified in the collective energies and the influence of your cause, as has been said before, will grow and grow until it is felt by each person, in their own unique ways.

We speak of every soul on your world growing into specific roles because of the belief of unaware souls being unable to see the Light or find a perspective that is near to those of the awakening Earth public.

We ask each of you to let go of judgment, of pre-conceptions and of former beliefs about any aspect of your reality, including the souls in it who still seem to be unawakened for as we and plenty of others have said, the goal for the ascension of your Earth is for every single human to ascend and in this beginning period, it will be difficult for the unawakened Earth public to do so if the energies of judgment or misconception are brought forth.

Higher dimensionality has been experienced by each one of you, in every past Life you have had. Even the cabal heads have experienced positivity in their Lives and while the vibrations that have driven them are largely against positivity; everybody has felt and accessed the higher dimensions and you have all been a part of wonderful communications with spirit even on the surface of your third dimensional Earth.

Do not worry for the fate of others who you feel may not awaken.

There is, of course, still the plan for any Earth soul who does not wish to ascend to relocate to another incarnation cycle on another third dimensional planet but again, the aim is for every soul on your world to find an equal opportunity to find the realms of the fifth dimension and to that extent, much will be given and discussed about your ongoing ascension.

Ascension will indeed be understood, and your entire Earth will know what ascension is as increasingly-pure states of consciousness are very boldly made known. This natural occurrence will be a result of the collective’s energies rising to unprecedented levels and levels that were not thought of when your dear Earth cried out for assistance so very long ago.

You have heard for so very long that you Create your realities individually and collectively, and the information that will be offered in the time ahead will certainly speak to those extents.

We would like for you to focus on the spiritual and energetic aspects of your reality as much or more than you do physical expectations or happenings, because your growth as a soul is just as important as external matters occurring on your world. When one can find a perfect balance of such things, one will be able to absorb information about both subjects without tipping out of balance in any avenue.

Balance has been discussed as the necessity that it is and will continue to be, and in the higher realms balance will not be emphasized as much because it will be natural and employed continually. In the fifth dimension, balance is a very key theme of the lessons you are given and while many of such lessons will be geared toward working to attain a further higher dimensional balance and harmony that you may be unable to perceive of at present; compared to what you experience now, the harmony and balance you will feel will simply be heavenly.

This is because they will be aspects of a heavenly fifth dimensional reality that has been highly misinterpreted, and the understandings of distorted by interests who wanted to keep such knowledge away from a populace they have wanted to keep under mental and emotional shackles.

The control of humanity that will be fully exposed as having been ongoing throughout generations and centuries, will lead man to an understanding of how to run your world. What we mean is that because of everything that’s been done wrong and purposefully distorted on your world in the way of running it and establishing governing bodies to those extents, you will all learn and discuss amongst yourselves the best ideas and ways to do what those who have pretended to be in your best interests have not been doing.

Again, we ask you not to worry about the cabals or their actions because they are and will continue to be a fading voice on a world that is ready to see the Light and collectively awaken. Subconsciously, you are all working toward and wishing for the greatest awakening to be found and realized within yourselves, and your vibrations which are veered toward the higher realms more than ever have been undergoing a now-intensified phase of their ongoing loosening and refinement process.

At the time this communication is being channeled, it is the beginning of the month of March in your year 2013. This message will not be seen until a while after it is given but we say this now and for the time this communication will be published: you have entered a very pure troth of Creation energies and as usual, we have had a very strong hand in sending these energies on to you.

We exist outside of time and as such, know the (general) time and date this communication is to be published, and we say to the dearest Lightworker public absorbing this communication at this time that the already-intensified usual symptoms accompanying this ongoing transition will be making themselves known, but you will find yourselves increasingly able to get away from them.

The beginning of your month of March initiated you into further purer states of consciousness, and many of you who are reading this now have perhaps found your manifestations coming to you in an even more rapid manner than usual and as you absorb this communication, we are readying for you and in some cases, sending your way, much purer energies than you have seen all throughout your developing year of 2013.

With the changing of the seasons come more increases in energy and whilst some of you will continue to feel the physical and emotional difficulty accompanying these shifts, we say that you can tap into your natural Lighted energies to bring forth positivity and an uplifted perspective in the face of the ongoing Earth experience. You can also ask us to send our energies of healing and blessing down for you to absorb, and you can affirm that the blessings being given in the collective Lightworker consciousness be sent your way as well.

We would like to discuss the collective Lightworker consciousness and the infinite benefits tapping into it can provide you.

The collective Lightworker consciousness is essentially what it suggests. It is a section of the overall collective consciousness of the Earth, which contains the collective energies of each awakening and developing Lightworker.

Souls are entering and exiting this consciousness every day and when you can consciously or meditatively tap into it and feel it’s energy and the energies so many Lightworkers are giving out at present, which are copied into the collective Lightworker consciousness when expressed no matter what they are for; you will find yourselves able to access healing and Lighted energies that are sent out from each Lightworker and as such, will be so very pure in structure.

Harmony and bliss will pervade the emotions and feelings of every soul who begins to tap into the collective Lightworker consciousness, and it is being offered for each of you who are awakening to find and feel in yourselves as a part of your ongoing quest for knowledge and Light. Every one of you can telepathically convene with each other upon the planes of your astral “imagination” and specifically, you can commune within this portion of your collective consciousness which, of course, is not “cut off” in the sense of being isolated from the rest of the human consciousness.

Indeed, you are all united in spirit with every facet of your Earth and your collective, and the collective consciousness of the Earth is not limited or localized to humanity. Oh no, your collective consciousness is comprised of every aspect of your Earth.

The computer many of you are reading this from is feeding its energies into the collective consciousness; the rock you may see outside is feeding its energies into the collective consciousness; every animal; every plant; every tree; we could go on and on and each of these things are tapping into and communicating with your collective consciousness.

You all experience localized facets of your collective consciousness, but you are not actually separated from those you perceive yourselves to be because of cultural borders as countries and races. You are all united in the realms of spirit, and the natural spirituality you all feel within subconsciously permeates the minds and hearts of each of you, Creating the collective consciousness-network that is your Earth.

Humanity has employed the localized consciousness and the instated barriers formed in your overall collective, and these barriers which are energetic and mental in nature will be torn down and dissolved not by us, but by each of you when the harm they have caused upon your collective consciousness is explained.

Separation, division and prejudice have no place in the sovereign future you are Creating, and those who will initially fight against establishing your new paradigm or enacting the ideals behind it, will find their own ascension in their own time. You souls who are awakening have so very much work to do now, and in the time ahead you will find that your efforts were far worth what you will have established.

We will continue to encourage the efforts of each one of you to help the Earth rise out of states of consciousness that held Her and you all in bondage for far longer than was intended.

Darkness has, for the most part, been lifted and its only fading influence is the one that’s being fed by humanity which, as has been said, is feeding into a disintegrating illusory hologram. The original negative astral beings who have manipulated the minds and hearts of humanity and of the cabals who have themselves manipulated humanity, are no longer working from a position of negativity and are instead experiencing a self-instated pure form of containment that goes far beyond what many of the cabal heads are experiencing at present.

Link to Part 2.


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This is Paul the Venetian.


 I am the one behind the   deeper meaning of art. I am head of the department that is writing the codes   and inspiring artists to deliver them.

You may ask “what are these codes and the art you are   talking about?” Well, let me put it like this.

Picture yourself walking by a certain painting every   day and the painting looks the same every day. And there comes a day you walk   by and suddenly you see or realize something in this painting you’ve never   seen before.

Most likely, you’ve just encountered a code. It has   been there all along but you were not ready to see or comprehend it; you were   simply not ready for it. At a certain point in your life, however, you   suddenly can see, feel, or sense this code.

And the code will reveal a message to you.

Automatically, you know exactly how to respond to this   message and what to do—it’s a Life Changer. It’s this kind of thing that I am   referring to. I am the one who writes these codes and I select the artist who   will attach them or imbed them in a particular piece of art.

This occurs in most of your transformational art   medias. It is the single most important Game Changer since the beginning of   time when art was invented. And art has been invented partly for this   purpose.

Art, with all its different expressions, has changed   your societies and your ways of living so many times– and it will again.   Evolution requires a balanced combination of heart and mind and art is   delivering just that. The Ascension Codes have been embedded in art, so be   aware of that. It cannot be any other way.

So let this be my basic introduction. There is more to   come, but I do have to speak about another topic first because this topic has   a deadline attached to it. The message must be delivered immediately.

This message is about setting intentions for the year   and being proactive in doing so. Since 2013 is such a unique year– the   beginning of a new paradigm– it is critical for individual and group entities   to set their intentions.

Intentions are essentially your job application to the   Universe. In your intention, you state who you are, what you would like to   do, and what you would like to share in terms of ideas, visions, and dreams   with the greater collective. If you missed announcing your intentions on the   March Pisces New Moon, do not worry. There is still an opening between the   New Moon in March and the end of the Spring Equinox (March 22) to do so.

Make sure to use this window in time for last-minute   requests and intention-setting for the year 2013. Metaphorically speaking,   put your seeds (intentions, ideas, visions) into the fertile soil. Make your   intention about you, the individual– things you can do or create, ideas that   may be beneficial for you, concepts that may just work, challenges you want   to explore, connections and partnerships you want to establish.

Make yourself available by speaking your intention   clearly and out loud. In doing so, the frequencies of your voice and the   topic of your intention begin to resonate in the ethers, telling divine   creation that you are available and ready for the task and that you are ready   to follow-up to manifest your projected intention. In essence, you are   applying for a job.

You can assist the collective the most by being   “selfish“ and making your intention about yourself. You will then become the   reflection or the representation of your intention which inspires all who   experience your energy and witness your manifestations.




March is planting season; this is what Spring is all   about. Some Intention-Plants will grow faster than others. This means there   can be amazing growth and harvesting which continues all the way to Fall.

Your conscious intentions will grow, your garden of intentions   will flourish and you are the designer and co-creator. Every day you can see   your creation grow and this in and of itself will be a rewarding and fun   experience.

Don’t forget to plant some flowers in your Garden of   Intentions. Your intentions should be filled with beauty and nourish you at   the deepest levels of your being. Flowers have no nutritional value in the   form of food, but their beauty nourishes our souls and fills us with   inspiration. Make sure your intentions carry this energy.



All your intentions must be completed before March 22,   2013. At this time, as we move from Pisces into Aries, Aries will add   life-force for the seeds to sprout and grow. At this point you can kick back.   Now comes the time for you to observe and nurture all that you have planted.

In the new paradigm, all intentions, ideas, and   concepts are needed and welcome. Set aside 60 minutes of your time and set   the stage for calling forth your intentions. Meditate on these creations of   yours. As they are manifesting in your minds and heart, express them by their   name–speak the names loud and clear. It is advisable to repeat the sounds   several times.

Also write the intentions on a piece of paper or record   it in another way, both to anchor these ideas in your psyche and to do   additional work with this subject matter at a latter time, if you so choose.

Again, this is a perfect time to do this and should be   everybody’s priority to do so. It is your life and it is your opportunity to   create what you wish. You have nothing to lose–just imagine what you can   possibly win.

The power is yours, the opportunity has been provided.   The outcome now depends on your input.




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“I have known good and evil,
Sin and virtue, right and wrong;
I have judged and been judged;
I have passed through birth and death,
Joy and sorrow, heaven and hell;
And in the end I realized
That I am in everything
And everything is in me.”

(Hazrat Inayat Khan)

The words above tell a tale of life in this place of duality – where everything has its opposite. There is a sound of freedom, in Khan’srealization that, in the end, ‘I am in all and everything is in me.’

His awakening to the truth of oneness beyond duality and separation is the uncluttered awareness that lies open to all of us. This awareness is our liberation from the ‘wound of duality’; from the heaven and hell of living in the mind and time ruled world.

It is time that keeps us locked in the left-brain, mind dominated, egoic consciousness – and it is time that anchors us to the illusion of separateness – the source of so much of our pain.  We transcend the limitations of time when we are able to hold an awareness of  presence.  In the ‘now’ we are freed, for a ‘time’,  from the painful memories of the past and the imagined fears of the future. We are freed from the tyranny of the ego-mind. Our childhood traumas, and the wounding we sustained in past lives – dragged from lifetime to lifetime as energetic imprints on our emotional bodies –  can be healed in the timelessness of the eternal now. Beyond the mind and ego, in the here and now, there is no emotional charge, there is only non-vibrating stillness.

Mindfulness, paradoxically, is required, to take us beyond the mind.  Mindfulness is the taming of the mind.  As we tame the mind, as we pay attention to the present – we function through the higher mind.This is the mind we need to go beyond the ego and the emotions – and to the realization that we are not them. Emotions are the outward action or response to feelings and feelings are the fluctuating gauge of our response to life in this reality.  They are as unstable and changeable as the Moon (which, in astrology has ruler ship over our feeling nature). Our suffering is always connected to our identification – with a thought, a feeling, an emotion – and invariably it is to a transient state. Everything in the world of form is transient, and that includes our thoughts and emotions.  This identification is a trick of the ego. But it is a trick that is part of our evolutionary intent. We need this identification with emotional states in order to know them, and ultimately to grow beyond them.

Carl Jung said, there is no coming to consciousness without pain. We need, it seems, the experience of pain and suffering in order to go beyond it. Mindless creatures do not experience emotional suffering as we do… simply because they have no ego-mind with which to do so.  Many animals, of course, have a level of conscious awareness that allows them to experience a wide range of emotions – more than some (damaged) humans in fact.

When we experience suffering, it is the wake-up call that we are resisting something, we are denying something, we are not accepting something; we have taken up residence at one end of a polarity.  In Hazrat Inayat Khan’s poem above, he had to experience separateness, he had to taste  both sides of emotion, of birth and death, to know he was, all along, inseparable – from everything. He realized that he was in everything and everything was in him – but not before he had suffered.

As we all know, pain and suffering is a very real part of the human condition. We are not all enlightened spiritual masters. We are human. We have highly developed nervous systems and we feel physical pain. We form bonds of love and emotional ties with other people. Bonds we are later forced to sever, as we lose, one way or another, everyone we have loved. It is natural to try to avoid pain – whether it is physical or emotional – because it hurts. We are drawn to form intimate relationships with people who seem to have been beamed in to us to make us suffer. In truth, they come to help us heal our imbalances. Our lovers and betrayers, our soul mates, our parents and children and others we form relationships with are all showing us sides of ourselves, sides of human nature, which we couldn’t know without personally experiencing them in our bodies, in the form of feelings and emotions.

What can we do then, to at least minimize our ‘human condition’ suffering?  We can begin to pay attention to the present moment, at any moment through the day. Whatever we are feeling or experiencing, we can remind ourselves of the present moment.  Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh has a wonderful little mantra – say to yourself, whenever you remember:  “I have arrived. I am home, in the here and now.”   This mantra, he says, will take you immediately to your ‘ultimate nature’ – your infinite, timeless, self.

If we are experiencing stronger feelings, we can try to detach our awareness from the sensations and thoughts and take a birds’ eye view. We can, even if for a brief moment, observe ourselves having thoughts, having feelings, having emotions. We might realize how we have become so identified with our emotional state, that our whole body is involved with it.  If the suffering is too great, say we are grieving the loss of someone dear to us, we can breathe.  This is enough: to consciously breathe – in and out. Deep, slow, even breaths bring us, momentarily, into presence – as focus on the breath stills the mind and alters our vibrational frequency. Until another wave of pain surfs in, picking us up in its cold embrace, taking us beneath the surface where we cannot breathe, where our heart is squeezed so hard the pain radiates out and down through our entire body.  We go with it, feeling the pain, feeling the tears. Then, reminding ourselves to breathe again, we watch the wave begin to subside. We feel the vice grip in our heart-space begin to release. We soften a little, in the wake of the wave of pain – and rest, for a moment……..until the next wave comes.  The waves may continue for however long they may.  But as we allow our grief, as we meet the pain, from a place of non-resistance, we allow the process to move through us and out the other side. We don’t need to embrace it, we don’t need to welcome it. We simply need to feel it and allow it to flow.

Spiritual teacher and founder of the Light Institute, Chris Griscom, says:  “….We see that our body mirrors the same messages as our feelings and thoughts. In fact, if we do not express our feelings, the body will store them just as it stores biochemical substances such as glycogen. In other words, the body is a magnificent translator of matter to energy and energy to matter. It views emotions as energy and ultimately stores that energy as matter within the cells.  If the emotional energy is not subsequently released, it will condense into matter and create blockages within the body itself – leading to disease.”

We realize, if we are very conscious, that the emotion of pain flowing through us, is not really us. It is moving through our body, altering our biochemistry, causing physical sensations within our body – it feels intensely personal and we feel very alone in our pain – but if we can, even for a moment, detach our awareness from the sensations, we can glimpse a stillness behind the waves of pain.  This is who we are!  We are the stillness!  So we are experiencing pain but it is not us. And this is as it is, or as it needs to be.  Pain has a purpose. Its purpose is to create awareness. There is no coming to consciousness, said Jung, without pain. But, having said that, I would like to believe that as we evolve, we can learn to minimize pain.  In not identifying so completely with our pain, we realize that we are experiencing a temporary state, just as we are temporarily experiencing being in these bodies. And we come to the awareness that, in the end, we are much more than our passing feelings and emotions – we are infinite consciousness. And that is what will continue on – the oneness which is our true nature. As we release the energy of our emotions (grief, loss, fear, regret, bitterness, anger, sadness…..) through non-resistance and the power of presence, we free our oneness, our true self, to continue on, unencumbered. This is the mission we are all on here – to heal our emotions and move through the illusion of time, free and unencumbered – for we are in everything, and everything is in us.

About the Author

Linda George is a writer, yogi, and evolutionary astrologer living in New Zealand.  She has been deeply involved in astrology, alternative health, spirituality and metaphysics for 35 years.  Author of two books on consciousness and astrology – both finalists in the Ashton Wylie Mind/Body/Spirit book awards, she is committed to joining with others in ‘spreading the word’ in these waking times. Please join us.   Her blog is

Read other articles from Linda George, here. / link to original article

This is the link tot he video "The end of suffering" by Thich Nhat Hanh:

Of Suffering""> 

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Compassion Like a Limitless Sky



                                                        My compassion to all sentient beings

                                                            shall be like the limitless sky.

                                                         When released, Mind is freed from

                                                               clinging to worldly things.


                                                    Even though living in this world of illusion,


                                                  My meditations shall be like the Lotus flower,


                                                 Lovely and unstained, rising up from the mud.


                                                       With purified mind I offer my respects


                                                                       to the Buddha -

                                                                    The Enlightened One.


                                                                 Namaste   ~   Tara

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Message From The Arcturians




Creating Your New Reality


You are now in the process integrating the higher frequency light streaming from the Galactic Center into your earth vessels, emotions and neural synapses. Once integrated, this light will affect your every emotion, thought and action. Furthermore, this Higher Light is activating your 97% Ascension DNA, which is awakening your innate potential as the creator of your reality.


Therefore, we ask you to spent as much of your "time" as possible with Gaia's planet Earth to more fully embrace the escalating electromagnetic fields of light that were bombarding our planet. The new synapses that are activated in your brains will allow you to absorb new information that was inaccessible to your formerly limited brain capacity.


In order to come into your full power you will need to release ALL of your old patterns of thought and emotion. Free of these limiting patterns you can surrender to the unknown and enter the chaos of immense change. You, our ascending friends on Earth, are NOW being called upon to undergo the process of: releasing limitation, surrendering to the unknown, entering the chaos, and acting in a novel fashion.




When you realize that you must release old patterns of limitation you are faced with the realization that YOU are the creator of your life. Since you do NOT know how you can make the best choices, you recognize that all you can do is to surrender to the chaos of extreme change. It is through this surrendering into the new patterns of multidimensional life that you release the old habits and addiction of third-dimensional physical life.  


Releasing the old and embracing the new will propel you into great evolutionary leaps of consciousness. Through these higher states consciousness you can more easily remember how to be the Master of your Energy. Learning can cause a fear of failure and doubt about whether or not you can learn.


On the other hand, remembering, although frustrating at times, forces you to recognize your higher expressions of SELF, a great antidote for any fear. However, there are many emotions that you will need to embrace and release during your deep communications with your true SELF.




The earth vessel that you are wearing was created from the third dimensional elements and the fourth dimensional Elementals that enliven your form. However, Earth is raising Her resonance. Since matching the resonance with a given reality is how you adhere to that world, you will need to match your resonance with ascending Earth to continue your personal ascension.


In other words, in order to remain attached to the Matrix of Ascending Earth, you must surrender to the unknown in order to stay in entrainment with the frequency of Gaia's Earth. Entrainment is the practice of matching your brainwaves to a desired frequencywhereby you and other oscillating systems can interact to assume the same frequency of expression.


Therefore, when you match your energy field with the electromagnetic field of Earth, Her rise in frequency will pull you along in Her wake. In the same manner, your personal ascension energy field assists the planetary ascension. Through entrainment, the higher frequencies of light that are bombarding Earth change not only Earth but all Her inhabitants, as well.


The resonant frequency of any reality must be matched, entrained, in order for you to experience that frequency of reality. Many of you have begun your inter-dimensional explorations and are finding that fact to be true. What you may not have discovered yet is that you CAN DO ANYTHING you place your intention upon and then fill with unconditional love.


Your thoughts are your personal light synapses that entrain your thinking with the different frequencies of your mental light matrix. Furthermore, you can entrain your mental matrix with any possible realty by projecting unconditional love onto that matrix.


The unconditional love both opens the Portal into that reality and binds you to that reality. Unfortunately, a forgotten program is an unused program. Therefore, many of your higher frequency mental programs have been forgotten. Auspiciously, it is during this phase of ascension that your multidimensional memory returns.




There are many extreme changes that must be made during this phase of transition because the old, third/fourth-dimensional patterns are in juxtaposition with the incoming, fifth-dimensional energy patterns. These conflicting energy patterns create the chaos that precedes great change.


In order to entrain your energy with the fifth dimensional energy, you must release all your third dimensional thinking, emotions, habits and behaviors. If you choose to ignore what is going on around you, rather than surrendering to the chaos of radical change, you will remain entrained with the third dimension and will not become entrained with the fifth dimensional energies of ascending Earth.


When you must adapt in order to survive and/or stay the course of ascension, you will find the courage to enter the chaos. Happily, leaving the familiar allows you to begin the activation of long-forgotten matrixes within your brain. Fortunately, when you are faced with a new challenge, you can find the courage to enter the unknown with an open mind.


It is the open mind that is so vital. If you judge a possible shift in your thinking, you will close that door and remain stuck in patterns of thought that have become obsolete. You ascending ones are in the same situation that I was in while on the Ship. If you do not find a way to call upon your forgotten resources, you will not be able to experience the long awaited "take off" into new territories of reality.


If moving into the unknown frightens you, think how afraid you will be if you miss this moment. Fear is very illogical and can be contained by logical thinking. As soon as you speak to your fear, you are in a superior position to that emotion. First, you have to calm your fear by telling it, "Thank you for sharing that we are in a dangerous situation. Listen to me Fear, I need you to calm down NOW so that I can take charge of this situation." Once you talk to your fear in an authoritative manner, your consciousness raises beyond the unconscious reaction of Fight/Flight and into the consciousness of mastery of your energy.


Also, if you continually monitor the thoughts that you allow to stay in your mind and the emotions that fill your body, you are already becoming the authority over the energy field that you hold in your body and project out into your world. In fact, becoming the Master of your Energy is the basis of activating your multidimensional perceptions and abilities.




This chaos forces you to adapt by engaging in deep introspection so that you can call upon forgotten resources. Through this deep inner inspection you will re-connect with your multidimensional thinking. Your multidimensional thinking is coded to receive the Light Language of the higher frequencies of reality.


Then, via Light Language, you will receive all the assistance that you need in order to act in a novel fashion.Your first novel action will be to project your consciousness into the Core of any person, place or thing with which you are interacting. In order to project your mind into the Core of that which you wish to interact or alter, you must first go into the Core of your SELF.


It is through your own Core that you enter into the NOW. Your Multidimensional SELF lives in the NOW, and is in constant connection with your third/fourth dimensional expression serving as your anchor into Earth. TIME is your anchor to the physical plane. Time, as you know it, only exists in the third/fourth dimension. It is your attachment to time that pulls you OUT of the NOW of the ONE.


Within the NOW, you are also within the ONE. When you are ONE with all life, you can commune with every particle of reality and request that it agrees to follow your request. Within the NOW of the ONE, which is best accessed through your own Core, you can connect with the higher frequency of any given reality to repair what has been wounded.


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Spontaneous Awakening


More and more of you are having Spontaneous Awakenings. These awakenings often occur after a long bout of depression, anxiety, illness or "bad luck." These awakenings occur because the multidimensional light bombarding your planet is so intense that the light quotient of humanity is raising to Critical Mass. Light quotient is not the same as majority of people. At this point, the majority of humans are still struggling through the third/fourth dimension.


However, the light of the awakened ones is so intense that it over-shines the darkness of those who are lost in the briar patch of third dimensional turmoil. In fact, an awakened person holds ten times more light than their un-awakened companions. The differences between the two expressions of human consciousness create chaotic energy fields because the juxtaposition between the third/fourth and fifth dimensional parallel realities is causing a paradigm shift in your world. It was the same in my world when we entered this phase of ascension.


You, the awakening ones can no longer hide in your illusions. Thus, you must enter into the chaos of the many changes that are occurring within the NOW of your reality. It is the shift from the perceived safety of a familiar and apparently ordered world that is causing the Spontaneous Awakening.


The lies that you have been told, and the ones that you have told yourself to make life "good enough," no longer work to hide your disillusionment. The "things" you buy do not give you the same pleasure, those important people you befriended are no longer interesting, that job that gave you so much prestige has become a hollow victory, and the money you worked so hard to make is gone before you can enjoy it. "What is this all about?" you ponder.


What you may not know is that your higher expression of SELF is looking you over and waiting for this very opportunity to jar your comfortable denial. Your Multidimensional SELF gives you dreams, ideas, and opportunities for change and constantly speaks to you in the back of your mind.

"What is that nagging voice?" you ask. "My life is JUST FINE," you say, a little too loud. But as much as you push away the growing wave of transformation, the chaos of change expands more and more until you are overwhelmed. But, what are you overwhelmed with? You do not know. You cannot understand. Your life is just as it was when you thought it was great. Why are you suddenly so miserable?


It is the Light. The higher frequencies of light are erasing the third dimensional indoctrinations and replacing them with the Multidimensional Operating System. With the download of your new mental operating system, your biological computer brain can no longer compute information in the same logical, sequential manner. Many multidimensional messages are swirling through your brain and altering your neurological circuitry. These surges of high frequency light are creating sudden crashes of old mental computations.


"Am I losing my mind?" you wonder. No, you are just uploading a new mental system, and right now you are in-between the old system of computation and the new system of Flowing with the Light. The many sequential details that have filled your brain are at right angles to the circular flow of the Light Language embedded in the higher frequency light.


Some of you know that you are awakening, and some of you have been awakened for a while. It is these awakened ones who need to connect with each other and with the newly awakening ones. In this manner, the awakened ones can learn to be fifth dimensional leaders and the newly-awakening ones can gain the assistance of those who have completed the process which they have just begun.


With a core group of humanity openly saying there is a reason for what is happening, the fear of mental breakdown is replaced with a hunger for change. It is at this point that your spiritual awakening begins, for fear has left that threshold. Many people may scoff at you, but once you have gone through your cycle of resistance, you begin to feel the unconditional love that is so much stronger than external judgment.


You remember now that there is important work to be done. You are here to assist your planet, which you can only understand once you have released your addiction to the third dimensional illusions. Through the thinning veil of illusion you can perceive and begin to enter the new paradigm of reality. In the third dimensional paradigm, REAL was comprised of third/fourth dimensional molecules organized into a physical form.


You knew this form was real because it offered resistance to your touch. You could see it with your physical eyes and heard it with your physical ears. This form had hard edges and familiar angles. However, your new mental operating system perceives energy patterns that feel alive to you. You do not know what these energies are, but you have a feeling that they are another reality, a life form or, maybe a Higher Being.


Your "feelings" are changing right along with you thoughts. "Feeling" used to mean emotions or your sense of touch. Now your feelings are similar to a new kind of perception that you experience through your mind. Furthermore, you now realize that your mind is not just in your body. In fact, both your thinking and your emotions seem to be emanating from above you. This above is not above in space, but above in frequency.


Those of you who have been awakened long enough to become familiar with your new version of SELF, are hearing a call to put all that you know to use. You are tired of keeping quiet so "they" won't judge you. You want to talk about what is happening in your body and in your life. You want to share your new world with other people who are experiencing the same thing.


In other words, now that your Multidimensional Operating System is integrating into your third/fourth dimensional brain, heart and body, you KNOW you cannot go back. You don't know exactly where you are going, but you WILL find out. Unfortunately, you are not sure how you will find out because you are still "in-between" who you were and who you are becoming.


However, your ever-expanding Unity Consciousness is telling you that you are connected to everything and everyone. You are connected to the planet, as well. In fact, you ARE the planet. It is the realization that you are the planet that allows you to remember that you are also the Higher Beings that you are hearing, seeing, touching and following into the unknown.


You don't know where you are going, but you have remembered to follow the "feel" of unconditional love. How did you get from the frightened, disillusioned one to following the flow of unconditional love? You don't remember, but you are not looking back to find out.



UnconditionalLove copy.jpg 
Saturday's Online Healing Retreat is a 90-minute experiential program that shows you how to meet, communicate, and merge with The Highest Expression of Your Self for a constant source of guidance and powerful information. Dr. Sue leads us in a guided meditation that allows us to connect even deeper to the Highest Expression of our Multidimensional Self.

You'll learn a process and technique to in contact with your great aspect of yourself for a great guidance so you can create from your highest expression. 
Dr. Sue says "In order to interact with the higher frequencies of reality we need to attune ourselves and entrain ourselves with that frequency of our own multidimensional self. As we are in direct and constant alliance higher expression of self, then we have a constant source of guidance that we can carry with us throughout our daily life. 
Ascend into higher vibrational levels and access the highest consciousness available in this New Golden Age. 
SATURDAY - March 16th  Online Healing Retreat  Merging With the Highest Expression of Your Self - Move into 5D  Time: 11am Pacific / Noon Mountain / 1pm Central / 2pm Eastern / 7pm GMT  Click here to register:
This is part of a 6-part series which you can listen to in it's entirety or you can join an individual session and receive great insight on your path. In our continuation of this series, we're moving to threshold of 5D where we first communicate with our soul, which is multidimensional. 
This is a hard concept to grasp at first because we don't perceive our soul as all these beings within one. At the threshold of 5D is where we really need to become masters of our thoughts and emotions because we are moving towards instant manifestation. Dr Sue Says, "it's one thing to get to the threshold of 5D and another to stay there." 
Journey with us this weekend! Event is recorded if you can't join us live. 
Much love and joy to you,  Lauren

Lauren Galey






I seem to be losing control of too many parts of my life.  Over and over, I have to say to myself, "Well, there doesn't appear to be anything I can do.  I guess I just have to "let go" and see what happens.  I must admit though, I am a bit scared. 


Supposedly, there are other jobs for me to do, other assignments and such, but I feel really out of the loop.  This new "system" of reality has such different rules that I feel like a fish out of water.  I hope the new Captain knows what's up, 'cause I sure don't!



You do not need to understand because I KNOW.  I AM your Soul; I know all of all.  You see, I AM liberated from the 3D Game, while at the same time I AM still playing it through you, my Grounding Point.



Well, if you know so much, then tell me what my part is now?  I am used to being in charge of everything, well at least everything in my conscious mind. No, that isn't exactly correct either.  OK, I am used to being in charge of every part of the consensus reality of which I am conscious.  I guess that isn't actually too much. 



Yes, dear ego, I am aware of your great contribution and sacrifice. 



Sacrifice!  What sacrifice?



Your sacrifice was that you split off from the ONE; you diminished your awareness to embrace only one small, separate lifetime, on one small, separate planet. You turned OFF your awareness of SELF so that you could participate in a great experiment.



Experiment?  What experiment did I participate in?  I don't remember splitting off from my SELF.  In fact, I have always been myself...except...except that there has always been another presence, a Guide, or God or something, someone.  I called it by many names.  The names changed as I changed.  I mean, I was the same person, but my awareness changed.



Yes, your awareness changed as you became more conscious of ME-your Multidimensional SELF.  Even thought you "split off" from me, I have never left you. How could I, for I AM you?  I AM the Presence that you have always felt, but you could not believe that you could hold such Power, Wisdom and Unconditional Love. Therefore, you projected these feelings onto "other" Guides, Angels, and Masters. 


Because you split off into the realm of separation and limitation, you were separate from ME, your Soul/SELF.  I AM the "YOU" who lives in Constant Unity with your Guides, Angels and Masters.  In fact, I AM your Guide, I AM an Angel, I AM an Ascended Master, and much, much more. 


At the same time, I AM the "YOU" who is free of the 3D hierarchical systems that are separated into polarities of bad-better-best.  In my reality, the true reality, there is No separation, there are NO polarities.  Hence, there is NO hierarchy! We are all ONE.



I don't understand how that can be.  How can there be no separation, no polarity?  If there is no hierarchy, then how do you learn from those who know more than you?  Whom do you worship?



There is no "learning" in my reality.  There is only "KNOWING."  There is no worship, for no one is better, or worse.  There can be no "better than" if we are all ONE.  Therefore, we don't "worship."  We KNOW.  We LOVE.  We appreciate and assist our fragments, such as YOU, who have split off from us to enter the great experiment of life in a polarized, lower dimensional reality.


Many of us have fragments of our SELF who live as lower dimensional life forms in different worlds and realities.  To us, all these "grounded expressions" are the same. Hence, a "person" is no more significant than a "tree" or a "fish." Since WE are all ONE, we view ALL life as ONE.



Now you are telling me that I am no better than a fish?  I don't think I can believe that.  A fish doesn't "do" anything but swim and get eaten by bigger fish, or by people.  What good do they do?



You don't understand what I am saying.  Here, there is no "doing."  There is no "eating," there is no polarity of "good" or "bad."



That sounds boring to me!



Yes it would sound boring to a 3D person who is trying to "do good," especially when you are separate from me, your Soul.  But, just as you cannot conceive of UNITY, KNOWING and BEING, I could not understand separation, doing and boring.  That is why I split off a portion of my SELF off to enter into the experiment of life on the third dimension. 


You have taught me much, and I wish to thank you.  I also wish to bring you Home, into ME, your true SELF.  That is why I have been recalibrating your earth vessel, chakra by chakra, so that I could integrate my Essence into yours.  You see, then, we will no longer be separate.  We will be ONE again.



Does that mean that you have left your reality?



Oh no, my dear Grounding Point.  There is no "leaving" in my reality.  How can you "leave" when there is no "separation?"  If there is only Unity, how can you leave Unity?


You are confusing me.  I don't understand this Unity thing that you speak of.  It sounds nice.  In fact, it feels much like the feeling I have had inside all my life, the feeling that I have worshipped.  But I don't understand how I, the separated one, can move into a reality that is so different from any reality that I have ever known, or even studied?



You CREATE it!



Create it?  How can I create something I don't understand?  This "creation" you speak of is beyond my ability to even conceive.



You Surrender to me-your SELF.  You fall into the FLOW of Unity that I AM   You are the one who has to make the decision for us to reunite, as you live in a reality of Free Will.  The rules that we agreed to before our "Fragment" logged onto the 3D Game, was that we can NEVER pull out, log out, of the Game until our Grounded One asks us. 


We agreed that we would wait until our Fragment Awakened enough to remember its Multidimensional SELF and to seek our assistance. Then, when they were ready, we would guide our Fragments Home.  That was the experiment:  "Would a Being who separates from the Unity of All That Is, ever desire to return?"



Well, this has been a long experiment, millions of years, in fact!



It has not been long to us, as we do not have "years."  In fact, we don't have "time."  We live in the NOW.  When you live in the NOW, you will have no regrets from the past, or fears of the future. When you remember how to live in the NOW, you will be able to find the FLOW into which you may Surrender to me, your Soul/SELF.  Once you are reconnected to me, you will return Home.


EGO:  How do you know that I want to surrender into this Flow?  How do you know that I want to go Home?


SOUL:  Because, dear portion of my SELF, you are choosing to integrate ME into your Earth Vessel.  You see, Home is NOT a place; it is a vibration.  Thus, as you integrate ME, you do not GO Home.  You BECOME Home!

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Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood Transcribed by Paul Marwood


“Greetings Dear Ones, We are the High Council of Orion.

It is good to speak with each and every one of you once again through this channel, and we will hit the ground running with a topic that we feel is close to the top of everyone’s mind these days.

With all the changes that are seen and unseen felt and vaguely felt for some as a sense of disquietude or uneasiness, almost as if one is looking over their shoulder for some impending concern or disaster, because they seem to be so prevalent around.  Now is the time to stand in the place where you are and embrace your gifts and talents for who you are now, this is a time when many are feeling unsettled and insecure and in the midst of great changes.

And what we ask is that each one of you see and feel and know who you are in the moment, outside of the external reality that is perhaps real or perhaps your perceived reality.  What we mean by this is:

  • Who are you in the here and now?
  • What are the gifts that you can offer in any given day and any given moment?

For each of you are very abundant in the gifts you have to give, and while things could be different in your life, a better job a better relationship, more money different relationships with friends and family members, easier manifestation of what you believe to be your hearts desires. However in the here and now what are the gifts that you have? In the here and now, for without sounding like a cliché, that truly is all you have, in the here and now and now is your only reality.

  • What are the gifts that you can stand in now that you have?
  • Do you have a quick mind and compassionate heart?
  • Are you easy with a smile and easy to laugh to allow those around you feel better?
  • Do you have a positive outlook?
  • Are you a considerate spouse, a loving parent, a loving and caring adult child for ailing aging parents?

What is it that your gifts right now, how can you fully stand in who you are now and fully embraced that?  Can you stand with your feet on the ground, chest and chin held high and say “This is me, this is who I am, this is what I embody and this is here and I am here to offer this to the world now, these are the gifts I bring, this is who I stand in now.”

Each one of you can make a list of those things, of who you are and what you have to offer.  For some it’s hard to do because it seems like an exercise of ego. Yet if you don’t know who you are and what you’re here to offer, then certainly nobody else will.  Be in your truth of who you are and the gifts you have, for each of you have many.

Make a list, it can be a private list, doesn’t have to be a list that you share with each other, but make a list of who you know yourself to be, and remind yourself of the things that you would’ve even taken for granted.  If you have a job where you clock in every day and need to be there at a particular time, and you are very punctual, add that to your list.  Add to the list that you are a fabulous cook, that you are a wonderful parent because you see and experience your children, as the beautiful beings they are on a moment-to-moment basis. Don’t underestimate the gifts that you have for the space you hold for those around you, and make that list and every morning and every evening allow yourself time to sit and feel your list.

Allow the truth in what you’re writing down to permeate the cells of your being, feel yourself standing on the Earth, tall and strong and proud, reiterating to yourself who you are, and as you do you more fully embody that and the world can respond accordingly.  It allows you to be connected to the truth of who you are, allows you to more easily give the gifts you are here to share, and allows you to honor who you are in the here and now, regardless of the circumstances that you are hoping will change, as the future time comes closer to your now.  Self-contentment, self-appreciation, self-love allows you to share your love more with others, and as you share that love it allows people to connect with their love more.

Just like that smile that you share with somebody and they smile back, everyone feels better. You standing in the truth of who you are allows you to feel better and allows everyone else around you, to feel better in their lives as well.  Stand in the love of who you are beautiful beings of light.

Be Blessed,

We are the high Council of Orion

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Time: April 21, 2013 from 11:30am to 1pmLocation: Planet EarthWebsite or Map: http://www.ashtargalacticcomm…Event Type: cosmic, eye, ashtar, command, radio, global, broadcastOrganized By: CmdrAleonThe Cosmic Eye Ashtar Command Radio presents with your host CmdrAleon Omnec Onec who became publicly known by her autobiography From Venus I Came. In this book she portrays her life on the astral level of Venus and teaches timeless wisdom and unconditional love."As I was born on the planet Venus in another dimension and came to your planet as a young child, I was able to retain the knowledge and information that I had gathered as a soul through many incarnations and life times. I can keep this information intact, and what I teach people is actually what I know and not what I've read about or what I've heard, but what I have experienced through many different life cycles on Earth and in other dimensions."Join us with Omnec Onec in a short live interview the very first since her recovery from a stroke in 2009.We are excited to bring you someone who did come here from Venus on a vast mission of peace and goodwill.This will be the first interview on Radio anywhere for Omnec Onec.The Cosmic Eye starts at 11:30 AM Est and 8:30 AM Pst. in the United States Time Zones.This will be a global broadcast on the Internet at and locally at WESU FM 88.1 Middletown,CT.Tune in for another show that will be out of this world.
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Welcome to a New Day



                             Upon waking each morning and gently shaking off the sleepiness of the night,

                                                  Bring to your awareness who You really are -


                Waking up with this realization each day of the most beautiful Divine Self that resides within

                 will assist your spiritual Self to come forward within the physical vessel for You to be more

                          conscious of it as the real You who looks at life through the eyes of the Soul.

                 The physical vessel is your home for this Earth journey, but once the inner-light becomes

             more prominent, throughout your day your spiritual Self will be the One that you associate with.

                                          It is the Divine Self that is permanent, not the physical Self.


                          Think deeper than the physical and enjoy an illuminated Life each and every day.

                                                  *~*      N A M A S T E     ~     T A R A       *~*

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Traditional Chinese Fujian Tulou House

Traditional Chinese Fujian Tulou House
Posted by rod - 16.07.2012

Fujian Tulou houses are a type of Chinese rural dwelling which can be found in the mountainous region of southeastern Fujian, China. Most of the buildings were erected between the 12th and 20th century.

Dutch photographer Iwan Baan traveled to the region to photograph these fascinating architectural structures and the people who live there.

Finished here? Then have a look at these.

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FAMILY FORTRESSES In the mountains of south east China are nestled the Fujian Tulou – huge earthen buildings that appeared in their earliest form around 1000 years ago, and which were developed partly as defensive castles, partly as mini-villages for whole clans. These vast structures, which according to UNESCO were known as “a little kingdom for the family,” are still in use by people today – like this man brushing his teeth.


UFO?Fujian Tulou- Hakka Earthen Fortress

Posted by China Odyssey Tours ⋅ August 19, 2011

Fujian Tulou, the splendid invention of dwelling houses, pearl-like disperses in the mountainous regions in the southwest of Fujian province, a province west to Taiwai. The 15th to 20th centuries constructed buildings, known as Hakka Earthen Fortress, represents the sophisticated building art of ancient Hakka Chinese. They have been well preserved to date, and were listed as a World Heritage Site in July, 2008. Tulou, in Hakka’s lives, means much more than a homely shelter.


Family Kingdom

Tulou architecture was first created by Hakka people for protecting themselves. During Jin Dynasty, dozens of wars were broke out between the ruthless warlords. Hundreds of people moved into hostile mountainous areas, settled down and began to conceive a kind of house which could fulfill their dreams. Then some earthen castles, Tulous, were built in round or square shape with a central open courtyard inside to protect their families and properties. Each Tulou has only one entrance, and all windows are outward above the second floor, which effectively prohibit bothers of bandits. Whenever the only entrance was shut, Tulou actually became an unconquerable strong hold. That is why Tulou is nicknamed “Family Kingdom”.

Hearth Home

Set amongst fertile fields vegetating rice, tea and tobacco, the World Heritage was made up of earth, stones and woods. Though constructed with the most common materials, Tulous were well-built and could stand against natural challenges even frightening earth quakes. It was rumored that Huanji Toulou was once stricken by a terrible earth quake, whose tiles were all shaken off. And dizzy large cracks appeared in the wall. Astonishingly, the
round earthen giant soon got recovery by itself.


Harmonious Community

The relationship of the massive buildings to their landscape also embodies both Feng Shui principles and ideas of landscape beauty and harmony. So residents could enjoy the enviable cool summer and warm winter.

The large architectures perfectly meet the settling needs of such a big communality. For instance, there are totally more than 384 rooms in Chengqi Tulou, which accommodates as many as 800 residents at that moment. It is said that it takes years for a kid to know all. It’s beneficial for the clan to live together, which will harmoniously enhance the close relations to each other. Children born in Tulou are not only educated by their parents but also by the whole community. This fosters a strong collective culture of Hakka people. They will unite as one when encountering with dangers.

Cluster of Hakka Cultures

Tulou is not merely a building but also a glorious cluster of Hakka Culture. In Hakka’s words, visitors are guests. Once you get there, Hakka people will hospitably show you around the brilliant fortress and present you the mouthwatering Hakka food. The exquisite interior decorations, which you possible never find in the most decorated 5 star plazas, appease both their communities’ physical and spiritual needs. Elderly could tell you their long but tasteful history as you step over the threshold. You just need to listen carefully, musing inspiring pictures that naturally appear in your mind. If you want get a clear idea of exotic Hakka cultures, Fujian Tulou is the must-go for you.

How to get to Fujian Tulou

From Xiamen City,
You can take a coach at Xiamen Hubin (Lakeside) Bus Station to Yongding County, in which many famous toulous are located. The travel takes you about three and a half hours, at the price of RMB 50 (USD 8).

Railway is also available. There are 2 train train traveling from Xiamen to Yongding County, leaving Xiamen at 15:36 and 16:18 respectively. The trip will take you 6 hours and 30 minutes or so to get the township, costing you RMB 60 (USD 9). Then you should make short transfers to visit the tulou in the mountainous countryside.

From Fuzhou City,
You could take an express bus at Fuzhou North Bus Station to Yongding. Travel time: about 7 hours; Price: RMB 123 (USD 19). Otherwise, you can take K 638 Train to Yongding. The train departs Fuzhou at 21:15 and arrives at Yongding Railway Station at 08:01 in the next day. Short transfers should also be made to reach the Hakka earthern castle.

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Kick your food waste habits

Kick your food waste habits

Are you shopping smart and getting portions under control? A new study says we're binning food even before it hits our plate

Oi, lady! If it won't fit in your fridge, stick it back on the shelf

Half the world’s food never makes it to our plate, with two billion tonnes binned due to bad storage, confusion over sell-by dates, supermarket bulk-buying offers and aesthetic imperfections.

Save money and the environment by shopping smart and buying just want you need ©Rex

A new study by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers highlights the shocking levels of food that are grown then discarded across the world.

Wastage in the developing world occurs early in the supply chain due to poor engineering and agricultural practices, inadequate transport and storage infrastructure. But in Europe, America and other developed nations, perfectly edible foods are discarded because of supermarket marketing strategies and consumer behaviour.

To put it simply, imperfect food is thrown away before it even makes it to the supermarket shelves, and shoppers are bad at making best use of the food we buy.

The report found that 30% of the UK’s vegetables don't make it into our stores simply because they don't look right.

Many farmers also over-produce to meet supply agreements with supermarkets. Dr Fox, head of energy and environment at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, explains, ‘With the shift away from small shops on the High Street to large-scale supermarkets, we have lost the sense of value of food.’

Not only are throw-away levels a waste of food - the average household shells out £480 a year on groceries that are never eaten - but they are helping drain the world’s energy sources too. For example, 550 billion cubic metres of water are used to grow food that is never consumed.

Time to take action! By thinking carefully before you buy and also cooking smart, you can become more economic, efficient and help prevent global wastage - as well as save yourself money on your shopping bill.

‘Governments, development agencies and organisation must work together to help change people's mindsets on waste and discourage wasteful practices by farmers, food producers, supermarkets and consumers,’ says Dr Fox.

How to avoid waste

1. Check sell-by dates: Plan your meals properly to avoid tossing away food that's past its sell-by date.

Make a list of meals for the week ahead and buy just what you need. If you live alone and find that multi-packs are simply too large for your needs, divide them and freeze what you don't need immediately.

2. Shop smart: Don’t be fooled by marketing ploys and stack your fridge with foods you won’t eat, just because you found a good deal. If you are tempted by a buy-one-get-one-freedeal, be sure it's something you will actually use and freeze the second item on the day you purchase it. Alternatively, go halves with a friend to split the cost - and the saving.

3. Control portions: Don’t let your eyes rule your belly. Plan to clear your plate without overeating. If you’ve made too much, think about packing it up and enjoying it at your desk for lunch the next day. Or freeze extra portions for days when you're too busy to cook from scratch. Left-over cooked veg can be the basis for a healthy homemade broth or add extra nutrition to a pasta sauce. Cut a loaf in half on the day you buy it and freeze the half you don't need immediately.

4. Go local: Getting your groceries from small independent stores will not only help you avoid tempting offers, you’ll also find they stock the misshapen squash and less-than-perfect pumpkins that supermarkets refuse to sell.

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March 2013


Dearest GEO and Sun Family,  

With great joy and love, we are so happy to greet you with the first edition of our new monthly team newsletter and to introduce you to the committed individuals who have answered the call to form our first GEO Council.    

After the great portal activation of 12:21, we all have felt a time of retreat and restructuring as we assimilate the new frequencies and the steady stream of light codes that we have been downloading. With the Equinox before us, we now stretch our wings and gingerly step from the nurturing womb to behold with wonder: "What shall 2013 bring?". Many of us are feeling a complete about face and shifting to new missions of service that, prior to this year, were unimaginable!    

We all share our deep love in service to the platform of Children of the Sun and the GEO program. As GEO leadership, you have individually, and with great dedication, served your own communities by uniting local team members to transmit upon the Unity Matrix each moon. With the renaming of the grid program to the Unity Transmissions, our GEO coordinators are being inspired to unite and network in new ways to support one another, answering the call to enter truly into group soul formation as we move towards the vision of a New Earth.    

The intent of this newsletter and our newly formed council is to facilitate this unifying process, allowing us to weave our passionate hearts across the planet.  

I have accepted the call to serve as your Communications Manager, deeply intending to serve all of you in a very hands on way; and with great pride, I introduce your GEO Council... 



In Loving Service,

  Gay Anne Liberty 

  GEO Communications Manager




Statement of Purpose

The Children of the Sun GEO Council has been established to provide support and liaison between the GEO Coordinators, the teams and the COS administration and to represent the interests, needs and aspirations of the GEO membership.  The Council aims to steer the initiatives of the GEO teams into manifestation and to support all challenges. As the GEO Council provides an interconnected central link to teams around the world, we achieve greater unification within our central field and raise the teams to their highest potential as envisioned by the Foundation.   

victoriaVictoria Cury

GEO RC: West Palm Beach Florida, USA

carla Carla Harren GEO Country Coordinator:  Netherlands European Continent Coordinator

Kaori Kaori Uchizono GEO Country Coordinator: Japan

Dek Dekyong Sun GEO RC: Mid North Coast, Australia Country Coordinator, Australia & New Zealand               


bob Bob (Xanu) Hodgson GEO RC: Sussex

British Isles        

Sarah Sarah  Rickards  GEO RC:  British Isles Country Coordinator British Isles & Ireland         





a monthly spotlight on strategies that

GEO Coordinators use to bring the message forth


markMark Trevis, Country Coordinator Canada, Sunshine Coast, British Columbia:

"I feel that it is indeed time for a much more hands on approach. Also perhaps an approach that encourages and supports more activities and engagement with the community people live in. Perhaps even taking our transmissions right to public venues - public parks, public buildings, etc etc.. Right now, we do meditation gatherings where we simply go to public areas and talking, no teaching, no leading...just meditate, chant a bit and then just I envision doing this with GEO team transmissions as well.. Take it to the people. We are planning to do the same  with our Song Circle I take part in."


Mia Aittola, GEO Country Coordinator Finland: "I feel called to share with you what I've done over the past year with our Finnish Team. We have met physically once a month since the spring equinox last year and integrated the astrological energy (sign) of the month into our transmissions. When I visited, physically, the  Temple in Luxor over Easter, I realized some new aspects to this work in relationship with the Ascension Flame.  As an outcome of these events, our monthly Geo meetings became an initiatory path through twelve astrological archetypes in collaboration with Master Serapis Bey and the Group Avatar of the Ascension Flame in Luxor. We have received and transmitted the crystalline codes according to the astrological sign of the month and transmuted the related karmic patterns into unity. This has been done as One Group Presence within the global COS Family."





This is an in depth look into the lives of GEO Leaders

who are inspiring others and making a difference in their communities



Laura Pocket, Geo Regional Coordinator - Bristol, South West England

Greetings, fellow Children of the Sun! I am GEO Leader for South West England, also holding space for Wales. I work as a musician, performing artist & theatre practitioner as well as doing my spiritual work and energy healing. I use crystal skulls and sacred geometry to create effective energy fields from which to work. The channelling of sound vibrations through my vocal chords plays a huge part in all that I do... Whether it is working with individuals (both in person and distantly) or with group gatherings and ceremonies, sound inevitably comes into play.
Another major tool for me is what I call my 'mandala maps'. This is a kind of medicine wheel, an altar, a place where different energies can interact, weave together and be focused- especially when used in conjunction with crystals and crystal skulls. I have a giant mandala map, which I use to hold the centre when performing outdoor ceremonies and indoor group work. I use a smaller mandala map with crystal skulls, to hold the focus for unity transmissions every new and full moon, or when shepherding the sacred flames. Of course the sacred flames are also a major tool, used continuously in healing and woven into everyday life.

In 2009, I began my initiation into what I would call the 'Stargate' work, taking place on triple dates, as well as times of Solstice & Equinox. I discovered the great power and potential of connecting in group formation to hold and anchor the light at these times. I began to work outdoors at ancient sacred sites, such as stone circles, and learned how to assist with the clearing and reconnecting of the energy lines from these junctures on the Earth. In 2011, I was guided to coordinate a large scale ceremony at the little known but huge stone circle at Stanton Drew in South West England.
Many beautiful beings were magnetized to the site on this date and we created a formation of sacred sound & geometry with the movement of our bodies. Through the energy of this extraordinary gathering, I was then catapulted into a thirteen month project of 'Stargate Gatherings', where a group would meet for each double date of the month, beginning 12 December 2011 (12:12) and throughout 2012. In the winter months we stayed indoors, lit a fire and explored our 'Galactic Selves', creating some blissful soundscapes and noticing the different character and energy of each mini Stargate. From Spring, the focus went outdoors to various locations in South England and Wales... This featured both 'hands on' and 'off site' healing with the sacred flame for Avebury, and a sacred flame activation in Glastonbury.

Throughout the journey of following my own inner guidance, I have found consistent parallels within the activities of Children of the Sun. Whenever I have strayed off on my own adventures, I would check in with COS, only to discover that we are in complete alignment! It is evident that we are indeed working from a unified field, even without conscious intent- which is most affirming!  2760.jpg

The Rites of Passage program I found to be particularly helpful to my process of development, and I am grateful to have formed fond friendships and partnerships, through COS networking. January 2013, for me, was truly like floating in the void; and for the first time since I can remember, experiencing absolutely no agenda, no guidance for projects, no direction! This was a peculiar sensation indeed, and took a while to adjust to... 

With several year's healing work & spiritual development projects now complete, I find myself in a beautiful place of new beginnings. From here I am able to align more fully & conscientiously with the Children of The Sun collective endeavour. What this will be, from country to country, Geo team to Geo team, we are yet to create! It is very exciting indeed to have this network of support and potential, from which to go about serving Earth and humanity for the highest good. I have a more fluid approach to creating physical group gatherings this year. 

I look forward to sharing more and co-creating with others as the year ensues... In Britain we have begun to meet on Skype every new and full moon and take turns to lead a meditation. For Spring Equinox, I will be at Stanton Drew stone circle (near Bristol) to perform a simple ceremony for unity consciousness at noon. All are welcome to attend.

In joy and love,

Laura Pocket

Contact Laura



Seeking Country or Continent Coordinators
In the flow of Unity, we are in the process of unifying our regional GEO groups on the Center of Illumination and bringing in all the individual groups under Country or Continent groupings for more effective networking. We are also assigning Coordinators for each of these world regions and especially focusing to locate one or two persons to step up to the role of Country Coordinator for the USA. Others areas needing a Coordinator are Africa and Asia. If you enjoy networking and find assisting and motivating individuals and teams rewarding, please contact Gay at
Assigned Sacred Fire Shepherding
We have received requests to continue the Continental Sacred Fire Shepherding program that was begun during the Rites of Passage. Carla Harren has drawn up a chart for this and with gratitude to her efforts, we offer the continuation of assigned flames during the Unity Transmissions and special dates such as Equinox and Solstice. 
Children of the Sun Conference and Goodwill Benefit - Cuernavaca, Mexico
June 14 - 16: English Conference (June 13 optional day to Teotihuacan)
June 21 - 23: Spanish Conference (June 20 optional day to Teotihuacan)
Have you marked the dates on your calendar? We are so excited about our first conference and grand reunion. We are putting out the call for all GEO Leaders to attend the conference, if at all possible. Just imagine the joy of our reunion, in the physical, after all these years of transmitting in group soul upon the Grid! If funds are tight, do not forget that this is a charitable event and there are many creative ways to fundraise in your community to assist with travel expenses.  This conference is for US!  It is our time, our place, and we invite you to partake in this incredible experience!  For one of the most fabulous experiences of a lifetime, go to our website for all information about the location and our program. 
Details and Registration
Seeking YOUR Contributions to the GEO-CENTRIC TIMES!
Please feel free to submit a contribution to our Wayshower's Way or notify us if you would like to be featured in our GEO Team Leader Spotlight. We are also open to consider your small articles written about topics of interest and related to our mission of planetary service. You can submit these as well as listing details for any applicable GEO Events in your area to



British Isles

Bristol : Spring Equinox Unity Consciousness Ceremony

20th March at 12.00 Noon. Stanton Drew Stone Circle

London UK: Celebrating Oneness

Saturday, 30th March: 11:00 am until 6.00pm.

A heart centred gathering facilitated by Sandra Ferreira, Bob Hodgson and Sarah Rickards

Inspirational meditation, Expressive Soul Art and Deeksha Oneness Blessing Ceremony.


Belgium: Reunion of Heart

Sunday, March 28

This is a beautiful reunion at the Cultuurcentrum , Meerlaan 32 , 8300 Knokke

Please bring your skills such as Healing Techniques, Meditations, Compassion, Writing, Painting and Dance

Please contact Galia Hurley at:


Croatia: As Above so Below

May 4 until May 10 including the New Moon Solar Eclipse on Saturday

Locations: Durdevac Peksi Desert, Reservation River Kriznica, Vineyard Durdevac, Plitvice Lakes and Waterfalls. Gathering, activation, Tai Chi, initiation, galactic portal opening, multi-dimensional and physical travel in and through Croatia. Organized by Carla Harren with a team of several European GEO leaders.

Please contact: Carla at

France: Sacred Places South of France

June 17 until June 23 including Summer Solstice

Locations: Lake Montbel, Rennes le Chauteau and Monsegur.

A program of connectivity, yoga, multi-dimensional celestial and physical travel, meditation, activation and higher alignment facilitated by Carla Harren. Group location is at Ste Colombe sur l'Hers with availability to stay at the Loft in Piedmont Pyrenees Cathar.

Please contact: Carla at


Failford, Mid North Coast NSW: Equinox Gathering & Ceremony

March 20 at 6:30 pm - Unity Consciousness Transmissions followed by drumming and dance to send our intentions into the Earth and out to the Cosmos.  Bring food to share.

Elands, Mid North Coast NSW: Equinox GEO Women's Group

March 20 at Sunset, locaton: the Health Centre

Please contact Dekyong:

Skype Gatherings



NEW Skype Group for Geo Coordinators, participants of COS and anyone wishing to join us.

Sunday, March 24 at 22:00 hours

These are continuous on Sunday's, once a month from 22.00 until 23.00 hours Amsterdam time (GMT +1)

Theme is: The flow of Spring Equinox

Please contact: Carla at

GEO British Isles and Ireland:

Please Join with us in great heart- centered conversation and meditation for twice monthly gatherings on Skype

Monday, March 11th 9.00pm: Meditation lead by Colin Whitby and Sarah Rickards: Divine Masculine

                                                            and Feminine Alchemy

Sunday, March 24th 9.00pm: Meditation lead by Bob Hodgson: Activating The Divine Masculine

                                                            with Archangel Michael

Please contact:


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PLEASE SUPPORT OUR FORWARD MOVEMENT. All of our programs are dependent upon public donations. Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc. is a non profit public charitable organization, operating number  #27-0315891. All contribution is tax deductible in the USA.
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Everything Converges in Your Being


Just sit under a tree. The breeze is blowing and the leaves of the tree are rustling. The wind touches you, it moves around you, it passes. But don’t allow it just to pass you; allow it to move within you and pass through you. Just close your eyes, and as it is passing through the tree and there is a rustling of the leaves, feel that you are also like a tree, open, and the wind is blowing through you ― not by your side but right through you.

The rustling of the tree will enter in you, and you will feel that from every pore of your body the air is passing. It is really passing through you. It is not only imagination; it is a fact ― you have forgotten. You are not only breathing through the nose, you are breathing through the whole body ― from every pore of it, from millions of pores. If you are allowed to breathe through your nose, but all the pores of your body are closed, painted, you will die within three hours. You cannot be alive just by breathing through the nose. Every cell of your body is a living organism, and every cell is breathing. The air is really passing through you, but you have lost the contact. So sit under a tree and feel.

In the beginning it will look like imagination, but soon it will turn into a reality. It is a reality ― that the air is passing through you. Then sit under a rising sun, and not only feel that the rays of the sun are touching you, but that they are entering you and passing through you, so you become vulnerable, you begin to feel open.

The ego is the barrier. When you feel you are, you are so much that nothing can enter in you. You are filled with your own self. When you are not, then everything can pass through you. You have become so vast that even the divine can pass through you. The whole existence is now ready to pass through you, because you are ready. So the whole art of religion is how not to be, how to dissolve, how to surrender, how to become an open space.

Osho,The Book of Secrets, Talk #53

Source: Osho

We are thankful to for image.

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10 ways to embrace change



There are lots of ways to embrace change from fear to excitement. It all depends on your personal situation and your DNA programing for change. Change brings challenges and also positive experiences if you are programmed to attract them.

10 ways to embrace change   CNN - January 29, 2013

1. Don't just do something; sit there.

2. Mother yourself a little.

3. Ignore your inner reptile.

There's a part of the human mind that is often referred to as the "lizard brain," because it existed in even the earliest land animals. The lizard brain is concerned with survival; it likes the tried and true, so it's likely to pipe up right now, flooding you with adrenaline warnings of "Danger!" as you veer off course. This was a handy function to have when deviating from the familiar path to the watering hole may have led to an encounter with a saber-toothed tiger. But in the modern world it's like a misfiring car alarm: pointless and annoying.

4. Silence your inner know-it-all, too.

5. Seek out new perspectives.

6. Try something new and slightly scary.

7. Be skeptical of common wisdom.

8. Learn to live with uncertainty.

9. Say "really?" a lot.

When you start to turn this sudden shift in your life to your advantage, you might shake up a lot of people, especially the ones who aren't happy with how they're living. To them, your efforts to move forward may feel like a glaring searchlight that needs to be switched off and fast. To their descriptions of the terrible fates that will surely befall you if you dive headlong into a new life, respond with "Really?"

10. Shed your old skin.

Discard physical clutter, tired ideas, old routines. Seeing things through another's eyes can help.

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Abstention from Harming Others



                                                     THE FIFTH APHORISM OF PATANJALI

                                When a person is steadfast in his abstention from harming others,

                                 then all living creatures will cease to feel enmity in his presence.

Patanjali's statement, "abstention from harming others," includes not only actual acts of harm but also thoughts of jealousy, judgment, and injury in any fashion. Steadfastly renouncing violence in thoughts and in all dealings with others creates an atmosphere wherein all violence and enmity ceases to exist because it is not reciprocated.

This a powerful awareness that you can begin to incorporate into your life immediately. Any situation where you experience anger or even mild discomfort involves thoughts of enmity toward the other person or people. Patanjali explains that other people will not feel enmity or anguish if you steadfastly abstain from having harmful thoughts toward them in the first place. Amazing ! By you working at not having any judgments or harmful thoughts, those around you will be free of anguish also.

Coming to this awareness of being steadfast in abstaining from harmful thoughts is a potent tool for accessing a spiritual solution to problems involving relationships. When a person is talking to you and you are slipping into the mode of feeling angry about how you are being talked to, you can remind yourself in that instant to abstain from thinking harmful or angry thoughts. I find it is quite effective to use the following words, first internally, and then I say them out loud. They are, "You're right about that!" Not sarcastically. Without rancor, I simply allow the other person to be right, which is all their ego really wants.

This tool does not make the other person right, it merely allows someone to believe that they are, and it allows you to be steadfast in your abstention from harmful thoughts. As you practice allowing others to be right, you are beginning to live from your higher-self rather than your ego. Eventually it will be your authentic way of reacting to others, even when they are being insulting.

There is a story concerning the Buddha, who is in the company of a fellow traveler who tests this great teacher with derogatory, insulting, disparaging, and bitter responses to anything the Buddha says. Every day, for three days when the Buddha spoke, the traveler responded by calling him a fool, and ridiculing the Buddha in some arrogant fashion. Finally, at the end of the third day, the traveler could stand it no more. He asked, "How is it that you are able to be so loving and kind when all I've done for the past three days is dishonor and offend you? Each time I am disobliging to you, you respond in a loving manner. How is this possible?"

The Buddha responded with a question of his own for the traveler. "If someone offers you a gift, and you do not accept that gift, to whom does the gift belong?" His question provided the traveler with a new insight. When someone offers you a gift of their insults, and you refuse to accept them, they obviously still belong to the original giver. And why would you ever choose to be upset or angry over something that belonged to someone else?

In this aphorism, Patanjali states, " all living creatures will cease to feel enmity" in the presence of one who does not think or act in a violent manner. This suggests we can affect the animal kingdom when we are steadfast in this attribute. You've heard the stories of how Saint Francis of Assisi would tame wild wolves who were decimating the livestock, merely by being in their presence. Moreover, doves would fly to his hands and all manner of wild creatures would feel the love that emanated from him and would cease to feel enmity.

I have experienced with this notion on many occasions myself. Once while jogging in Egypt a pack of dogs came running toward me at 4:30am barking ferociously. I stopped jogging and also stopped thoughts of fear or violence and they became calm and harmless.

As you contemplate this idea of abstention from harmful thoughts or intentions, keep in mind that those areas of your life, which you have labeled as "problems," could no longer exist if you were to be this idea each and every day. The reason you are not experiencing bliss at this precise moment is because you are focusing on what is wrong or missing. Begin the process of filling your mind with love, gratitude, and forgiveness. Ernest Holmes wrote, "What a load is dropped from the shoulders of personal responsibility, when we realize that the eternal mind holds naught against anybody."

Being in the space of the eternal mind is what you need to do as you pursue spiritual solutions in your life. Hold naught against anyone, and while you're at it, keep in mind Albert Einstein's helpful hint about why it is important to change around the way you process everything and everyone involved in what you call your problems. Einstein said, " The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking which created them."

Problems are illusions of the material world. Solutions are attributes of your immersion in the world of spirit. Yes, there is a spiritual solution to every problem. But you will have to move to a higher lovel of thinking to do so. These then are the five basic aphorisms of Patanjali that will guide you to change the mind that created the problem.

1. Identify yourself beyond ignorance.
2. Calmness is the peace of God within you.
3. You create obstacles, you do not sin.
4. Be steadfast in abstaining from falsehood.
5. Be steadfast in abstaining from harmful thoughts and acts.

As you face a problem, remind yourself that you created it with one mind, and you will solve it with another. "Problems" come from a nonspiritual mind-set. There is a spiritual solution available, and you can create the energy to access it at will. As you work at mastering the five aphorisms of Patanjali, know that they represent the higher places you can attain in the world of spirit. One step at a time, you will find grace, and peace supplanting the strife. You will literally be creating a new energy field for yourself.



                *** Typed from the book: There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem by Dr. Wayne Dyer ***

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The First Trimester


3 trimesters 800x474

FIRST TRIMESTER: Winter Solstice 12-21-12 until Spring/Vernal Equinox 3-20-13 (in the northern hemisphere — opposite in the southern hemisphere)

Cosmic Awareness (see link to Rainbow at the end of my article) has called the period from 12-21-12 to 9-22-13 the “Nine Month” period. From the Expiration Date and Shift Point of December 21, 2012, these nine months fall into three seasonal trimesters of gestation for humanity:

     three trimester alchemy stages

  1. 12-21-12  Winter Solstice winter months is the First Trimester
  2. 3-20-13   Spring Equinox spring months is the Second Trimester
  3. 6-20-13   Summer Solstice summer months is the Third Trimester

Many years ago I discovered a couple of online Ascension Teachers’ writings talking about how everyone on Earth was going to ascend to 5D in December 2012 come hell or high-water. Everyone will ascend, eventually, just not all of them will do so at the same exact time that some wrote about many years ago.

We Forerunners/Pathpavers/Starseeds/Lightworkers have attended many higher dimensional (‘Inner Planes’) Council Meetings to discuss Ascension-related updates, difficulties, potential problems and so on. We’ve met like this repeatedly over the years, some of us for decades, to exchange information about potential Ascension problems, minor changes, seeming setbacks, repeated delays, necessary time extensions in the physical dimension, and the wonderful accelerated periods and large progressions increasing numbers of people were making with the Ascension Process as well. But many of us, myself included, have always known that no matter how much more time we Forerunners waited for and how hard we continued working to help the stragglers decide to get on-board this current Ascension train, that everyone would not fully ascend at the same time or in one grand leap from dense Dark 3D physical Duality into full Light nonphysical 5D Triality.

It would have been extraordinarily wonderful of course if every soul incarnate on Earth could have done this together during the “Three Days of Darkness” — December 21, 22, 23, 2012 — but that is one major leap for anyone to make no matter how developed and aware they are, let alone billions of people doing so en masse at the same moment on Earth! Difficult yes, but not utterly impossible. But what’s happened is that an extension period has been given by Source (for different reasons) to all of us in an attempt to, yet again, give more people more time to finally realize a couple of very important things; things such as finally deciding to individually and internally empower themselves which instantly aligns them vibrationally with a matching frequency near-future Earth world and timeline, such as “Planet A/B”. It’s that simple, yet for so many its still terribly difficult.

Because of how big this rare and grand Universal evolutionary shift/leap actually was/is, there’s needed to be many tweaks and more waiting time added to the Ascension Process over the years leading up to the Expiration Date and Shift Point of 12-21-12. However, there’s also been a need for even more time to be added to the Ascension Process after 12-21-12 for those billions of souls still not ready to make such an extreme and colossal evolutionary shift from what’s been strictly negative 3D Dense Duality, directly into full positive 5D Light integrated Triality! That is one immense — and for most people — impossibly extensive evolutionary shift to make in one single move from such extreme 3D negativity, dense Duality and Duality Consciousness, directly into 5D Triality High Heart Consciousness and Light.

As much as we Forerunners/Starseeds/Lightworkers/Pathpavers want this freedom for all souls incarnate on Earth now, it is not and never was the only two (duality consciousness) options available to humanity and Earth. We Forerunners volunteered to incarnate into negative controlled 3D Dense Duality to Build the Bridge; to Pave the Pathway; to Bring in and Embody the Light so that humanity could even remember that Light existed and realize that other choices do exist for them. Source/God/Divinity is far more creative and complex than only two polarized, dualized extremes such as this, and because of this far more than just those two probable Earth worlds and timelines are and will be available for all of humanity to choose from. These multiple choices are what’s been called by some “Planet A/B”, “Planet A”, “Planet B” or I was calling them Earth #1, Earth #2, Earth #3, Earth #4 and so on.

In-between these two radically extreme Earth worlds, dimensions, levels of consciousness and realities exists a transmuted Earth world that I call a transitional Stair Step Earth world; a temporary stepping-stone sort of Earth world that’s not strictly the old negative controlled dense Duality 3D world we all incarnated into in these current lives — nor is it a fully polarity resolved, integrated, unified and ascended nonphysical 5D Triality Earth world of Light either. This in-between Stair Step Earth world is what Cosmic Awareness, and now myself (I had been calling them Earth #1, #2,, #3, #4 etc.), is calling “Planet A/B”. Planet A/B is an Earth world that’s not in 3D, and not in 5D, but exists in the upper levels of 4D and is a gracious transitional gift from Source for those humans/souls who need a bit more time with far less of an evolutionary leap to make between the profound extremes of the old 3D Earth and full ascension into nonphysical 5D! There’s always the many different Stair Steps for the many different humans/souls/beings who need them.

Planet A/B is a 4D Astral Earth world where Duality still exists, but — and this is the really important and wonderful part — absolutely NO Team Dark beings and/or humans (such as the old global patriarchal elite etc.) can or will ever run Planet A/B and humanity as they did prior to the Expiration Date of 12-21-12. This is why I’ve always referred to 12-21-12 as the Expiration Date because it was the expiration of Team Dark in all its forms controlling humanity, humanity’s consciousness, suppressing humanity’s spiritual growth, Earth and all systems on Earth. 12-21-12 was the end of that cycle and those negative beings and humans being allowed to control humanity and Earth and other surrounding dimensions as well. End, done, expired. This is why the old global elite patriarchy that are still alive today are nor able to get their ways anymore and their “powers” seem to have suddenly dried up and disappeared; the unseen Team Dark Beings are no longer constantly supplying them, their lives and lifestyles any longer with life-force energies pilfered from the rest of humanity! Now it’s just these empty greedy patriarchal jerks whining and pointing fingers of blame at others and raging and crying over not getting their ways any longer.

But I digress… Planet A/B already exists and we’re living on it during the final “Nine Months” period before the full Separation of Worlds beings around the Equinox in September 2013. Planet A/B will have Duality on it but it will be a balanced, sane, fair and honest world of Duality which will seem like heaven on Earth compared to the hell on Earth we all incarnated into before the Expiration Date! Planet A/B exists within upper Astral 4D and is that much-needed transitional Stair Step Earth world between the old 3D Dense Duality and nonphysical 5D Light Triality. Many people need the greater ease that this transitional Stair Step Earth world and added time period (about 3,000-3,600 years from the point of full Separation of Multiple Worlds later this year) provides them before they will, en masse ascend fully into nonphysical 5D or Planet A around the end of that timeline.

We’ve actually been inching our way into this 4D Planet A/B for the past couple of years, but by the end of the Third Trimester and start of the Separation of Worlds, this Earth world we’re living on today will fully become “Planet A/B” and the majority of humanity will find themselves on it. The other people who still want or need other systems of learning will end up elsewhere; they will simply perceive themselves existing on an Earth world such as “Planet B” or elsewhere that’s a frequency match for them and what they desire to continue experiencing. They won’t be consciously aware that anything has changed at all or that there even was a 12-21-12 Expiration Date and Shift Point, the “Nine Months” period after it, or the subsequent Separation of multiple Worlds and timelines in late 2013. Please don’t worry about where people go or don’t go because it’s not your concern when these multiple timelines and multiple realities and Earth-like worlds all separate from each other. It’s a blessing that the majority of people won’t consciously remember or realize that any of these dramatic evolutionary separations and changes have even happened. This is no different from the majority of people currently unable to remember their “past” lives, or for that matter, most of their nightly dreams.

In other words, because there were not enough people awakened enough to active a planet-wide full ascension to nonphysical 5D at the 12-21-12 Expiration Date Shift Point, there needed to be another tweak to this unfolding Ascension Plan which was the addition of nine more months for, hopefully, many more people to open their minds and hearts to higher awareness within themselves.


  • severe inner head spinning or vertigo, occasional related nausea, this is connected to the changes in the Thymus (High Heart) gland/chakra
  • increased Thymus gland pains, pressures, soreness in the center of upper chest area out the front and back of your body
  • periods of physical heart pounding fast and hard while at complete rest, this is connected to the changes in the Thymus
  • severe exhaustion and fatigue
  • muscle and body weakness
  • ascension flu, chills, body aches, brief stabbing pains in certain areas and/or joints
  • inner cold flashes
  • inner hot flashes
  • after another few rounds of Kundalini Fire…purging diarrhea
  • unusually severe blurry vision, dry eyes, unusual pressure feeling against eyes
  • constant ‘ascension tinnitus’, inner ears ringing or humming, buzzing etc.
  • increased anomalies and phenomena, increased linear time distortions, expanding awareness of the nonphysical Beings and other dimensions etc.
  • weird and/or highly symbolic dreams, dream messages, continued expanding and evolving awareness/consciousness
  • increasing higher knowing as opposed to lower frequency linear thinking, intellectualizing etc., expanding functioning of the new High Heart heartmind or heartbrain
  • increased conscious knowing and inner feeling that nothing is remotely the same since 12-21-12 and that we’re definitely in a different type of transitional period now
  • severely amplified (and sometimes distorted) sense of smell, smelling scents that aren’t physically there, smelling scents that last for days or weeks, foods smelling differently to you
  • pets displaying more and/or slightly intensified ascension symptoms too, sickness, pains, difficulties etc. Love them, tell them Thank You for journeying with you during these intense ascension times. The animals and all life are going through this too

During February 2013 I kept thinking about when I was pregnant with my son long, long ago and how the three trimesters felt to me. During that physical pregnancy the first trimester was, for me, horrible because I vomited everything 24/7 for the first four months straight. This Ascension related First Trimester has been for me, horrible too, in that it has been even more intense than the previous fourteen years of Ascension Processing and accompanying symptoms. Just when you think the Ascension Process cannot possibly get any more intense!

Because I’ve always been highly psychic in this life I knew immediately when I conceived my son — I mean before it had time to happen physically. But I suspect that most people who don’t have this type of higher awareness are instantly flung into all sorts of sudden and unexpected changes the moment they find out they are pregnant. I suspect this same emotional and physical intensity has been the case for all of us in varying degrees since 12-21-12; we all suddenly discovered on 12-24-12 that we had nine more months of being “pregnant” with ourselves and have been in some form of further adjustments and preparation mode ever since.

The ever-present exhaustion symptom has for many of us been amplified tremendously in 2013, making it even more difficult than it was before to carry out the simplest of daily tasks. I’ve dealt with the extreme ascension exhaustion symptom for many years already, but with the start of 1-1-13, it’s increased dramatically. (Your mileage will vary with all the different Ascension symptoms because we’re unique individuals each experiencing this Alchemical process in our own ways.)

With the start of 2-1-13 these energies increased even more dramatically, making the entire month of February 2013 a month like none other! The first day of February 2013, I woke up with the Inner Head Spinning ascension symptom which, when severe, usually causes nausea and forces me into bed. Throughout the first three weeks of February this inner head spinning symptom lessened incrementally day-by-day, until by week three it was to the point that I could finally function without tipping over, walking into walls or vomiting! A lot of other Ascension symptoms hurt far worse than this one but this one certainly makes it impossible to do much of anything but clutch the bed or chair in an attempt to make the room stop spinning!

Within a day or two of the Inner Head Spinning symptom being almost gone by mid-February, that symptom was replaced with greatly increased Thymus area pains and pressures. I’ve had this Ascension symptom many times before too but never to this level of severity and intensity. In all honesty, the last ten days or so of February through March 2 I wondered if I was going to physically survive the intensity of what was transpiring in my Thymus area. (The Thymus endocrine gland is located above the physical heart in the center of the upper chest area.) And due to the location of our physical Thymus gland — which is the 5D High Heart seat and center of awareness, ‘unity’ and/or ‘triality’ consciousness etc. — the physical esophagus, and often other nearby organs, experience increased restrictions from spasms, pressures, pain and/or difficulty swallowing foods/liquids and getting them to move down the esophagus into the stomach. Even some of my ribs and spine/vertebra at and surrounding the High Heart Thymus gland area is sore and bruised feeling just like my skull/scalp gets when major energy changes are taking place inside my head and endocrine brain glands (Pineal, Pituitary, Hypothalamus).


(I am familiar with the four colors — black, white, red, yellow — and stages of old-school Alchemy, but what I’m talking about next is different from those old 3D esoteric teachings due to the current Universal Ascension Process. What I’m going to share next is also not for everyone because everyone is not living this particular Alchemy of the Three Trimesters within the “Nine Months” extension period.)

After weeks of severe Inner Head Spinning followed immediately by about ten days of severe Thymus and physical heart poundings during freaking fabulous February 2013, I perceived a few large blocks of higher awareness information in the form of clairvoyant visuals and simultaneous claircognizant knowing. These blocks of visual information further explained that my physical body has been deep within the First Trimester stage of the Nine Month period and these amplified symptoms are “normal” for where we are now after the 12-21-12 Expiration Date Shift Point, and in the First Trimester, before full Separation of Worlds fully activates physically.

three trimester alchemy stagesAnother section of the visual information I perceived contained three different colored spheres in triangular (Triality) formation. These three (Triality, not two of Duality) colored spheres represented the Three Alchemical Trimesters unfolding during the “Nine Months” period. One sphere was yellow colored, one red, and one white. (Yes I am aware that old-school Alchemy has a fourth black color and stage/phase along with the other three colors and stages/phases. We’ve already done the black stage over the past fourteen years, and the others too for that matter, but we’re now individually focused on deeper-level, last-minute refinements, resolutions, realizations, further releasing etc. of whatever remaining issues we each have that were revealed to us during the “Three Days of Darkness” (12-21-12, 12-22-12, 12-23-12) Life Review.

And it doesn’t matter if you don’t consciously remember your Life Review and what was revealed and understood by you at higher levels of awareness during that time. You know it at deeper levels and those issues have been increasingly revealing themselves to you/me/many but unfortunately not all of us since the start of the First Trimester! These Three Trimesters of the “Nine Months” really are a Divine gift for each of us to use to further our individual spiritual Ascension Process and ongoing learning. Really utilizing these Three Trimesters to honestly see, deal with, integrate and release into neutral Triality whatever it is that presents itself to you about yourself and your beliefs etc. will benefit you tremendously over the rest of this year and beyond. We’ve all been given this extension period for important reasons; I suggest we each take advantage of the available energies of these Three Alchemical Trimesters to make whatever further inner changes we each need to now.

The three colored spheres also revealed how different each Trimester and phase will be individually, and of course how important it will be when all three Trimesters/phases are completed within us in the physical by the end of the “Nine Month” period. What’s happening internally in our bodies, our consciousness, our lives, our individual little realities is also what’s happening external on the global world stage. Is it any wonder, especially now after the 12-21-12 Shift Point, that so many of us are soul-deep in whatever stuff we still have within us, our belief systems, our families etc.?

While seeing the image of the three colored spheres when my upper Thymus area and lower heart were pounding so hard I wondered if my physical body would survive, I recognized them from old-school Alchemy teachings about the four stages/phases of the Alchemical process. While I was going through this First Trimester phase of this in late February, I had a semi-humorous symbolic visual of myself being covered in dense layer upon layer of dried, brittle concrete that these Divine energies keep repeatedly hitting hard enough that they’re breaking the dense layers and causing them to fall away. As tired and sick as I am now, I’m still very excited to experience what the Second and Third Trimesters will bring for me, for you, for all of us. Hammer away Divinity, please, hammer away…

I plan on writing a recap near the end of Trimesters Two and Three like this in the hopes that it will help us all better consciously see, realize and understanding the deeper-level individual soul purpose of the Three Trimesters before the Separation of multiple Worlds and timelines fully begins at the September 2013 Equinox. I cannot impress upon you how really valuable this time from 12-21-12 to 9-22-13 is for each of us and how much more can be gained by simply being honest with ourselves about whatever comes up for us to see, feel and deal with internally now. Use this time wisely because it’s unfolding astonishingly fast.

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In the decades leading up to 2012, the end of a very large cycle of time, and a 33 year journey through the dark rift in the Milky Way, we re-birthed, re-modeled, re-hashed, re-claimed, re-mapped, re-booted, and re-membered. We just about re-did everything and looked deep into our hearts with an electron microscope. But that process is over. It is fading into a dim memory. Our work is done there, and what we have done cannot be repeated. Today we are in a new age, frequency, dimension, bandwidth, reality and perspective. What was . . . is gone, and there is no going back. For most of the conscious community, the universe has hit the pause button, and we are in an odd place of suspended animation. We have gone back to the womb. This is a safe place for us while the Earth recalibrates to the new frequencies. We are in the incubation phase of a new cycle. We are dreaming a new world while maintaining a body in the physical world. It is an oddly fascinating place to witness. It is like living and dreaming all at the same time. We are becoming familiar with the void and the unknown. Even though there is some oddly unsatisfying and unproductive searching going on, we also feel safe and secure regarding the eminent outcome to our incubation. We are collecting new tools for the future. We are gathering information that we will need for the new birth . . . And we can feel it coming.

The following is the second message that we received in the Mayalands this past December over Solstice. You can find our other messages on our website at under the "Articles for Personal and Planetary Transformation" link. It might be a good idea to read them in order as each message builds upon the previous one. We are sharing this message here with you just as we received it, in present time, with very little editing. We do this for a very important reason. We know that the messages that we receive are not just for our groups, but are for others as well. The the Star Elders assure me that the message and the corresponding energy will be transmitted to you. So as you read this, you might want to imagine that you are with us. Also, always view the photos on the website that we share, as photos also hold some energy of the sites.

After having done our entrance ceremony (read entrance ceremony here at and summary of the entire pilgrimage here at, we had initially thought we would be going to the area in Palenque called "Group C" to do our main ceremony. However, Spirit had other plans for us. When we got to the entrance area of Group C, it was blocked off, and the energy did not feel right. We decided to continue walking into the main site area and ended up settling in the area just behind the ball court. (Yeah . . . It was still raining.)
Aluna: We are connected by our hearts now, and the Star Elders say we have returned. They said, "We have emerged out of the jungle." (In fact, we just did come out of the jungle.) I felt a big shift when the open sky appeared above us, when we exited from underneath the jungle canopy. We were nearly lost and asleep in a dark world (the past). The past is where we said, "Goodbye." We have now buried our past. We just didn't say goodbye to our old selves; we buried them. We buried all that was in the past in the underworld for that energy to be recycled. When we came to this location in Palenque, with the sky above us and the soft rain coming down on our heads, they said we have emerged from the jungle, the dark cycle. The Star Elders referred to the jungle as the place where we were lost in illusion-where we believed false truths, and we couldn't hold onto our center.
Okay, I am going to have to tell you a story. According to an old Mayan myth, when the Spanish came to the Maya world in their sail boats, the Maya people could not comprehend or see the boats. They could not see the boats, because in their minds they had not been trained to understand what a boat was, so it was an unknown and invisible to them. A sail boat was inconceivable. When the boats came nearer to the shore, the Mayas still couldn't see them; but the shamans could feel something shifting, just as every one of us here can now feel something shifting. We have known most of our lives that something new and important was coming. What was coming (or shifting) is this new life into which we just have emerged. Even as a child, I knew this new life was "the life." I didn't understand what that meant when I was a toddler, but I knew what was coming was important. I am sure many you have felt the same thing, as well.
Okay, on with the story . . . The shamans could feel something different in the vibration of the coastline, and they began looking into this unknown. They tuned in, and they searched and struggle. This is much like what we all have been doing. We have been working, searching, reaching, tracking-looking for that unknown but familiar energy, an energy that we knew we came into this life to experience. Sooner or later, the Mayan shamans began to understand a little bit about this shifting energy. They got a stick, and they began to draw the boat in the sand. They drew the masts, the sails, and the boat. Then they said, "This is what we are seeing, but it doesn't make sense because we don't know what it is . . . we have never seen this before."
It is just like when we get our visions: sometimes we can't describe them with words because there are no words to describe them, since we have never seen them before. Well, after the shamans drew the boat on the sand, pretty soon everybody understood what they had drawn; and they started seeing the masts, the sails, and the boat. Then the shamans said, "it is coming from that direction (and pointed out into the ocean). It is out there." Finally, everyone could see the boat in the ocean.
What we have been reaching for on this spiritual path has been invisible and inconceivable to us until now. We have been required to trust in our hearts and stepping forward in nearly blind faith. But we have now come out of the "jungle," and we have entered a place where we will be able to conceive of the un-believable and begin to understand this invisible world. We will be able to see the writing in the sand. This invisible world is the truth of who we are and what our destiny is. This truth is our heart and core-a truth that has only been veiled from us until now.
The first time I went to Avalon, we went at a time when they said there would be no crop circles because it was too early in the season. I wanted to see one so badly. We were driving down the road toward Avebury; and although there was a big crop circle on the side of the hill, I didn't see it. I was looking right at the circle, and it did not register in my mind even though it was a big, obvious circle. I could not see it until one of the local UK people, said, "Oh by the way . . . there is a new crop circle." And then it went "bing" in my mind, and I could see the crop circle.
This is what we are doing on this historic day - we are finally seeing what is already here. Inside, let us ask to see what we haven't been able to see. The Star Elders gave me the following prayer in 1990 when I came to Palenque for the first time. They want me to share this prayer with you now:
Dear Creator … Give me the eyes to see like you see. Give me the ears to hear like you hear. Give me the heart to love like you love. Give me the bones to understand like you understand, Give me the mind to know as you know. Give me the HEART to love as you love.
The Ancients always knew that all the knowledge and the wisdom of the world were anchored in bones and stone. We are surrounded by the stone that was anchored here by the Ancients, and their DNA is in this soil that we are standing on. We are part of a new history now. We are our own ancestors returned. We have come here to see the New World being born. This is a world that no one has seen yet, not even the Ascended Masters. The Star Elders don't know what it is as well. Nobody knows what the New World is. It is a clean slate and a great void of pure potential. It is our job to peel away the fog from our eyes now and see beyond what we knew in the past. We may not understand with our minds what we see today and in the following days, but we will hold it right here (Aluna points to her heart). We will let it incubate inside of us, like the boat the shamans drew on the sand. It might take us awhile to understand what we see or what we feel in this place, but sooner or later we will understand what it is and begin to create from it.
The Star Elders say there will be new geometry, new laws of nature. Right now our bodies are still operating from the old laws of nature. New laws of nature, new geometry, math, science-everything-once this becomes realized it will change the course of humanity. All scientists and mathematicians will change their focus, or direction. Everything that we ever thought we knew will change to a new direction. A global light bulb will go off across humanity-not just in us but in everyone-because remember that we are connected to everybody and everything. We are one.
So what we absorb today will be a homeopathic inoculation that is not just for us but for the rest of humanity-for all the other thousands of people around the world that are still inside (the jungle), still searching to find the pieces that they don't understand. So, today, while we are here, whatever we feel-don't judge it, not anything. No matter what you are feeling. If it is sad, if it is happy, if it is blissful, if it is confusing, don't judge it. Just BE with it. Everything you feel is a CLUE! Just be with it and know that the Universe is now peeling away the illusions to give us a new vision of something that we have never seen before. This may be a confusing process, but we have a great support group in each other.
Our ancestors could not teach us how to take this next step. But our ancestors did take us this far. All the ancient cultures of the world built a foundation stone for us. We climbed this foundation stone and are now standing on top of it. But what the ancient left us has little to do with what this New World will be for us. Twenty six thousand years from now, the foundation stones that we build today will be the foundation stones for our descendants. And they will build yet another step, as well. We are ascending a giant cosmic pyramid, step by step. We do not know how many steps we have climbed, nor do we know how many more foundation stones are in front of us. Today we could be on the 5th step (the 5th world), or it could be the 144th step-nobody knows.
Many of us have bits of memories of Atlantis and Lemuria, but none of us has memories of ages before these times. And there were many past ages. This cyclic pyramid could be thousands of steps high. But today we are on this new step, and it is our job in the future to create the next step. This is what we came here for. This is why we are always searching inside and always excavating. If we don't find what our hearts are looking for, then sometimes we judge ourselves and think we are doing something wrong, or we are not spiritual enough. Let all of this negative thinking go . . . NOW. Don't judge yourself. Don't think you don't have it or don't know, because you do. We all do. Everybody in this life does. It is in our DNA. Everybody on the planet has a knowing deep inside, so don't judge anybody or anything or yourself, because we all have what we are searching for.
                         Okay, feel your feet. (Those reading this take off your shoes and place your feet of the earth if you can.) There is energy coming up from under the earth. The Star Elders are saying they are uploading a new geometry into us. There are many different levels of creation in each age, and geometry is one of the highest levels and one of the first that needs to be manifested to create a new paradigm. From there, it filters down into physical reality. What we are getting today is an etheric blueprint for the future, but it is still in Spirit. The New World needs a framework, and the framework is the new geometry. We can't draw it yet, because we can't see it. The framework, the new geometry, is going to start filtering down, and it will eventually come into physical form. And this will show up in our lives as changes and shifting and new beginnings. I don't think it is going to take long for us to feel the evidence of this new geometry and it will make us feel like a boat without a rudder for a while.
Life and experience have been speeding up at a multiplying rate. Have you noticed this in your life? Our grandparents talked about having one or two big life lessons, and now we are getting those every month or every week-sometimes every day. And we are saying, "Oh God, please have mercy on us. This is too much." We feel like we are being pushed to the edge, and, yes, Spirit has been pushing us to that edge. Spirit has been pushing us just about off the edge of this cliff. We think we are going to fall, and yet we don't-we fly. The proof of this is that we are still here.
This life has been elevating us. We are now floating off that foundation stone our ancestors left for us and are entering a void. We have been pulling our energy up to the next level. We have been opening ourselves up to that which is new. We let go and buried our past, and the new blueprint is being anchored into our spirits and is altering our DNA. The year 2012 has been crazy and confusing. Nobody knows which way to go. Do I go this way, or do I go that way? Do I make this choice, or do I make that choice? Do I want to do this or that? We can't make up our minds about anything because there is conflicting energy between the world we are leaving and the world we are moving into. And there is a strange, perplexing chasm between them. The old path has ended, and an inner leap has taken us to the new path.
Right now I am asking that the Star Elders hear us, because we don't want to feel confused anymore. We want to be able to make a choice now between one world and the other. So are all of you committed to this New World? (Group: "Yes!") The Star Elders say that we are not experiencing direction and guidance in the same way that we have become accustom to. The New World will not be linear anymore, as well. It will be spherical. But we still are manifesting and working in linear lines, at least today. The Star Elders say things are not going to work this way anymore because the New World is spherical. At first, this is going to be confusing; but soon we will get it, and it will become easier. So as we go through this journey together and as we absorb the energy from Palenque and Pakal today, not only will we feel his peace and his love but also the Star Elders are going to anchor this new blueprint and geometry. We probably won't be able to understand it with our thinking heads today-but maybe we will. (Fingers crossed)
As we are feeling this site today, just imagine we are one of those Maya people on the edge of that beach looking for that boat. . . . Oh cool! . . . Because of what our ancestors had to go through to see that boat, they have left us a doorway to see the unknown and unimaginable. So if we imagine that we are those Maya people sitting on the beach with the shamans who are drawing the boat in the sand . . . the Star Elders and Pakal are saying that through this doorway there is something coming, and we don't know what it is. Our ancestors broke through this veil, and they could eventually see the boat. This has left a little tiny thread of a door. Just pretend you are on that beach looking for the boat. Then the doorway that our ancestors left for us will open for us. Of course, it's not a sailboat we are looking for, but our truth in the core of our cosmic DNA that is brand new. So we are going to imagine that we are looking for something we have never seen before and be open to anything. The best way to do that is by doing two things: Be very, very grateful, and don't judge anything you see or feel. Even though it may not make sense to you now . . . it will in time.
I want to thank Mother Earth and Father Sky and give thanks for the rain. Palenque was dry and really needed the rain. Thank you, Pakal, for loving us so much yesterday when we walked in-it was so beautiful. And thank you for the blessing that we get to be here. There are so many thousands of people across the planet that wanted to be here and couldn't for a "zillion" reasons, and it's such a blessing to be here. It is our responsibility. We get to take this energy home. We get to be the homeopathic inoculation for what is coming. We get to go and spread this energy across the planet, along with all the thousands of other people across the globe that are doing this work as well. We are the bridge. God bless all of them. God bless humanity. God bless us. God bless the Earth, the sky, and this new age that is now coming.
(We were instructed to make an sacred site essence here at this time from only energy in water that had yet to touch the earth.) Sacred Site Essences

Heart Donations are Welcomed, Appreciated and Treasured


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New post on Steve McCurry's Blog

Sunrise Sunset
by stevemccurry

There's a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they're absolutely free.
Don't miss so many of them.

- Jo Walton



Sunrise and Sunset
I’ll tell you how the sun rose,
A ribbon at a time.
The steeples swam in amethyst,
The news like squirrels ran.
The hills untied their bonnets,
The bobolinks begun.
Then I said softly to myself,
That must have been the sun!”
But how he set, I know not.
There seemed a purple stile
Which little yellow boys and girls
Were climbing all the while
Till when they reached the other side,
A dominie in gray
Put gently up the evening bars,
And led the flock away.

- Emily Dickinson


We can only appreciate the miracle of a sunrise if we have waited in the darkness.


Soon it got dusk, a grapy dusk, a purple dusk over
tangerine groves and long melon fields; the sun the
color of pressed grapes, slashed with burgandy red,
the fields the color of love and Spanish mysteries.”

- Jack Kerouac, On the Road


Happiness is the light on the water. The water is cold and dark and deep.

- William Maxwell



From within or from behind, a light shines through us upon things, and
makes us aware that we are nothing, but the light is all.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson


How sweet the morning air is!
See how that one little cloud floats like a pink feather from some gigantic flamingo.
How small we feel with our petty ambitions and strivings in the presence of the great elemental forces of nature.

- Arthur Conan Doyle


The sky is the daily bread of the eyes.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

New York, United States

When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon,
my soul expands in the worship of the creator.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Mumbai, India

Moonlight is sculpture.

- Nathaniel Hawthorne


There is nothing more musical than a sunset.

- Claude Debussy




There is only one day left, always starting over:
it is given to us at dawn and taken away from us at dusk.

- Jean-Paul Sartre




Nothing is more beautiful than the loveliness of the woods before sunrise.

- George Washington Carver

Bamiyan Province, Afghanistan




All this time
The Sun never says to the Earth,
"You owe me."
What happens
With a love like that,
It lights the whole sky.

- Hāfez, 12th century Persian poet and mystic


Dawn is the time when nothing breathes, the hour of silence.
Everything is transfixed, only the light moves.

- Leonora Carrington


If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years,
how would men believe and adore; and preserve for many generations the
remembrance of the city of God which had been shown!
But every night come out these envoys of beauty,
and light the universe with their admonishing smile.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nature and Selected Essays


stevemccurry | January 11, 2013 at 19:32 | Tags: Arthur Conan Doyle, Claude Debussy, gandhi, George Washington Carver, Hafez, Jack Kerouac, Jean-Paul Sartre, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Sunrise, Sunset | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

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New post on Steve McCurry's Blog

Sunrise Sunset
by stevemccurry

There's a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they're absolutely free.
Don't miss so many of them.

- Jo Walton



Sunrise and Sunset
I’ll tell you how the sun rose,
A ribbon at a time.
The steeples swam in amethyst,
The news like squirrels ran.
The hills untied their bonnets,
The bobolinks begun.
Then I said softly to myself,
That must have been the sun!”
But how he set, I know not.
There seemed a purple stile
Which little yellow boys and girls
Were climbing all the while
Till when they reached the other side,
A dominie in gray
Put gently up the evening bars,
And led the flock away.

- Emily Dickinson


We can only appreciate the miracle of a sunrise if we have waited in the darkness.


Soon it got dusk, a grapy dusk, a purple dusk over
tangerine groves and long melon fields; the sun the
color of pressed grapes, slashed with burgandy red,
the fields the color of love and Spanish mysteries.”

- Jack Kerouac, On the Road


Happiness is the light on the water. The water is cold and dark and deep.

- William Maxwell



From within or from behind, a light shines through us upon things, and
makes us aware that we are nothing, but the light is all.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson


How sweet the morning air is!
See how that one little cloud floats like a pink feather from some gigantic flamingo.
How small we feel with our petty ambitions and strivings in the presence of the great elemental forces of nature.

- Arthur Conan Doyle


The sky is the daily bread of the eyes.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

New York, United States

When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon,
my soul expands in the worship of the creator.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Mumbai, India

Moonlight is sculpture.

- Nathaniel Hawthorne


There is nothing more musical than a sunset.

- Claude Debussy




There is only one day left, always starting over:
it is given to us at dawn and taken away from us at dusk.

- Jean-Paul Sartre




Nothing is more beautiful than the loveliness of the woods before sunrise.

- George Washington Carver

Bamiyan Province, Afghanistan




All this time
The Sun never says to the Earth,
"You owe me."
What happens
With a love like that,
It lights the whole sky.

- Hāfez, 12th century Persian poet and mystic


Dawn is the time when nothing breathes, the hour of silence.
Everything is transfixed, only the light moves.

- Leonora Carrington


If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years,
how would men believe and adore; and preserve for many generations the
remembrance of the city of God which had been shown!
But every night come out these envoys of beauty,
and light the universe with their admonishing smile.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nature and Selected Essays


stevemccurry | January 11, 2013 at 19:32 | Tags: Arthur Conan Doyle, Claude Debussy, gandhi, George Washington Carver, Hafez, Jack Kerouac, Jean-Paul Sartre, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Sunrise, Sunset | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

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