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Liquid Light is Freedom

Dear Family,

The peak intensity of the shift happening now on the planet has called into action many new and different variations of Multidimensional beings from across the Multiverse. Many of these life form expressions (levels of existence or states of being) have never been exposed to the consciousness field of this planet nor this level of density in the 3D human realm. The majority of this vast network has agreed to work together in alignment to the higher orchestrated expression of the Celestial Management Structure which receives its directive from the Core of Creation. The vision of this collective network is Unity Consciousness in Action, achieved through the mutual cooperation of creating a massive focal point – multiple dimensions of vast bodies all aligning together to place their combined creative power into One laser focus of collective genius. The collective genius is the intelligent sum of All of its parts, perfected into an equal value and merged into a new tapestry of experience within God’s Universal Plan of Creation. All parts of the consciousness experience recorded are equal and yet when joined together they create an alchemical power entirely new in the process of creation. What is held within this Ascension Alchemy transmutation process is an entirely new actualization of potential embodiment, and it extends beyond our planet, our solar system, our galaxies and even our Cosmos. The infinite nature of what is being newly created through the alchemy of these Cosmic forces is truly unfathomable.

On our planet at this time there are multidimensional intersection points of directing Liquid Life force in order to attain the goal of “physically” embodied Liquid Light. Those purified and devoted to this pathway share a beneficial goal that must transcend ego needs, personal desire and selective species interest. We are required to rise and serve the greater whole and destiny of the entire Human race and its prototype for Universal Creation. The fulfilled destiny is the Return and the Restoration of the Christ Liquid Light and to ignite its complete Universal Krystal Star pattern within the physical population of Human Beings on this planet. This “Krystal Star” Celestial Management Structure contains a huge array of lateral hierarchal entities, both incarnate and disincarnate, both human and non human all striving to accomplish the same vision and potential for a Universal Collective Ascended Timeline. A time of Freedom for the Future of Humanity and All Beings who choose Freedom in their heart. It is the Liquid Light of Christ (Krystal Star) Intelligence that is the promise of True Freedom for All.

Artificially Bent Light

Through the eons of time our Universe has been founded on One Eternal Source whom divided itself into multiple levels through the Pairs of Opposite. The Principle of Gender and the physics governing consciousness units have followed Universal Laws governing these creations and their perception of evolution throughout “time and space”. Over many millennia, many vast expressions of Group Entity Forms sought to create their own worlds and replicated these origin codes through Mental Laws they determined to write for themselves.

These Mental Laws were “Artificially Bent Light” matrices through which its “Creator” (or Group Entity Forms) could manipulate its realities to perform controlled actions of behavior in its manifestations. Since it saw its manifested creation as a possession it had ownership of – like a slave - it felt entitled to manipulate and control life forms at its own personal agenda. The bent light matrices (and the artificial bent light holograms projected into the planetary architecture) were designed ultimately to exempt its creator from the consequence of personal energetic action and dump its responsibility (with the karmic load) onto another. The Crucifixion Strategy is an example of an artificially bent light architecture to create the mental archetype and therefore belief system of Salvation as a requirement through “Redemption.” This action created intermediaries (False Gods) that are interfering with a human being’s direct relationship to God Source. The correction of this imbalance is being restored to the planet and therefore humanity at this time.

Fallen Ones Became Dead Light

Every Entity is bound to a Universal Truth of Cause and Effect. Every Entity, human or nonhuman is responsible for its use of Life Force and is accountable for the direction it places upon its own Consciousness Power. At the end of this evolution cycle many Entities are being held accountable, not in judgment but in the energetic physics governing the Natural Laws of Balance. Being artificial realities, the bent light forms eventually die and become calcified with frozen dead light, further damaging and destroying original “living light” creational fields. The more damage created the more distorted and disconnected from the God Source we became. This dead light created problems in the time fields as more and more entities were becoming mentally diseased or dead light (soul-less and fallen) entities. More bent artificial light matrices and “frequency static nets” were designed to move dead fields (phantom spaces) to the backs of humans to carry the weight of the “energetic trash”. Humans were recycled for their use and the Human Soul became burdened with the enslavement of massive karmic superimposition loaded into this density by various Entities.

Because these Entities believe themselves to be Superior as a “God”, using or creating inferior beings to run energetic waste is their inherent design. (We see these beliefs superimposed upon the human pawns that are in positions of power to rule this plane and have lost their identity as a true human.) These Entities became a false albeit perceived “Supreme God” of their own replicated worlds, and energetically enslaved others to serve their continued existence and “rule”. Toxic with the ultimate delusion of the Supreme Ego Arrogance as a self proclaimed “God-King” these entities became the “Fallen Ones”.

The War Over God

The Fallen Ones started to infect their diseased minds with the Mental Laws they created as falsely masked Universal Truths. To make this actualized in physical they cultivated their human and non human contacts into alliances that would serve these agendas. The Fallen Ones infected the God-King lineages of the planet and replaced beliefs of sovereignty and freedom as Universal Truth to concepts of Hierarchal Enslavement, genetic discrimination and karmic retribution. As they proclaimed and defended themselves as the True God Creator, the War over God and God’s Natural Laws became the main power conflict in our system. These False Gods in their corrupt actions to have dominion and control over others imprinted the Mental Laws with the dark archetype of the False God-King of Tyranny. The Kings of Tyranny fought amongst themselves as they usurped the Sovereign Truth belonging to the One, and the battle for the True God became the primary battle within multiple dimensions of existence. 3D Humans were dragged into the conflict as pawns to act out this drama and actualize the battle over God in the physical world. As above, so below, and the War Over God has been the Battle of Personal Wills to come to the Great Revelation of Truth to be discovered in these End Times.

Dead Light is the Mental Body Disease

These replicated artificial worlds and their “fallen one” creators started to deteriorate becoming increasingly distorted and mentally diseased. To prevent the destruction of these mentally projected realities, and therefore aspects of themselves, aggressive vampirism, DNA manipulation to mutate core manifestation templates and the consumption of other entities became the survival tactic. This planet and all life forms on it have been influenced and controlled by these mentally diseased entities which staged invasions of manipulating its “mental laws” to superimpose agendas that feed their artificial systems. Ensouled Humans became the survival mechanism of an energetic source of feeding those entities existing in dead light.

The Supreme Arrogance of their “God” delusion is now being revealed into the greatest fear of any Fallen Entity, the total annihilation of their existence. These Entities are being revealed to their Ultimate Truth, that they are not God as they are not of the Eternal Living Light. The Cosmic Rage of this revelation is reverberating throughout the Cosmos and on our planet and is increasingly being played out by unconscious humans. The time has come when the Fallen Ones must submit to the Truth of our Universe, and submit to the Natural Laws of God, The Law of One. The One God Source is the Only Eternal Living Light. The Only Eternal Living Light capable of form embodiment is the Krystal Liquid Light. All other forms are not Eternal and can only buy Immortality for a period of time while feeding on another. (This is why this planet is ravaged by vampirism and parasitism) These diseased minds and those entities infected by these mental bodies are enraged by this revelation beyond any conceivable expression.

The Dead Light and Liquid Light Meet

During the Ascension cycle over the next sixty days we are reaching the pinnacle point of the impact of the annual magnetic peak on the planetary body. Many previous manipulated world events to catalyze war or chaos have utilized the magnetic peak cycle to further amplify negative agendas. The annual magnetic peak of mid August sets the stage of the progressive meeting of the Dual Spirals of the Dead Light and the Liquid Light descending and meeting in the physical worlds as Equals for the first time. This is akin to expressing the Fallen Ones and the Luminous Ones are meeting at physical intersection points on planet Earth, both energetically and in form. A massive frequency split of energetic realities will anchor as the impact from this Dual Spiral event at the end of October 2011. The foundational energetic architecture will split to support the choices of these dual timelines, and the schism experienced for those moving up into the Unity Source code architecture will be of a tangible impact. Life altering events will force changes or directional movement away from the old energy or false reality. The nature of one’s perception of reality will alter or change forever.

It also portends that masses of humanity will naturally embody the vibrational match or will consciously participate with which Master they choose to serve. (To consciously participate with your personal evolution is the most beneficial) This amplifies the polarity on the planet into surreal extremes. The players will become more apparent and surface to play out the role in the worldscape as well as reveal the Master residing within our own heart. Will we choose to serve our negative ego? Will we choose to surrender to our heart? All we have ever known and had attachment as our way of being has to be released fully. For many humans this time has been the most brutal time of their lives, as the ego mind cannot control our direction or perception of reality any longer. To maintain and restore sanity, one must be cleared of negative ego and mental body disease patterns.

The Mountain Range of Diseased Ego

As these Dual Spirals progressively descend into this reality, the “dead light” mental disease that accumulated from our histories is becoming unhinged from the other dimensions that are in a state of accelerated collapse. As the Dual Spiral breaks through a reality (timeline) it releases the toxic disease of the mental bodies pattern and its dead light is scattered and spewed into the environs. The dead light matrices also reflect the Artificially Bent Light “Holographic Inserts” (which contain the controlled versions of the nature of this reality, such as Crucifixion Implants) and these are also shattering and exploding systematically into the outer fields. These are false realities (artificial holographic inserts) that we have thought were “real” and then developed mental beliefs that held that specific version of reality in place. As these false realities are shattered into pieces (for those maintaining energetic balance in this explosive terrain), we can read the signature of those “dead light” pieces that reflect the nature of its disease and its schism. Further we can read the field signature to reveal the truth of what really catalyzed certain world events, such as the Hiroshima Bombing or Jewish Holocaust. As an Ascending human that activates Higher Sensory Perception and is cleared of most negative ego, one can clearly read the energetic field memory as a manipulation of the Negative Alien Agenda. We then start to realize how little humanity has actually been in control of any cataclysmic world events in the physical plane. To observe these events as a human being without becoming infected by its pain, is the most challenging part of our self mastery now. We cannot lose sight of the Real or the Truth of our Service to Others in God’s Authority Alone. God is Love and Unity With All Things.

On July 23rd the largest Mental Body Disease Field (distorted electron fields of Metatronic Bodies) I have ever witnessed stemming from the False God – Tyrannical King Monad Body shattered like a bomb explosion out from the Orion Core (8D) opening. Since that event I have witnessed extreme pain in the mental bodies and the males (and females) that were primarily governed by the “Tyrant King” archetype. For those humans unaware of the causal events surrounding these incredibly mentally diseased matrices of dark energies, the mental pain has been unbearable. Those surviving the purification process know you cannot run and you cannot hide, there is no relief from the incessant purification of mental and emotional bodies now. We have to know the disease and observe it neutrally in order to choose to heal it in our consciousness. Recently this has been increasing in the untrained personal mind and in the collective human mind, accelerating personal crisis and mental torture by looping thoughts. Remember that the Bondage is released when the Ego is Released. Prayer, Meditation, Letting It Go, Clearing Mental fixation and Refocusing obsession has been a requirement for restoring and maintaining sanity. Know that inner peace and emotional freedom is possible and many of us have attained it. You will be next, so stay the course! (Ask our for ES tools for mental body discipline techniques and clearing negative ego and use them!)

The impact of these Dual Spirals meeting in our bodies is like a massive collision between a Divine Lightning Rod hitting the largest Mountain Range of Negative Ego hidden inside your unconscious imaginable. Even though this “dead light” mental disease pattern has always been in the unconscious areas of our hidden mind, it is surfacing now to be witnessed in order to be resolved and thereby healed. This dead light is also buried in our physical flesh and we will feel the energetic blockages and stiffness as a result in our physical body. Whenever someone screamed at you, directed hate at you, or you directed hate toward yourself, your body became an energetic dartboard of its vibrational result. Hate feels horrible in our mind and body. Most of us are feeling this accumulation of hate in our bodies, and we are processing to drop the density of this pain in every way imaginable. This is also because the diseased mental body of the False God-King is enraged and its hate is being felt in the mass consciousness fields as it is dying and losing power. It will try to take your power by deluding you into the false system and you must resist it.

Importance of Transcending Ego In Community

All of us have been trained extensively in the negative ego beliefs that have defined our materialistic and selfish 3D existence. The polarity of these forces amplified our personal beliefs to sway between independence and codependence when neither state is in energetic balance or healthy for the entire human organism. (or our planet) In our materialistic greed the select privileged (False King of Tyranny) raped and pillaged their way to the top of the independent food chain while disempowering others in codependent survival mechanisms. This way of existence among Ascending humans is ending. In certain stages of developing personal self mastery, in order to become clear about your true core essence, one must learn to be confident and independent. However, as we evolve from the polarized forces of 3D duality, we must also leave the imbalances created between codependence and independence.

The Unity Source Code is about self-actualized people in community learning to depend on each other, without hate (negative ego) governing their behavior. We are evolving into group consciousness on this planet and we have to learn how to behave egoless in community.

In becoming unified we must learn to understand interdependence within community as a spiritual principle and then as an actualized reality. When one is in group consciousness, one must retain his/her individual identity, however, also maintain a conscious group identity. Once one is living in group consciousness, one realizes all aspects are God consciousness and the energetic reality is then learning to live harmoniously as a Cosmic Citizen. One can maintain a sense of individual identity and group identity simultaneously. When learning principles of interdependence, there is no action or behavior that does not have some result upon another person. That requires transparency, self responsibility, accountability and personal integrity to express the core values of spiritual principles or God realization, and to demonstrate that to the community as best as you are able. Every person is valued for their personal contribution, yet the group consciousness is the emphasis rather than the personality needs.

Negative Manipulation vs. Clear Communication

Learning to develop clear communication skills is a requirement in order to reinforce positive behavior that fosters loving interdependent relationships in a group consciousness setting and community environment. Learn to communicate in a clear, loving, calm, objective, supportive, nonjudgmental and nonviolent manner. Principles of Nonviolent Communication are very positive guidelines to learn how to improve communication skills and confidence in your speaking and expression with others. (

The negative ego will try to use negative manipulation in order to influence people. This is an invitation for corruption and dark entity vampirism. Honesty and integrity is always the best policy. Learning to communicate with compassionate honesty is a much needed skill in all areas of your life as well as learning to live interdependently within a family or community. Commit to improve this skill in your life as you will be calling upon these resources often. Credibility is energetically assigned to the personal commitment of the spiritual principles demonstrated consistently in your behavior in treating others. The reeducation of human value to reinforce public credibility from what you personally demonstrate and exude rather than the initials behind your name, are a part of our future changing paradigm.

The Antidote to Mental Torture is Psycho-Emotional Centering by Spiritualizing the Self

The below is a graph of a Psychological Centering Model to use to better gauge thoughts that are recurring in either polarity. The two main polarity groups the brain likes to occupy itself with are “Superior” or “Inferior” thoughts. With the Dual Spiral Event this month the polarity thoughts are going to amplify to even more surreal levels inside our own mental body and the collective human mental body we are all a part. When using your Mental Discipline Refocus technique, identify the thought as stemming from Negative Ego (Reptilian Brain) and Revalue it from its control over your emotional body and your other selves. When you drop into either an Inferior or Superior thought-form immediately label it as Negative Ego and Dis-Identify with the thought as defining your value or true nature. Do not let it control you or assign a value to it. Refocus and affirm the correct thought pattern by referring to the circular spiritual self model and choosing a new thought to refocus your mind upon.

Success happens when you do not allow yourself to go into an “Auto Response” trigger. Identify the “trigger” thought-form and immediately “Relabel” it as it is happening in your perception. The faster you identify the trigger in your self-awareness and stop letting your mind go on “Auto-Pilot”, the faster you will see success through “relief” of mental anxiety. The goal is to not feel a negative response or emotional charge to any thought-form that used to trigger negative thoughts in you, such as fears, panic or anxiety. You want to remain in “neutral association” to the triggered Negative Ego thought pattern. When you correct the thought, you can mentally command “neutral association” to the pattern to correct it. Learn to focus breath to take you out of your mind and back into the now presence. Stay in the Now moment and breathe. Let go of what your mind thinks you should be doing. This is key to your mental body health and sanity.


Superior Thinking: Intolerance, Impatience, Arrogance, Manipulation, Attack, Anger, Judgmental thinking

Inferior Thinking: Worry, Low Self Love or Esteem, Jealousy, Guilt, Hurt, Fear, Attachment, Martrydom

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path! Be Gentle with your hearts and each other.

Love Always, Lisa
2010, Lisa Renee
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Cosmic Destiny Achieved through the Heart

Inside the Kings chamber after about 1 hour of silence and meditation.

Group member and our Maya Guide Enrique shares an opening prayer . . .
"Holy Gods and creator, we offer to you our prayers from our hearts, our best intentions, and we have come with honor and respect. I am very grateful for this privilege of being here. This is a great moment being in this sacred site, sharing these moments together. We come from the universe, and we left the seed stones. Moment by moment, we remain determined. We feel connected to you gods and goddesses of this great land. We are now in the core of this great Temple, and we can feel the energy that you offer to us. Thank you great lords and great ladies of this holy Temple for all the teachings, for all the energy and for all the love that you gave us on this pilgrimage, so we can take it to our lands to share with the people that haven't yet had the opportunity to come here. We respect the wisdom that you give to us as well as the abundance, the love and the heart. This is why we are here."

Aluna shares . . . When we arrived here, there were two giant Horus' on top of the pyramid. They were huge! They are holding space for us in this light. When we sat down in the darkness of this temple, I could see waves of light coming in. Waves of light and little sparkle lights. And I asked what this meant. They said they are cracking open the door to the next world. It starts here.

They said the work is done. We have done it. There is nothing else that needs to be done. We just have to live from the heart, moment to moment, and take steps forward. They say that the forward path has gained so much momentum now that there is nothing that can stop this shift. Just like it takes a little candle to light this whole temple, we are the candles of the new world.

Three years ago, when we were here, it felt like we were beginning something. Now, it feels like we are completing it. It is such an entirely different vibration than the last time that I was here. I know that some of you have been here before too, but it feels complete. It feels like we are ready, equipped and prepared. The next step is the leap. They are cracking open the door between this world and the next one. It is coming down from the top of the pyramid all the way down into this chamber. It is a celebratory energy. We are celebrating. We are celebrating Egypt. We are celebrating our own liberation from an old world into a new one.

I can feel Hathors coming in as a grand and loving send off, and it would be nice if we would send them a lot of gratitude, and give them thanks for this journey. They kept us safe, healthy and open to receive. They kept things flowing beautifully, and every site gave us so much that we can't even conceive how we are going to explain this to our friends and family when we get home. So we want to take this moment to thank all the guides, guardians and Angels in this very sacred moment. We want to thank all the Master and Gods that walked with us . . . The Hathors, Goddess Nut, Anubis, Horus . . . and Thoth is here also.

Also to Akhenaton who gave us beautiful energy at the museum yesterday. We thank him for holding the vision of unity in a land that didn't hold that concept. I feel that he has passed this unity baton along to us for us to hold unity for the world ; unity in diversity. I want to thank all the people that were behind the scenes that helped us keep this pilgrimage going so beautifully in such volatile time. And to all the ones that we don't know their names; those who took care of our rooms, our food, who drove our bus, helped us cross the street and all the beautiful people we met. Thanks to all the ones who are celebrating and waved to us when we passed Tahrir square. We are so happy to be here with them celebrating the liberation of humanity.

Also, thanks to the core of all that is, Father SUN and Mother EARTH, Pachamama, Pachakamaq, the Star Elders, the Ascended Masters, all the ones that have walked with us and have been with us in this life. We are so completely and totally grateful for this time, the wisdom and the enlightenment you have helped us obtain.

Now as we enter the door into the new world, it is a door that we have earned collectively. We will never take this time for granted. We cannot conceive what it would be like in the world not to have the wisdom that we carry within us, without the light and the love. We can never take for granted what is to come, because we know how precious it is and how hard we all worked to arrive at this place. We know how hard all the light beings on this planet have worked to get to this place. The Star Elders have been telling me for over 20 years that we will be successful. This is the first day that I have actually felt this happening in my heart. We have arrived. It is something that I knew in my head for years, but today I feel it growing my heart. It feels complete. We have earned our paradise.

So we are thankful, and we feel so much love for our experiences. Experiences we have had together, and experiences we had with each other in other ways. Even the beautiful times we have had in past lives. We know that the cornerstones of these beautiful experiences will come with us, and all that is not the vibration of the immerging new world will stay behind. I think that is why we are starting to feel this deep neutrality inside of us. This feeling that is beyond peace. It is a knowing that we are successful; that we have come to the end of the road, and the door is opening to a new one. What an honor it is to be alive at this time. What an incredible honor that we got to be in bodies at this time, and walked this Earth, and walked the sites again. We have touched them and felt their cornerstones. They are the seed stones . . . the heart of the heart. So, we just want to send our gratefulness to all the guardians at all the sacred sites that we have visited. So . . . I can see our gratefulness and our love going out across the world now. We are thankful.

Outside of this Temple, I am seeing other guardians collecting what we have offered here, and they are now spreading this energy out across the sites we have visited, and the ones yet to be discovered. The seed that we were given during this pilgrimage has copied itself. It has split like a fertile egg. This seed is traveling to all kinds of sacred places all over the Earth. In this chamber, there is nothing in here but us. It is the purest place we could be to split our seeds and send them to other places in the world. With these seeds goes our blessings, our love, our joy and our gratefulness with honor, respect and integrity, as well as all things that we hold dear in our heart. These ideals are going out to the world now.

We left the inner chamber and continued on to work between the paws of the Great Sphinx.

  The Sphinx is a watcher. He watches the world. He watches what is going on in the world, and he keeps the record of its history. That is why when people come here, they feel that there is a Hall of Records here, because he has been storing up records for eons. He/she watches and has the eyes to see.

Remember when we kept asking "Just give us the next step, because we are blind, and we can't see what the next thing is because it is beyond our reach." When we walked in between the paws of the Sphinx, I felt this download of energy, and I felt us being called back in like we had already been here. He is a watcher. He is a seer. But the way he is downloaded is by the initiates who come here. And the initiates are uploaded with updates to the human condition and state of evolution. Do you get what I am saying? So what the Sphinx holds is us. We are the energy of the Sphinx. We are the ones that have come here over the eons and offered our memories of what we had experienced and learned. We would download here, so we could keep a complete record of what was going on. Why would we need to do this? When we know what has taken place in the past, and we know where we are now, we can literally project forward to see where we are heading. Then we can make course corrections. Initiates, Masters and I expect even ETs, would come here and make course corrections in Earth's evolution. It is much like the movie "The Adjustment Bureau".

So the Sphinx would collect information we would offer it, and then readjustments to the collective consciousness and evolutionary path would be made. These adjustments would go straight to source, the main 3 pyramids and to the creator of this site, which was not a human being like we are human, and course corrections would be made for the betterment of humanity. This would be done to keep humanity on a healthy course, while at the same time not impinge on anybody's free will. These adjustments were made on deep and subtle level of energetics and frequency; not physicality. They would just adjust the frequency, and then allow humanity to choose if they wanted to work with at frequency or not. So why is the world in such turmoil right now? The world is in such disarray, because, for a time, the initiates forgot to come here and offer their energy and insights. But you can see that this has been changing over that last couple of decades. We are turning this world around. It will take time, but the tides are turning.

So we are the ones that deposited the Hall of Records here. I am sure that you all felt it when you walked in between the paws that there was a definite shift in frequency. It is definitely anchored here, but it was brought here by initiates over many, many ages. And this is a lot older than they could even guess. The Star Elders are saying "The Sphinx has had many facelifts", because it is really, really old.

Group member Neil: Yes, so the information is this going back and forth. What I got was that I was seeing the Sun, and they were taking me into the Sun where it was all about creation. There I saw those four figures at Abu Simbel. You know the creators for the four direction. So today I feel it has come full circle.

Group member Trish: So do you feel Thoth here?

  Aluna: I am not getting a name. I am just feeling the presence of the Sphinx itself which is more of a collective of who we are, and it has been built up over time. But there is an actual Sphinx entity that is here, and he/she is watching us now. Also, a strange thing is I feel that there was another Sphinx; a mirror image of this one somewhere in the world.

Group member Trish: There is a blue Sphinx somewhere in the Americas. I don't know where.

Group member Howard: I heard that this is the template that we are making. They said . . . "This is for you to make. I am giving you the template. But it is up to us to create from concentric rings outward. From this center, we are the Bindu point. (In yoga, the word Bindu refers to the stage in meditation where all experiences converge into a point and expand into pure awareness.)

Aluna: That is where the adjustments, that they are talking about, take place. The adjustments are in pure energy. These are adjustments in frequency that we (light workers of the world) are here to make.

When we were in the King's Chamber it was very different . . . Even audibly, it was different. I noticed it immediately when we walked in. Because the first time I was there, any little sound that we made echoed so bad we could not hear it. That was until we sang, and then it became melodious and harmonious. This time I expected the same effect, but it was very different. We could talk to each other. We could HEAR! I thought "Why is this different? Nothing in this chamber has changed." And then I realized that WE have changed. We have come more in harmony with the frequency that is in that chamber, so we can interact with each other and work together.

So when we were told we had arrived, the outer proof of this was that we could talk to each other, and it didn't go into this discordant energy. We have evolved and can now actually merge and work with this chamber by sharing back and forth without the energy going crazy. This is why we feel so complete. I think that we have completed a very big task, and now a new job is ahead of us. We have made some adjustments to the frequency just by being who we are.

So it was perfect that came here immediately after the King's Chamber, so we could anchor the adjustments here. Then the Sphinx sends all the adjustments out into the world and to the other mirror Sphinx.

Group member Kerrie: I received a symbol. This symbol started with a circle, and it moved to the infinity sign, and the circle became an eye. They eye was in the center of the infinity symbol.

Aluna: Oh . . . Thank you Kerrie. You triggered something. The Sphinx has one thing, he would like to do with us, and that is to anchor an infinity symbol inside of us. It is in multiple layers and works like a gyroscope. This will exist between us and the Sphinx from now on. If you are okay with this idea, we can link this. This will also link us to the mirror image Sphinx in South America; or maybe in the Maya lands. I feel it is in some jungle somewhere completely covered up. But we will also become a mirror image Sphinx for this Sphinx in the outside world. We are going to anchor this so we can continue to made adjustments as the world evolves and changes. We will be his eyes to see. We are going to be a part of the Sphinx on the outside. So no matter where we go, we will be able to download things back to here, and receive what has been anchored here back to us.

So if it is Okay with you, they would like to anchor this cosmic infinity inside our seed. The Star Elders popped in and said that it is like a cosmic super highway of information between us and the Sphinx. It is a cosmic high speed internet. We are going to ask that this cosmic infinity circuit be anchored within us, through all time, space, dimension, past, present, future, body, mind, spirit, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, until we decide that we no longer need this connection. We can break it at any time. It is yours to do with as you wish. It has been given to you, because you have the quality of heart and pure intent for creating a new and better world. So when we leave here today, we won't lose our connection to the Sphinx or the King's Chamber.

I am seeing some moving geometry that I can't explain, because it doesn't come from this dimension. It links the Sphinx to the Kings Chamber, and the other pyramids too. It is wired in a way that we don't understand yet. But we will. In the meantime, they are going to keep us connected, so when we go back to the 3D world, we will have this place inside of us. So anytime you want to understand something, or need deeper wisdom about a situation or option, you can come back here. (Aluna points to her heart.)

The wisdom of all the ancients, of all the seers and of all the enlightened ones anchored their energy here along with us. It is a huge library that is not anchored in technology but experience. It will help us be discerning and choose the right decisions. In this new energy, a lot of things will come up that we won't understand, because it is brand new. We will have to pull on wisdom of the collective and the ancients to be able to understand what choices to make. The odd thing is that the information that is here won't tell us what to do. But it will be a frequency that will get us clear, so we will know what to do next. What we are doing next is up to us. What the ancients did is the way they did it. The way we do it now will be different. But the frequency, and the way things are stored here, will help us trigger an understanding of how to operate now, so we don't just repeat what we did in the past. Does that make sense?

So this knowledge is not like a book or something you read. It is a frequency that comes from the hearts of all those that have worked with this place, and it will help trigger a knowingness in us in which we will understand how to work in the present moment. The past is the past, and old rules and laws are changing right before our eyes. Some of the laws of nature that hold this dimension together have begun to shift. So we will run into situations where we will have to pull from a higher place inside of us in order to know how to react to situations. We won't be able to react anymore like we had in the past. Have you noticed how neutral we have become? It almost feels detached. We will have to BE in this space so we don't react. It is a new form of Response-Ability. We need to act, not re-act, in appropriate ways based on the new energies. Just by the mere fact that we came here during a liberation/revolution is a big clue that thing are changing. We had to pass a test before we could take this next step. We passed the test by listening to our hearts, and not our fear. This is why this Sphinx is allowing us to connect in this way . . . and others that follow us that come from the heart . . . and the ones that were here before us. So now we are official members of a cosmic and ancient Adjustment Bureau.
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a message from Lauren C. Gorgo

I am hearing that this one event..and apparently there are few out-of-this-world discoveries on the way…but this one in particular is directly related to the DNA reconnection completion and the "firing" of our new human system.  I imagine that this event is intimately connected to the well-known (and sensationalized) "comets" headed our way this month and next, but what's interesting is that when I ask the Pleiadians about this they say that:

"There is a comet referenced that is actually not a comet at all, but a celestial body that houses a very advanced civilization.  There is also that which many are calling 'the comet of destruction'  but we assure you it is not in the way that most think.  This comet is the prophesied "harbinger of peace", and toward that end it will create changes and upheaval, but not in a way that will destroy the earth."

What's also interesting….besides the fact that no one has any solid idea of how all this will unfold…is that back in February, I received a message from a group of archangels  who talked, in no uncertain terms, of the return of a 12th planet that they refer to as "Nibiru" (another target of sensationalism, so please refrain from hitting the panic-button) and how this directly impacts our 12th dimensional consciousness. They mentioned that:

"in the coming days, there will be even greater awareness of the implications of Nibiru's presence in your solar system, and those who have fully reconnected and activated their 12th dimensional human-galactic genetics will be brought into alignment with the energies and beings from this celestial body."

They also mentioned that:

"... the yet-to-be-officially-discovered-planet is, in large part, responsible for setting the new consciousness course for humanity, and will enable the 12th dimensional field of perceptual reality to be projected into form…a dimension which they refer to as the field of mind-body connection.

Like all planets, this 'new' planet on its way to our awareness is the macrocosmic expression of our microcosmic experience on earth….the 12th dimensional cosmic interplay required for the full integration of spirit into physical form."

And from their perspective, that all connects thru the understanding that:

…"there are 12 fundamental spiritual energies in our universe which seek a physical expression. This expression (where a planetary energy operates or is released in our lives) is accomplished thru 12 zodiac signs, 12 astrological houses and 12 planets.   And just as each of the 12 astrological houses has its own ruling planet, meaning and associated zodiac sign... each of our chakras have their own ruling planet, meaning and associated zodiac sign. These 12 cosmic/celestial energies…the vital forces of existence... are expressed thru the human body via 12 chakras which connect to the 12 strands of activated DNA in the new-human template, or the original divine-human blueprint...and each of the 12 strands of our DNA correlates to one of the twelve aspects of multi-dimensional consciousness, or perceptual fields of awareness."
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Web address to opening and closing ceremonies

FREE Live Streaming For This Global Event
by Patricia Cota-Robles

Join with thousands of Lightworkers around the world as we secure our NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love in the physical plane of Earth. This vitally important Global event will be Live Streamed over the Internet for FREE. For details and to register please go to the link below.

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The 25th Annual World Congress On Illumination

Tucson, Arizona, is the portal

through which the Flame of Transfiguring
Divine Love enters the Earth and blesses all Life. We have been told by
the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth that the Flame of
Transfiguring Divine Love is the most powerful frequency of Love
available to the evolutions of Earth at this time. This Sacred Fire is
the last best hope for awakening the recalcitrant souls who are
resisting moving forward in the Light.During this eleventh year of the new millennium, the Transfiguring Year
of Renewal and Rebirth, a plan has been set into motion that will
greatly accelerate the physical manifestation of our new planetary cause
of Divine Love. During the influx of Light in December 2010, and January
2011, events took place in Tucson, Arizona, that created the sacred
space for an unparalleled influx of Divine Love. These events paved the
way for an activity of Light that will take place August 13-18, 2011,
which will catapult ALL Life on this planet into frequencies of the New
Earth and the tangible EFFECTS of Transfiguring Divine Love beyond
anything we have ever experienced.


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Ground self continously

You can clear and shield all your energies by calling upon AA Michael and El Moyra.

You can do house ,car and office spaces as well .

Make the call to bring in 5 Dimensional Light and it is done.

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Clarion Call


Can you hear the bells ringing??? Ding dong ding dong 
Has the Fat Lady sung her song? 
Whats wrong whats wrong? 
Do you like a Hijab or a Sarong? 
Is your faith rock solid, unshakeable and immovable, come hell or high water? 
Who will you turn too at the eleventh hour, is it God or a Golden Deer 
The clock is striking the midnight hour 
Are you a Princess or a Seer? 
Are you decorated with skull and crossbones or with a flower? 
An army of Angels has been unleashed, Hark can you hear the beating of there wings? 
Can you hear the crying and gnashing of teeth of your brother or sister? 
The Light will conquer the darkness, it has been prophesized 
Christ will be seen again, Thy Kingdom has come, A man from the East will be the vessel for the antichrist 
The Day of Judgement is on the horizon, man will judge himself against the light of God 
And any wrong doings or sin will automatically evaporate like mist rising off a lake 
But Mother Nature also needs too heal, she will be angry, she will throw tantrums 
White man will fight against white man, Christian against muslim, brother against sister 
All imbalances have too be rectified, nullified, sanctified, 
Fire,water,earth,air and ether, all will be purified 
The horsemen of the Apocalypse are on the move, hoofs drumming, mouths lathered in sweat 
The earth will be leveled with a giant broom and turned so the Garden of Eden can sprout once again 
5000 years hence Heaven was there, the birds of paradise sang there enchanting songs 
Can you hear there musical melodies, can you see the beautiful faces of Valhalla 
They are also calling, calling ………calling 
Ding dong ding dong10900539900?profile=original
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The call of time

                                                           DO YOU BELIEVE?


Can you hear the bells ringing??? Ding dong ding dong

Has the Fat Lady sung her song?

Whats wrong whats wrong?

Do you like a Hijab or a Sarong?

Is your faith rock solid, unshakeable and immovable, come hell or high water?

Who will you turn too at the eleventh hour, is it God or a Golden Deer

The clock is striking the midnight hour

Are you a Princess or a Seer?

Are you decorated with skull and crossbones or with a flower?

An army of Angels has been unleashed, Hark can you hear the beating of there wings?

Can you hear the crying and gnashing of teeth of your brother or sister?

The Light will conquer the darkness, it has been prophesized

Christ will be seen again, Thy Kingdom has come, A man from the East will be the vessel for the antichrist

The Day of Judgement is on the horizon, man will judge himself against the light of God

And any wrong doings or sin will automatically evaporate like mist rising off a lake

But Mother Nature also needs too heal, she will be angry, she will throw tantrums

White man will fight against white man, Christian against muslim, brother against sister

All imbalances have too be rectified, nullified, sanctified,

Fire,water,earth,air and ether, all will be purified

The horsemen of the Apocalypse are on the move, hoofs drumming, mouths lathered in sweat

The earth will be leveled with a giant broom and turned so the Garden of Eden can sprout once again

5000 years hence Heaven was there, the birds of paradise sang there enchanting songs

Can you hear there musical melodies, can you see the beautiful faces of  Valhalla

They are also calling, calling ………calling

Ding dong ding dong

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pure actions

I thought I,ve done that before Perform every action after careful consideration of the past experience, present situation and the future consequence and you will be successful. 

At the end of each day, in all the situations that you have faced and in all the decisions you have taken check if there were any feelings of regret, repentance or any other waste thoughts. 

When the action is performed after careful consideration, there will be no waste thoughts. Before you make every major decision, make sure you do it after careful consideration. 

 Let there be the practice of spending time and thoughts before the action than wasting time and thoughts by regretting after the action has already been performed. 
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