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Andromeda is our nearest galactic neighbor (as galaxies go). This video gives some scope as to the reality of how vast our universe is… and it fills my heart full of wonder and awe.

The pettiness of our current global issues are really put into perspective when you see images such as this.  It’s so beautiful and inspiring just looking at it brings me to tears.

The image you are about to see is the largest and sharpest image ever taken of the Andromeda galaxy — otherwise known as M31.

It is the biggest Hubble image ever released and shows over 100 million stars and thousands of star clusters embedded in a section of the galaxy’s pancake-shaped disc stretching across over 40 000 light-years.

This image is too large to be easily displayed at full resolution and is best appreciated using the zoom tool.

Be sure to watch the video to the end.


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How to decode your dreams

I agree with this post. We can't look at a book on dreams meaning and expect to get any real answers.

They would be totally misleading and you would have gained nothing from it.

I used to write my dreams for a while, right after I had them, and then I began to become conscious in my own dreams, because I knew that I was dreaming and pretty soon I was able to control them and interfere with them with my own will.

I could also wake up in the middle of one and go back to it, right where I left off and finish it as I would like for it to end.

This silly exercise seemed not to matter, but it did, because it helped me to control the uncontrollable, my subconscious mind!

And a new awareness emerged from this ridiculous affair.

Therefore, with love, I am sharing it  with you all!



If you look up dream meanings on the internet, you’re presented with a bunch of websites like

These sites go through the symbolic meaning of different objects, people or events and suggests what it could represent. This site in particular has so many random descriptions for things that are in any dream like ‘sky’ or ‘chair’.
A good one is:


To see or eat a bagel in your dream suggests that there is a key element missing from your life. You are not completely whole. Alternatively, it refers to sexual urges.”

Makes perfect sense…

Let’s take into account that when we dream we merge our consciousness with what we call ‘the astral dimension’. If we were to fully align our energy with that plane of existence, it would appear as physical and ‘real’ as here. There, many different forms of consciousness can interact with us without our knowing.

We naturally seek externally from ourselves for information, but as we’re reminded time and time again, it’s all within us.


There are endless representations in our collective consciousness that are associated with objects which translate into our dreams. The classic ‘forgetting to wear your pants to school’ dream is the representation of embarrassment, but the importance lies within where that embarrassed feeling stems from.
That is why no dream decoding site can truly figure out anyones dream. We both consciously and subconsciously choose what a symbol represents in our lives. The entirety of our subconscious is impossible to access as we’ve chosen to have our brains designed that way.

A good way to decode what a certain item or event means, is to bring yourself back to that moment in the dream. Focus on the feeling it created within you.

Follow that feeling, keep thinking about it and see if you can connect any memories to it. It can come as flash of an image or a scene in your minds eye. It might seem abstract or not related but it presented itself for a reason, which only you know and no website or other person can make the connection for you.

A lot of dreams are quite literal as well. If you watched a scary movie or manifested reasons to be afraid in your life, that can translate right into a dream.

Running away from something can be a symbol for multiple things but the start of the decoding process is recognizing that kind of dream is stemming from an afraid feeling.

Sit with that feeling and embrace it, the more resistance there is, the farther we distance ourselves from it. If something comes to mind, it’s important not to dismiss it, even if it seems to not fit. Don’t doubt the answers that surface.


Something I dream about a lot is being reluctant to go in an elevator and choosing to take stairs – until I realize I’m on like the 183rd floor and need to take one. Half the time they break and fall and it feels so horribly real.
I have no problem with going in elevators, they never made me nervous unless people jumped while in them.

It seems to come up as a subconscious fear, perhaps of the few times I did feel a little unsafe in them.

The feeling that comes with it can also translate into a feeling of insecurity and a lack of control in my reality. It’s all very literal.

Something else that used to be a reoccurring theme in my dreams was me starting university a few days late and there being homework and stress piling up.

As soon as I shifted my life into working with Spirit Science, that university dream would end with me realizing I don’t need to go to school and telling all my friends to stop going and change the world, ha!

A lot of my dreams are socially based and have me interacting with people I went to school with years ago. No matter the specific situation, all those dreams translate into my desire to communicate with people and shift their perception.

Dreams are both very literal and very much based off our emotional states. Taking the time to delve into yourself to uncover and retrieve the information is crucial in understanding the type of dreams you experience.

So, essentially, the mysterious process of figuring out what your dreams mean is sitting with the feeling it left within you. It’s very simple but the whole idea gets clouded with external information suggesting what a bagel means in your dream. Trust yourself, only you know the answers!

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☻/ღ˚ •。*  ˚ ˚✰˚ ˛★* 。 ღ˛° 。* ° ˚ • ★ *˚ .ღ 。
/▌*˛˚ ░ ░ٌٌٌToday's Heavenly Guidance From Zerephina
/ \ ˚. ★ *˛ ˚* ✰。˚ ˚ღ。* ˛˚  。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰ •* ˚ " ✰˚ 

Be Gentle With Yourself
Beloved one you have a sensitive soul and a feeling heart, so please treat yourself with gentleness. While you're not in any way fragile, you deserve the respect that compassion affords. Just as you would hold a beautiful dove with tender care, we ask you to extend the same treatment toward yourself.
Take your time today and don't rush or push yourself ~ easy does it. You're a precious child of the Universe and you deserve the rich rewards of gentleness.

••´¯°•Mantra: I accomplish everything I need to do in an easy, joyful and peaceful way. ••´¯°•

••´¯°•Please share and like our daily guidance. Never miss it by signing up directly for free Daily Guidance On Our Website ••´¯°• ••´¯°•
Thank you for being you and for being here with us.


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Membersihkan Trauma



Membersihkan aura keinginan yang terlalu kuat

- Menggunakan  energi kundalini  untuk memprogram bawah sadar agar membersihkan aura keinginan yang terlalu kuat untuk melihat dengan menggunakan mata ketiga.

Caranya :

  • 10900624867?profile=original•          Alirkan  energi Kundalini ke bawah sadar, affirmasikan ” saya niat mengalirkan Energi ke bawah sadarku dengan menggunakan Energi Kundalini untuk membersihkan dan menghapus hingga tuntas semua aura keinginan yang terlalu kuat untuk melihat dengan menggunakan mata ketiga yang menghambat kemampuan mata ketiga” Meditasi minimal 20 menit
  • •          Buat  energi Menjadi permanen, affirmasikan “ Saya niat mengalirkan energi kundalini ini mengalir deras secara terus menerus selamanya  24 jam nonstop tanpa henti ke bawah  sadarku dengan utuh dan sempurna ” meditasi minimal 20 menit .

Semoga Bermanfaat .

M arif .

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Berdoa, memohon bantuan, bimbingan dan perlindungan dari Tuhan YME, sesuai dengan kepercayaan Anda.


Anda bisa duduk bersila atau duduk di kursi. Bila Anda duduk di kursi pastikan kaki Anda tidak saling bersilang dan kedua telapak kaki menyentuh lantai. Kedua telapak tangan diletakkan di atas paha, kedua telapak tangan menghadap ke atas. Kemudian ucapkan afirmasi berikut ini :


Saya sekarang melakukan meditasi cakra Ilahi, turunlah cakra Ilahi, turunlah ke cakra jantung saya, menyatulah dengan cakra jantung saya, dan menetaplah selama mungkin di cakra jantung saya. Turunlah, terakseslah energi cakra Ilahi dari cakra 8 dan seterusnya s/d cakra tertinggi, bersihkanlah seluruh lapisan tubuh saya, bersihkanlah seluruh cakra mayor, mini dan minor di seluruh lapisan tubuh saya, bersihkanlah seluruh organ, jaringan sampai ke seluruh sel di seluruh lapisan tubuh saya, bersihkanlah seluruh jalur sushumna, nadi ida dan pinggala serta seluruh nadi di seluruh lapisan tubuh saya, bersihkanlah seluruhnya dari energi negatif, unsur negatif, kotoran dan penyakit, bloking, hambatan, karma negatif dan seluruh hal negatif sampai tuntas.


Sempurnakanlah proses kundalini saya hingga mencapai tahap sempurna, kembangkanlah seluruh cakra saya hingga mencapai tahap akhir perkembangannya. Terakseslah energi cakra ilahi dari cakra 8 dan seterusnya s/d. cakra ilahi tertinggi secukupnya sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing-masing, untuk seluruh keluarga saya, seluruh orang yang saya cintai, seluruh sahabat saya, seluruh guru saya, seluruh orang yang mencintai saya dan seluruh orang yang membenci saya, seluruh bumi indonesia, seluruh bumi, seluruh tata surya ini, seluruh galaksi bima sakti ini, serta seluruh alam semesta beserta isinya, berkatilah seluruhnya dengan cinta kasih,kedamaian, kebahagiaan dan kesehatan secara fisik, mental, emosional dan spiritual.


Turunlah kesadaran tertinggi, turunlah ke cakra jantung saya, menyatulah dengan cakra jantung saya, dan menetaplah selamanya dengan cakra jantung saya, menyatulah seutuhnya dengan diri saya. Dengan penuh rasa syukur kesadaran dan keyakinan penuh, atas izin dan kuasa Tuhan YME, terjadilah. (Lalu nikmati seluruh proses, memejamkan mata Andaselama meditasi. Setelah dirasa cukup Anda bisa mengakhiri meditasi. Buka mata Anda. Akhiri dengan berdoa dan bersyukur. ) Cara menurunkan cakra Ilahi.


Sebelum menyalurkan energi cakra Ilahi, Anda sebaiknya menurunkan cakra tersebut terlebih dahulu. Bila sebelumnya pada hari tersebut Anda telah melakukan meditasi, Anda tidak perlu menurunkan cakra ilahi lagi. Bila belum Anda bisa menurunkan cakra Ilahi dengan mengucapkan afirmasi berikut ini:


Saya sekarang menurunkan cakra Ilahi, turunlah cakra Ilahi, turunlah ke cakra jantung saya, menyatulah dengan cakra jantung saya, dan menetaplah selamanya di cakra jantung saya. Dengan penuh rasa syukur kesadaran dan keyakinan penuh, atas izin dan kuasa Tuhan YME, terjadilah.

Salam M Arif .

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To me, affirmations are kind of like an ongoing live creations that we bring into manifestation not just by repeating the affirmation with faith and enthusiasm & then letting it go ..... because for me anyway, I have found that usually some actions are also required, and one of the most important actions is to be meditating every day to receive Divine Guidance & release any blocks to the manifestations of your dreams or desires.....


So here are my 5 affirmations for 2015:


1. My I Am Presence is working through and with my Soul and is continually enhancing and expanding all possible connections I have to the Creator and to the Creator's Love....and I consciously experience these divinely enhanced & expanded connections to the Creator and the Creators Love in every moment and in all situations. I continually experience abundant Love manifesting in all forms in my reality.
2. With my every breath I Am embodying the Rays of the Creator.
3. With my every breath I Am also embodying my Soul and Soul group.
4. With my every breath I Am dissolving all remaining veils and blocks to my spiritual growth and ascension.
5. With my every breath I Am transforming my physical body and all of my energetic bodies into Crystalline Bodies of Light. And with my every breath I Am breathing in all the Rays & Flames of the Creator's Perfection & Cosmic Creative Intelligence needed to manifest all of these affirmations in every moment.
Thank You God ! And So It Is !

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"Audzubillah himina syaiton nirojim, bismillah hirohman nirohim, alhamdulilah hirobbil alamin arrahmani arrahim maliki yaumidin iyyakanamudu wa iyyaka nastain ikhdinas shirotolmustaqim shirotol ladziina anamtaalaihim ghairil maghdubi alaihim walaad daalin, amin.

- Baca 3x dengan Tahan Nafas :

- Kirim Alfateha 3x untuk Rasulullah SAW

- Kirim Alfateha 3x untuk Malaikat Mukorobin

- Kirim Alfateha 3x Untuk Semua Guru Anda

- Kirim Alfateha 3x untuk semua mahkluk Allah di alam semesta .

Cara meditasi di cakra mata ketiga , yaitu duduk dengan punggung tegak. Bisa bersila, bisa juga di atas kursi. Fokuskan kesadaran anda di titik antara kedua alis mata. Rasakan saja kesadaran anda berada di titik tersebut, Rasakan dengan bola mata yg dipejamkan. Bisa juga setengah terpejam. Bisa sambil dengar musik meditasi, bisa juga tidak. Bisa sambil baca mantera atau doa, bisa juga tidak. Bisa pakai mantera atau doa apa saja yg diulang-ulang di dalam hati. Yg penting, fokus kesadaran anda tetap di titik itu. Lakukan rutin tiap hari, 30 menit di pagi hari, dan 30 menit di malam hari. Jadi, tidak ada itu yg namanya "Pembukaan Mata Ketiga", apalagi pake duit. Pertama-kali saya berhasil menemukan titik terang melalui tradisi Islam. Wirid, zikir, dengan bertasbih panjang. Sekali duduk 500X Al Fatihah, Setengah modar untuk putar tasbih sambil tetap fokus agar amalan bisa diucapkan di dalam hati. Akhirnya saya tahu rahasianya , yaitu tetap fokus di satu titik. Doa cuma alat bantu agar kesadaran bisa tetap fokus di satu titik. Gelombang otak otomatis turun perlahan, tetapi fokus tetap tidak berubah. Tidak melayang dan kosong melompong seperti disalah kaprahkan oleh banyak orang. Tentu saja saya juga pakai rujukan dari tradisi-tradisi lain, termasuk tradisi spiritual dari Tibet dan bahkan juga tradisi spiritual Jawa. Saya temukan, ada sesuatu yg disembunyikan. Yg disembunyikan adalah fokus kesadaran di cakra mata ketiga. Biasanya orang didorong untuk fokus di dada. Orang tidak bisa terlepas dari fokus di dada, kecuali menemukan sendiri ada sesuatu yg disembunyikan. Karena saya tahu susahnya, maka sekarang saya share untuk Anda , OK sekarang kita mulai , Punggung tegak adalah jalur jalannya energi dari cakra dasar sampai cakra mahkota. Dari tulang ekor anda sampai ke puncak kepala, dan dari sana turun lagi ke bawah. Naik turun dari atas ke bawah juga ada di semua tradisi spiritual, walaupun istilahnya berbeda-beda. Nanti Sensasi yg anda alami ketika meditasi bisa bermacam-macam. Anda bisa merasa melihat jin, bisa merasa cenat cenut, bisa merasa tenang, macam-macam bisa juga tidak merasa apa apa ini yg perlu di luruskan kenapa bisa bgt apakah tdk fokus atau caranya kurang benar ? Anda bisa eveluasi sendiri apa penyebabnya karena jelas tidak merasakan apa apa adalah hasil yang Gagal . Saya batasi tulisan ini mengenai teknik meditasi menggunakan wirid Al Fatihah. Bukan tafsir yg bisa bermacam-ragam , walaupun saya cenderung mengartikan Al Fatihah sebagai bahasa simbolik yg isinya mengenai melepaskan/membuka segala macam keterikatan. Ada shirataalmustaqim disitu titian serambut dibelah tujuh. Anda tidak bisa lewat shirataalmustaqim dengan membawa apapun. Tidak bisa membawa tubuh anda, harta benda anda, Hanya dengan ikhlas pasrah anda bisa melewati shirataalmustaqim. Dalam Meditasi ini Tentu anda bisa pakai doa apa saja, mantera apa saja. Saya cuma ingin berbagi tentang pengertian bahwa doa atau mantera cuma alat bantu agar kesadaran kita bisa fokus di satu titik. Untuk menurunkan gelombang otak kita harus fokus, sehingga ketika gelombang otak kita turun kita tetap sadar. Kalau tidak sadar namanya tidur pulas.

Semoga bisa membantu dan Bermanfaat .

Join with Us :

Salam ,

M Arif .

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Mother Mary Ascended Rosary for us!

2015 Was Birthed In A Star Burst of Light

by Patricia Cota-Robles

January 8, 2015

     Beloved Mother Mary is an exponent of the Feminine Aspect of our Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is. She represents the Divine Mother Principle on Earth, and she has accepted the responsibility of holding the Immaculate Concept, which is the Divine Blueprint for the Ascension in the Light of every single person on Earth. In order to assist us with the critically important and unprecedented process of transforming our Earthly Bodies and the Body of Mother Earth into Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of Vibrant Health, Eternal Youth, and Radiant Beauty, Mother Mary has given us a Life-transforming invocation.

During the December 20-21, 2014, New Moon Solstice, Mother Mary joined with the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout Infinity and our Mother God to anchor on Earth   NEW and higher frequencies of the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Aspects of Deity than Humanity has ever been capable of receiving. This Light was absorbed by the I AM Presence of Awakening Humanity and secured into Earths Crystal Grid System through the Heart Flames and Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras of willing Lightworkers.

Now Mother Mary is making this unfathomable Light available to every man, woman, and child in Earth through the sacred invocation that she refers to as The Rosary for an Ascending Humanity.

This sacred Rosary is designed to recalibrate Humanitys DNA structures into higher 5th-Dimensional frequencies of our Father-Mother Gods Crystalline Solar Light than we have ever experienced.

Scientists used to believe that our DNA was stationary and stagnant. We now know that our DNA is a shimmering, waveform configuration that is moment by moment being modified by Light, solar radiation, magnetic fields, sonic impulses, thoughtforms, and emotions. When Humanitys I AM Presences join together to collectively imprint the genetic codes for the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity onto our DNA through our 5th-Dimensional Twelve Solar Chakra System, these patterns ignite every cell in our bodies and lift us into alignment with our Crystalline Solar Light Bodies. This Crystalline perfection is then secured in the nucleus of every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth. Once this is accomplished, our transformation will take place in what will be perceived as the twinkling of an eye.

Humanitys Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras and the corresponding Solar Meridians that radiate through our newly activated 5th-Dimensional Solar Spines are unique and radiate Light in new ways. Each of our 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras is a sphere of Light, a radiant Sun, that pulsates with all Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity simultaneously. These multi-colored, multi-faceted spheres of Light are referred to as Circles of the Sacred Twelve by the Company of Heaven.

In our 5th-Dimensional Solar Spine, every Chakra reflects ALL of the Divine Qualities and Aspects of Deity ALL of the time. But, if we want to amplify one or more of the Aspects of Deity for a particular reason or in a particular situation, we simply ask our I AM Presence to increase that specific Divine Quality, and it will instantly expand through all Twelve Chakras simultaneously. 

Our I AM Presence always monitors the situation, and when the appropriate amount of Light has been projected through our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies, the Circle of the Sacred Twelve will return to perfect balance in each Solar Chakra.

We can amplify one or more Aspects of Deity through our Twelve Solar Chakras anytime we want to, and we can do that as often as we like according to the need of the hour and our service to the Light.

The Rosary for an Ascending Humanity is a Gift from Mother Mary that is designed to help each and every one of us greatly accelerate our Ascension process by assimilating and projecting into the world of form the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity. The Divine Intent of this wondrous Gift is to utilize the Light of God to seal our bodies permanently in the Immaculate Concept of Eternal Youth, Vibrant Health, and Radiant Beauty.

This invocation is stated in the first person so that we will each experience this Gift of Light personally and tangibly, but know that whenever you invoke this Rosary you are simultaneously invoking the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity on behalf of every person on Earth, because we are One and there is no separation. So listen to your heart and invoke this amazing Light as often as you feel prompted to do so.

And we begin

Mother Marys Rosary for an Ascending Humanity

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As One Voice, One Breath, One Heartbeat, and One Energy, Vibration, and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love I invoke the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Aspects of Deity one by one:

The 1st Solar Aspect of Deity is Sapphire Blue.

This exquisite frequency of Light is now descending from the very Heart of God and entering my 5th-Dimensional Crown Chakra. The Blue Light flows down my Spinal Column and radiates through each of my Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into radiant Sapphire Blue Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 1st Solar Aspect of Deity are: Gods Will, Illumined Faith, Power, Protection, and Gods First Cause of Perfection.

My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Marys Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb I AM. Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.  (Pause)   

The 2nd Solar Aspect of Deity is Sunshine Yellow.

This Divine Light descends from the very Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. As this Yellow Light descends down my Spinal Column, it radiates through all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into radiant Sunshine Yellow Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 2nd Solar Aspect of Deity are: Christ Consciousness, Enlightenment, Wisdom, Illumination, Understanding, Perception, and Constancy.

My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Marys Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb I AM. Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.  (Pause)   

The 3rd Solar Aspect of Deity is Crystalline Pink.

This resplendent Pink Light flows forth from the very Heart of God and enters my Crown Chakra. As the Pink Light from the 3rd Solar Aspect of Deity descends down my Spinal Column, it radiates through all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into blazing Pink Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 3rd Solar Aspect of Deity are: Transfiguring Divine Love, Adoration, Tolerance, Oneness, and Reverence for ALL Life.

My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Marys Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb I AM. Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.  (Pause)  

The 4th Solar Aspect of Deity is White.

This beautiful White Light flows from the very Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. As this powerful White Light descends down my Spinal Column, it radiates through all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into brilliant White Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 4th Solar Aspect of Deity are: The Immaculate Concept, Purity, Hope, Restoration, Resurrection, and Ascension.

My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Marys Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb I AM. Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.  (Pause)   

The 5th Solar Aspect of Deity is Emerald Green.

This Emerald Green Light descends from the Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. As this Emerald Light flows down my Spinal Column, it radiates through all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into resplendent Emerald Green Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 5th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Illumined Truth, Healing, Consecration, Concentration, and Inner Vision.

My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Marys Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb I AM. Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.  (Pause)   

The 6th Solar Aspect of Deity is Ruby-Gold.

The Ruby-Gold Aspect of Deity descends from the Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. As Ruby-Gold Light flows through my Spinal Column, it pulsates into all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into magnificent Ruby-Gold Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 6th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Divine Grace, Healing, Devotional Worship, Peace, and the Manifestation of the Christ.

My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Marys Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb I AM. Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.  (Pause)   

The 7th Solar Aspect of Deity is Violet.

This exquisite frequency of Violet Light descends from the very Heart of God and enters my 5th-Dimensional Crown Chakra. It now flows down my Spinal Column radiating through each of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming each one into a radiant Amethyst Sun.

The Divine Qualities of the 7th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Mercy, Compassion, Forgiveness, Transmutation, Liberty, Justice, Freedom, Victory, and Gods Infinite Perfection.

My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Marys Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb I AM. Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.  (Pause)  

The 8th Solar Aspect of Deity is Aquamarine.

Aquamarine Light now flows from the Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. It descends down my Spinal Column and pulsates through all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into exquisite Aquamarine Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 8th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Clarity, Divine Perception, and Discernment.

My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Marys Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb I AM. Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.  (Pause)  

The 9th Solar Aspect of Deity is Magenta.

This Divine Light descends from the very Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. As this Magenta Light flows down my Spinal Column, it radiates through all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into radiant Magenta Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 9th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Harmony, Balance, Assurance, and God Confidence.

My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Marys Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb I AM. Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.  (Pause)   

The 10th Solar Aspect of Deity is Gold.

Beautiful Gold Light flows from the very Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. As this powerful Gold Light descends down my Spinal Column, it radiates through all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into brilliant Golden Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 10th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Eternal Peace, Prosperity, Abundance, and the God Supply of ALL Good Things.

My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Marys Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb I AM. Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.  (Pause)   

The 11th Solar Aspect of Deity is Peach.

This exquisite Peach Light now descends from the very Heart of God and enters my 5th-Dimensional Crown Chakra. It flows through my Spinal Column radiating into each of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into beautiful Peach colored Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 11th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Divine Purpose, Enthusiasm, and Joy.

My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Marys Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb I AM. Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.  (Pause)   

The 12th Solar Aspect of Deity is Opal.

The Opal Aspect of Deity descends from the Heart of my Father-Mother God and enters my Crown Chakra. As Opalescent Light flows through my Spinal Column, it pulsates into all Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras transforming them into sparkling Opal Suns.

The Divine Qualities of the 12th Solar Aspect of Deity are: Transformation and Transfiguration.

My I AM Presence permanently secures these Divine Qualities within my Twelve Solar Chakras as I Affirm the words of Beloved Mother Marys Rosary for an Ascending Humanity:

Hail Mother full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb I AM. Hold for me NOW the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality from this moment unto my Eternal Ascension in the Light. I AM That I AM.  (Pause)   

Each of my Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras is now pulsating with the Infinite Light and Divine Qualities associated with my Father-Mother Gods Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity. From this moment forth, my I AM Presence will perpetually bathe my Earthly Bodies and all Life evolving on this Planet with this scintillating multi-faceted, multi-colored Light from the Heart of my Father-Mother God.

Now with the assistance of Beloved Mother Mary and my I AM Presence, the multi-faceted 5th-Dimensional Solar Aspects of Deity pulsating within my Chakras lift me into the full embrace of my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies as I decree:

I AM the Immaculate Concept of my true God Reality, NOW made manifest and sustained by Divine Grace.    (Repeat 3 times)

It is done!  And so it is.

Beloved I AM. Beloved I AM. Beloved I AM.


God Bless YOU,

Patricia Cota-Robles

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Energy Forecast 2015 Banner



January 2015

 My Beautiful Friend,

 What a joy it is for me to enter the sparkling energies of a brand new year with you!

 Before we dive into the energies the year 2015 has in store for us, I’d like to answer a question that people have asked me since I began these forecasts back in 2009.

 The question usually goes something like, “How do you tap into the energies of what’s going on, and where does it come from?”

 The answer to the first part of this question has always been simple: mindfulness.

 Everything becomes crystal clear when we choose to lead a life of mindfulness, paying attention to our internal and external environment.

 Mindful Living: Healing Ourselves, Healing the World

 The key to living a mindful life is to use our daily life to be of service to the greater whole, rather than leading a life that is so self-involved that we are unable to move beyond the limiting stories we’ve created for ourselves.

 Personal development, where one commits to pursuing the inner healing necessary to live a happy, more fulfilling life, is not to be mistaken with being self-involved.

 In fact, when we dedicate our lives to empowering and healing ourselves, we are empowering and healing the world. It’s when we become so involved and reactive with the stories we are creating for ourselves, that we lose sight of what’s really happening around us.

 Each and every day, with my little notebook in hand, I write down the common themes I see, feel and witness in my environment, in my friends/clients lives, and with what’s going on globally.

 Soon after, I start to notice specific themes that keep coming up over and over around the same time. This usually provides me with a confirmation that something is up, and that it’s time to check in with what’s going on through the language of energy.

 To answer the second part of the question (“Where does it come from?”), before every forecast, I meditate (to move out of the mind and into the heart) and relax into the frequency of pure, unconditional, neutral love.

 Of course, there are other factors that allow this process to be even easier, including eating a nutrient-rich, healthy, clean diet daily.

 Once the mind is clear and the heart is open, the forecast begins to write itself.

 The Energies of 2015

 As I connect with the energy of 2015, I instantly sense a big sigh of relief for humanity. It’s like we can all breathe again.

 Humanity has been on a long and winding road to get to this point in time. The road has been bumpy and challenging, which is probably an understatement for many. But something deep within us never allowed us to give up.

 The potential for 2015 is infinite, and the two words that keep coming up over and over again are Abundance and Love.

 The Year of Abundance

 When we allow ourselves to truly see it, the energy of abundance is all around us. It’s in our cells, in Nature, and beyond.

 So how can we tap into this abundance in a more intentional way? So that we can see it bloom and materialize in areas of our lives that we may not have been allowing it to, including our finances?

 To create greater abundance in all areas of our lives, it’s important to understand what abundance really means for the majority of us. At the core, abundance is simply a means to freedom.

 So to create greater abundance, we must give ourselves full permission to be free.

 Now, this can be a bit of a process for the mind, because it has conditioned itself to find safety and comfort in smaller, structured ways of being.

 So although our Spirit has and will always be free, the mind may not be comfortable embracing the vastness that comes with this freedom. The key is to gently teach and retrain the mind to find comfort in the freedom that resides within our core, so it can begin to open up and flow with life, instead of resisting it.

 When we find ways to affirm that the mind is not losing anything by embracing our free self, but in fact gaining everything . . . then we can create the kind of abundant reality our Spirit desires for us to experience.

 As we enter the New Year, let’s reflect on whether or not we are allowing ourselves to be free in all ways.

 Are we allowing ourselves to shine brightly? Are we speaking our truth fully? Are we embracing and sharing all of our gifts, talents and presence with the world the way we truly desire?

 Are we taking time to love, pamper and nurture ourselves and others often? Are we expressing heart-felt gratitude for our blessings?

 If we answered yes to these questions, then we are most likely experiencing a great freedom and abundance in our lives. If for any reason we are feeling stuck or are still experiencing lack in some way, that is simply feedback, letting us know that one or several areas of our lives may need a bit of fine-tuning.

 Intention for 2015 and Beyond

 If we aren’t feeling as free and abundant as we’d like, we can turn it around right this minute, through the power of intention.

 We can proclaim:

 “From this moment on, I give myself full permission to embrace, recognize and receive the infinite freedom and abundance that reside within and all around me. This all occurs quickly, with ease, grace and joy. And so it is!”

 Sacred Unions

 Earlier, I mentioned that the other word that kept coming up for the year 2015 was Love.

 The kind of love I’m seeing unfold first and foremost is a reverent and intimate kind of love for ourselves. Once this self-love is anchored and practiced, it will then begin to call in a sacred and intimate union with a soul partner whose vibration is aligned with ours.

 It’s important to note that when our love for ourselves is full, the love we experience towards others no longer has complications, drama and pain around it.

 It is pure, easy, joyous, flexible and fun. If it doesn’t feel to be in alignment with these energies, it’s not true love.

 If for any reason you are experiencing a love with a partner that has been quite challenging, know that you are either being prepared to experience a much greater love with this person (once the lessons are learned) or preparing to align with a new soul partner who will give you the opportunity to experience a much greater love.

 Either way, be gentle with yourself and your partner, and know that all is in Divine order.

 When the time is right, your soul partner or twin flame will appear on your path in the perfect time and way, and you will be ready to receive him or her into your life with gratitude and joy.

 It’s time to breathe, open our arms up wide with palms facing up to the sky, and say “YES!” out loud to the abundance and love this New Year is drenched with.

 We are all in this together,

 Miraculously yours,


©2009-2015 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.


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Kryon Channelings

As you are aware, I routinely post Kryon's messages as soon as they are published from Lee Carroll's website: www.

Kryon, calling Himself the "Magnetic Master," is a Spiritual Entity from the "soup of God," as He refers to Himself. He began giving us messages through Lee Carroll's channelings 25 years ago, after it was apparent that we as Humanity had chosen not to anihilate our race. I am also including the link below, which gives you the opportunity to sign up for Kryon's monthly Newsletter, Monday "Marshmallows," and access to background information about Kryon's works.

I'll admit, I was quite confused and unsure when I first heard a Kryon message a few years ago. But, uing my spiritual discernment, I know that "He" is real, his messages are truthful, and through soul perception, I know He and the Entourage are with me all of the time. I photograph Light Orbs every evening. When I mentally call to God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Ascended Masters, the Archangels, my Earthly loved ones who have passed, and our spiritual Ancestors, the Pleiadians, Orions, Arcturians & Hathors and Kryon & His Entourage, they never fail to appear is beautiful Luminescent Orbs over me. This closeness makes one feel very loved.

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The Crystalline Fires of Ascension: A Message for the Masters

by April Bender 

The flood gates are open, an explosion of light dances it's way in, the unified heartbeat of Prime Creator pulses forth.

Anchored pillars of light ignite and blaze forth colossal fires of shimmering crystalline energy, casting aglow all vessels/portals which have been painstakingly prepared. They now stand awash in brilliant crystalline fires of divine truth and divine potential – simply waiting for thy master's blueprint (thought/feeling “impressions”) to give it form, function and purpose.

Living, moving, breathing crystalline codes/glyphs dance upon invisible walls of translucent light within these portals/vessels – sustained they are by its crystalline fire. Invisible to those who see only the material, visible for those with spiritual eyes to see. They are everywhere, every several cubic feet, running from the celestial heavens above, down into the darkest underworlds of earth – illuminating all possibilities, all possible coding/matrix arrangements to the master, so that he/she may select from among these the coding of tomorrow.

Each master must now center, and call forth or decree (and by doing so co-create) that which must be made manifest from this crystalline fire energy that is now made available through each master's portal/vessel, and exists at every dimensional level (as the bandwidth of crystalline light implies). You are to mold, fashion and make form from this fire light of creation. You are to hold the image in your mind continuously of that in which you would see made manifest/form for the greatest good and liberation of All. Hold the idea/intention/impression in your mind and then give it a little push to “lock” it in, and repeat. Keep your incubated impression charged by seeing the crystalline fire in your portal/vessel/field envelope and nourish this thought form. Soon you will have a nursery of higher dimensional, highly charged thought forms.

Once form, function, and purpose are determined, this crystalline fire energy will then blaze its way across the master/portal/grid network in an effort to magnetize and weave itself together with other like energy/intentions and/or thought impressions. Creating in effect, larger crystalline fires of ascension that will see these crystalline blueprints enacted/sealed. Remember, though you can direct it, this fire, this energy, has a living consciousness all its own. It is a being in and of itself made up of a collection of elemental spirits/beings of higher order, so not only should you commune with and get to know this divine crystalline fire energy that you'll be working with but you should also respect and befriend it.

In contrast, celestial waters of life, light, and intelligent design flow, sparkle, shimmer and shine as they cascade onto earthen shores. Cooling the great ascension fire, bringing balance, harmony and healing as the shadows of darkness/illusion seemingly grow, contort, dance and play in the background of such luminous fire. And remember, one way or another the shadow MUST be integrated as well as the light, for no fragments can exist without the whole. With water you are also including elements of the collective psyche. Therefore you must know, that the “reconciliation process” is indeed peaking. For many, many worlds at various dimensional levels are indeed seeking reconciliation and resolution through you, the master's of earth. Tap into these celestial waters when in need of soothing or healing or after any intense crystalline fire work.


(As you are rightly sensing, the world will once again be reborn through the elements of fire and water. Both literally and symbolically.) 
*During the last six months, many master's have been reintroduced to their true divine heritage, their soul/star lineages and ancestors, and countless parallel lives/incarnations as the soul retrieval process peaked. Now you are asked to go within, connect with them all again, and utilize/harvest the highest wisdom from each, in order to manifest a new age/aeon of experience. One in which the foundations are based on Truth, Love, Unity, Transparancy, and Wholeness.

For NOW is the time to “impress” en masse, on the new strata of crystalline material now permeating the earth and made fully available to you. For if you do not, others most surely will and humanity has already been down that road. So get busy and have fun with this! Imagine you are a child again and have been gifted a brand new set of play-dough. In your delight of such wondrous raw material, what is it that you will create, mold, or fashion one passionate thought, word, decree, impression, or ritual at a time? And perhaps even through this exercise, you will come to find that group “impressions” are much more effective. There are absolutely no limitations or boundaries in this endeavor so explore, think big, and create! But as always, be responsible. For fire has two dimensions to it, it can birth new life through transformation but it can also destroy. Be wise in your wielding of such creative and destructive inner power for surely you will be called to utilize both, much in the way that you have already applied these elements to your own inner process of growth but this time, in a much larger and integrated way.

One last thing to consider - your crystalline bodies and Cities of Light are made up of this same raw crystalline material you are now being asked to mold/fashion/impress. All the tools and building materials needed are now FULLY available to you, using your highest Will and Wisdom, what is it that you as Creator gods will now create? What are the hearts of your ancestors, both of earth and the stars longing for? What is humanity as a collective longing for? What are you longing for? What does Gaia long for? What does this entire localized area of Creation long for?
What is the highest experience they all, are trying to call forth from within you? Search your heart and your higher wisdom and you will KNOW. Create that. Be as detailed as you are able.
This is your task between now and the spring equinox, when all that you've been impressing begins to be made manifest very much in the physical. Your Higher Self and the earthly and celestial orders stand by to assist you. Call on them anytime you need their assistance or support. They are more than eager to add/blend their energy to yours. For this entire endeavor is indeed, alchemy of the highest form.
Be sure to rest or recenter often and to drink plenty of water as you are and will be, moving and interacting with tremendous amounts of highly charged fire/water energy at this time. Keep your self-care toolkit handy but also be prepared to soar to new heights of joy and adventure not yet experienced. This is the part of the ascension process that can be the most exciting, if that is, you're able to keep your eyes to the light, and focused on the goal. However, if you waver on issues of faith, empowerment, confidence, will easily be overcome by the dark shadows dancing and revealing themselves, feel drowned by the rush of incoming celestial water, or short-circuited by the crystalline charge. This is why all the centering, clearing and empowerment work of the last year was of paramount importance along with the overall soul retrieval process. It has all prepared you for Now – this very moment. The stars have now aligned so to speak, to bring you to this most momentous juncture of human history.
Now wield your hard won powers! BE the creator gods you know yourselves to be! Show us what we know you are capable of! Create, create, create!
Until next time...
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