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breasts (1)

The breast is the symbol representing femininity, motherhood and responsibility in the family. The maternal function is based on feed, protect and educate the child and their responsibility in the real nest (house, apartment, building) or symbolic (the warmth of home, family environment, family parties). Therefore, most of breast diseases are dominated by a sense of general concern in the nest, in which all the inhabitants of the nest (children, parents, grandparents, uncles, cousins, family friends, domestic animals) and in particular, most of the time, the son or husband, real or symbolic. You have a problem in one breast, both men and women, is related to a feeling of insecurity with respect to nurture good or protect those one breastfeeds.

Among the most important sources of conflicts that can cause a "drama in the nest" they are:

Regarding the child: accident, illness, death, bad companies that cause us concern, not having any news of him/her, misunderstanding, loss of job, etc.

Regarding the husband: depression, alcoholism, absence, unemployment, sickness, accident, death, etc.

Regarding the nest: separation, divorce, violence, economic problems that hinder a good living in the family, feel threatened or endangered, lack of contact and/or protection, etc.

What breast is affected? Why the left breast and not the right or the two affected?

The involvement of a breast or the other depends on whether the drama lived corresponds to a conflict of "strict" or "extended" nest. In the first case concerns a problem exclusively with the child, whether real or symbolic (spouse, if considered as a child or other person, animal or thing it sees and care as a child), for example: "conflict mother/son". In the second case the conflict can be related to other members of the nest, the husband, partner, lover, parents, grandparents, uncles, cousins, friends, etc.

How can we determine whether it is a conflict of "strict nest" or "extended nest"?

Based on biological handedness of the affected person. For biological right hand, the condition of the left breast corresponds to strict nest and the condition of the right breast rests with the enlarged nest.

For the biological left-handed, the condition of the right breast concerns a conflict of strict nest and the condition of the left breast concerns the enlarged nest.

Location of the condition within four quadrants of the breast. Where is the problem located? If we divide the breast into four parts with two lines through the nipple, one horizontal and one vertical, would establish the upper outer quadrant and the internal, and under them, the inner and outer lower quadrant.

The top represents what I can give, what I give to another, which I'll take care of the other.

The bottom symbolizes what I need the other.

The outer portion represents the conflict I have with other people.

Personalize the inside of the conflicts that I have to take care of myself.

"It is me who needs my mother”

The nipple means: "I'm totally focused on me”

Most of the conditions in the breast are located in the upper outer quadrant, near the armpit.

What tissue is affected?

Depending on the tissues present in the breast, five different conflicts may occur:

The mammary glands: Their function is to produce and secrete milk.

Conflict: drama in the nest with a sense of danger. Benign adenofibroma, a type of cancer, or adenocarcinoma, one of the most common types of cancer.

In a right-handed woman:

Left breast: Conflict mother/son or conflict in the "strict" nest. All the things that we feel responsible, where they have an absolute need for us. Protection. "I want to give from myself”

Dispute involving the child. Concern for the child itself, by what happens or what it does.

Conflict related to the nest, the house, the apartment. Or not being able to form a nest. Disorganized nest. Losing the nest.

Right breast: Conflict with someone who has the role of a mother: the partner.

The first partner is the father.

The second is the brother or sister, the children who have grown.

The third partner is the husband.

The fourth partner is a friend, a colleague, a cousin, etc.

In a biological left-handed woman: it is just the opposite. The right breast expresses a conflict of strict nest and left breast indicates a conflict with the partner.

Mastitis and abscesses: Drama and disgrace in the nest.

Milk ducts: Small channels are attached to the mammary glands that carry milk to the nipple. Pathologies: intraductal cancer, microcalcifications or epitenoma.

Relationship problems in the nest: separation conflict, not sexual, but with maternal bonding. Fear of failing to protect our son.

Conflict of lack of protection, contact, touch, exchanges and safety of my loved ones and myself.

Lack of communication with relatives who want to keep or have "under our wing" or "on our bosom”

Or wanting to be separated from someone and not being able to.

In right-handed women:

Right breast: Conflict of separation in horizontal relationships, such as: "My husband is gone” "That woman has taken my husband". Similarly, it may indicate the desire to separate sitting areas, not to be more in touch with the partner, stop giving him/her food affectively (milk). "I feel alone". My husband does not help me, does not support me, it's cold, does not speak, I do not receive caresses and attentions.

Left breast: Drama in the nest (house, apartment, work).

Relational problem with "strict" nest. Feeling separated from the child, both real and figuratively. "My son is going away”

In left-handed woman:

Left Breast: Conflict of failing to protect a partner who is very dependent.

Right Breast: Conflict in relation to the protection performed on the family. I cannot protect the family or do not want to protect the family (but I do). Ductal cancer: Conflict related to the nest and separation.

In right-handed women:

Left breast: Immature child, childish father, child lover, childish husband. Right breast: Elderly son, authoritarian mother, mature lover husband.

Epithelioma: Conflict of separation in the nest.

Infiltrating Ductal: Also, nest conflict and separation. Desire to reunite the broken family or fear for the family to explode. Usually, it occurs when women stop being separated from their children, but they cannot feed them.

The dermis: Conflict of stain, dirt. Attack on the integrity. Melanoma.

Conflict of being defaced (breast shabby, ugly scar).

Drama in the nest (house, apartment) by dirt, disorganization, theft, etc.

"I have dirtied my nest".

Nerve sheath: Conflict contact. It is the reverse separation conflict. "I do not want to keep this contact, is very unpleasant, painful” "I do not want to be touched". "I want to be separated”

Neuroma: "I do not want to be touched by my husband” "I do not want to be touched by ..”.

Supporting tissue: I do not feel supported by (my husband, mother, etc.) to help care for, nurture my son. "I must be very strong and I am alone” "I cannot tell you more than myself” "I do not feel supported or sustained by my partner".

Mastosis: This disease affects the supporting tissue of the glands that produce breast milk for the baby. Most often they express a problem related to "the lack of support in the nest” The woman feels alone to meet all the responsibilities of the family nest, children, home, housework, etc., while the couple evades, resists or participates very little in everyday household activity. "I do everything by myself: I am a mother, father, I'll take care of home maintenance, garden, etc. I need my partner to support me, protect me and give me security. "

When mastosis is painful, it unconsciously expresses revenge of women towards their partners, lack of help in the nest. "As I'm mad at you because you do not help me, now I deprive myself of the pleasure of touching my chest".

The mastosis translate a feeling of frustration at not being pregnant or having difficulty having children.

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

You must stop behaving like a good girl, do the right thing, to perform the role of subordinate ... and pull outward aggressiveness to develop your individuality and finding your own way.

Selflessly give yourself once you've found and lived your own identity.

If you make the decision to breastfeed or to help someone, do it with love and joy. If not, you do not make or give in to the demands of others. No way we come to earth to care for, protect and nurture our loved ones.

Maternal love is also expressed allowing the emancipation of children.

You may need to perform the act of forgiveness towards your mother and toward yourself and realize that it is you who must love and nurture.

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