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11-11-11 (2)

The Energy of the 11-11-11(Part 3 )
a message from Metatron channeled by Tyberonn
Sunday, 16 October, 2011



Master Crystals of Poseida - The 11-11-11 Awakening
Part 3 of Three of the 11-11-11 & Atlantis Series

...continued from Part Two



The Crystals of Arkansas

And so now we skip forward 12,500 years, and we look at the role of the Atlantean colony you now call Arkansas. We tell you that there are Crystals and Crystal Caverns beneath the lands of Arkansas that are beyond your imagination. There are crystals beneath Arkansas that are amazing in their size and appearance. Some the size of 20 story buildings! Their energy is stunning, and their awakenings are affecting the planet in myriad ways.

Indeed there are those among you who spent long periods of time grooming the crystal caverns of both Arkansas and Brazil. Some of you were specialist, Crystals Masters, that engineered the 'rapid growth' process, others of you specialized in applying & programming specific sounds and tones into the appropriate crystals. Some of you engineered anti-gravitation waves through crystal technology to create crystalline divergent energy fields used for levitation.

Although it is not one of the 'Master Temple Crystals' of Poseida relocated by the Law of One, there is another enormous and very unique crystal beneath Arkansas. It is termed the Ark-Crystal of Gravity. It is in a very specialized crystal cavern with applications of anti-gravitational energy. We will speak more of this crystal further in this channeled assay, for that crystal technology assisted in building pyramids and construction of multiple units of what you term the 'Ark of the Covenant'.

Because of the caverns and large crystal deposits in the area. there is what may be termed a 'Crystalline City' beneath Arkansas. In the era of Atlantis it served for the programming of crystals in a highly technical and specialized process. Crystals were used for myriad purposes, benevolent beneficial utilities...and these uses and applications will be reviewed in detail later in this channel.

For so many of you, Arkansas of the Crystal Vortex, will be a homecoming. Literally tens of thousands of you of the Law of One Atla-Ra, knew Arkansas for many millennia, albeit in subterranean abode.

Yet the underground habitat was splendid, and beautiful....adorned with exquisite crystals and a form of light that flowed around corners !

Now, as we have said previously , three Atlantean ' Master Temple Crystals' from Poseida were safely relocated by the Law of One scientist priests into specially prepared caverns in Arkansas before the final destruction of Atlantis.

The caverns that hold the relocated Master Temple Crystals were locked in hyper-dimensional fields with magnetic. Placed such for safe keeping until the safe return of the Law of One, and the crystalline activation termed the Ascension.

Arkansas was specifically chosen to house the three major Temple crystals for several logical reasons.

(1) It was already in use as a crystal mining, growth and harvest area. Highly sophisticated living quarters, chasms and labs were pre constructed. As a result one of the primary interdimensional tunnels from Poseida was already established and transport complexes were available to transport the crystals to the area.

(2) It was pre-understood that the vortex in place in the area of Arkansas would play a major role in the 2012 planetary Ascension. Arkansas's unique geology of quartz, diamonds, magnetic lodestone, iron, limestone, and massive caverns made it the perfect incubator for the crystalline plantations. Crystals had been planted and grown in Arkansas for thousands of years before the deluge.

(3)The presence of magnetic metals in the crystal beds, and magnetic field generators made it easier for the majestic Atlantean crystals to be placed in a dormant state within pre existing facilities.

(4) A very benevolent colony of the blue-skinned LeMurians exist underground in Arkansas, as well as an underground base of Sirians. The two were in agreement to be caretakers for the sleeping crystals.

Now, the three crystals placed in Arkansas are preprogrammed to a network-grid that axialtonally connects to the remaining five enormous master crystals placed in Brazil, Shasta, Bimini, and the two exquisite wisdom crystals placed under Lake Titicaca. These are specialized Healing, Wisdom, Energy and Transport Crystals , used in the Temple of Healing, The Temple of Sound and Light, The Temple of Knowledge, The Temple of One, The Temple of Thoth , The Ruby Temple of Fire and the Temple of Regeneration.

The crystals were specifically placed in areas of supreme importance for the new earth emerging in the 2012 Ascension. Areas that were easily accessed though the Atlantean interdimensional tunnel system that would emerge as mega vortex infinity points in your current times. The Emerald Crystal of the Divine Feminine acts as the trigger, the manifold in which all other Temple Crystals react.

These are defined, located and placed with activation dates as follows:


(1) Blue Crystal of Knowledge 8-8-8
(2) Emerald Crystal of Healing 9-9-9
(3) Platinum Crystal of Communication 11-11-11 ( Bio-Plasmic Interface)

Bimini Bank:

(1) The Ruby Fire Crystal of Energy 12-12-12
(1) Gold Crystal of Healing Regeneration 9-9-9 ( Diamante Bahia)
(2) Violet Crystal of Sound 10-10-10 ( Sao Tomas des Letres- Minas Gerais)
Mount Shasta:
(1) The Crystal of Multidimensional Interface 9-9-9
Tiajuanaco-Lake Titicaca, Bolivia:
(1) Sun-Moon Crystal of Light 9-9-9
(2) Sacred Crystal of Thoth 12-12-12

So be aware that on the 11-11-11, the 11th of November, 2011, the 144 Crystalline grid will launch into ninety two percent function & activity, and in turn activates & further triggers the time sequence program for the remaining Master Crystals. Each will open on the triple date portals.

The Platinum Crystal activates on the 11-11-11. The Ruby Crystal & Crystal of Thoth are the final two of the 'relocated' Master Temple Crystals of Posida remaining to be awakened. Both will be activated on the 12-12-12.

Each will be aligned and triggered with the activation of the 1 remaining of 12 stellated facets of the 144 grid, the double penta-dodecahedron. Eleven of these twelve grid facets will be in full function on the 11-11-11.

And so, we remind you that in 2008, the Blue Crystal of Wisdom and Knowledge returned to functionality. On the 9-9-9 the Emerald Crystal, the Gold Crystal and the Om Crystal awoke into active projection. The Emerald Crystal of the Divine Feminine has then assumed the role of trigger point for all of the Master Crystals.

The Crystalline Core

The crystalline core of the earth plays a major role in many aspects of your planet and its dimensional duality. While this may seem confusing to many of you, we will also tell you that the Earth's core effects your perception of reality.

The earth has an inner core that rotates clockwise and an outer core that rotates counterclockwise. The ratio of the earth's inner spin to its outer spin directly affects the flash of time unfoldment.

The inner core is spinning faster now, and thus your time is speeding up. It is in fact the increase in the speed of light that affects this increase in spin. Because the core is spinning more rapidly, it is increasing in heat and size. This is responsible to a great degree for the global warming that is now occurring.

The Crystalline Core has a physical and non physical reality. One is matter, the other antimatter. The physical core is crystallized in magnetic iron-nickel alloy-composite. The core is not hollow. The Crystalline Core is lucid coherent energy that can be compared to the sun's sentient radiation as it beams upward in every direction from the core.

In its upward flow it creates a radiation sphere of influence that increases, disseminates , propagates and energizes all life force. This radiation field is a domain transducer that physicalizes vital energy. It has the remarkable capacity to solidify the sentient Earth's resolve & intent into tangible physical reality.

As such non-physical energy moves through and becomes solid energy in amassed crystalline formations that grow & amplify energy.

Arkansas & Brazil

The two primary vortexes of these crystal beds are Arkansas and Brazil. There is indeed an important & synchronistic communication taking place between the crystal vortexes of Arkansas & Brazil. The two vortex spin in benevolent balanced opposition, one below the equator, one above, Brazil spins clockwise Arkansas counterclockwise. This has great effect & purpose. Natural crystals from Arkansas spin in the opposite manner of ones from Brazil. The Crystal Vortex of Arkansas therefore has a greater importance to those of the Northern Hemisphere, and the same is true of the Brazilian Crystal Vortex for the southern half of your planet.

As such these massive crystalline vortexes serve as receiver-transmitter and receptive-conductive force field conduits of energy that transfuse and convey vital Cosmic life-force to everything that exists upon and within the Earth. Solar and Stellar radiation waves and emissions accelerate and optimize the amassed beds of crystalline energies. Such emissions exhilarate and intensify the crystals transformational amplifications of energy, and as such create optimally heightened proliferation of all that is within the Earth's field of influence.

Earth's northern hemisphere contains most of its land area, and composes roughly 90% of the planet's human populace. It is for that reason that the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas yields the greater influence. Let is be clear both of the Crystal Vortexes are of great importance in the Ascension and balance of the planet, but Arkansas has the greater influence on humanity for the reasons stated.

Crystalline Piezo-Electrics & Cosmic Winks

The Arkansas Vortex does not flow, as most other vortexes, in a circular pattern Rather in a to-and -fro motion over the largest single deposit of quartz crystal on the earth. This unusual pattern is due to a property of quartz, termed piezoelectricity.

The piezo-electric qualities of Arkansas quartz are extremely potent, and the energy of this aspect is increasing as the Master Crystals of the Vortex come into greater activation. Their energy can send shocks into the air, and shake the land.

An example of this is the well publicized incident of January 2011., when an unexplained phenomena of dying birds occurred in Arkansas. The birds that fell from the sky, dropped as a direct result of a piezo-electric surge that release crysto-electric shock waves into the sky. Some 15,000 birds were temporarily stunned , fell to the earth and died from the blunt trauma of the impact.

In kind, the unusual earthquakes that have taken places in Arkansas over the past 2 years are also a result of the Crystals awakening. These quakes have truly puzzled geologists, for they are taking place in areas not known for tectonic faults or previous shaking. They have occurred in areas not associated to the New Madrid fault line.

We tell you again, that the the Arkansas quakes were the result of the Crystals activating. It is a new concept and not understood by your scientists. The very idea would be foreign and unacceptable to main stream academics. Yet we assure of this fact.

On the 10-10-10 a quake occurred very near the Emerald Crystal, and was reported nationally. Unlike 'usual' tectonic quakes, it did not scare the animals. The birds kept singing, the animals did not seek refuge in advance .

On the 9-9-9 a green fog was reported by local media over Mount Magazine and power in the area briefly shut down. The 'green' fog was not an odd colored water vapor. Indeed it was the ionic fog that occurs around and with dimensional 'worm holes'. It was the Emerald Crystal.

Fear not, the Crystal awakenings will not create quakes or shocks that are harmful to humanity. The activations are deliberately softened in gradual time release.

We tell you that another such 'Cosmic Wink' will take place in the Crystal Vortex around the 11-11-11 in Arkansas.

Zero Point

There are primary and satellite power points of energy on the planet. The Atla-Ra not only knew the exact locations and nature of each, they were able to harness, refine & amplify their energy, and network them into a global power grid.

A global system of what may be termed refined Leylines and Axialtonal lines were networked, and indeed charged with Crystals. Arkansas & Brazil are emerging to be the two most important ones for the transitional Ascension, the change from magnetic to Crystalline energy. The Magnetic Grid is decreasing, replaced by the Crystalline Grid.

Magnetics are by definition polar. Crystalline energy is non-polar, zero point !

The shift to zero point occurs from the 5th to 12th dimension. The 12th dimension is the Crystalline apex. The Ascension in simplistic terms, is the expansion of the earth from the (magnetic) polarity of the 1st three dimensions to the zero-point fields of the crystalline dimensions.

In preparation for this the 'Sun Discs' are being reprogrammed for the Crystalline to be transduced, into a tangible format for humanity. Those of you visiting primary Sun Disc locations are involved in assimilating the new codes.

Those of you coming to the 11-11-11 in Arkansas will take part in this at Mount Pinnacle. Some of you will carry the Crystalline Codes to Giza and other primary points of Sun Disc. Code carriers have in fact been involved in this mission since the Cosmic Trigger of 2009.

That which you term Sun Discs are in truth Crystalline devices of Sirian-Pleiadean-Arcturian origin used to balance and stabilize planetary energies. The sun disc network was established after the break up of the crystalline firmament. The 12 discs serve to transduce Cosmic and Dimensional energies, and blend them to stabilize fields of the duality planet. The Crysto Disc in Arkansas is extremely important as it correlates with and allows integration of the energy of the Crystalline dimensions with that of duality dimensions. That is why the Platinum Crystal was placed within the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas.

Uses of Crystals

The Law of One Atlanteans used crystals in many benevolent means. And the return of the Law of One will re-open their use. Indeed it is the oath of the Law of One that they will never again be duped into allowing the technology to fall into the wrong hands. Each of you are part of this oath.

The benevolent use of crystals included:

- Physical & Emotional Healing, Rejuvenation
- Sound & Music enrichment and crystalline musical instruments
- Meditation, Amplification of Mental Capacity & Information Download
- Dematerialization - teleportation - telekinesis with the 'Hyper dimensional Tunnel' Network
- Antigravity Plasma, Magnetic force fields
- Libraries - storing records and other knowledge, much like a computer
- Creation of 'higher energy fields' for use in schools, research facilities & factories
- Increase of Plant Growth in Farming & Agriculture
- Weather Control- Amplification of Natural Ley Energy- Communication
- Power Transmission-Crystals have the ability to transfer energy, to retain it, to maintain its intensity, to focus & transmit it over great distance .

That termed Phi Crystals, or Presently termed Vogel Phi Crystals were used extensively to merge energy from 'human theta thought' via teams of Atla-Ra Scientist-Priest. Theta level thought waves were combined with Pranic Chi energy and integrated and amplified into a unique crystalline 'manifestation' wave.

An Atlantean laboratory of great sophistication existed in the subterranean city in Arkansas to work with this, and other utilization of crystal energies, including hyper-dimensional teleportation.

Because of the massive quartz crystal deposits and magnetic minerals of Arkansas, and presence of carbon crystal diamonds and radium-bearing waters, Arkansas was the perfect earth-lab for crystal technology. Because of this mixture of minerals, the dimensional portals are more easily accessed in this area.

This rare cocktail of energetics enabled Sirian -Pleiadean tech-sourced generators to create anti gravitation fields in the areas of Arkansas, divergent energies that could be technically engineered & controlled through the Crystalline Disc and Satellite

The 2nd Moon, Pyramids & Crystals

The primary grid points in the Golden Age of Atlantis (and in your future) were amplified by Pyramids.

The Atla-Ra with the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance used this energy, combined with crystals, to network this energy.

Some pyramids were used to receive & transmit energy between planets in your solar system, as well as with other stellar Universes. Certain Pyramids are multi-dimensional, forming octahedrons that work in tandem sacred geometric fields between physical and nonphysical. As such Pyramids are gateways to the parallel dimensional fields of what would be termed the 'Angelic realm' or better stated, the anti matter realm. The Platinum Crystal in Arkansas is uniquely programmed to interface with Parallel Universes and the Angelic Ream of anti-matter. As such the Platinum awakening will greatly increase the potency of the primary Pyramids of the Planet, especially the Great Pyramid of Giza. Indeed Giza in the 12th Wave of 2012, will be exponentially more powerful than any time since the Golden Age of Atlantis.

What is not recounted in most of the Atlantean suppositions in current times, is the utilization and indeed nature of the 'Second Moon' of Atlantis. It was a Crystalline satellite that was the 'control device for the system. There remains to this day references to the "Second Moon' in the Pyramids of the Mayan and indeed was referenced by Ra-Ta through Edgar Cayce. One of the docking stations of the Crystal Satellite was in Arkansas near Little Rock, in the area of what is now the Toltec Mound Pyramids State Park. A feed of Axialtonal energy existed there , connecting the docking station to the Crysto-Disc at Mount Pinnacle.

Depending on the tilt of the Earth's axis at a particular time of the year, one Crysto Disc would function to intensify and transmit energies to others which would then act as receiving devices and would disperse energy as it was needed. These were relayed to all of the networks, which included the Crysto Ley system, and this energy was the source of that which energized all parts of the planet, particularly in Atlantis.

The Crystal Awakening

The Crystalline Awakening is through the Crystal Vortex, the Master Crystals; the Crysto-Sun Disc and Crystalline Grid define and underwrite the Ascension. The Ascension is truly the Crystalline Transition. The Crystalline is not merely minerals, rather it is the vibration of perfect ordering, it is the frequency of perfection, and in vibrational terms what you refer to as Impeccability. By impeccability we mean aligning actions to accurate belief. It is 'Walking Your Talk'. And Dear Ones, Conscious Minerals in Crystalline states, are the generators that support your rise into coherent energies and dimensions.

The Crystalline energy and indeed the entire mineral kingdom relates to humanity through both physical and etheric means. It has always been so. The mineralogical crystalline essence is essentially the root-resonance of the same creative force that formed the Cosmos. As such the realms of the crystalline minerals and humanity are intricately related , such that one is never out of contact or subtle communication with the other. You see your physical human bodies contain crystalline particles and a rich array of minerals that are uniquely relative to the earth. Accordingly the harmonic ratios of minerals and crystalline particulate that are in both your physical and etheric bodies are maintained in coherent uniformity with those of the earth. Thus the resulting frequencial ratios of earth and humanity are held in a requisite balance for the well being and support of humanity individually and in mass.

Masters, every new Cosmic Era brings with it up shifts and transformations. Both the earth and indeed mankind are experiencing a long awaited awakening. This metamorphosis includes global warming and modification of myriad environmental phenomena that are quickening around you.A key aspect of the New Crystalline Age is a purposed clarion call to the Crystalline and Mineral kingdoms of the Earth to increase the flow of energy that it receives from the core of the earth.

Arkansas and Brazil are composites of the two greatest masses of quartz crystal and associated gemological forms on the planet, and are key to this call. This clarion-call provokes a stimulation that affects the entire earth, but most specifically the mineralogical crystalline pockets that receive and transmit potent energetic patterns throughout the planet earth. But it extends to an even greater scope. Because while the mineralogical realm of your planet indeed defines the earth, and is truly the oldest 'sentient' life form on your planet, the diversity of crystalline mineral resources encompasses a vast part of the entire Cosmos.

The heralded Ascension is then, in effect, the coming of the new Crystalline-Age. It will bring in the Platinum Ray on the 11-11-11 and this opens the Crysto Discs . This event will recode the crystalline energy of both the planet and humanity.

The Ark Crystal of Gravity

The Atlanteans had the knowledge of hyper-dimensional quantum physics and understood that counter rotating specific magnetic fields around cylindrical crystals created antigravity waves.

They had perfected the ability to apply crystalline ovid-shield effects around Crystalline structures, minerals and gold to create various generating units of hyper-dimensional divergent energy fields.

What is termed the ARK of the Covenant is among the capacitor devices capable of being 'portable' generators of this and other forms of energy. There were indeed many units of what your legends term the Ark of the Covenant.!

The originals of these capacitors were created with the ARK Crystal of Gravity, and used for anti gravitation .

The Ark Crystal of Gravity was constructed by modifying an enormous natural crystal in the complex beneath Arkansas, near the area of the Toltec Mounds. By channeling & refining the magnetic fields of the naturally occurring magnetic deposits of lodestone indigenous to Arkansas, and the scientist were able to direct the motion of the refined magnetics and counter spin them around specially shaped crystals and crystal fields for anti-gravitational purposes. These energies were used to recharge the 'Crystal Satellite' or second moon with antigravity.

(We will tell you that the device termed the 'Nazi Bell' was an unsuccessful attempt at recreating this effect. The German scientist working on the 'Nazi Bell' were in fact part of the Aryan-Belial technicians that were allowed in the Fall of Atlantis to be trained by the Atla-Ra, as part of the great comprise of , which we have discussed previously in this channel. Had they have been able to complete that and other technologies, WWII could have had a different outcome. It was never allowed to occur.)

In fact the crystalline devices that were used to combine concentrated thought with anti-gravitational generation from the capacitors was part of the process utilized for the method used for lifting massive stone blocks and building structures such as Pyramids. You may find it interesting to note that the dimensions described in your religious texts for the Ark of the Convenient are the same dimensions of the sarcophagus in the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid. This will be discussed in more detail in a future channel. But we will say that the ARK Crystal is still in place.


The Atlantean Crystals open the etheric gate, the dimensional portals that will allow mankind of carbon based life to interface with those of bio-plasmic life. You must understand Masters, that you exist within both multidimensional parallels.

Indeed you are the Sirians, you are the Pleiadeans, and you are the Arcturans and much more! You are all the multidimensional sparks of the Master Creator God! It is true! The gate will further open in 2011 in the crystalline vortex of Arkansas, and those of you who connect to the Master Crystals will be able to experience your own multidimensionality, quite joyously, quite easily in time, as you develop the light quotient and impeccability to do so.

Dear Ones, within the energy of the Arkansas Vortex, lies a crystalline energy like none you have experienced since that Golden Age of Atlantis over 20,000 years ago.

Within the quantum crystalline frequency can you heal that which must be healed, open that which must expand, and offer an extraordinary alignment to the knowledge of exquisite bliss. Within this rising energy will you be able to connect with a living crystalline force that will assist your Mer-Ka-Na expansion into your multidimensional divinity. Into the Divine Self! It is true, Dear ones, and that time is NOW.

Masters, it is the return of that matriarchal Society, a culture and spiritual energy of sublime balance, termed the 'Law of One'. It is , the long awaited 'completion, the changing of the past. It is the new beginning of the spiritual application of the Law of One. It is the Ascension, the Crystalline Age...and this time you will 'get it right'.

Masters, It is the end of the old energy ! It is happening now. It is the beginning of the New Earth....and it starts in the Crystal Vortex, for that termed the Ascension is the Crystalline Transition.

The dreamer awakes!

I am Metatron, and you are dearly Beloved!

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11-11-11 Don't Miss This Amazing Opportunity!

11-11-11 Don't Miss This Amazing Opportunity!by Patricia Diane Cota-Robleswww.eraofpeace.orgPeople everywhere are recognizing that there is something wonderful taking place. Every heart is beginning to stir, and a sense of Inner Knowing is resonating within every person's Heart Flame.This is a moment we have all been preparing for aeons of time to participate in. Let's not miss this amazing opportunity.Please read the following information with an open heart and mind.Eleven is the Master Number that reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine. On November 11, 2011, which is the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the eleventh year of the new millennium, we have an unprecedented opportunity to add to the Light of the world. There are myriad activities of Light and global meditations scheduled for that powerful day, and all of them are weaving their Light into the unfolding Divine Plan. What I would like to share with you today is the global activity of Light that the Company of Heaven has asked those of us at the New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose to orchestrate on behalf of ALL Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this blessed planet. This event will fulfill a critical facet of the Divine Plan, and it will enhance the plethora of Light-filled events that will take place during this Cosmic Moment on Earth.The events of 11-11-11 will be multifaceted and multidimensional, but one of the most significant events involves a quantum shift in Earth’s Crystal Grid System. This is the system that functions within the body of Mother Earth in the same way Humanity’s Chakras, acupuncture meridians, and acupuncture points function in our bodies. The Crystal Grid System is the vehicle through which the Light of God is flowing to increase the energy, vibration, and consciousness of every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of precious Life energy existing on Earth. This is the system through which Earth’s Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Infinite Light is being victoriously accomplished.The Company of Heaven has asked us to take a group of Lightworkers on a sacred two-week pilgrimage to New Zealand during the influx of Light that will take place leading up to, including, and following 11-11-11. The reason we have been asked to travel to New Zealand is because of the critical role this sacred land is playing in Earth’s Ascension process. New Zealand receives the first impulse of every new day for the planet, so the first frequencies of 11-11-11 will bathe New Zealand and then spread around the globe in a wave of resplendent Light.The Beings of Light have revealed that New Zealand serves as the Hands of Mother Earth. As you know, we receive and transmit energy through our hands. Every acupuncture meridian is represented within the acupuncture pressure points in our hands.The Light flowing through our acupuncture meridians is the Lifeforce that nourishes and sustains every cell, gland, muscle, organ, and function of our physical body. This is the Light that allows us to live, move, think, and breathe. The Light we receive through our hands flows through every acupuncture meridian and helps to unblock the areas in our body that are having trouble receiving and assimilating the electronic Light substance that is our Gift of Life, our Lifeforce, from our Father-Mother God, the Source of All That Is.Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System functions just like our acupuncture meridians. The Hands of Mother Earth, New Zealand, likewise receive and transmit Light to help unblock the areas in the body of Mother Earth that are having trouble assimilating the electronic Light substance from our Father-Mother God. Our mission on this sacred pilgrimage is to serve as a mighty transformer through which the Light of God will flow into the Hands of Mother Earth and then be transmitted into every facet of the Crystal Grid System. The Divine Intent of this mission is to unblock any area in Earth’s Crystal Grid System that might have difficulty receiving and assimilating the monumental influx of Light that will occur on 11-11-11.Even though there will only be 120 Lightworkers on this pilgrimage, this is a global activity of Light. Every place on Earth where people abide is an acupuncture pressure point in the body of Mother Earth.It is vital that people all over the world receive and assimilate the expansion of Light that will be flowing through the Crystal Grid System to remove the blockages in the body of Mother Earth. This will clear the way for the most powerful influx of Light the Earth has ever experienced, on 11-11-11.I will mention that this pilgrimage has been sold out for over a year, but in the last few days we have had a couple of cancellations. If you have the heart call to join us on this great adventure please go to our website, , and click on the link for 11-11-11 New Zealand Pilgrimage. For those of you who will be joining us in consciousness and anchoring this amazing Light in other locations around the world, we want you to know that the Company of Heaven and those of us who will be traveling to New Zealand are eternally grateful for your willingness to help Humanity and all Life evolving on Earth with this vital facet of the Divine Plan.Our pilgrimage will begin on November 7th in Auckland, New Zealand. On November 8th, we will have an open gathering for anyone in New Zealand who would like to come to connect with us and weave his or her Light into our Chalice of Light. This gathering will be free and open to the public. This open meeting will be held at Kadimah College from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. The college is next to our hotel, Amora Auckland Hotel, 100 Greys Avenue, Auckland, New Zealand.If you want to join us in consciousness day-by-day as we travel to the power points we have been guided to by the Company of Heaven, our itinerary is available on our website. Each day a few of the meridians within Earth’s Crystal Grid System will be cleared and strengthened. By 11-11-11 that phase of the Divine Plan will be complete.On November 11, 2011, 11-11-11, we will have two activities of Light. First, for eleven minutes, from 11:00 to 11:11 a.m. New Zealand time, our group, and Lightworkers organizing activities of Light throughout New Zealand, will open the portal for the initial influx of the 11-11-11 wave of Light that will flow around the world, time zone by time zone. The Company of Heaven is asking people everywhere on the planet to invoke their I AM Presence and to expand their Heart Flames for eleven minutes, from 11:00 to 11:11 a.m, in their local time zone. Through this focus of unified consciousness a portal of Light will be opened in each vicinity. Then the unfathomable influx of Divine Light from 11-11-11 will flow into the Crystal Grid System through these portals. The energy, vibration, and consciousness of every particle of Life on Earth will be raised the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow.11:00 a.m. New Zealand time on 11-11-11, is 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time on November 10, 2011, or 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on November 10, 2011. For other time zones Google: New Zealand Time Converter.After the portal is opened in New Zealand our group will continue our pilgrimage to the beautiful Chateau Hotel Tongariro. There we will have a Ceremony of Light that is open to New Zealanders. The ceremony will begin at 1:30 p.m. on 11-11-11. From 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. we will have afternoon tea with the intention of giving people the chance to meet each other and talk. There is a small charge of NZ $20. per person. If you are interested in joining this activity of Light please e-mail Shirley at to reserve your space and receive more information.The Company of Heaven has given us a powerful meditation that we can all do starting now and continuing through the assimilation of the 11-11-11 energies which will be completed on 11-22-11. The Divine Intent of this guided meditation is to heal every aspect of Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies and the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies of Mother Earth the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow.Our physical bodies are a reflection of Mother Earth’s body. We are One with the Earth and she is One with us. As we draw the intensified frequencies of the Flame of Healing Through the Infinite Power of Transmutation through each system in our bodies this Healing Light will also flow through the correlating systems in the body of Mother Earth. The Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation is an exquisite emerald green Flame with a violet radiance. According to the Company of Heaven, this Sacred Fire is the most powerful frequency of Healing on the planet.We have recently been given a very sacred piece of music that is intended to enhance our body’s, and the body of Mother Earth’s, natural ability to heal itself. This special music is being offered as a FREE download on our website. Just go to and click on the link that says Musical Rapture. Please read the information given on the download page, so you will fully understand what a sacred gift this music is and how to respect it and receive the most benefit from it.This music will greatly empower the following invocation which has been given to us by the Company of Heaven to help us prepare for the Cosmic Moment of 11-11-11 and beyond.Healing Visualization for 11-11-11I AM sitting comfortably in my chair with my spine as straight as possible and my arms and legs uncrossed. This allows me to be an open conduit for the emerald green Flame of Healing Through the Infinite Power of Transmutation with its violet radiance.I breathe in and out deeply, and I completely relax. My I AM Presence takes command, and any tension, doubt or fear I may have just drops away.This is a very special time just for me, and anything that I need to take care of will be waiting for me when I AM through, so for the time being, I just let it go.During this activity of Light, I AM drawing the Flame of Healing Through the Infinite Power of Transmutation from the very Heart of my Father-Mother God. This gift from God flows into every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of my four Earthly bodies, the Earthly bodies of every man, woman, and child on Earth, and the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata within the bodies of Mother Earth. As I invoke this Healing Activity of Light for myself it is simultaneously taking place through all Humanity and Mother Earth in perfect alignment with each person’s highest good and the Divine Plan, for we are One. There is no separation. As this Healing Light enters the core of purity in every electron, it heals, restores, and rejuvenates our bodies and transforms them into a state of vibrant health, eternal youth, and God’s Infinite Perfection.The Flame of Healing Through the Infinite Power of Transmutation enters the top of my head and descends into the Flame of Divinity in my heart. As it merges with the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame in my heart, it expands out as a tremendous starburst and flows through my Chakra system and my acupuncture meridians into the Crystal Grid System within the body of Mother Earth. The Sacred Fire heals, cleanses, purifies, restores, and transfigures every cell, organ, system, and function of my bodies back into vibrant health.Now, with deep concentration, I visualize this emerald green and violet Flame as it passes through my body system by system.1. It begins by expanding through my physical brain structure, my spinal cord, nervous system, Chakra system, acupuncture points, and the corresponding meridians removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame raises my conscious awareness and increases my ability to use my thoughts and all of the aspects of my Chakra system to empower my thinking process as I cocreate the infinite perfection of the New Earth.2. Next the Healing Flame flows into my eyes—removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores my eyes to perfect sight, allowing me to see and recognize perfection in all Life.3. The Healing Flame now flows into my ears—removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores my ears to perfect hearing, allowing me to hear the inner voice of my I AM Presence and the music of the spheres.4. The Healing Flame now flows into my nostrils, sinuses, respiratory system, lungs, larynx, vocal chords, trachea, bronchial tubes, and every function of my voice and breathing apparatus—removing any trace of disease or imbalance of any kind.The Healing Flame enhances my breathing and enables me to absorb the maximum prana on the Holy Breath. I now experience the fragrance and breath of the Holy Spirit, and I AM empowered to speak with “the tongues of Angels.”5. Next the Healing Flame flows into my mouth, teeth, gums, tongue, esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, small intestines, ileocecal valve, large intestines, appendix, colon, kidneys, bladder and every aspect of my digestive and elimination systems— removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores all of these aspects of my digestive system, allowing me to purify my body and to assimilate my food and drink perfectly.6. Next the Healing Flame flows into my spiritual brain centers: my pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus glands and the ganglionic centers at the base of my brain. It flows into the remainder of my endocrine system, my thyroid, thymus, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, gonads, and all other glands associated with this ductless system—removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores all of these facets of my body to perfect balance and function.7. Next the Healing Flame flows into my circulatory system: my lymphatic system, lymph nodes, and lymphatic fluid. It flows to the muscle of my heart, the chambers, valves, veins, arteries, capillaries, my red, and white blood cells, and my bone marrow removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores every aspect of my circulatory system, allowing me to utilize my Lifeforce with balance and harmony, empowering my feelings with Love, as I cocreate the infinite perfection of the New Earth and empower our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love.8. The Healing Flame now flows into my reproductive system, my female or male organs—removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores every aspect of my reproductive system, allowing me to hold the sacred space for myself or anyone else who is destined to bring in the children of the New Earth. I AM creating a clear chalice in every mother and father, a Holy Grail, through which these precious children will be born into the physical plane.These transfigured reproductive systems will enable the incoming children to have perfect vehicles through which they will assist in cocreating the New Earth.9. Next the Healing Flame flows into my skeletal and my muscular systems: my bones, muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, fat cells and connective tissue—removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores every aspect of these systems, flooding me with strength and eternal youth.10. The Healing Flame now flows through my skin, hair, nails, and every other aspect of my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores my bodies transfiguring me into the Immaculate Concept of my Solar Light Bodies of Vibrant Health, Eternal Youth, and Infinite Perfection,11. Now, with this emerald green and violet Healing Flame pulsating in, through, and around every electron of Humanity’s Earthly bodies and the bodies of Mother Earth, I ask the Legions of Light associated with this Sacred Fire to maintain and sustain this Activity of Healing Light in through and around every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth until we are ALL wholly Ascended and FREE. And so it is, Beloved I AM.Patricia Diane Cota-RoblesNew Age Study of Humanity's Purposea 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organizationhttp://eraofpeace.orgFAX: 520-751-2981;Phone: 520-885-7909New Age Study of Humanity's PurposePO Box 41883,Tucson, Arizona 85717This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.©2011 Patricia Diane Cota-RoblesThe information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.
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