Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

All of the prayer affirmations below have the Creator's Loving Presence & Power & Creative Intelligence embedded in them to help you feel, manifest, and embody what is being affirmed, (either healing or spiritual upliftment). I recommend affirming them out loud when you are ready to meditate. You may also want to pause for a few moments with some of the affirmations and just be fully conscious in the moment & breathe in the divine energy.
Unbounded Blessings of Love & Light to all,
1. My mind & my Whole Being are united in Oneness & Unity in every moment with all aspects of the Creator. I Am experiencing Divine Peace & Harmony on all levels of my Being in every moment. The Creator & the Golden Christ Light are embodied in my Whole Being & in every cell in my body. My Whole Being, including every beautiful cell, is radiating the Creator's Perfection & Christ Light in Love, Joy, and Happiness in every moment..... I Am - & You Are - The Christ Consciousness. The Supreme Intelligence of God & Christ Consciousness governs, guides, & guards every cell in my body as well my Whole Being while continually manifesting the Creator's Perfection in me & through me. My mind & the Divine Intelligence in every cell of my body is united in Oneness with this Supreme Intelligence & Christ Consciousness, & this Divine Energy is anchored in my Solar Plexus Chakra.The Creator's Divine Energy and Creative Intelligence continually flows in me & thru me, creating in every moment my healthy body & 5th Dimensional Self & my reality that's always unfolding harmoniously & in Divine Grace in the Creator's Perfection.Thank You God And So It Is
2. I Am united in Oneness & Unity With Gaia (Mother Earth). I Am continually sending the Creator's Love & Light to Gaia & to Mother/Father/God, and continually receiving Love & Light from Gaia & Mother/Father/God. My Whole Being is grounded in every moment on Gaia & in the heart chakra of Gaia & God thru my Golden grounding cord..... My Golden, Platinum, & Magenta Nets of Protection always keep my Whole Being protected from all vibrations & activity not of God's Light & Love.....My Mind & my Whole Being are centered & anchored in the Divine Stillness & Love & Peace of the Creator in my Higher Heart Chakra in every moment. Anchored in this Divine Stillness in my Higher Heart Chakra, I Am continually & smoothly flowing in a River of The Creator's Golden Christ Light. I Am perfectly aligned with the Energies of the Divine Flow of the Creator's Christ Light as I breathe the Divine Energies into my Whole Being with my every breath... I Am always manifesting the Creator's Love & Will, & Creativity & Power in me & thru me for the highest good of all! I Am the Perfection of the Creator embodied as an Angelic Divine Human in a healthy 5th dimensional body. I Am the Miracle Energy of the Creator embodied & manifesting fully in me & thru me Now ! My Whole Being exists in a state of loving acceptance & surrender to the activity of every wave of this Divine Light of the Creator that continually performs its intelligent functions throughout my Whole Being. Thank You God! And So It Is!
3.I ask my Divine Self & AA Metatron to activate & maintain the Prism of Light Healing Chamber around me, (or in my sacred ashram). Assisted & guided by My Divine Self & AA Metatron, I Am fully aligned with & continually experience the highest vibrational relationships with the Angelic Kingdom & AA Metatron. And assisted again by my Divine Self and the Divine Beings helping me - my Whole Being is now aligned to the Prism of Light Healing Energies at the purest vibrations of the Angelic Kingdom, and this divinely perfect alignment is maintained in every moment. Through my heart chakra & higher heart chakra, I enter into the Prism of Light Healing Chamber, & recognize its hexagonal shape surrounding me. And I feel the myriad colorful Creator Light frequencies encompassing my being. I acknowledge the Angelic Beings present surrounding the Healing Prism as well as the Creator's Presence connecting deeply with my Whole Being and ready to help me manifest my intentions in being in the Healing Prism Chamber (you can intend healing on any level, or spiritual upliftment). I feel the loving Presence of the Creator & the Divine Beings surrounding me. I surrender my entire being to the Light, Love, & Power of the Creator and the Divine Beings helping me, and I allow the Creator to reactivate or reencode my Whole Being, which allows the necessary codes and templates to be embodied in me for the appropriate healing & rejuvenation & spiritual upliftment to be active within my being. With my every breath I breathe in and receive in my Healing Prism Chamber all of the Light & Love & full healing & rejuvenating & uplifting Energy & Divine Creator Assistance I need. I can now feel or sense every cell in my body being rejuvenated & radiating the Creator's Perfection in Divine Love, Joy, & Happiness. Thank You God ! And So It Is !
4.I ask my Divine Self & the Divine Beings helping me to activate & help me experience in every moment, & in my Whole Being, & in every cell of my body, the Divine Vibrations & Energies of Happiness & Christ Light from my Soul..... and from Mother/Father/God.....and the Energies & Vibrations of Joy & Christ Light from my Soul.... and from Mother/father/God.... I Am breathing in & experiencing the divine vibrations of the Creator's Love, Joy, Happiness, & Christ Light in every cell of my body & in my Whole Being in every moment, and this Divine Energy is continually radiated throughout my aura & into all aspects of my life. Thank You God! And So It Is !
5. I lovingly call upon my Divine Self & all the Divine Beings with me to continue to help me manifest all of my prayer affirmations for the highest good of all, including a total healing & rejuvenation of my body..... & I surrender to the Light & Love & Power of my Divine Self & all these Divine Beings that are helping me..... I now lovingly call forth from Gaia & from Prime Source all of the Codes & Templates & Rays & Flames of the Creator that have healed & rejuvenated my physical body; & have healed & released all other blocks to my spiritual growth & ascension; and have created in me a 5th dimensional crystalline body of Light; and have helped expand every human being's spiritual upliftment & awakening. I continually extend this Divine Light to every human being as I breathe this Divine Energy into my Whole Being with my every Creator's Breath. I Am the Breath of Life & Light of the Creator for my Whole Being . I Am the Creator's Pure Healing & Rejuvenating & Creative Light & Power In action for every cell in my body, & for everything needed for my spiritual growth & ascension in every moment of this eternal Moment of Now. United in oneness with all aspects of the Creator, the Creator's Divine Sound and Creative Intelligence continually flows in me & thru me, harmoniously creating in every moment my healthy body & self & reality in the Creator's Perfection. My Whole Being is a pure & perfect manifestation of the Creator. The Creator in me is now manifesting a divinely perfect crystalline body existing in my perfectly healthy physical body. I Am an Embodied Angelic Ascended Master. Thank You God ! And So It Is !
6. I Am experiencing Perfect Divine Health in my body & my Whole Being..... & my Whole Being has transformed into a beautiful angelic 5th dimensional crystalline Being. All of my bodies, including every cell, are now beautiful Crystalline Cells & Bodies of Light...& my physical body has transformed into a beautiful, healthy, & youthful body. I Am a beautiful embodied Angelic Ascended Master & Crystalline Being of Golden White Light. Thank You God ! And So It Is!
7.Walking or driving mantra: Jay Sita Ram, Jay Jay Sita Ram
8. I Am Divine Harmony. I Am Divine Love. I Am Divine Forgiveness. I Am Divine Peace. I Am Divine Surrender.
I Am Divine Harmony, Love, Forgiveness, Peace, & Surrender continually manifesting in me.
I Am Divine Harmony, Love, Forgiveness, Peace, & Surrender continually manifesting in every human being.
I AM God's Infinite Light and BEAUTY in Action – NOW!
I AM God's Wondrous Transfiguring LOVE and COMPASSION in ACTION – NOW!
I Am my Infinite Self. I AM All That I AM. I Am a beacon of Divine Love, expressing this ever-flowing Divine Love eternally. I honor & surrender to this Divine Love that is my natural state of existence. I Am a True & Divine expression of God's Love.
Thank You God! And So It Is!
Video: "Expanding Your Consciousness And Manifestation You Desire -
By Steven Hutchinson" -