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This month again I really could not choose only one member. There are so many great members. Here are four that caught my attention:


  10901078489?profile=original 10901078668?profile=original 10901078301?profile=original 10901079254?profile=original

              Arathura                         SiNeh~                          Derek                   





AMBA, from Croatia, is a Reiki Master Teacher in many modalities. She actively posts discussions and blog posts on the City of Shamballa. AMBA also has the recognition of having posted the most attunement events (by a Member) f

These Guidelines are for all who visit


Please observe these simple rules before posting:


1. The Law of One (We are all One, please respect each other)
2. The Law of Karma (Every cause has an effect)
3. The Law of Freedom (Eve

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Check out all of the great information (such as explore top content, recommended links, website directory, advertise, charities, guidelines, reviews and about the City of Shamballa) by using the drop down menu under 'Explore' on the navigation bar ab

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Alain, from France, actively posts discussions and blog posts on the City of Shamballa. He is the founder of the groups Psychic Viewers Hotline and Any Empowerment System. He has offered many attunements for the Members of t

This month's Member of the Month is actually two members.



Christoffer and Eva / Solé-ira


Christoffer and Eva / Solé-ira, both from Sweden, have offered many attunements together for the Members of the City of Shamballa. Their attunements i

This page displays our Member of the Month. Members who have contributed to the City of Shamballa network are displayed here.



Louise de Jong


Louise, from The Netherlands, has been with the City of Shamballa since October 2012. She is an Usui and

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Celestopea is dedicated to creating eco-friendly, sustainable, spiritual, communities on land and sea. Havens of peace and prosperity for artists, earth stewards and their families. Anyone interested in intentional communities, organic gar

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The following individuals have generously donated to the City of Shamballa/Chris Comish enabling energies and universal consciousness to continue to flow around the world and are therefore placed upon the Wall of Gratitude. The individuals and their

Help the City of Shamballa grow! Link to us!


Special thanks to Marius Baicu and Sebastian Bota for designing these banners/images.


Website Links (copy the HTML code below each picture and paste it into your blog/website):




<a href="http://www

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Premium Membership subscriptions and member donations support the hosting costs of this network and keep the network running. Some of the funds received are also donated to charities providing disaster relief. The City of Shamballa social network bel

Thank you City of Shamballa donors10901075284?profile=original

Donate here if you benefited from attunements or healing or simply want to donate to keep the City of Shamballa network running. All donations are greatly appreciated. May great abundance return to each of you

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