Cocoa, FL
January 17
Relationship Status
Tell us about yourself? (All answers must be full sentence answers for your membership to be approved)
Well my name is Troy and i became a reiki practitioner a little in 2014 and it completely changed my life. I have been fascinated with this energy field that surrounds us ever since i was a child. Reiki just taught me how to channel the life force better. So i have been looking for advanced levels of reiki to help heal the world in my own way.
What brought you here?
I am a reiki healer who has read a couple of Chris's books and i enjoy learning about different healing methods involving reiki energy.
What can you contribute?
I can contribute my experiences and knowledge and share my thoughts and feelings with others. So that we can all experience the wholeness that connects everything undivided from with in our selves.
David Scarborough, Steve Murray, Chris Comish.
Hermetic reiki, 45 free reiki attunements, 28 free reiki attunements, Quantum Resurrection, Full vibration healing manual. As well as plethora's of other manuals involving healing forms and martial arts.
I love movies of all kinds except horror movies... those are just a channel changer for me. I am fascinated by old martial arts movies that speak of gong or chi.
I like music without words the most. I like to feel the swell of the story unfold in my mind through a beautiful orchestra of vibrations. Though i do love any music that has a positive feel to it.
I hope to play my part in the times to come.
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Troy, I'm delighted to welcome you to The City of Shamballa.
Blessings of Love & Light,