The Arcturian-Pleiadian-Lyran Councils bring us this lovely gentle meditation in which we connect with our 'Angelic Higher Selves' and make the commitment to be of service in this lifetime ... so that our paths and higher purpose may
Moving Beyond Judgement By Ann Albers & The Angels
Hi Dear Friends!
The world doesn't act as we wish. People don't act as we wish. How do you keep your energy loving and strong in spite of all the differences? The angels and I share some power
Gratitude & Returning To Christ Consciousness By Patricia Cota-Robles
Beloved Father-Mother God, from your glorious Heart I was Breathed into Being as a Christ Conscious Child of God, and into your loving Heart, one day, when my learning experien
Judy Satori - At the London Sunday event, Spirit transmitted a past life guided meditation to allow us to access and clear karmic soul trauma from lifetimes on Tara. (Tara is the name of 5th Dimensional Earth 600,000 years ago before THE FALL when
The Gracious Presence Of Completion By Shanta Gabriel
Before the closure of the moon phase there is a direct and very powerful vibrational energy that can be used to clear old patterns of consciousness. Even though this attribute is available at
Everything is energy. Thoughts and emotions are energies. Low frequency energy such as harsh unkind speech can be projected in the 3D Matrix deliberately or unconsciously.
Are you ready for this? Coming up in July we have a POWERFUL Eclipse Cycle bringing profound energy of transformation. The Eclipses of July happen on July 2/3 with a New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse and then on July 16/17
Courage is the power that backs up the Love in your heart. Courage is the active, expanding field of Light that supports you. Courage is what you need to share your
Steve Nobel - The Family of Light are a group of beings incarnate on the earth now that come from higher dimensions of light. These beings are known as wanderer souls or starseeds.
They are here to assist the process of Planetary Ascension.
Knowing The Answers - They Are Within You By Shanta Gabriel & AA Gabriel
We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.
Sleep is a quiet time for the mind, but a busy time for the soul. Enjoy the angels' tips on how to use it well, and how to get to sleep if you have trouble. I'll share my evening