Anrita Melchizedek ..... In this transmission with Anrita Melchizedek we deepen into the Lunar Eclipse Stargate and ignite and activate the Multiverse Crystalline Light Codes of the Diamond Heart.
Matt Kahn .....May this moment be dedicated to embracing love in whatever way we’ve been blessed to receive it. Whether cherishing the heart of a beloved, honoring those who have positively contributed to ou
Here are 3 uplifting messages and meditations to enjoy in this new year...
Infinite Blessings with Divine Energies of Love, Light, Peace, Joy, & Abundance going out to All of You every day this New Year. Just say to yourself silently or out l
THERE IS NO THING AS LIGHT AND DARKENESS - all there is, is a GAME of cosnciousness playing out ... CONSCIOUSNESS experiencing itself - in a game of interconnectedness and individuality.
This Powerful Third Eye Meditation Opens Your Third Eye and Activates Your Pineal Gland for you so you can see and perceive in the higher realms of Spirit.
For best results listen daily for at least 7 days! Each time you
Beloved masters, a wondrous time has come, a time for which we have long waited. Yes, you too have awaited the arrival of this blessed event even though
Blessed Being, your mind is a powerful tool of creation. It categorizes, analyzes, defines, and refines based on information that is known. The mind itself does not access new information; that is the realm of pas
Remembering Love Is Within You And All Things By Shanta Gabriel & Archangel Gabriel
This message from Archangel Gabriel reminds us to turn away from outer appearances and find the grounded presence of Love within us and within all things.
Federation of Light Message On December 15, 2019 Through Blossom Goodchild
Well, Hello! This will be our last message this year probably. (I’m planning to do a White Cloud Video next week). So firstly, on behalf of myself and all those you have l
Hello, I am feeling an excitement and quickening in my Heart as we move into December. The Pleiadians are telling me how essential it is that we all prepare for the n
Inward and onward we go...with deepest thanks to everyone who has been aligning Pink Diamond Light around the planet, flowing Divine Feminine Ascension Light into the building