Time To Focus Our Attention By Patricia Cota-Robles
Much has transpired and my “Picture of Reality” has changed drastically since the incident with Lady Faith in early July, 2022: I got up at 6:00 AM after a quite restless, uncomfortab
When your heart is where you live and where you focus, you can easily love everything. You can love the world, beloved ones, with no attachment, for you are full to overflowing with the blessings of Love, illumined as the heart of God and living each
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The Rising Dragons of The Pleiades By Octavia Vasile
We, the Rising Dragons of the Pleiades, extend warm greetings filled with love and happiness to you. Today, we wish to connect with your heart through a welcoming message about the new 5th-dimens
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Love's Triumph By Ascended Master Quan Yin
With Natalie Glasson
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12:12 Gateway Activation With Anrita Melchizedek
Beloved hearts, blessings for this magical gateway activation. It is such a powerful Now moment in which we come together as One Unified Christed Heart through the 12:12 Gateway of Divine Lov
You Are Perfect As You Are - Love Yourself Unconditionally
By Buddha With Christine Bush
Our message for today is one of loving yourself. All too often we think only of loving others. We have others to care for, others who love us, others in this w
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The Path Of Initiation By Archangel Michael With
Ronna Herman
Beloved Masters: Shall we gaze into the future —your future— and see what is in store for you over these coming months and years? These are the most important times you will ever
Letting Go By The 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective With Octavia Vasile
I Am Divine Prosperity Affirmations - Listen To Receive!
By Melanie Beckler
Blessings ️
I mentioned in a recent email, about the power of using I Am affirmations as a tool for keeping your vibe up and staying centered.
The words "I Am" holds im
Hi my friend,
How are you? Thank you for taking the time out of your schedule every month to connect with me in this way.
We’ve entered the time we have long prepared ourselve