I Am That I Am. I Am The Mahatma. I bring you now this message of Love. I bring you now the joy of the Self. I bring you now the bliss of Mother Divine, & the Divine Peace of the Holy Spirit.. I bring you now to the open door in the innermost chamber
We call forth the help now of the Beloved Masters of the Light, Angelic Host, Mighty Elohim and to our own mighty I AM presence.We ask that we be guided and over lighted in all of our thoughts, words, & actions in every moment to help bring forth in
In the name of my 'I Am Presence', & with All of my Heart, I request that All Current, Past, & Future Life debt, burden, karma, vows, agreements, contracts, promises and bonds not of the Light be lifted into St Germaine's Violet Flames & Mother Akash
In the name of my 'I Am Presence', & with All of my Heart, I request that All Current, Past, & Future Life debt, burden, karma, vows, agreements, contracts, promises and bonds not of the Light be lifted into St Germaine's Violet Flames & Mother Akash
This divinely inspired ascension meditation keeps changing & becoming more powerful every time I do it - but it still combines facets of prayer, guided meditation & visualization, affirmations, deep connected breathing, calling upon the help & guida
This divinely inspired ascension meditation keeps changing & becoming more powerful every time I do it - but it still combines facets of prayer, guided meditation & visualization, affirmations, deep connected breathing, calling upon the help & guida