We call forth the help now of the Beloved Masters of the Light, Angelic Host, Mighty Elohim and to our own mighty I AM presence.We ask that we be guided and over lighted in all of our thoughts, words, & actions in every moment to help bring forth in
In the name of my 'I Am Presence', & with All of my Heart, I request that All Current, Past, & Future Life debt, burden, karma, vows, agreements, contracts, promises and bonds not of the Light be lifted into St Germaine's Violet Flames & Mother Akash
In the name of my 'I Am Presence', & with All of my Heart, I request that All Current, Past, & Future Life debt, burden, karma, vows, agreements, contracts, promises and bonds not of the Light be lifted into St Germaine's Violet Flames & Mother Akash
This divinely inspired ascension meditation keeps changing & becoming more powerful every time I do it - but it still combines facets of prayer, guided meditation & visualization, affirmations, deep connected breathing, calling upon the help & guida
This divinely inspired ascension meditation keeps changing & becoming more powerful every time I do it - but it still combines facets of prayer, guided meditation & visualization, affirmations, deep connected breathing, calling upon the help & guida