The Goddess of Peace represents this God virtue to the Earth through golden flaming Sacred Fire substance. We may call upon this Being to still the waters of human emotion, confusion, doubt and any turbulence of
Serving as our World Teacher, Kuthumi comes to support each one of us in our ascension in the area of Divine Truth and the discernment of that Truth. Kuthumi comes to those who seek world knowledge and wis
The Goddess of Harmony represents the living light of Harmony, a valuable key to our progress on the Path of Becoming. She comes to assist us in becoming Divine Instruments of Harmony, Peace and Calm withi
Lady Portia is the Goddess of Justice andOpportunity, representing these qualities to the Earth. Her action is that of balance, and harmony to hold that balance. She is one of the members of the Karmic Board,
The Seven Sacred Weeks takes place twice a year, for 7 weeks each time. Beginning on the 4th Thursday of May and then beginning again on the 4th Thursday of November, on the American Thanksgiving Holiday, every year.
This video is an excerpt from Natalie Glasson's audio in Capsule 49 called "I Surrender - New Era Activation". So to get the full audio (without the background music) - go to Natalie's web page:
Divine Ray & Sacred Fire: Prana with a color similar to Ruby, Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Happiness, Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love, Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Illumina
Divine Ray & Sacred Fire: Prana with a color similar to Ruby, Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Happiness, Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love, Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Illumina
~ Described as the 'King of all the Angels' or the 'Supreme Angel' ~ Governs Kether at the top of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life ~ Holds the Metatronic Cu
~ Described as the 'King of all the Angels' or the 'Supreme Angel' ~ Governs Kether at the top of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life ~ Holds the Metatronic Cu