You have perhaps noticed a little lull in the proceedings, a small pause for breath if you will, a chance to sit back and really start see yourself in all of your glory? For again, this is what thi
A short update on the energiesby Aisha North |
You have perhaps noticed a little lull in the proceedings, a small pause for breath if you will, a chance to sit back and really start see yourself in all of your glory? For again, this is what thi
The audio in this video includes only the 1st part of the meditation from Christine Day's "Pleiadian Broadcast June 2013". To listen to Christine's original full transmission, (about 75 minutes long), please visit her website at: http://www.christ
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by Patricia Cota-Robles
This is a time of vigilance for awakening Humanity and the millions of Lightworkers who have worked so tenaciously to cocreate the Cosmic Moment we are no
This message is from The Federation of Light channeled by Blossom Goodchild
Hello my friends. As I was tuning in … I was presented with a velvet red rose, which then turned into a pink one. I saw the dew on the petals
To seek clarity in anything in our life is the vision of the aspirant who dares to step beyond the realms of the norm. As spiritual aspirants we are seeking constantly for the clarity of our H
Read more…This incredible short film (in the video below) shares an Indigenous Native American Prophecy that links all of life and the future of our planet. It's one of the most beautiful & inspiring short films that I've seen in a long time. Enjoy !
Our pu
Read more…Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! For, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
Did you know that God lives in your heart as an actual energy field of extraordinary love, wisdom and power for good?
Scientists at the Institute of
How Can We Change the World? By Master Saint Germain
Channelled through Natalie Glasson-
Dear and beloved beings of the light upon the Earth. Much love and respect is sent forth through my being to you from the loving souls of
Read more…Dear Ones,
This is a year to claim your freedom: Freed
The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
November 27, 2013
Blossom: Hello there. Off we go again ... the weeks are flying by so quickly. Let's see how today flows shall we? Anyone about?
The Federation of Light (FoL): Ye
Dear Ones,
It is nearly Thanksgiving in the U.S. ma
From - Soulstice Rising With Kara
We are in a powerful movement forward and upward. You might question all that you have known, including what you know about Ascension and how you are travers
Read more…This is part 2 to our recent release, Morphogenetic Field Implosion, which discusses the subject matters of morphic resonance and the human body’s process of conscious metamorphosis. Audio support: Brain Circuitry Upgrade.
With its relentless so
Read more…January 23, 2011
I received a message from Mother Mary a while back when she spoke of `The Warriors of Love.’
The Rainbow Warriors – Warriors of Love … it is Time … the Time is Now
Here is her message:
Yes, I have spoken of these gaps within where you
Read more…Nov 21st 2013 - Blossom Goodchild channels latest message on the 'Event' from Ascended Masters from the Federation of Light (and the Federations comments are in bold).
What ho chaps! Back again! I have been RIDICULOUSLY tired these last few weeks ..
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