by Archangel Metatron
Channelled through Natalie Glasson
The future of the Earth is already present and available for all to see and experience. It is a dimension where many souls already exist. It is av
Channelled through Natalie Glasson
The future of the Earth is already present and available for all to see and experience. It is a dimension where many souls already exist. It is av
Hi Everyone,
I created a short audio transmission that Spirit say will lift you into the next level of your soul’s expression. The very strong energies that have been coming to Earth from the heart center of
Greetings, Beautiful Beloveds. I AM Mary Magdalene. I greet you with much Love and understanding of your growing and glowing Love Essence; your Beautif
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We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.
For this week, the message from Archange
Our all-encompassing love extends to you now, awakening the presence and truth of love within your being. We are the Venus Beings; we continue to connect with the Eart
Read more…I Am The Embodiment Of My Divine Self By Natalie Glasson
As we are now becoming accustomed to the new and higher vibration of the Earth and our beings, Archangel Metatron encourages us to further our process of oneness with ourselves, our Soul a
“Facing Fear” By Brenda Hoffman
Dear Ones,
Many of you are seeing your fears displayed by the media. Perhaps you were involved in similar situations in previous lives so instead of noting the flim-flammery of it, you revert to the fear and pain cr
Read more…Channelled through Natalie Glasson 18th May 2017 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Angelic blessings greet you, embracing you deeply in pure love. I, the overseer of the
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I Am ! ... And You Are ! ... The Divine Architect Of Your Life ! By Emmanuel Dagher
My friend,
Have you noticed how challenging the past year has been? So many deeply rooted patterns that we thought we had overcome, seemed to come roaring back
I would like to share my thoughts on Forgiveness. I hope you enjoy this and find it helpful.
The idea of forgiveness is challenging when we don't understand what it means or what is being asked o