Fairfax, CA
July 11
Relationship Status
Tell us about yourself? (All answers must be full sentence answers for your membership to be approved)
I am not compatible with, I just need your extra time and your KISS! Lucky you did not hear me singing Prince, because your hands would be over your ears! Greetings Light Junkies...: I'm interested in metaphysical studies, I know angels are real and that we are not alone in the universe. I practice Reiki and other various energy healing modalities. I enjoy the knowledge and wisdom that ascended masters and beings of higher consciousness have to share. I received guidance from a higher consciousness on how to build an energy healing chamber. I enjoy meditation and I live a simple peaceful life. My favorite hobby is the study of esoteric science, especially healing the body using energy from our hearts.
What brought you here?
My computer :-) If you mean how did I come to being on Earth. I was playing cards in my previous life on another planet, I happen to be a bad poker player and the looser of the game had to incarnate here... They don't call me the "Galactic Fool" on the other side for nothing :-)
What can you contribute?
Love and esoteric wisdom...
My life motto is. Whatever the Question, Love is the Answer...
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Infinite Blessings of Divine Love, Light, & Abundance,