Tehachapi, CA
Tell us about yourself? (All answers must be full sentence answers for your membership to be approved)
Reiki Master since 1996, Biofeedback Specialist, use the SRC4U and the Sh-E-Motion programs for long distance QiGong healing and stress reduction. Cosmic guinea pig for learning how to heal Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Lupus and Cancer. Many near death experiences, yet I'm still here, happy and joyful. I've learned a lot and can undertand these problems from a deep and compassionate level. Doctorate in Alternative Medicine. I'm also a Military Veteran and understand the Warrior Spirit. I also have expertise in relief of Post Traumatic Stress. I have also lived many places around the world and the U.S., including Japan (which I consider my second home), Panama and Guam. Thanks to my experiences living in other countries I have developed a world view and a compassion and respect for all peoples. I'm now in my fifties and retired, so I get lots of time to BE. Loving it!
What brought you here?
Discovery of Chris Comish's books on Amazon.
What can you contribute?
A deep understanding of illness, because I have lived it. A deep understanding of the workings of God and Angels, because I have experienced their works in my life first hand.
Every single being I meet.
Anything by Abraham - Hicks Joshua David Stone Chris Comish
Funny movies. I don't ever watch violent or demeaning movies.
To continue to cultivate deeper connection with our God Source. To offer prayer and healing for all humanity, through work on myself first and foremost.
The City of Shamballa is a place of peace, love, oneness and spiritual growth. Spam, scams, deception, personal attacks, and harassment of others either publicly or privately will not be tolerated and are grounds for removal from this network. Do you agree to the Terms of Service of this network?
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Happy Easter, dear DeAnne!
Hi DeAnne, losing our precious pets/babies is always very difficult for me, even though life continues in the astral planes, I miss cuddling them and spoiling them, making them happy! I am sure that you will find another beautiful soul in a little poodle, you will be drawn to her or him because of some recognition of 'knowing' or just by the love. Have fun looking, DeAnne, you won't be disappointed ! Poodles are extremely intelligent and very lively! Much love dear sis, Tara. xoxox
much love to you, Tara xox
Hi DeAnne!
Welcome to City of Shambhalla !!!
Enjoy looking around; do join the groups where you can share subjects with other beautiful souls here. Feel free to add discussion, comments, stories and pictures, to share with our, and now your family here. Go and get attunements .You just have to decide which one at the moment.
Blessings, Sebastian
Thank-you DeAnne for your friendship! and your lovely comments.
Your comments at the top of the page says it all for me too, about finding a website with souls of similar vibrations and spirituality. I thought I would never find one either.
I had a recent experience with Melchizedek symbol rising from within myself after my lightbody expanded, and appeared above my head, with the Kabbalah tree of life circle-symbol within it. I have a very close spiritual association with Sai Baba, and also Buddha. Sai Baba had been with me in spirit form before this happened, helping me go through a clearing. I blogged about the experience here.
Anyway, plenty of time for sharing experiences, and lovely to meet you here dear sister,
love, light and peace to you, Tara Mary.