Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

This is a group to help each other with our spiritual growth, upliftment, & ascension by sharing meditations, prayers, group activities, & loving support for each other in any way members suggest. And we ask that we be guided and over lighted in all of our thoughts, words, actions, prayers & meditations in every moment by our own mighty I AM Presence & Soul & any and all Ascended Masters, angels, Archangels, & Elohim we acknowledge to help bring forth into greater manifestation the Awakened Divine Human... the Ascended Angelic Human living always in Divine Love & Peace & Abundance. We offer our selves, thru our 'I Am Presence,' in service in helping manifest Father/Mother/God's Pure Divine Will on earth & in helping unfold the Divine Human Blueprint in every human being...

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  • Learn a 7 step tried-and-true practice for meeting your spirit guide, and then, close your eyes relax and allow as I guide you through the practice in a short spirit guide meditation so you can connect with the guidance, wisdom, light and frequency of your spirit guides now.


    This practice works, and with effort and dedication, the time you invest to connect with your spirit guide will be rewarded tenfold as you deepen your bond with the spirit world. Your spirit guides are waiting; all you have to do is press play.

  • ...

    Earth is, at this time is a nexus point for so many different dimensions throughout our Universe. As Earth shifts so many other dimensions will also experience a shift including other dimensions of the earth-plane.

    In this time of awakening and ascension many Starseeds with strong links to the Pleiades are incarnated on the planet. There are a number of reasons for this. There is a bond between Pleiadians and those who have been stuck here in this long reincarnational 3D cycle.

    Pleadian Starseeds are also here because of the great need, at this time. There are a number of challenges for Pleiadian Starseeds. The most difficult being the lowering of their vibration from 6th, 5th and high 4th even to this low 3rd density. There is the very real risk of feeling lost and alone in this aggressive 3D paradigm. Like all other Starseeds here there is the feeling of isolation that comes from feeling different from the majority of those living on the earth. The psychic pollution and psychic noise here can also interfere with the great sensitivity of Pleiadian Starseeds. There can be a temptation to blend in and act like the ‘natives’ here but that rarely works out very well. At a certain point Pleiadian Starseeds need to face their fear of being judged as different. They need to align with their soul mission and speak and act in accordance with their authentic truth.

    This transmission is a re-connection to your Pleadian stellar roots. You will receive a transmission of light and light-codes from Pleadian Archangels, and angels from Alcyone, the Central Sun of the Pleiades. You will activate a layer of your Diamond Light-Body and corresponding strands of DNA within your cells. This transmission will then create a centre of light within your being which will enable you to burn old 3D programs, energies, thought-forms and cords and radiate a new higher frequency of light out into your reality.

  • Patricia Cota-Robles leads us with Mother Mary in a beautiful and powerful invocation to help heal every human being with the Violet Flames.

  • A sacred sound journey and meditation to the sanctuary of your heart. Clear density, weave, create and live consciously aware of the love that you are once more. Including the wisdom and power of the plants to awaken your connection with essential oils.

  • Join Ascended Master Djwhal Khul as he explains being a Full Spectrum Human, accepting both dark & light within yourself, others, humanity and the Universe. He explains that you have free will to choose where you place your creation energy, yet are next to that a Full Spectrum Energetic Being.

    Your Ascension Council will remove any restrictions and limited points of view you currently still hold. You will feel freed up to embrace a fuller and deeper truth of all that is.

  • Sam Garrett & Jack Weaver:

    Greetings family, I am so happy to share the official music video with you all for my good friend Jack Weaver's new single, "Pachamama" on this Earth Day 2023 (you can find the song on all your favorite platforms here -<... data-offset-key="1ufqm-2-0">....


    Here is Jack's story behind the song: 'Pachamama is an honouring to our Divine Mother, the Earth, who continually supports and nourishes us. I give thanks to her Nature and the abundance she offers us.

    I was inspired to write Pachamama whilst living at The Shanti Space. It was a time when my wife and I were initiating our project and working on our permaculture garden. During this time we spent much time in connection with nature and the seasons that came. We had become guardians of a magical place that has a deep connection to nature and this song came to me whilst barefooted tending to the land.

    I am beyond blessed to be collaborating with my dear brother Sam Garrett in this song. This feels fitting as he has played an instrumental part in inspiring me to step into being a musician and begin to share my music.

    Nature is the cure for our stressed and destructive culture and we must come back into connection and alignment with her. Her wisdom is within the ebbs and flows of her cycles. We sing to her beauty, We sing to the Elements, We sing to her cycles.

    It is a song channelled from the Heart of Nature at The Shanti Space through my Heart and to share with all of yours! May it inspire us all to love and care for our Mother and our deep feminine nature.

    With much love to you all and gratitude, Jack Weaver'

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Decrees For Activating Personal Power and Awakening of Light Potentials By Adry Santos

  Decrees For Activating Personal Power and Awakening of Light Potentials By Adry Santos “I (state your full name or just I Am), in alignment with Divine Source, activate now my personal power and awaken all my dormant Light potentialities.I call upon the forces of Creation, the support of my spirit guides, mentors of Light, and the higher energies of the Universe to assist me through this process. May every cell in my body, every atom of my being and every dimension of my consciousness…

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A Year Of Miracles Energy Forecast By Emmanuel Dagher

  A Year Of Miracles Energy Forecast By Emmanuel Dagher  We are only into the second week of 2025, and things are changing around us more quickly than ever. Although we are moving through a highly active and intense energy cycle right now, know that you are safe, you are supported, and we are all in this together. Whether you are feeling overwhelmed, excited, or at peace right now, I invite you to pause for a breath with me. Breathe in the new rhythms that are already beginning to shape this…

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Powerful Celestial Opportunities in 2025 By Patricia Cota-Robles

  Powerful Celestial Opportunities in 2025 By Patricia Cota-Robles Neptune will be moving into zero degrees of Aries for the first time since the mid 1800’s.Saturn will be moving into zero degrees of Aries for the first time since the mid 1990’s.Jupiter will be moving into zero degrees of Cancer for the first time since 2013. Uranus will be moving into zero degrees of Gemini for the first time since the 1940’s. There will also be powerful Retrogrades involving Mars, Venus and Mercury. The…

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Decrees For Your I Am Presence By Steven Hutchinson

  Decrees For Your I Am Presence By Steven Hutchinson I Am my I Am Presence and now call into action the Violet Flames to heal and transmute all limiting beliefs, traumas, blockages and attachments that are preventing me from living an Enlightened, Prosperous and Happy life, and all of these are now healed, transmuted, and released into God's Pure Light....All connections and energies that do not resonate with the Higher Vibrations of my I Am Presence are now healed and released, and the Divine…

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